I open my eyes to the shining light and dark ceiling, as i got up there was a piece if paer lying on the desk. Getting up i went to take look at the paper, on it reads "Get here once you wake up, everyone is busy need you at the med lab floor 6." Attached to the paper was a card red in color with the title 'Researcher' written on it.
I opened the door and the room was quiet, nobody is here and i dont think Luna is too. I went out and went for the elevator, the hallway seemed quiet as well with nobody walking around or the sound of chatting. Reaching the elevator i pressed the button to open, inside it felt larger in size for some reason, choosing floor 6 i tapped the button for the floor the doors shut and the elevator lifted up.
The doors open and i was greeted to another empty hallway, this time though it seemed eerily quiet with blue light as if its still nighttime. In the middle of the hallway a light lit up a part of it, looking into the window was Alina working on something. I knocked on the door and heard footsteps, she opened the door and greeted me.
"Hey Damon you got the paper right?" Alina asked, i nodded my head and she grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. She shut the door and locked it then walked back to her station making something.
"Give me your arm" Alina asked, walking closer she took my arm and jabbed a needle on it.
"The hell are you doing Alina?" I shouted with Alina still injecting the needle inside me.
"Relax Damon i just need a sample from you" Alina pulls the plunger and blood begins to fill the inside of the syringe.
Alina removes the needle after the syringe was full with my blood, she pushes the plunger down a little and some blood dropped on a microscope slider, she places the slider to a microscope and looks into it.
"Wow, all cells here have the virus on them" Alina said with a surprised expression on her face, She places the syringe into a box that has other empty syringes inside.
"I just needed samples of your healing properties, i cant recreate the same effects for every virus but i can use it on medicine." Alina placed the slider on a tray and got tools and started working.
"I needed someone with healing properties like yours, luckily i got the blood so maybe i can make better medicine for wounds from battle." Alina continues working on the blood sample she took with the tools she retrieved from a drawer under her.
"How long have you been working on this?" I asked just to fill up the awkward silence.
"I started a year ago never found a viable person with healing properties but now you are here, it would have taken a year or more to find a chemical that can recreate it. Unfortunately out of all the people in this castle of a school nobody has healing properties well not as fast acting as yours, you can go back now." Alina pointed at the door signaling me to leave.
"There's nobody in the room just me but I don't know if Luna is there." I replied
"I wouldn't blame you, she follows rules not small talk so i guess you can stay here for the time being, i need someone to talk to so my sanity still lives." Alina stops checking the sample and drops the tools on the table with a groan.
"Where did you get a fascination with medicine Alina?" I sat down on a chair that was next to me.
"Parents and a morbid curiosity with medicine, its a weird trait to have but ut runs in the family. Now all i do is research low viruses or bacteria mostly viruses." Alina coughs on the table and blood shoots out.
"Woah are you ok?" I quickly got out of the chair to check on her.
"No I'm good, my family tree has some weird disease. It makes us cough blood but some of my family members experienced worse symptoms, like vomiting or seizures and in one occurrence death," Alina stands straight again retrieving a small handkerchief colored white and begins wiping her mouth and table. "Its a family curse so every family member i know researches about where it comes from and how to treat it. So far none of them got anything so i just have to live with it, my throat gets itchy from the coughing fit and blood but it wears out in a couple of minutes." Alina puts the tools back in the drawer and sits down on a chair below the desk.
"Well i have nothing to do now since I hopefully just finished my research on wound healing, how is your stay so far?" Alina asked with her legs crossed.
"Its been eventful, an oil rig and a poacher to hunt. I was expecting small jobs but never this big." I replied, Alina began laughing while sitting ln her chair.
"That's everyone's reaction until they get used to it, surely was my thought on becoming a merc. Maybe i could've been a scientist working in the medical section of the school, they denied me so i use the lab as a sort of personal research station." Alina spoke with a slightly raspy voice.
"Do they care if you do?" I asked bluntly
"For some reason they don't, nobody stopped me since i found this place. Either nobody uses this place or they don't care that i use it." Alina covers her mouth with a white tissue and begins coughing again, just like earlier small drops of blood begin to form on the tissue.
"So you have any thoughts on Mary?" Alina asked still with the tissue stuck to her mouth.
"She is experienced but is also reckless, an example of that is when she got shot in the leg."
"Don't worry, she was always like that, when i began she was always the clown and she taught me some of the ropes." Alina throws the tissue at a trashcan next to her, "What about Nora, you two were gone on the ship when i woke up. I saw you two conversing at the sky view area, wonder what was going on there."
"I saw her gone and found her in the sky view, she offered me wine and told me about her history. She said both of us could know more about each other after doing more missions." I replied, Alina began giggling in her chair.
"Know more about each other? That seems like a challenge, she wants someone who is violent but honorable which is odd. But that is a title I never heard her ask anyone to be before, must be something with you." Alina stated, "What about Thalia, I heard you two in the living room. Sounded like things were getting freaky, what happened there?" Alina asked.
"She invited me to play a game with her, i accepted and we played some rounds. I beat her in all those rounds and we drank tea for a while, just chatting." Feeling in my pocket i felt something in my pocket, pulling the object out, it was the coin she gave me yesterday.
"Oohh a coin, its engraved so Thalia gave you that. Not bad she gave that to me as well," Alina pulls out a coin similar to mine. "So you two were chatting? hmm," Alina puts back the coin in her pocket. "You aspire to be a doctor or battle medic when you quit mercenary work?" Alina had a stream of blood go down her mouth but she wiped it off.
"Who knows i can be a gamer, a merc still, or a professional in the medical field. For now im not sure on my future i just want to focus on the present, but i will keep that in mind." I replied.
"Oh so you just want to focus on the now? interesting, if i continue here maybe i can join the arcane and help them. Rumors go around as one of them makes diseases, while the other creates poisons. Maybe i can become an arcane but focus on treatments for the sick instead of making diseases, they did make the virus but who knows they probably made truckloads of diseases capable of destroying countries." Alina pulls out a small bottle with pills takes one out, she swallows it and proceeds to drink water.
"Is that the medicine for the disease you have?" I asked.
"You are right, it helps control it and prevent it for some time but isn't a cure. Well thanks so much for staying with me Damon, right now im gonna leave and you can give this to Mary." Alina retrieves a box from another desk and hands it to me.
"She is in the school garden, yes we have a garden. Its a private garden for huntsmen but she allocated a small portion jus tfor growing poison or something, we had a nice chat and the garden is at floor 3, theres a section entirely filled with plants so you can find her there. Alina opens the door and motions me to go out, i stepped out and she shuts off the lights then made her way to the elevator. The doors opens and we both go inside, a button was pressed and the doors closed.
Marcel believes that the school is progressing faster than before due to changes and msotly technologiccal changes