Unduh Aplikasi
88.46% Outsider : Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 46: Chapter 5.6 - Cigarette

Bab 46: Chapter 5.6 - Cigarette

I was insomniac, and the idea of playing with my phone got boring real quick, so I decided to venture outside.

Although we were dissuaded not to wander around late at night for safety reasons, in reality there weren't any strict rules restricting us; except for the ban on circulation around the girl's floor after twelve.

It was some time around two in the morning. The pool area, which was crowded during the daytime, had grown silent, not a single soul was nearby. Only I was standing by the side of the pool on my lonesome.

That didn't bother me because I wanted to head somewhere with open air, but at the same time isolated as well.

"How convenient."

The school provided phones already had teachers' contact information stored in them. Getting in touch with Chabashira was a relatively simple task. I decided to give her a call, asking if it was okay to meet near the poolside. Whether or not she'd come at such an hour was a different story altogether.

To my surprise, she arrived in a very short amount of time.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Chabashira apologized.

"It's fine. It wasn't long before I got here as well."

I took a good look at Chabashira, who was wearing her teacher's uniform, even at this hour. At one glance, she seemed like the normal homeroom teacher I never got bored of seeing, but.. Even though it was dark, I could tell that she was paler than usual, as if she was deathly ill.

I also noticed her shivering, especially parts like her legs which were barely covered. Though it was still mid summer, we were still on the ocean, so the night wind that passed over the ship's deck was quite chilly.

"Do you mind if we have this conversation somewhere else?" I asked.

Chabashira raised her eyebrows a bit before shaking her head, "I have no problem with that."

Thus, we changed the location to a spot with less wind flow. I also borrowed two chairs from a nearby restaurant so she didn't have any difficulty resting.

"Sorry to call you this late."

She sat cross-legged on a chair, revealing her black thigh highs in full exposure, "An instructor is obligated to consult with a student. It's nothing out of the ordinary. Besides, this isn't the first time you've called me for odd requests."

"You make it sound like we've been doing drug deals behind the scenes."


Now that I think about it, back in the island, I do remember asking for a few medications because of Horikita's condition, so...

Technically we did?


"By the way, you reek of alcohol, sensei. Just how much have you been drinking?" I remarked.

"Ara, you seem to know what alcohol smells like, Aozaki."

"If I'd ever smelled something even worse than rotten flesh, it'd have to be alcohol."

I had never actually tasted a single drop myself, but there were countless times when my guardian got drunk and whenever she did, she'd turn into the biggest nuisance in the name of existence itself. I had to take care of all the mess she'd made, so obviously at some point, I got accustomed to that stench.

"I find it hard to understand why adults would drink something that smells like actual horse crap." I commented.

"It's an adult thing, Aozaki. You just have to wait till you're an adult to understand."

"I think I'll pass."

I do not know how I would act when I'm drunk, nor do I have the curiosity to know whatsoever.

"So, what is it that you want to discuss? So badly that you couldn't even wait for tomorrow to come.." Chabashira asked.

"Just a few questions that I want answered, badly."

There was a complex reason behind why I chose such an odd hour to hold this discussion. It was in hopes of having absolute isolation, so that I could confront her about some sensitive topics. Things that shouldn't be discussed when there were risks of countless eyes lurking around.

"Then I'd prefer if you stop beating about the bush and make it quick." she demanded.

I also didn't want to delay our nap time any further, however...

"First of all, let's get rid of your little tail over there."

"...?" Confused by my words, Chabashira glanced at the spot where I was staring. Her eyes grew a bit in size when she did.

"Yoohoo, Sae-chan! How're you feeling?" a noisy Hoshinomiya arrived.

Was it just a coincidence?

Highly unlikely. She'd probably followed Chabashira when I called her.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" Chabashira said.

"Hmm? Oh no, of course I'm not, I'm not drunk. I was just acting all sleepy, you know?"

"Jeez. You can really hold your liquor. You handled yourself today, and you're fine now, too." Chabashira sighed.

Hoshinomiya then turned her gaze at me and smiled, "Good evening, Levent-kun. How are you doing?"

"A bit insomniac. If I wasn't, I would've been fast asleep." I replied.

"That answer was so not-cute that I'm impressed!"

She then snuggled close to me and placed her hand on my shoulders. Her soft chest was rubbing against my elbow. Considering we'd only exchanged a few pleasantries before the exam once, she was acting a little overly familiar with me. I could smell the alcohol stench oozing from her body and breath.

I'm not sure where she'd dumped all her professionalism, because this amount of skinship with a male student was clearly a no-go. If I was like any other hormonal teenager, I'd immediately have a nosebleed right then and there. What would happen if a male teacher 'playfully' rubbed his schlong against a female student?

"So, Levent-kun, do you love the tsuntsun older sister types, like Sae-chan?" asked Hoshinomiya.

"I wonder..." deadpanned as I tried distancing myself from her.

"Boo, what a boring answer... However! That doesn't necessarily mean Levent-kun is denying it, right? You hear that Sae–gyah...!"

"Don't wrap yourself around a student. You're getting in the way of my work."

Honestly never thought I'd say this, but I was glad to have 'Sae-chan' nearby who grabbed Hoshinomiya by the nape of her neck and dragged her off. Rather than co-workers at work, they seemed more like a comedic duo in the middle of a skit.

That aside, this had to be the most 'anime' thing I'd seen them do with my own eyes.

"So ewhat were you two talking about in the middle of the night? Isn't that in itself a really big problem?" asked Hoshinomiya.

"A big problem? As a teacher, it's only natural for me to consult my students and soothe their anxieties," answered Chabashira.

"If that's true, wouldn't it be better for you to do it with more people around? If you look like you're sneaking around, I can't help but think it's suspicious."

"I was the one who requested this arrangement, sensei." I decided to step in. When I threw a brief glance at her, Chabashira returned a stoic look. I half-shrugged my shoulders and replied,

"There's something I needed to consult with my homeroom teacher, 'urgently' without anyone's interference. I hope this isn't considered crossing the line."

"Hmm, not at all. I suppose you're not violating any rules," muttered Hoshinomiya.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse us..."

"Okay, okay. But remember, no sexy times." she left, with that very unnecessary comment as her parting shot.

As if that'd ever happen.

"Sorry, she's troublesome." Chabashira sighed.

"It's all good. I know how quirky she can be."

She didn't say anything about being investigated. Well, maybe it was just a personal problem. It wasn't fully revealed what there was between them, but for now, it wasn't a matter I needed to mind.

"Picking up from where we left off..." I rested my elbow on the arm of the chair and propped my chin on the back of my palm...

"Why is our 'beautiful' homeroom teacher so obsessed with reaching class A?"

Chabashira smirked, "Ara, you seem to have grown quite the smooth tongue, haven't you? Aozaki.." Even though she said that in a smug tone, I could sense her latent murderphilic nature awakening.

"Compliments aside, I'm sure just about anyone is able to comprehend the core motivation behind the student body, don't you agree?"

"And what might those be, mind if I ask?"

"Recommendation for good college/university, high paying job enlistments, hundred percent employment... In a nutshell, we were given sweet promises of a bright future in exchange of graduating from class A. That's why the students are motivated to the point of holding daggers at each other." I explained.

Chabashira briefly inclined her head after listening to my explanation, crossed arms and replied, "That's certainly an interesting way of seeing things, Aozaki. You must already know, that's exactly how the modern society is structured. There's always a carrot hanging on a stick by the higher echelon. Everyone runs after that just to get a taste of it. Whether it's society, or your average workplace, it's all the same where ever you go. What the school simulates is but a small fracture of it."


This is indeed a 'stick and carrot' world, where façades are a daily necessity, and where you're betrayed if you don't betray first. It is a cruel world where money comes and goes in matter of seconds, and the 'weak and powerless' are inevitably consumed by the 'strong and capable'.

No fiction in this part; this is the reality.

"Thanks for the philosophical words. However that wasn't the answer I was looking for." I replied. "What I really wanted to know was the motivation for the 'teachers', not the students."

"And what use will it be to you if I were to answer?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I assure you, this has a very significant use."

"Even then, you have no business poking into a teacher's personal matters."


Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy.

I directly looked at her in the eyes, my tone grew increasingly cold as I spoke, " Then let me remind you of an event. Two weeks ago, a certain teacher decided to used a certain 'Icurus's personal matter to threaten him..."

Chabashira's eyes widened a bit when I said that. She was reminded of the exchange between her and Ayanokouji, which should've remained confidential between the two of them. Yet somehow I had gained knowledge of it. That might've caught her a little by surprise.

"That's an intriguing story." Regaining her composure, she was about to make a comeback statement. "Howev-"

"However, whatever.. I'm not interested in listening to your excuses, sensei. Just give me your reasons." I cut her off. "What made you so desperate that you'd go as far as to force someone into doing what you want?"

After listening to my advances, Chabashira went silent for a second. But that didn't mean she was defeated or anything (obviously). Because right after that...

"Heh.." Chabashira let out a mirthless chuckle, while looking at the amusingly naive little boy in front of her.

"You seem to be misunderstanding something, Aozaki. I do not remember ever threatening any of my students, and there was never a complaint describing such accusations. So what you're saying is baseless." she replied with narrowed eyes.

"Ah, is that so...?"

"However, if you do happen to have any evidence of a teacher threatening a student, make sure to submit it in the faculty office. The school would be sure to launch a thorough investigation, if that's the case." she added with a smirk.


It was a blatant denial of my accusations, and she wasn't exactly wrong in doing that. It was an undeniable fact that there were never any verifiable evidence, nor witnesses related to her threatening Ayanokouji.

If she didn't verbally admit that she was indeed guilty, there was no way for me to prove my claims. My statements at this point would be treated as mere accusations against a diligent teacher. A brilliant defensive move, as expected of her.

However, even I had a few things in mind.

"....Should I take it that you're not going to answer?" I asked, nonetheless. It was the bare minimum courtesy to at least give her a chance to back off on her own accord.

"Well, I can't really answer a question that I don't know know the answer to, can I?" she remained firm on her façade.

"..... Alright."

I'm not complaining. If that's how she wanted to play...

...then, very well.

"It's understandable, sensei. Let's end the conversation here."

I stood up from the chair and stepped away from it.

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Chabashira asked. I'm sure she was not expecting this sudden display of submissiveness from me. I could feel a feint hint of suspicion lingering in her gazing eyes.

However, what I'd say next would surely come as an even bigger shock for her.

"I'd like to meet Hoshinomiya-sensei. There's a few things I need to discuss with her."


"....You!" Chabashira stared at me with wide eyes for a few seconds, trying to properly process what I had just said.

After regaining composure, she slowly relaxed her complexion and asked.. "Just now, was that a threat, Aozaki?"

"What?" I raised an eyebrow and played dumb as an act of mockery to her previous attempt of playing bluff with me. "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Aozaki, don't play dumb and answer me!"

Why so serious?

"Earlier, you implied that you didn't have the answer. So, shouldn't it be natural to ask another teacher if that's the case?" I replied, matter-of-factly.

It was a clear threat. I had let her know that if she had the freedom to choose not to cooperate, then so did I.

Despite having a complicated expression on her face, Chabashira was yet to give up. With a calm voice , she asked, "Do you honestly believe that a teacher like Hoshinomiya will entertain your childish delusions?"

"I am free to negotiate with her, aren't I? Anything is exchangeable with points in this school. Your words, not mine." I reminded.

"What gives you the confidence that she will provide you info in exchange for private points, aren't you?"

"I can negotiate with something else too... For example, intentionally losing an exam, or being a spy for class B." I was casually holding my own class as hostage.

"Oi, Aozaki. This isn't even funny anymore. Don't you realize what you're saying?"

"Since when was I joking about this sensei?" I glared at her, making my seriousness apparent. "What if I made a deal? In exchange of ruining your class, I'll transfer to class B, and eventually work my way to transfer your golden goose Ayanokouji as well. Wouldn't that be a nice strategy?"

"Aozaki..." she muttered as her eyes grew narrower and sharper.

My influence wasn't anything comparable to the likes of Hirata, or Kikyou. But because of the exam, and my recent attempts of socializing, I was able to gain some amount of trust and influence over my classmates. And regarding Ayanokouji, well..

I wouldn't force him into anything. This was all for the sake of providing a depraved child the normal school life he longed for.

"You seem to be forgetting that there's also a limit to what can or cannot be exchanged." Chabashira said.

"Was there ever a ban on such public information?"

"....." seeing her desperate shot being countered like that, Chabashira silently gnashed her teeth in frustration.

What happened between Chabashira and Hoshinomiya remained a mystery to me all the way to the final volume of the series. But, I had noticed from their earlier interactions, whenever they were near each other, a tense environment would surround them. As if they were trying their best to move on from something.

I don't know what it was. That's what made me curious about their goals in the first place. I wanted to find out about something that I didn't learn from the story.

Maybe that's why I was being a bit more forceful than before.

"At any rate, I'm calling Hoshinomiya-sensei. While I'm at it, you should head back, or whatever."


I even pulled my phone out and pretended to quietly walk away from the spot, just to make it more convincing.

That was quite literally the straw that broke Camel's back.

"Sit down, Aozaki." through her tightly gnashed teeth, Chabashira ordered with a cold threatening tone. "Or else..."

"Ho~" I couldn't help but hum in amazement.

Her stone-like calm and collected exterior crumbled, and what revealed was a demon-like woman who was glaring at me, as if she could kill if she had the choice to. Seeing her cornered like that was a great contrast to the usual stone-hearted Chabashira.

In the midst of all this, she was still trying her best not to show any weakness to me, which was surprisingly...


"How ruthless do you have to be, to blackmail a teacher like this, Aozaki?"

That almost made me chuckle. If she knew what I was truly capable of...

...she'd wish she had sliced her tongue off before saying something as cute as that.

"This isn't a blackmail, sensei." I closed the distance, and looked her down. She glared back. We both glared at each other's eyes like romantic partners without a single grain of love, promising to curse each other to death.

"This is what you call, 'mutually assured destruction'." I replied.

If the contents of this conversation got out, she and I, we'll both be burnt under some serious fire. Chabashira knew that, but I was confident that she wouldn't attempt to go down with me. The fate of her class and her ambitions wouldn't let her.

Walking back in front of her, I didn't really bother sitting down. Instead, I leaned on top of the chair and looked her dead in the eyes staring straight into her soul. Then I smiled,

"Do you remember the answer now, sensei?"


Chabashira eventually got up from the chair and walked past me, leaning against the glass railing of the edge of the ship.

Digging her hands inside her blazer's pocket, she grabbed a pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out and pressed it against her lips before pulling a lighter out.

The cigarette leaves began burning as soon as the flame caressed the cylinder, diffusing a strong strawberry scented aroma in the area.

With two of her fingers, she held the cylinder, and sucked a big lump of smoke and blew it out.

White smoke surrounded her, almost like a lump of cloud. This unusual sight was strangely befitting of her, despite maintaining a prim-and-proper image all the time.

"Hah~" With a defeated sigh, Chabashira finally began her storytelling. "Just like all of you, I was once a student of the same class D in this school. Surprising, isn't it?"

It wasn't anything weird for the school to hire ex-students as teachers. That would just mean the teachers would be more understanding of the system as they were already familiar with it.

"It is indeed surprising to hear that you were determined a defect as well."

"Hmh.. what can I say? Like teacher, like her pupils, as they say." she joked with a tone that, didn't quite fit for a joke.

"Where does the story go from there?" I inquired.

Chabashira smoked another big one before continuing, "The curriculum back then wasn't as strict as yours. The gap between the classes weren't as overwhelming as it's now. There was a point when the gap between class A and class D was only a mere hundred points."

"I suppose Class D of the past must've been more unified than the current one?"

Chabashira neither confirmed, nor denied.

"The point gap between the classes were almost paper-thin. However, that amplified the competition between the classes. Only a few class points were enough to overtake each other. Classes being promoted and demoted became a usual thing. That's how we battled it out for three years."


The last sentence was more significant than it seems. Something that can make you think about the uncertainty of the future.

Three years. That's how long would the students had to endure the curriculum. The final year, would be the most important year of all. Anything and everything could happen within that year. And it was quite frankly, a horrifying imagination.

Suppose you were admitted to class A, and fought a valiant battle for the first two years. You did your best to fortify the lead as class A. However, on the third year, due to some obnoxious play of fate, your class gets demoted to a lower class on the very last exam...

'End makes the means' as they say. No one will care about the record of 'briefly' being in class A for two years. No one would acknowledge the fight you'd put up. You will forever be known as someone who'd graduated from, 'not class A'.

And what would be more soul crushing is when you slowly realize that all those hard work and effort you'd put for three years were actually for nigh..

"What happened in your final year, sensei?" I asked.

Chabashira closed her eyes, as if trying push all the unpleasant memories away from her mind.

Also, this time the smoke hit me directly in the face, making me want to cough a little.

"Before the final exam, there was a test. At that time, we were at class B; only a few points short of reaching class A. Our classmates worked diligently, and we tried our best to get the necessary points to reach class A....But-"

Chabashira's body suddenly shivered, as if chills went down her spine. Judging by her reaction, it must've been a matter of great regret for her.

But I still couldn't get over the fact that It was, ironically, the same kind of shudder everyone makes when remembering all kinds of embarrassing things they did during high school.

"But?" I asked, pushing her to continue the story.

"...I made a mistake. The class lost the exam because of that, and everyone got demoted to class D before the very end of graduation."


A bit disappointing, honestly.

To be more precise, it was the same story she had told Ayanokouji; all vague stuff that I had known for ages.

I was expecting a bit more details. I needed to extract information on the aforementioned exam that literally sank an entire class to prepare countermeasures.

However she was a clever woman. Apparently she had briefly caught on to my true intentions. I'm sure she was being vague on purpose because her mistake may also include some clues. That's why..

"What kind of 'mistake' did you make that's fatal enough to rail down an entire class?" I had to take a more forceful approach.

"..." Without answering, she instead continued smoking silently.

"Are you refusing to answer because it involves details of a future exam?"

"Fuu..." she blew the smoke out and looked away from me. "I'm afraid I'm not allowed to disclose such information to you, regardless how much you pester me, Aozaki." said Chabashira.

It was to be expected. No matter how she looked, she was a diligent, rule abiding teacher at heart after all.


"You are not allowed. But that doesn't mean you cannot"

She looked at me, a bit intrigued.

"So, you're telling me I should break rules for you now?" asked with a questioning tone.

"Let's just say, I am."

I leaned back against the railing, and rolled my eyes around, checking the surrounding again. Being at an enclosed corner of the ship, not only was it difficult for people to see us, but its placement also meant that we could see them. I intentionally chose this location because it made eavesdropping difficult.

Shifting my gaze back at her, I added, "As long as it doesn't get reported, it never happened."

Chabashira gave me a questioning gaze, as if asking I had lost my marbles. Needless to say, I was being completely serious.

"Do you really believe the school is that lenient?"

"Funny coming from a teacher who literally threatened a student instead of protecting him." I replied sarcastically. "Perhaps I'm a bit confused? Tell me, since when did something like that become a part of the rules?"

Chabashira slightly narrowed her eyes. "Aozaki, let me remind you that if I report such behavior to the school–"

"You can not afford to do that." Your ambitions won't let you.

"...." she didn't retaliate, and went silent.

Due to some miracle, this year's class D consisted some of the most promising students she'd ever dream coming across. Namely Horikita, Hirata, Kikyou, Yukimura, Sudou etc. But even with all the quality students, without unity and tactfulness, it'd all be a waste.

What the class needed was a mastermind figure that could make decisions and round the class accordingly behind the shadows. That's where my plagiarism, and Ayanokouji's genius comes to play. Because of us, the class was slowly starting to form into something hopeful.

In short, if she messed it up, there'd be no way of ever recovering from that damage.

"On the surface, you may come off as a cold, unmotivated, disinterested teacher. But in reality..."

Breaking past the cloud of smoke, I stood in front of her face to face. "You're actually trying your hardest to seek salvation in this class, aren't you?"

"..What kind of bullshit are you suddenly spouting, Aozaki?" she uttered, almost frantically.

"You want to see your students reach class A, not for their sakes... but for yours." I said. "You held back your comrades back in the days. As a form of personal repentance, you want to help your pupils, don't you?"

"...what makes you so confident?"

"Your actions."

"....." After hearing my statement, Chabashira couldn't help but make a complicated expression.

"Being a teacher, and teaching at the very school that was the cause of your misfortune... must've been tough, yeah?"

"You sure love to make speculations, don't you?" she asked again in an attempt to deter me. But I didn't budge.

"Speculations are speculations. But questioning the things that I'm saying is as rhetorical as asking if the sky is blue, or if a fish could swim.."

It's obvious now.

"You put on a rock solid façade, but deep down, you're just a desperate soul trying to escape that deep rooted regret that still haunt you till this day, isn't that correct?"


"Let me ask you.. just how much do you regret your past?"

Chabashira was about to say something back, but her mouth stopped halfway. She then pondered something for a while. Perhaps she genuinely thought about my proposition?

"Hah~" dropping her shoulder in defeat, she sighed. "I'd even sign a contract with the devil if it means taking back the choice I'd made back then."

"That far, huh?"

Chabashira nodded once. "That far."

I slowly moved my eyes away and blankly stared at the empty poolside.

There's only one thing that needs to be done.

"I will make that happen."


"I will make that dream come true. But in exchange, you have to do me a few favors."

Chabashira looked at me with half closed eyes as she pulled a big lump of smoke and sighed. "Of course. There's always a catch when it comes to you."

"Strictly speaking, there's no such thing called free exchange, don't you agree?"

"Hm.. I suppose you're not wrong about that." she said. "But to boldly claim of doing something that has never been done before, alone even. Have you grown that much arrogant?"

"Only time will tell if this is a real thing, or just an edgy teenager acting cool."

Nothing's absolute. Judging by the recent state of events, things may change and will eventually get hard to predict in the long run. But even then, hopefully we'll be able to go through, together.

"....Will you really?" Chabashira weakly asked, almost like a whisper.


I honestly expected her to come up with another snide remark, but she didn't. Instead, she seemed a bit... hopeful toward me? Not that I'm saying it's a bad thing, it was just a bit unusual on the ear.

I'm glad.

"Entrust me with your past, and I will promise you of the future."

I will carry out this vow. I promise. Even if it means expelling myself in the process, I will do it.


The waves clashed against the metal body of the ship in quick succession, momentarily filling over the dragging silence. We both stared blankly at the empty poolside with insomniac eyes.

One minute...

Two minutes...

Five minutes..

It was getting boring soon, yet Chabashira didn't give any answers, so it was a waiting game.

I looked at her with half closed eyes, a bit annoyed. Chabashira was mindlessly pondering something, probably on the fence about whether she should trust me or not. The embers on her cigarette were slowly burning away...

That's when I had a dangerous idea. Some would even call me a reckless madman for it.. but fuck them.

Fuck everything.

"Stay still for a second." I said.

"What? What is it now?"

Without replying, I pushed my hand toward her face and gently grabbed the burning cigarette. Her warm breaths crashed against my hand as I pulled the cigarette off her lips.

It was a half burnt cigarette. Orange embers released a sweet strawberry scented smoke in the edge. There were traces of Chabashira's lip gel sticking on the butt of the cigarette.

I shrugged if off, and pressed the damp end of the cigarette butt against my own lips before taking a huge sip.


Cigarette burned. Smoke quickly filled up my mouth and invade my lungs. It was a feeling different than simply smelling it.. as if the smoke was carrying a taste. A trail of sweet roughness quickly filled my respiratory system.

Now that I think about it, this was my first time smoking after being transmigrated here. It wasn't as rough as the dragon brand Touko used to blow, but rather light and welcoming.

It was a taste I wanted to get addicted to.

"Fuu~" After holding the smoke inside for a moment, I blew it off intently staring at her eyes.

"I don't know about drinking. But now, I can definitely see why adults love this." I let out a feint smile.

Chabashira, who would usually look at me with half closed narrow eyes until now, was staring at me wide eyed. Through the veil of darkness, I could see her flushed cheeks. Apparently, she wasn't immune to my bold actions after all.

"You... sure are shameless today aren't you, Aozaki?"

"Call it a learning experience. Let's just say you taught me how it feels to smoke, and call it a day."

I took another sip from the cigarette. The first one could be overlooked at mere curiosity, but the second one was an undeniable sin. But none of that stopped me.

You could even say, that day I lost my smoking virginity.

Chabashira was flabbergasted by my shamelessness.

"You are one hell of a troublemaker, Aozaki." she sighed.

"Does that mean I'll get special attention from sensei?"

"One second, you threaten of ruining me, and the next you're flirting? It's hard to understand what goes in that brain of yours." she remarked.

I blew another gust of smoke and closed my eyes.

"Who knows? Maybe I'm actually a mentally unstable man walking around?"

"Oh, how mysterious." Chabashira let out a sarcastic comment.

But then, she closed her eyes and muttered something to herself.

「If only you were in my class back, then...」

"Hm? Sorry, did you say something? I didn't quite catch that." I really didn't.

"Heh.." Chabashira sighed, but then let out a soft chuckle (?) before smiling like how she usually smiled. "It was nothing."

'Just what on earth did she say?' I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.


"More importantly, this the only time I'll tell you, so listen carefully..."

With a bit of hope attached to her voice, Chabashira told me what really happened during her dark past.

It was the beginning of a unique bond shared between her and I, that will end the day I step out of this academy.


After enjoying the midnight breeze with Chabashira Sae, I remember heading back to my cabin. As I descended to the fourth level and was approaching the corridor, I had to push breaks to hugged the wall just a few steps short near the corner.

"What kind of information does she want?" a boy asked.

"Everything you know about Karuizawa. Also, whatever it was you talked to her about." a different boy replied.

"I don't know what I can tell you, honestly. I have to consider Karuizawa-san's feelings."

I heard a conversation between two voices approaching the elevator. Based on the topic and the tone of the voices it didn't take long for me to figure out who they were.

"Ayanokouji-kun, I'm sure you won't say anything unnecessary, but what I'm about to tell you is extremely delicate. Also, Karuizawa-san might refuse to talk and head back to her room. Please understand that first," Hirata remarked as their steps grew louder as they approached near me.

Without wasting a second, I silently tip-toed toward the staircase, next to the elevator, and ran to the fifth level again.

'Boy, would it have been troublesome if I got spotted!' I sighed.

As I leaned against a nearby wall, I concentrated my gaze on the elevator screen, which showed the real-time position of the lift car. It was apparently going down and eventually stopped on the second level, which meant that Hirata and Ayanokouji was meeting Karuizawa somewhere in the second level.

According to the story, there was supposed to be a confrontation where Ayanokouji had confirmed that Karuizawa was in a fake parasitic relationship with Hirata. To think that it was at this hour when I had just finished talking with Chabashira too. What a coincidence!

Perhaps lady luck liked me after all?

But it wasn't the situation where I could join them if I wanted; that'd be too awkward. Plus, I didn't even need to be there, as I already knew what was going on. There was no point fourth wheeling when it didn't provide any value to the story.

"I'll just leave it up to Ayanokouji tomorrow." I yawned as I approached the staircase.

Why the staircase?

If I used the lift, they would probably figure out that someone was also awake when they got out.

I began descending down the stairs again. Swiping the key card, I walked inside my cabin, laid down on my bed, and drifted into a dream world.


Day three, the rest day.

This may sound a bit weird, but I had a rather bizarre nightmare last night.

For some reason, I turned into a round dumpling, and a group of people I knew turned into chibi version of themselves. If I remember correctly, they were Horikita, Kikyou, Sakura, Yamamura, Ichinose,  Ibuki, even Chabashira. The surrounded me, and with their chibi arms and legs chased me with the best of their abilities in an attempt to eat me.

Of course, I ran.. or more accurately, rolled for my life. But as a small dumpling surrounded by chibis, I could only run for so long. After I got caught, they suddenly began fighting over me. This ended up being a several way tug-of-war to decide which one of those terrifying creature gets to eat me.

The dream, or more accurately nightmare ended when I was painfully torn into fragments as a result of the tug of war.

"Hah~ what a weird dream~" my dry lips twitched in the side in deep thought.


That day was the third day of the zodiac test. It was supposed to be the rest day, in other words no group meetings were scheduled to be held that day. Well even though that in itself gave me a brief amount of stress relief, I still had a lot of things planned for this day.

I sluggishly reached for my phone and checked the time.

A number of notifications lined up on my lock screen. One was the school announcement regarding the end of Cow groups' test. That was Sakura's group. Seemingly class C had already began making their moves.

The second one was from Hori– I immediately swiped it off.

The third one was from Sakura who asked if I could meet her. She probably wanted to inform me about the group test's conclusion. I sent her the confirmation and the details before moving on.

After 'Secret' on my browser, I knocked Ayanokouji's username.

「Kouji...Are you active?」


I was just about to contact you as well.」

He responded immediately.

「Just wanted to confirm, was it you last night, who eavesdropped on us near the elevator?」he asked.

「Affirmative. I retreated to the fifth level and didn't pursue further after you both descended to the second level.」

「I see...

Do you want me to inform what I managed to scavenge from last nights happenstance?」

「That'd be appreciated.」 I replied.

「Well then...

First of all she's the third VIP of our class, and...」

In a nutshell, Ayanokouji gave me a detailed explanation about the argument surrounding Manabe's group approaching Machida. He also informed me about the complicated fake relationship between Karuizawa and Hirata.

Hirata apparently told him about Karuizawa's bullying incident and his own backstory related to his brain-dead friend Sugimura who committed suicide because of excessive bullying.

「Hirata's kindness aside, that perfectly explains Karuizawa's unusual intimacy with Machida while still being in a relationship.」I replied.

「Earlier, you had a hunch about Karuizawa being afraid of what Manabe and her group. It can certainly be linked to her bullying days.」

「That, may be true. When Manabe and her group surrounded her, she was in a frantic condition, didn't you say? There's a good chance she has PTSD from her middle school days.」

「Are you suggesting we use it to make her vulnerable?」

PTSD can have different reactions ranging from only a few tears being dropped, to having a panic attack, to vomiting, hyperventilation, Schizophrenia etc... the fun stuff, basically. There were a few rare, 'extreme' cases in the past where some poor souls even ended up kicking the bucket after having a stroke due to excessive anxiety. Let's not talk about how morally disturbing is should be to a human being.

「Are we not?」

「...Well I guess the answer was obvious from the beginning.」 Ayanokouji replied back.

I love hypocrisy.

As far as I'm concerned, Karuizawa didn't have any of those reactions in the story, so we already had the green light.

Logically speaking, bullying her was the most efficient method that'd make that blackmail related to bullied past more efficient in ensuing fear. Usually people are at their most vulnerable when suddenly reminded of a traumatic event. For a manipulator, it's a perfect state where most targets can't properly fight back, and instinctively choose to freeze and become submissive.

「Be on standby. We're doing it today.」 I replied.

「Roger that.」

「...are we're the JSDF now, huh?」

「You're the one who does this all the time.」

「Alright, buzz off.」 I tabbed out.

"Haaah~" I let out a big yawn. With half closed eyes, I looked at the time. It was still 8 am. Because of the late night stroll and the funny looking nightmare, I barely got enough sleep.

I'm still sleepy, I wanna go back sleep~! It's rest day anyway. What gives if I sleep late a little?

Throwing the phone on the side, I lied down on my belly faceplanted, and pulled the pillow over my head to hide from the daylight. It was surprisingly comfy. As time passed, I was slowly getting close to sleepiness.


Just as I was about to doze off..

Bzzt! Bzzt!

The notification rang loudly right beside my ear.

"Hah~" I sighed in exasperation. My premature sleep was murdered mercilessly, so I was naturally annoyed. With veins popping out of my hand, I grabbed the phone with the intent of knowing who the the culprit was. Murdering them hundred times would calm my childish rage.


But as soon as my eyes fell on the screen, my eyes widened in surprise. All my previous sleepiness was gone at an instant.


I mean, really? Who would've thought?

It was such an unexpected development. The butterfly effect really must love teasing me, huh?

At any rate, I pressed reply and typed my thoughts hastily. After that, I sat down on my bed, got off and went to prepare for the upcoming eventful day.

「Sorry. I'm a bit busy with a friend at the moment. But I'll be sure to make some time later. Let's talk sometime else...




...Karuizawa-san :) 」

「E: Hmm Hmm..*looking through the final manuscript* Not too long of a chapter this time, so I hope they won't be too disappointed.

(That is what I said before I realized I actually wrote about 7k words. I seriously need to get a life.)

Anyways, Hi!

Though, I suppose it's bit late to say this, but still.. To new viewers and old viewers alike.

Eid Mubarak, everyone! ✨

I pray that you all live a happy and healthy life, and I hope I could say the same thing to you next year!

Now, about the story... Well..




Hurrah, for the MILF supremacis-...!!!!


Ahem! what I actually meant to say was, Chabashira-sensei enjoyers. (Whoosh! Almost let out my thoughts there. *sweats intensely)

I wanted to make a rough, yet romantic scene with our beloved mil-, uh, homeroom teacher (whispers: MILF), who unfortunately didn't get that much screentime in my previous chapters. Was I being too weird? I felt like I was, especially the part with his mood swing.

And aside from that, I wonder what unspeakable things he has planned for Karuizawa in next chapter. whoosh (*shudders in chill).

Karuizawa haters, it's your time to shine lol!

Also, if you hadn't realized this by now, let me clarify. Levent's death took place in another fictional world where year 2 didn't release yet. So naturally he doesn't know about what happens after Y1V11 (neither do I).

Now, the serious part.. I actually wanted to update this on the day of EID, so I rushed through some parts the night before. But the results were absolutely unsatisfactory. That's why my perfectionist ass begrudgingly delayed the update schedule.

I'm sure you can pretty much tell from reading this chapter, those three weeks of gap were spent doing absolutely nothing!

「B-but I have exams though? What about Writer's block? No time?」

Blah Blah... It's all excuses. Shut the fuck up, old me!

I'll be transparent, I lost interest in that book almost a year ago, and I barely get time to watch anime anymore. Seriously, I haven't even watched S3 of this anime yet lol. And no offense to the man but, I'm starting find Ayanokouji..a little.. bit..cringe.(as well as the piece of shit I wrote :')

Damn, I guess I'm growing old, huh?

At any rate, I'm writing this story because I have the resolve to finish what I had started, and I will. So don't worry. I'm slowly starting to put a few endgame hints here and there. Let's see if you're smart enough to figure out.

Funny story, I've actually never seriously had cigarettes in my life.

I tried it with my roommates multiple times (even during depressing times), but everytime I'd be a coughing mess. Good thing.

Anyways, that's enough spreading negativity for the day.. Damn.. the postscript is apparently even longer than the damn story?!

Oh shit! Mum's calling! Gotta go now. We'll talk later in the next chap, kay?

Have a great one mate!

E. Out.🤞;)  」

Jomby Jomby

Wow... Should've used this feature much sooner...Can you comment here? Just asking...

Hmm Hmm..*looking through the final manuscript* Not too long of a chapter this time, so I hope they won't be too disappointed.

(That is what I said before I realized I actually wrote about 7k words. I seriously need to get a life.)

Anyways, Hi!

Though, I suppose it's bit late to say this, but still.. To new viewers and old viewers alike.

Eid Mubarak, everyone! ✨

I pray that you all live a happy and healthy life, and I hope I could say the same thing to you next year!

Now, about the story... Well..




Hurrah, for the MILF supremacis-...!!!!


Ahem! what I actually meant to say was, Chabashira-sensei enjoyers. (Whoosh! Almost let out my thoughts there. *sweats intensely)

I wanted to make a rough, yet romantic scene with our beloved mil-, homeroom teacher (whispers: MILF), who unfortunately didn't get that much screentime in my previous chapters. Was I being too weird? I felt like I was, especially his mood swing.

And aside from that, I wonder what unspeakable things he has planned for Karuizawa in next chapter.(*shudders in chill).

Karuizawa haters, it's your time to shine lol!

Also, if you hadn't realized this by now, let me clarify. Levent's death took place in another fictional world where year 2 didn't release yet. So naturally he doesn't know about what happens after Y1V11 (neither do I).

Now, the serious part.. I actually wanted to update this on the day of EID, so I rushed through some parts the night before. But the results were absolutely unsatisfactory.

I'm sure you can pretty much tell from reading this chapter, those three weeks of gap were spent doing absolutely nothing!

「B-but I have exams though? What about Writer's block? No time?」

Blah Blah... It's all excuses. Shut the fuck up, old me!

I'll be transparent, I lost interest in that book almost a year ago, and I barely get time to watch anime anymore. Seriously, I haven't even watched S3 of this anime yet lol. And no offense to the man but, I'm starting find Ayanokouji..a little.. bit..cringe.(as well as the piece of shit I wrote :')

Damn, I guess I'm growing old, huh?

At any rate, I'm writing this story because I have the resolve to finish what I had started, and I will. So don't worry. I'm slowly starting to put a few endgame hints here and there. Let's see if you're smart enough to figure out.

Funny story, I've actually never seriously had cigarettes in my life.

I tried it with my roommates multiple times (even during depressing times), but everytime I'd be a coughing mess. Good thing.

Anyways, that's enough spreading negativity for the day.. Damn.. the postscript is apparently even longer than the damn story?!

Oh shit! Mum's calling! Gotta go now. We'll talk later in the next chap, kay?

Have a great one mate!

E. Out. ;)  」

next chapter
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