Unduh Aplikasi
95.04% Our Bonds (A Kantai Collection -Kancolle- Fanfic) (Remastered) / Chapter 96: Chapter 94: Abyssal Hunt

Bab 96: Chapter 94: Abyssal Hunt

The three fleets begin clearing out the Abyssal fleets occupying the area. Most of the fleets later on consisted of Carrier Wo-class Kai, Light Cruiser Tsu class Flagships, Heavy Cruiser Ne-class Flagships, Destroy Ne-class and Pt Imp Packs. Ooyodo's fleet had to step in a few times to deal with the retreating PT Imps after the Task Force has dealt with the heavier hitters of the fleet.

After dealing with the third enemy fleet, Shioi reported over the radio about the situation near Ulleung Island. An Abyssal Fleet consisting of a Battleship Re-class, two Cariier Wo-class and three Heavy Cruiser Ne-class were engaged with a Siren fleet. Shioi said they will be able to deal with the survivors once they are done killing each other. It wasn't part of the plan but since they are there, I authorized them to kill the remaining units once the fight is over. In the meantime, they are to continue observing.

After sinking one Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai and its entourage, Victorious, Shouhou and Fusou all took moderate damage. Souryuu and Yamashiro took some bruises and burns. Yuubari and Murasame were lightly damaged. Suzuya's clothes are torn and burnt but was otherwise alright. The others in the escort fleet are mostly fine.

"Launching a Type 2 Recon." (Shouhou)

The arrow Shouhou released turned into a Type 2 Recon plane and flew straight ahead. After a few minutes, Shouhou reported what her Recon plane found,

"One Armoured Carrier Demon, one Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai, two Battleship Re-class and two Aircraft Carrier Wo-class." (Shouhou)

"That's the final boss then." (Suzuya)

Commander Ayato, do you still have any planes in the air?" 

"I have one more Suisei Squadron in air. The others are back at base for rearming." (Commander Ayato)

"That's good enough. Do the same as before."

"Roger. ETA 20 seconds." (Commander Ayato)

"Alright everyone. This is the last stretch. Give them hell!" 

"Yes!" (All)

"Battle Formation. Destroy them!"

"Admiral, we got a situation." (Shioi)

Oh no. Don't tell me something bad has happened. I switched over to Shioi's channel.

"What is it?"

"Four Azur Lane ships are here and they are engaging with both the Abyssals and Sirens." (Shioi)

"That doesn't sound like a problem."

I looked on as the Carrier Task Force launch the first attack wave, right after the last LBAS opening strike. Oominato's planes unfortunately only damaged one Wo-class and scratched a Re-class.

"Azur Lane is requesting our assistance for a retrieval operation. It will be better if they speak to you directly." (Shioi)

"Got it. You girls are not hurt, right?"

"Nope. We haven't been spotted yet." (Shioi)

"That's great. Continue to stay hidden until I say otherwise. Patch me to them."

"Okay. Standby." (Shioi)

The first attack wave damaged both Wo-class. The battleships initial salvo managed to hurt one of the Re-class. After a short while, I heard a rather familiar emotionless voice on the radio. 

"This is Town-class light cruiser, Sheffield. Thank you for taking this call." (AL Sheffield)

"It's been a while, Sheffield. I heard you needed some help."

Shit! Souryuu's vitals just hit the yellow mark! She was hit by enemy aircraft. But it looks like she can still fight. Fusou was hit and the barrel of one of her main guns split open.

"Admiral-san?" (AL Sheffield)

"Ah. Sorry. I'm in the midst of another operation right now. Please repeat last."

"Understood. At exactly 1 hour and 25 minutes ago, we picked up a SOS beacon from a Northern Parliament submarine in this area. Our Commander left with the the Soviet Kansen 5 days ago and we lost contact with me. We highly suspect the our Commander is at this location. However, we are unable to retrieve him while dealing with the enemy fleet." (AL Sheffield)

"So that's where my girls come in." 

"Look out!" (Murasame)

"Ah! Oh no!" (Hashimoto)

Yuubari and Ryuujou were wrapped in fire as they were caught by the Armoured Water Demon's planes. The vitals dropped into the red zone.

"No! I'm in a bit of a pinch!" (Ryuujou)

"Tch. I guess I loaded up too much huh..." (Yuubari)

"One moment." 

I switched to the main battle channel,

"Yuubari, Ryuujou, move to the rear. Murasame and Shiratsuyu, move to cover them."

"This is tough." (Zuihou)

What should we do...?

"Fusou and Yamashiro, I need you to take out those two Wo-class immediately. Souryuu and Hiryuu, focus on one of the two Re-class. Zuihou and Shouhou, take out the other one. Leave the Princess and Demon for last. Escort fleet, provide support shell to suppress to them. Ooyodo, provide torpedo support."

"Roger! Flagship Ooyodo, moving in to support." (Ooyodo)

I switched back to Shioi's channel,

"Sheffield, I can help but my girls do not have the equipment to hoist up an submarine, let alone know the location of said submarine."

"We can provide both coordinates and equipment. We have a tether your submarines girls can use to attach to the submarine. The submarine is located roughly 300 metres and at a downward angle of 50 degrees from the water surface." (Sheffield)

"Admiral, I can see something sparkly down there nano." (Iku) 

"That must be the submarine." (Shioi)

"Shioi, are you able to dive that deep?"

"300 metres is just within our maximum depth. I can do it." (Shioi)

The two Wo-class were destroyed and one Re-class has been crippled. Murasame is severely damaged and has retreated to the back line.

"Got it. In light of our alliance, we will cooperate. Shioi, get that tether from the Azur Lane fleet and attach it to the Soviet submarine. The rest of you, cover her in case there are any enemies around."

"Roger!" (All)

"Thank you. [Lady Saratoga, get the tether ready. Drop it in the water and our allies will grab it.]" (AL Sheffield) 

A younger voice appeared on the radio,

"[Okie dokie~. Tether is in the water.]" (AL Saratoga)

"Ah. I see the tether. Surfacing to grab it." (Shioi) 

"Acknowledged. You girls focus on that. Shout if something weird or bad is happening."

"Got it. Focus on the other battle. I will call you if something happens." (Shioi)

"Thank you, Shioi."

"Ow! I'm hit!? Is there a fire in the magazines?" (Yamashiro)

"Kyaa...! Gh! I won't be able to fight in this condition..." (Fusou)

Yamashiro's vitals turned yellow as her broadside main gun is set on fire. Her elder sister wasn't so lucky. Her vitals turned red and she fall to her knees onto the water surface. Blood flowed from her head and arms while her back is engulfed in fire. 

"Nee-sama!" (Yamashiro)

"I will be fine, Yamashiro. Take care of the enemy first." (Fusou)

I can see the pain in Yamashiro's eyes. Who wouldn't once they see their loved one in such a condition?

"Bastard! How dare you?!" (Yamashiro)

"Aaaaah! Urgh, they got me... I can't fight like this..." (Shouhou)

Shouhou's vitals immediately turned red as the enemy bombs fell on her. Her back caught fire and she fell onto the water surface. Her bow snapped in half and her clothes were torn apart.

"Shouhou! Hyaa!" (Zuihou)

A shell slammed into the water next to Zuihou. Just a little bit more to the left and she would have been hit.

No Not now. I need to remain calm... Ah damn it! Alright. You got this, Keita. Come on! Think!

"Ooyodo, change of plans. Engage the enemy fleet directly. You, Shimakaze and Amatsukaze will focus on the Re-class that is already damaged. Yamashiro, I need you to handle the other Re-class. Shiratsuyu, support Yamashiro. Hiryuu and Mikuma, take out that Armoured Carrier Demon. Zuihou and Suzuya, you two take care that Aircraft Carrier Princess. Satsuki, Fumizuki, Kamikaze, I need you to concentrate on providing Anti-Air. Take out the enemy aircraft and protect your friends. All units are to focus on both evasion and accuracy. Let's take them out right here and now!"

Hiryuu nocked an arrow and took aim,

"What a tall order. But that's not something we can't do." (Hiryuu)

Mikuma loaded three Zuiuns onto her flight deck,

"Kumarinko! My air wing will support you, Hiryuu." (Mikuma)

Both Shiratsuyu and Yamashiro aimed their remaining armaments at the Re-class,

"Yamashiro, if you don't kill it fast, I take it out first~" (Shiratsuyu)

"Hah! I will like to see you try. I will make them pay for hurting Nee-sama." (Yamashiro)

"Shimakaze is the fastest! Once I'm done with this Re-class, the other one is mine! Right, Rensouhou-chan?" (Shimakaze)

"Oi! Don't be reckless and stick to our roles! Hey, Rensouhou-kun! Stopping bouncing!" (Amatsukaze)

The three sentient 12.7cm twin-mounted gun robots jumped around Shimakaze excitedly. Meanwhile, Amatsukaze's own 12.7cm twin-mounted gun robot bounced on her rigging.

"Fufu~ I will show them the true power of the Ooyodo-class." (Ooyodo)

"Hey, can I kill them all?" (Fumizuki)

"Of course, Fumizuki-chan! Now, my fight is starting! Everyone follow me!" (Satsuki)

"Let's put our all into everything!" (Kamikaze)

Suzuya aimed her gun and flight deck towards her target,

"Alrighty then, Zuihou, let's beat them up." (Suzuya)

Zuihou tightened her hachimaki,

"Now, let's show them what we are made off!" (Zuihou)

"The girls who are injured, support each other and retreat back to base."

"Don't worry about us. We can protect ourselves." (Yuubari)

"Go get 'em, everyone." (Fusou)

"Zuihou," (Shouhou)

"Yes?" (Zuihou)

The elder sister gave four of her arrows to the younger one,

"This is all I have left. I'll leave them to you." (Shouhou)

"Yeah! " (Zuihou)

Looks like everyone's fired up. Good!

"Go! We will win this!!"

"Yes!" (All)

The girls split up into their assigned groups and engaged their targets. The girls that retreated to the backline quickly moved out of the way. Abyssal aircraft filled the air as the Abyssal Armoured Demon and Carrier Princess begin their attack. Before the crippled Re-class could get back up, Rensouhou-kun shot its leg off, bringing it down again. It suddenly let out an angry shriek and swished it tail around.

"I won't let you escape!" (Amatsukaze)

"Quintuple Oxygen Torpedoes! Launch~!" (Shimakaze)

Shimakaze and Amatsukaze each launch a salvo of torpedoes. It rolled out of the way and fired a shell out it's tail. The shell whizzed past Ooyodo's head.

"Woah! That was close!" (Ooyodo)

She adjusted her spectacles before firing a salvo of her own

"All guns. Ready, aim, fiiireee~!" (Ooyodo)

The Re-class threw itself to the right to evade the shells, which hit the ocean and created a tower of water. All of sudden, it was engulfed in an explosion. Its tail flew out of the ensuing ball of fire and I think I saw an arm bounce on the water surface.

"I told you I won't let you escape right?" (Amatsukaze)

"Nihihi~! You're so slow!" (Shimakaze)

I didn't see when did those two launch their torpedoes. That's one down! The others are...

The other surviving Re-class flew across the screen and tumbled on the water surface. It struggled to stand back up and wiped the blue blood of its face. Before it could do anything else, smoke bellowed from its left eye socket as Shiratsuyu scored a direct hit. It screamed as it clutch its eye.

"How's that? I will increase my skill level and get a Kai Ni so great it's gonna make Murasame jealous!" (Shirastuyu)

Why is she bringing that up now? It has been a year since her sister had gotten a Kai Ni. I can't believe it has been gnawing at her all this time.

Okay. I will look into getting her a Kai Ni later.

Shiratsuyu continued to skirt around the Re-class, shooting and not giving it any moment to attack. She is making use of it's blind spot to attack it as much as she can. The Re-class is getting increasingly agitated.

"Hey! Don't forget about me!" (Yamashiro)

With the Re-class heavily distracted, Yamashiro rushed in and threw a punch. Her fist smashed straight in the Abyssals face. The blow seems to be strong enough to send the Re-class flying but Yamashiro grabbed it by the collar and smashed her forehead onto it's face. The Re-class appears to be stunned as she staggered and fell backwards. It struggled to get back up but Yamashiro pinned it with her foot.

"Go back to hell!" (Yamashiro)

Yamashiro angled her body so that her remaining guns are pointed at the Re-class's head and started blasting. She only managed to fire five shots before the clicking sound of an empty gun appeared.

"Tch. Shit!" (Yamashiro)

"Yamashiro, it's already dead." (Shiratsuyu)

"Huh?" (Yamashiro)

The smoke around the Re-class's head dissipated, revealing what little of a head was left. Aside from the obvious stump which previously held the rest of its head, I can barely make out a small part of its chin. This is rather gruesome. But awesome at the same time.

Only the Aircraft Carrier Princess and Armoured Carrier Demon left.

"Did you think... you have won? That's cute!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

"You're a noisy one!" (Hiryuu)

Both carriers launched their own wave of bombers and fighters. The two groups of aircraft clashed in mid-air as both sides fought to gain air superiority. A number of Abyssal aircraft burst into flames as Satsuki's Anti-Air fire took them out from below.

"Don't think you can get off so easily!" (Satsuki)

Mikuma quickly repositioned herself and aimed her flight deck upwards,

"Next, the bombardment phase... Mi... Kuma!" (Mikuma)

Her catapult launched three Zuiuns up into the sky and began flying towards the Princess. With no fighters to interfere, courtesy of Satsuki and Hiryuu's fighter squadron, the Zuiuns were able to attack unimpeded. The bombs fell, striking the princess directly and shattering the armour plates by its side.

"Grr...!!!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

"Second attack required. Hurry!" (Hiryuu)

"Leave the AA to me! Concentrate on killing it." (Satsuki)

"I will fight too!" (Fumizuki)

"Thanks. That really helps!" (Hiryuu)

Hiryuu let an arrow fly and it transmuted into a squadron of Suisei Dive Bombers. She quickly nocked another arrow and fired it. This time, it was a squadron of Tenzen Torpedo Bombers that appeared. With Ooyodo's and Yamashiro's team freed up, they will be able to assist the rest.

"Ooyodo, Shimakaze, Amatsukaze, Shiratsuyu, Yamashiro, supply check."

"Ammo, ok. I still have 25 shots left." (Ooyodo)

"5 torpedoes left. Resnshouhou-chan can go for another round." (Shimakaze)

"I have 4 torpedoes left. I only have enough for 6 more shots." (Amatsukaze)

"12 shots and 2 torpedoes." (Shiratsuyu)

"I'm all out. But my machine guns... good. They are still functioning and ready to go." (Yamashiro)

...All right.

"Yamashiro, retreat and regroup with the others. Shimakaze too."

"Ehh~? Why?" (Shimakaze)

"I need you to protect the others in case something bad happens. Since you are the fastest, you will be able to regroup and guard them. Yamashiro will be right behind you."

"Of course! I'm fast after all!" (Shimakaze)

I doubt the injured group would encounter any Abyssals on the way back. But with everything going on, it's better to be safe than sorry. Shimakaze and Yamashiro only took light damages tis round. This is rare for the self-proclaimed unluckiest battleship. Shimakaze can provide the firepower, while Yamashiro gives the armour.

"Ooyodo, assist Hiryuu and Mikuma with the Princess. Shiratsuyu and Amatsukaze, you two help with the Water Demon."

"Roger!" (All)

Shimakaze and Yamashiro moved out of the battlefield while the other three made a beeline for their new targets. Once she was in range, Ooyodo fired a volley at the Aircraft Carrier Princess, hitting it in the face.

"Sink!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

The Aircraft Carrier Princess raised its right arm. Red electricity streaked visibly up its arm and a ring of 16 Abyssal Hell Dive Bombers appeared. It simply pointed at Ooyodo, and like obedient dogs, the bombers made a beeline towards the Light Cruiser. 


"On it!" (Satsuki)

Satsuki moved in to intercept the planes aimed at Ooyodo. Her 25mm Triple Autocannon Concentrated Deployment Mount shredded through six planes of the enemy squadron.


"I know! Attack wave, launch! Go get it!" (Hiryuu)

With the Aircraft Carrier Princess distracted, Hiryuu could use this chance to launch an attack on it. It looks like I didn't even have to tell her that. The carrier launched two squadrons of Suisei Dive Bombers and Tenzen Torpedo Bombers in quick succession. At the same time, there was that all too familiar audible click of an empty gun.

"Oh no! At this timing..." (Satsuki)

There are still 10 enemy bombers in the air!

"Ooyodo, Satsuki, evasiv-"

Too late! The bombs have dropped!

"Defensive action! Brace for impact!"

The two girls covered their heads and tried to make their frame as small as possible. Water splashed high up in the air as the bombs exploded. Thankfully, they were all near-misses.

"That was close... Guys, hurry up and reload!" (Satsuki)

The box magazines on her autocannons popped out of their feed system as her fairies scrambled to reload. They are not out of the woods yet. Only five enemy bombers had dropped their bombs. There are still five in the sky.

Ooyodo and Mikuma fired their guns at the Princess, trying to draw it's attention away from Hiryuu's planes. Two more bombs dropped on the Cruiser-Destroyer duo. Thankfully, it was another near-miss. With her AA gun finally reloaded, Satsuki resumed her AA attack. Three more Abyssal Helldive Bombers... An Anti-Air pro like Satsuki should be able to take them out. 

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

Satsuki managed to take out two more bombers, but the last one was only hit in the wing. It's erratic movement made it difficult for Satsuki to shoot it down properly. It nosedived towards Ooyodo and exploded.

There was a loud scream and Ooyodo's vitals hit the red mark. The right side of her shirt was ripped and burnt off, exposing her lilac bra and a little of her navel. Her panties is covered by what little left of her shredded skirt. Her rigging is torn apart and the cables holding the director-control tower to her flush deck snapped.

"Ooyodo!!!" (Satsuki)

"Ugh! I'm fine! This is not enough to sink me!" (Ooyodo)

Goddamn it! I didn't expect it to do a kamikaze attack!

"Be wrapped in flames...and sink instantly...!" (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

The Carrier Princess raised it's hand once again. It's going to launch another squadron!

"Oh no you don't!" (Mikuma)

Mikuma fired a volley at the Abyssal. What is she doing?! Her shots are a little too high! She will miss!

Suddenly, the Abyssal's hand blew up, forcing it to recoil and scream in pain. A bloodied stump is all that's left. I see. That's why her shots were higher.

"GOOOO!!!!" (Hiryuu)

The two squadron of Bombers dropped their payload. Five bombs made direct contact with it, setting it ablaze and shattering more of its armour. The torpedoes made a beeline towards it, striking its legs and ripping them out in the ensuing explosion. It collapsed onto the surface, unable to move.

"One more! Sink!" (Hiryuu)

Hiryuu fired off another wave of Tenzen Torpedo Bombers. The bombers dropped their torpedoes into the water and like a lance, pierced the Princess. Another huge explosion engulfed it. Smaller explosions continued to spread across its body as it weakly reached out with its other hand, 

"This will repeat…again and again…as long as…you don't…change…." (Aircraft Carrier Princess)

Alright! Only the Armoured Carrier Demon is left. Zuihou, Suzuya, Amatsukaze and Shiratsuyu are still holding up against it. Zuihou and Amatsukaze are still in the green. The other ttwo are lightly damaged, with the vital signs in the yellow area. 

"Satsuki, leave the battlefield with Ooyodo. Kamikaze, you too." 

"Roger!" (Satsuki)

"Eh?" (Kamikaze)

"You are out of ammo already. Stop trying to be a shield and take a hit. Return to base with Ooyodo and Satsuki."

While Hiryuu's group was fighting, I was also observing Zuihou's group. The girls are prioritising defensive and evasive actions. As they were attacking, Kamikaze suddenly stopped her AA duties and went around the other members of the fleet. Whenever the Demon would attack, she would rush to the Abyssals' target and take a defensive stance in front of them, attempting to shield them with her body. It's a miracle she got away with light injuries. 

"See? I already told you not to do such a silly thing and just stay back." (Shiratsuyu)

"But I..." (Kamikaze)

"That's alright, Kamikaze. Stand down and return to base. We can discuss this later if you want."

"Understood..." (Kamikaze)

"I'm sorry, Admiral..." (Ooyodo)

"What are you saying? You did incredibly well. Leave the rest to your friends and come back to base."

"That's right. Leave the rest to us." (Hiryuu)

The three girls left the battlefield. Now, we can focus on the toughest one in that group.

"Hiryuu, how much planes have you got left?"

"After rearming, four Tenzen and Suisei squadrons. Two each. No fighters left though." (Hiryuu)

"I'm out of ammo, but I still have three more torpedoes." (Mikuma)

"Got it. Move in to support the others. Zuihou, do you read me?"

"Haah... Hah... Yes." (Zuihou)

She sounds out of breath...

"Hiryuu and Mogami will be joining the fight. Mogami will provide torpedo support while Hiryuu will help you with the bombing runs."

"That will be great. My aircraft complement is nearly depleted. I only have one Tenzen Squadron left." (Zuihou)

That's not good.

"This is totes bad. I'm out of seaplanes and my gun's gonna be dry." (Suzuya)

"I have one squadron of Tenzens and one squadron of Suiseis with five minutes left till full rearmament. We can hold out till then. How much damage have you done to that monster?" (Hiryuu)

"A fair bit, I think. It's on fire. Two of its main cannons are destroyed. Some fingers on one of the bigger arm is gone. There are holes in it's main hull too." (Zuihou)

"That's not just- Woah!" (Shiratsuyu)

A shell whizzed past Shiratsuyu's head. The Destroyer launched a torpedo at the demon. The torpedo hit the arm with missing fingers, blowing it away. With an entire arm missing, the Demon began to tilt to its right.

-a fair bit, isn't it? Good! A clean hit! Two torpedoes left." (Shiratsuyu)

"Does it have any planes left?"

"I hope not. But it hasn't been launching them for a while now. Just torpedoes and shells." (Suzuya)


What should we do? 


I have a plan, but it puts two of them at risk...

Is there another one?

The girls are running low on ammo. Hiryuu's and Zuihou's aircraft may very well be our only hope to win this. Suzuya can provide a heavier punch but she is running out of ammo soon. Shiratsuyu still has two torpedoes left. 

Ahh! Crap! It's all or nothing now!

"Fumizuki, Amatsukaze, I need you two to draw its fire. Maintain a safe distance and evasive actions while taking pot shots at it. No need to score a direct hit. I just need you to draw aggro for a few minutes."

"Ye-yes!" (Fumizuki)

"Good grief. We are cannon fodder now?" (Amatsukaze)

"Hah! That boiler of yours must be broken for you to become cannon fodder for such an enemy. The two of you are almost as fast as Shimakaze. You can definitely outrun its shots."

"Heh! I was just kidding. If it's just running, that's simple enough. I'm all out of torpedoes, but I have two more shots and my machine guns can still piss it off." (Amtsukaze)

"Now, time to show it a portion of my full strength~" (Fumizuki)

"Shiratsuyu, Mogami, use your last torpedoes to cripple it. I will leave the timing to you." 

"Leave it to me. Wah!" (Mikuma)

Mikuma narrowly dodged an incoming torpedo. 

"All right. You just need to stop it from moving around too much, right? I got you." (Shiratsuyu)

"Smart girl. Suzuya, once it's crippled, take out its remaining guns. If you can, sink it too."

"I can do the first one. The second one... it will be easier for you to ask me to pose for you in a bunny suit. I don't have enough ammo to kill it for you." (Suzuya)

It's good she can still joke at a time like this.

"I will hold you to that then."

"Hehehe~ You perverted Admiral~" (Suzuya)

"Hiryuu, Zuihou, it's up to you to deal the killing blow. Zuihou, once Hiryuu launches the first two squadrons, fire off your last arrow."

"Got it." (Hiryuu)

"Yes!" (Zuihou)

"Alright! Execute!"

"Yes!" (All)

Amatsukaze and Fumizuki charged towards the Armored Carrier Demon. Amatsukaze fired the last two shots left within Renshouhou-kun. The shells impacted the Demon's hull. Aside from making two obviuos 

"Oi! Over here you ugly!" (Amatsukaze)

The Abyssal glared at Amtsukaze and turned towards her.

"Take this too~ Eeiii!" (Fumizuki)

Fumizuki fired her autocannons at the Demon, pelting her in the face with 25×163mm shells. It looks annoyed. The two destroyers charged in opposite directions and ran circles around the Demon. Since one of its arms are missing, its movement is sluggish. The Demon fired at them while moving slowly, only to miss entirely as they evade its attacks with relative ease. All the while, the two girls used their machine guns and autocannons to keep its attention on them.

"Tch... Fools..." (Armored Carrier Demon)

"Haha! It's pissed." (Amatsukaze)

As the Demon is distracted, Shiratsuyu and Mogami moved into position where they can get a clear shot at its other arm.

"Admiral, Shioi here. We have a problem." (Shioi)

I switched the channel while watching the battle,

"What is it?"

"I found the submarine, but I'm not confident of its structural integrity. There is a large hole in the turbine room. Cracks are forming along the hull and it's taking in water." (Shioi)

"That's bad. Is there a way to check if the occupants are alive?"

"Um... I don-" (Shioi) 

"[Кто там?] <Who is there?>" (???)

"Eek! What?" (Shioi)

An unidentified authoritative voice suddenly appeared on the channel. Don't tell me...

"[Почему вдруг появился сигнал? Неважно, вы можете нам помочь. Мы застряли.]" <Why is there a signal all of a sudden? Whatever, can you help us. We are stuck.> (???)

What language is that? Russian? More importantly, our signal got tapped into again...

"Eh? What is she saying? Um?" (Shioi)

"Beats me. I only know Japanese and a little bit of English."

"[Этот язык... Вы из Империи Сакуры?]" <That language... Are you from the Sakura Empire?> (???)

"[Hello, my lovely friends of the Northern Parliament! Commander, I've missed you sooooo much~!]" (Saratoga)

"Тч. Они уже здесь. <Tch. they are here already.> To what do we owe the pleasure, comrades? I do not recall the Northern Parliament requesting aid from the Azur Lane." (???)

Now they are speaking English... Northern Parliament... Never heard that before.

"Erm... What should I do?" (Shioi)

"Just remain on standby."

"[Hmm... I wanted to see my Commander so badly, I just couldn't wait~☆ And besides, these are technically neutral waters, right? With none of these territories belonging to neither of us. Nothing wrong with Sister Sara here passing through, right? Sovetskaya Belorussiya.]" (AL Saratoga)

Yet another name I never heard of before. 

"[Ahaha, of course not, comrade! We were simply doing a bit of sightseeing before bringing the Commander back to port! Would you care to accompany us?]" (NP Sovetskaya Belorussiya)

"[We'd be glad to, but could I ask you to transfer Commander to one of our ships first?]" (AL Saratoga)

"[Now now, let's not be in such a hurry. As much as we would love to, we are stuck on the sea bed.]" (NP ???)

"[What are you talking about?] (AL ???)

More and more people are appearing in our channel...

"[I don't know how, but when we woke up, the submarine is badly damaged. Both the engine room and torpedo room were breached and flooded by the time we woke up. We have sealed and purged the damaged areas but as a result, the power's out. Only the auxiliary power is running.]" (NP ???)

"[I knew it! You are trying to kill our Commander! You damn Russki!]" [AL ???]

"[HUH?! What did you just say, you American pig!]" (NP ???)

"[Enough! Save your fight for later. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!]"

"[Enough! Save it for later. I'm not in the mood for this!]" (Ao)


"Hm? Keita? Is that you?" (Ao)

 "Why is it every time we meet, there is always some kind of trouble happening?" 

"I would like to know the answer as well. Long time no see." (Ao)

"Yeah. It's been a while. More importantly,"

"Yeah. Right. So that is your submarine girl outside. I was worried that the Red Axis or Akagi's faction had found us first. Can you ask your girl to pull us out? We can't get out of here on our own." (Ao)

"Yes! It's crippled!" (Shiratsuyu)

The Armoured Carrier Demons' last arm exploded in a bloody mess. There is also a large amount of smoke coming from behind it. The Demon slowed to a halt. It can't move! Yes!

"Shioi is not strong enough to pull a whole submarine up to the surface. The one call Saratoga is in charge of pulling you out. Shioi will just attach the tether. Which part of this death box is structurally sound?"

"The engine room and the torpedo room are damaged. There should be a latch somewhere on the deck you can attach the tether to. That way, the journey upwards won't be gruelling for us." (Ao)


"I'm looking for it. Ah. Here. Okay. Tether is attached." (Shioi)

"Alright. The rest of you, come down join Shioi. I want you to escort it and make sure it doesn't fall apart during the retrieval process."

"Okie~ Iku's coming." (Iku)

"[Lady Saratoga, please start pulling.] (Al Sheffield)

While they do that, let's refocus on the main battle that is happening.

"Uryah!" (Suzuya)

Suzuya fired two shots at the Abyssals' cannons attached to its' maw. One of them blew apart on impact while the other shattered its teeth, or whatever those things are.

"Ugh! Gross!" (Suzuya)

"Don't worry. You can still disarm it."

"I only got three shells left. Whoops! You're an energetic one~" (Suzuya)

Using it's remaining cannons, it fired at Suzuya. The shells missed their target entirely, but it was still close enough for her to take evasive manoeuvres.

"Aim for the one on its back. It can't move fast enough without its huge-ass arms."

Alrighty~ One serving of backshot, coming right up!" (Suzuya)

"Hiryuu, talk to me."

"Three... Two... One! Two squadrons are ready to deploy! 2 minutes left till rearmament of the third one is complete." (Hiryuu)

"Aaah~ my spirit's dropping... I managed to got one, but my last two shots ricodhets of its back. This is seriously pissing me off!" (Suzuya)

"It's okay. That's enough. Get out of its attack range now. Hiryuu, launch them!"

"Alright! Tomonaga Squadron, I'm counting on you!" (Hiryuu)

Hiryuu launch two squadrons in rapid succession. The planes charged towards the severely damaged Armoured Carrier Demon. It fired off its remaining cannons at the planes, attempting to shoot them down. Being already unstable and weakened, it wasn't able to hit any of them. 

"I won't... be defeated...again!.." (Armored Carrier Demon)

Its ghastly voice accompanied the sound of the explosion created by Hiryuu's bombs. Shit! It's still alive?! Just die already!

"Even if they are few, they are the elite." (Zuihou)

Zuihou let loose her final arrow. The arrow burst into flames and six Tenzen Torpedo Bombers flew from the blaze. The aircraft split up and flew in separate directions. One pair flew straight towards the Abyssal while the other two approached from both sides.

"Sink!" (Armoured Carrier Demon)

The Abyssal fired one final volley at the two Carriers. That was definitely its last attempt to take out the girls. Its final act of defiance. The shells over their heads and into the water far behind them.

"Goooo!" (Zuihou)

Zuihou's Tenzens threw their torpedoes into the water. Like wolves surrounding and hunting down their prey, the Type 91 torpedoes charged towards the Abyssal. I watched as the Abyssal is once again enveloped in a huge explosion. This time, multiple smaller explosions can be seen as well. It's going down!

"This... can't be... for me to..." (Armoured Carrier Demon)

The smaller explosions tore it apart as slowly descended to the bottom of the ocean. With the final target gone, the overcast sky begin to clear.

...They won...


I jumped up and threw my fist into the air.

"Finally..." (Amatsukaze)

"WE WON!" (Suzuya)

"WE DID IT" (Shiratsuyu)

"How was that?! Were you watching, Tamon-maru?" (Hiryuu)

"I'm tired~" (Fumizuki)

"Phew. I was worried for a moment there." (Mikuma)

"Awesome! Victory!" (Zuihou)

"Everyone, that was awesome! Brilliant work!" 

"Fufu~ Of course. We are the best. Right, Zuihou?" (Hiryuu)

Hiryuu wrapped an arm around the smaller girl's shoulder.

"Yeah." (Zuihou)

"Return to base. You all deserve a long bath and a long rest."

And a choice of any dessert from Mamiya's shop. But lets tell them that later. 

"Yes!" (All)

"I'll see you back at home base. Keita out."

I turned off the channel. Now, let's check on Shioi.

"That was a intense fight." (Hashimoto-san)

"Woah! You surprised me!"

I forgot she was here!

"Sorry." (Hashimoto)

"No. That was on me. I'm still a little on edge."

"Are all battles like this?" (Hashimoto-san)

"This is one of the more intense ones. It's almost on the same level as large-scale operations. Although, for inexperienced rookies like you, even a small battle with an I-class would be intense."

"We can change the fleet composition and formation during sorties?" (Hashimoto-san)

"No no no. This was one of the rare special cases. Usually you have to make do with what you have. This time, I had the manpower and the situation called for it. Knowing how and when to reorganize the line can mean a difference between life and death for the shipgirls. Having the girls retreat individually is also keeps them alive to fight another day."

"Will we lear-" (Hashimoto-san)

A loud growling noise filled the Command Centre. Was that me? 

Hashimoto wrapped her hands around her belly. Her ears are a little red.

"The mess hall should be closed by now. but Mamiya's store is still open."

"Doesn't Mamiya-san just sell dessert?"

"Nope. She makes some pretty mean curry rice." 

"..." (Hashimoto-san)

"I will answer any questions you have after Monday's classes. Go get something to eat."

"Y-yes. Excuse me." (Hashimoto-san)

Hashimoto-san did a salute and left the Command Centre. As soon as she closed the door, I slumped into the chair.

"Haaahhh~ That was tiring..."

My legs and head hurts... My shirt feels wet, especially my back.

Ah. I almost forgot.

"Shioi, report in."

"Mm. Shioi here. The submarine is almost reaching the surface." (Shioi)

"So slow~" (Ro) 

"We can't help it. The sub is in such a bad condition dechi." (Goya)

"Did something happen?"

"The front hull suddenly broke off midway up to the surface." (Hachi)

"We are alright. Like I said, we sealed off that entire portion of the sub. The shaking was too intense for my liking though." (Ao)

"[Sheffield, what is the situation up there?]" 

"Japanese is fine, Admiral Keita-sama. We have cleared all of the enemies in the area. Currently, all units are holding position and maintaining vigilance." (AL Sheffield)

"Thanks. You just did my job for me."

"It's an honour to help." (Sheffield) 

"So, Ao, how did you end up in the bottom of the ocean?"

"Oh, y'know. The usual. Northern Parliament Kansen request my help. I respond. We take a submarine to some place called the Arcana Sanctum, a Mirror Sea under the ocean. From there on... I can't remember. I think we were fighting something and I remember seeing some kind city that was on fire. That's it. The next thing I knew, the submarine on the seabed, badly damaged, and there is a box of files beside me." (Ao)

"Your stories are way more interesting than mine."

"Trust me. You don't want to be in my shoes. I am getting really confused about everything now." (Ao)

"So, anything interesting in the box?"

"There is this thick one titled 'Project Dawn'. I will read it later. Aside from this 'Project Dawn' thing, we found a quite a lot of other interesting intel as well. Apparently, there is a whole other world with Kanmusu and Kansen, similar to this one." (Ao)

"So, it's exactly the same as ours?"

Why am I not surprised? If Ao came from another world, it would make sense that there are other universes as well. Although, you guys kind of just dropped in all of a sudden one day.

"Not exactly. That world is designated as 'Test Site Epsilon'. In that world, instead of being built, the Kansen and Kanmusu are summoned. The Sirens there seemed to have decided to simply observe and not interfere, unlike what they are doing here. The main enemies there are the Abyssals, who formed an empire, and some kind of ancient lifeform dubbed the 'Neuroi' who were released by the Abyssals. In response to the latter threat, a number of fairies took on a humanoid form and gained magical abilities. These fairies were called Witches and gained the ability to fly through the use of something called 'Striker Units', which is a set of equipment attached to their legs." (Ao)


"There was a space-time anomaly, which affected a certain shipgirl, Essex-class USS Iwo Jima, CV-46. It granted her the same ability as the Witches and she can switch between forms depending on her current equipment loadout." (Ao)

"That's interesting. Somehow, the thing about the witches remind me of that anime that came out more than a decade ago. I think there was a new one in that series that recently came out as well."

I have never heard of a ship called USS Iwo Jima though. 

"That world is one of the more interesting ones out the batch here, but the file is incomplete. The last entry here states that they were preparing for an all-out attack against the Abyssal Empire. It doesn't say what was the outcome." (Ao)

"You stole it before they could update it."

"Hah! Maybe so." (Ao)

"We are approaching the surface." (Shioi)

"Finally. Anyway, I will talk to you later. Or maybe some other time when things calm down a bit. Something tells me these two groups are going to fight once they meet each other. I better make sure that doesn't happen." (Ao)

"Okay. You go and do that. I will disengage my girls and tell them to come home. Let's meet up for a drink some time." 

"Good idea. I could use a vacation. I will contact you." (Ao)

"That's a promise. Keita out."

"Ao, signing off." (Ao)

"Everyone, good work. Mission's over. Come on home."

"Understood. Everyone, let's go home." (Shioi)

"Okay~" (Ro)

"I wanted to fight some Abyssals." (Iku)

"That wasn't the point of this mission. Though, a surveillance mission turning into a escort one is a weird change." (Imuya)

"It's not that weird." (Hachi)

"Nah. It is weird. I didn't expect Azur Lane's intervention, nor the fact that their Commander was stuck at the bottom of the ocean. Anyhow, I will see you girls back home. Keita out."

"Yes!" (All) 

I shut off the monitor and console. Some of the girls from the Rabun Island mission should be back by now and in the docks. I will check on them later. Right now, I'm starving.

I shut off the lights and locked the Command Centre. Once I was in my office, I turned on the kettle to boil myself some water. I opened my cabinet, where I kept some Ni*sin Cup Noodles.

"What flavour should I have today~ Beef sounds good."

I tore and threw the plastic wrapping away. Having cup noodles once in a while is good. The switch on the kettle turned off on it's own after a short while. I went through the motion of opening it, pouring the seasoning, pour in the how water, close the lid and placing my chopsticks to keep it close. Now, just have to wait a little bit.

I will have to write a battle report later, but I can push it to tomorrow. Or maybe on Monday. It's the weekend. I just want to relax a little.

I still need settle my issue with Zuihou... Should I continue to hide our relationship or let everyone know?

The noodles... are done. I make myself some tea before I begin devouring my meal. While eating, I played a little bit of F*O. I haven't been farming materials or doing the daily quests for a while now, only logging in to collect my daily check-in rewards. Once I'm done with my noodles and with my daily in-game quests, I stared at the door. Actually, it doesn't have to be the door. I just need to look at something while I think.

"Hm... What should I do?"

I can hear loud footsteps outside...

The door suddenly slammed opened,

"Admiral!" (Amatsukaze)

"Oh. You girls are back already."

I sipped my tea.

"Yes. Wait, that's not important right now. Zuihou, she suddenly collapsed!" (Amatsukaze)

The cup I was holding fell onto the ground with a thud. 


next chapter
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