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67.08% One Piece: Reborn as a D / Chapter 50: Chapter 47: Loguetown (1)

Bab 50: Chapter 47: Loguetown (1)

(3rd Person: POV)

[Rean, Wesiz, and Reiju Group]

As the group of three Thanatos Pirates explored Loguetown they did so at a leisurely pace.

They visited several shops together that each of them took an interest in, and then eventually found a nice restaurant to have lunch at.

As the three of them were seating and enjoying their food Weisz leaned back in his chair, a small smile on his face as he did so.

"Just think guys, by this time tomorrow we'll be in the Grand Line. The greatest sea in the entire world." Weisz spoke. "A place where the most beautiful women reside. And where I will conquer them all."

As Weisz got a slightly perverted grin on his face as his mind entered the gutter Reiju ignored him and continued eating, while Rean gave him a glare.

"Weisz, we are in public." Rean spoke. "Keep those thoughts to yourself unless you are in private."

"Oh come on Rean, no need to be so stiff." Weisz replied. "Then again as a cherry boy I understand why you're so uncomfortable."

"Hey, I'm not a virgin!" Rean shouted.

But as he did so the people seated around his group started looking at him.

Getting a small blush on his face Rean sunk down into his chair, trying and failing to make himself invisible.

Seeing this Weisz smirked at him.

Rean shot him a dirty look in return, but the blonde shipwright ignored it.

Grumbling Rean sat back up in his chair.

A few seconds after he did so Weisz put a serious expression on his face. "So all jokes aside, do you guys think we are ready? I mean this is the Grand Line we are talking about."

"If I am being honest I am not entirely sure." Rean replied. "But then again is anyone ever truly ready to sail the Grand Line?"

Rean had heard many tales about that sea during his travels with his master and Anelace, and while he was sure some of them were complete works of ficiton, he was also sure others were entirely true.

The problem is Rean sometimes couldn't differentiate between the two and that's what made him nervous about venturing into the same sea those stories originated from.

"I guess that's true." Weisz said.

"Well honestly I think you two are worrying too much." Reiju spoke.

"That's easy for you to say Ms. superhuman." Weisz retorted. "Unlike you the rest of us don't have some crazy genetics to fall back on." He said.

Since Reiju had told the entire crew a while ago during their time in South Blue that her father had modified her in the womb, giving her all the abilities she currently possessed.

"No, but you do have devil fruit powers don't you Weisz." Reiju retorted. "Not to mention all the training from the captain."

Unable to retort Weisz simply grumbled.

"Yes, that's what I thought." Reiju spoke. Putting a triumphant smirk on her face as she did so. "Now then as I was saying, you two are worrying over nothing. If the captain didn't think we were ready there is no way he would ever take us into the Grand Line."

"Yeah, that's true." Rean replied.

Weisz nodded. "Roberts is crazy, but not that crazy." He added.

All three members of the Thanatos Pirates believed in their captain. They knew that despite his personality he would never gamble with their lives and put them first among everything. Even is own.

"See, like I said there is no need to worry." Reiju spoke once more. "We've got the captain and each other. That's more than enough to survive anything that comes our way."

Rean and Weisz nodded their heads in agreement at Reiju's words.

"Now enough of that, time for some dessert." Reiju spoke. She then looked in the waiters direction. "Waiter, we're ready to order again." She said.

Licking her lips as she did so.

Since Reiju apparently has a massive sweet tooth.

After the waiter arrived Reiju quickly ordered dessert.

Several in fact.

Once she was finished the waiter went and put the order in, and then several minutes later all the desserts were delivered to the trio's table.

While Weisz and Rean each only got one, Reiju got ten.

Looking at their pink-haired crewmate devour the assortment of cakes in front of her Rean and Weisz could only put wry smiles on their faces.

"Mhm, so good." Reiju mused. Finishing off another piece of cake. Then immediately starting on another one.

"Hey Reiju, maybe you should slow down a bit. You don't want to get...you know." Rean spoke.

Avoiding using the F word. Since he knew using such a word around a woman was basically courting death.

"It's fine. You can say fat." Reiju replied. "And I won't. Not with how hard the captain's training is. Besides if I did put on any extra weight I'm sure Roberts wouldn't mind helping me work it off with some one-on-one training." She said.

Reiju licking her lips as she did so.

Seeing this Rean decided to ask a question that had been on his mind for a while.

"Hey Reiju, do you like Roberts?" He asked.

"Oi, shut up!" Weisz hissed. "Do you want Alfia to appear?!" He said.

Since everyone at the table knew just how dangerous Alfia became when another woman tried to come onto Roberts.

She would get a hollow look in her eyes, and pull out one of her many hidden daggers. As well as start leaking murderous intent.

It's a wonder to each of them that no woman had ended up dead yet.

"Well I can't say I dislike him, but if you're asking if I want something more then...you'll have to wait and see." Reiju said. Licking the fork in her left hand in a rather sensual manner as she did so.

Seeing this Rean had the answer to his question as did Weisz.

Both of whom were silently praying the Black Pearl didn't become the sight of a grizzly murder in the future.

Though given Reiju's personality that is looking like a real possibility.

Suddenly Weisz and Rean weren't so worried about entering the Grand Line anymore.

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