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56.52% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 65: The sun rises again more radiant

Bab 65: The sun rises again more radiant

After a long night the dawn sun rose again on the horizon

Its warm orange rays began to illuminate the entire sky and almost as if it were a physical law the little birds woke up before anyone else to announce the beginning of a new day to the rest of living beings with their cheerful songs.


Or so it would have been if they hadn't fled frightened by Fred's shrill snoring!

Even so, when the sun's rays fell on his tired eyes, the sleepy Fred had no choice but to wake up.


When he opened his eyes, not seeing Broly and therefore realizing that he had survived, many things went through his mind. Where he was, the state of his injuries, how long had it been since he passed out... however, those basic concerns faded to the background when he realized something

"Oh... the horse that I summoned... or created… or transformed? Is still here!

It seems that the effects of my Akuma No Mi don't disappear when I lose consciousness...


If I stayed where I passed out the flames could have consumed me if the fire spread..." Fred said to himself, still not getting up as he looked at the horse he summoned with his Akuma No Mi grazing peacefully a few meters away.

It wasn't so surprising that this information dominated his thoughts right now despite having so many worries in mind

Knowing if the transformation ability lasted after fainting was one of the biggest doubts that Fred had about his new ability, an doubt that was quickly resolved with the best result he could hope for.

Many fruits, especially those that have the ability to transform things into others, lose their effect when the user dies or faints like Giolla's Ato Ato no Mi or Subar's Hobi Hobi no Mi

However, his seemed to not have this weakness.

This detail catapulted the value of his fruit very high, into a territory similar to Trafalgar Law's Ope Ope No Mi... or Strausen's Kuku Kuku no Mi... whose effects were permanent until the user wished to reverse them.

These were very good news...


However, this good news weren't good enough to make him forget about his fractured right arm despite tolerating pain very well thanks to his masochistic training

Before passing out, with the little energy he had left, Fred only closed his most serious wounds to avoid bleeding to death, but was unable to attend to other injuries that weren't immediately life threatening

However, now he had time and energy to spare…

"Well, I guess it's time for another quick painful surgery..." Fred said to himself as he grabbed his combat knife, tied a tourniquet on his arm with his hair and...


He cut his arm, grabbed the amputated arm, with his power transformed it into a captus thorn, nailed it to the amputated part and... slowly it transformed again into a healthy arm, adhering to the rest of the body as if it had never been cut

"Brand new!" Fred said to himself... or maybe to the horse that was looking at him in astonishment... as he moved his new arm up and down. He had no problem moving it, but still felt the pain of the amputation and repositioning.

In addition, seeing how his new ability had saved the day and two of his arms greatly eased the pain and made Fred smile widely. He didn't regret at all his drastic and risky decision.

"It's not a powerful Lodgia as I would have liked to easily get out of that situation, but...

This's not bad... not bad...

Yes, it's not a fruit with extremely direct applications in combat like the Gura Gura No Mi or the Zushi Zushi No MI but...

It's extremely versatile, useful and has great development potential!

Someone with a some brain like me will put it to good use." Fred said to the horse as he turned the dirt around him into fruit for their breakfast

Just as the late Lerna suspected, the Akuma No Mi that Fred stole from him had... in broad strokes...the power to turn non-living things into living things.

Although with certain conditions that Fred still had to explore further, the non-living things impregnated by the green light that Fred was able to generate could be transformed at any time he wanted into living things like the animals and plants that Fred had ever seen.

And he couldn't only create fully living creatures, but individualized parts of those creatures! Like the apples that grew from an apple orchard, the oil contained in plants and animals, the spikes that covered cacti and even parts of his own body.

Any living being or part of any living being could be created with his ability in exchange for transforming something that wasn't alive, a transformation that could be reversed as well

A somewhat curious power which closely resembled to...

"Who would have thought that in the One Piece world I would get similar powers to Gold Experience, my favorite Stand from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

How should I call this fruit? Life Life No Mi?

Is it registered in the Akuma No Mi book that I can never obtain?" Fred said while performing Jojo poses, something that forced the horse to look away for being unable to bear that embarrassment

That's right...

There were many similarities between the powers Fred had obtained and those of the Stand of Giorno Giovana, the bastard son of the vampire head Dio Brando, the body of the british noble gentleman Jonathan Josestar and a Japanese whore who got pregnant in Egypt and then moved to Italy

However, there were also differences...

The most notable and advantageous for our protagonist is that Fred could activate his powers using the green light that could be generated from any part of his body and could then be scattered in his surroundings… while Giorno could only transform the things that his hands or his Stand hands touched...

Although in exchange for this advantage he obtained several negative points in compensation...

As far as Fred had been able to experience, the damage that was done to his creations wasn't redirected towards his attacker, although this power of Gold Experience seemed to be forgotten after a few chapters for being too OP

Nor could he accelerate the mental processes of the people he hit, accelerate the growth of other already living beings, resurrect living bodies in a half/state living being... other incredible abilities that Araki forgot after a few chapters... or detect living beings around him, although he could perceive the things he transformed or that he infused with his ability if they were close enough

In general he could only transform non-living things into living things. A somewhat complex and difficult power to exploit for a novice, however Fred was able to apply it very well knowing in combat thanks to his Jojo's knowledge and...

Many other factors began to worry Fred...

"Mmmm… too convenient…

Find an Akuma No Mi for the first time…

Obtain it after so many risks and sacrifices…

Obtaining one of my favorite fictional powers… that are very related to the knowledge that I have acquired in this life.

And not only that, it complements very well with my ability to talk to animals, my Pact Magic, my natural charisma...

Is this just a coincidence? Is it the work of that Dragon Ball God fan of Jojo that he brought me here who wants make his Isekay movie more interesting giving a power-up?

Or am I just having the legendary luck of the main character..." Said Fred, impressing, confusing and scaring the horse with his great paranoia

Despite obtaining some pretty significant power-ups, this didn't make him forget that he almost lost his life several times tonight. Fred had always been pessimistic and paranoid by nature, so he used to put himself in the worst possible scenario and act accordingly... something he hadn't done for being blinded by greed tonight and almost cost him his life... and this situation was no different.

'No, no… this has only been a coincidence… but a lot of coincidences together are usually never a coincidence.'

Instead of rejoicing at the thought that he had been very lucky Fred was terrified to think that a superior power could be manipulating his life right now without even realizing. Nothing ruled out that the same god who brought him into this world was manipulating absolutely everything to make his stupid Isekai Movie to his liking

A terrifying possibility that almost took away his appetite


It's no use thinking about things that I can never do anything about.

Now I have to worry about getting out of this place before that buyer arrives.

I've had enough surprises and fights to the death for now...

..." Fred said to the horse one last time before turning him back into ground and looking at the mess around him. "Let's see what I can recover before I go

And how do I get out of here?



Yeah, great idea..."


A day later on the same island

A ship docked on the main beach near the wreckage of the destroyed ships and from that very beach, even before disembarking, its crew could clearly see the ravages of the battle.

Only on that beach stained red by dried blood there were hundreds of corpses being devoured by seagulls and when they entered the interior of the island the landscape didn't improve at all.

There were even more corpses on the ground and the forest was completely burned, as was the building where he had agreed to meet with Lerna to buy his Akuma No Mi.

"It looks like there was a real war here...

Nothing has been left standing on this island…" Capone Bege said as he stared bitterly at the remains of the meeting point

That's right!

The mysterious buyer was Capone Bege, who thirteen years in the future would become the captain of the Fire Tank Pirates and would be considered as one of the member of the Worst Generation along with Luffy.

However, now the 27-year-old Capone Bege wasn't a pirate, but an ambitious gangster who despite his age, after murdering many rivals, doing many dirty deals, winning many [favors] from influential people and his Akuma No Mi he was able to carve out a position among the Five Families of the West, the five enormous mafias that control almost all Underworld operations in the West Blue.

And now... very surely he had lost the opportunity to make a good deal...


I think you have to see this…"

And that probability became a certainty when one of his subordinates led him to a certain part of the island plagued with decapitated identical heads and among all those heads a human body mutilated from within by trees that grew from its inside with the same head that was all over the floor attached to it

"Finally we see each other's faces Lerna [The Hydra]... although not as I would have wanted

Unfortunately... " Capone Bege said while he looked at the lifeless face of the one who was going to be his client

One of the reasons why Bege decided to make a deal with Faust instead of killing him and stealing the Akuma No Mi from him was precisely because he revealed his true identity and intentions. It was too risky to face this guy for such an uncertain reward as an unknown Akuma No Mi, especially considering that he wouldn't become a competition within West Blue, since his goal was to disappear from the map with his help.

But now he couldn't keep his word and not betray those he had associated with, something unusual for him...

"Shall we seek the Akuma No Mi, my lord?" Asked one of his subordinates, somewhat worried about his boss's possible bad mood

Evidently Capone Bege was in a very bad mood, but he was still able to think clearly, although also quite negatively "I don't think we'll find anything here, but it's never wrong to be cautious and somewhat optimistic

Search even under the stones, not just for the Akuma No Mi, find any clue you can…"

This was quite an unexpected and depressing situation for Bege. He knew that Lerna was besieged by multiple pirate gangs, but he had reason to believe that he would get out of this situation alive and even prevent his Akuma No Mi from being stolen.

He didn't know exactly what had happened here, who had killed him or the whereabouts of the Akuma No Mi for which he was willing to pay a fortune, but if the person who had killed Lerna was smart enough to run away from here and not be found, he would have taken the Akuma No Mi as well.

Just thinking about the multiple possibilities… each one worse than the last… made Capone Bege exponentially angry 'I really don't think we'll find anything here...

If Lerna buried the frut and no one found it, surely it has succumbed to the fire...

If someone got it and ate it my business is gone

If someone got it and hasn't contacted me, it's because he have another buyer or because he knew I'll kill him...

Either way, it will be a headache to find the Akuma No Mi or the son of a bitch who ruined my business...'


A fury that almost exploded when he received a call in his Den Den Mushi


Just in time…" Capone Bege said with incredible dissatisfaction as he tried to appease his bad mood before taking that business call.


And when he finally gave way to the call, the first thing he heard was an unpleasant distorted male voice greeting him "Hello [Father]...

Are you having a good day?"

"Get straight to the point [Mr Nobody]

What do you want?" Answered Capone Bege, who wasn't in the mood to listen or give false formalities.

A somewhat rude attitude that didn't bother Mr Nobody too much, he also hated these unnecessary social interactions "It has reached my ears that in your seas there has been a battle between pirates to gain control of an Akuma No Mi

Is that Akuma No Mi one of the two that were in our deal?"

"We had only agreed on one!

The other one I told you about wasn't even in the negotiation phase!

I only mentioned that I might get another one before the meeting!" Capone Bege protested upon hearing that one of the greatest powers in the West Blue underworld, aside from the Five Families, was implying that he wasn't honoring a deal.

It wasn't unexpected that Mr Nobody had obtained information about the raid against Damian [Iron Mask], after all he received it too. What made Bege uneasy was that his partner, supplier, client and possible future enemy would have related this event with their deal and that by a simple conjecture... quite accurate... he would have called him. It was something that made him feel controlled, insulted and questioned, things Bege hated in excess.

"And that's your Akuma No Mi?" Asked Mr Nobody again leaving out the details of their agreement, which unfortunately were the ones Bege had mentioned.



That's right..." Capone Bege responded very reluctantly

A regret that Mr Nobody could perceive even through the Den Den Mushi "I sense from your tone that there's not very good news regarding that Akuma No Mi that I would loke to buy from you..."

"Nothing is certain yet, but don't count on her for the moment" Capone Bege replied with frustration as he watched how his men searched the entire island without finding anything "But the deal is still on, the one we agreed on is in a safe place

You will have it in your hands in three weeks along with the rest of the merchandise

As usual"

"I hope so [Father]...

Our friendship depends on this transaction

I won't be able to protect you for a long time if there's no trust between us" Mr Nobody said in a threatening way with his distorted voice, emphasizing who was in control in this business relationship



A threat that didn't sit well with Capone Bege, who tried to express his dissatisfaction in the most cordial way he could "By the way, when can we see each other?

It's not normal that [good friends] like us haven't seen each other before in person."

"Don't push your luck... Bege..." Mr Nobody answered even more threateningly before ending the call

A very hostile call that made the search activities of Bege's men stop short, who felt how cold sweat ran down their backs when they saw the terrifying face of their boss, who was now looking at them.

"What are you looking at?

HURRY UP!" Capone Bege yelled as he shot near the feet of his subordinates to motivate them as he shot in his mind some individuals whose face he didn't know yet 'I'll kill you...

I swear I will find out who you are and end your life, slowly and painfully...



West Blue, Mastarc City

Just outside the 80th Branch Marine Base...

"Lieutenant Commander Francis! Lieutenant Commander Francis!

Is it true that the famous bounty hunter Frederick Freed the [Demon Hunter] has trapped the [Iron Fist] and [Wooden Leg] pirate gangs in a single night?!

Please! Answer my question!"

"Lieutenant Commander Francis!

Is your relationship with the famous [Dark Mind] as bad as some marines say or are they just baseless rumors?"

As always the news about Frederick Freed's last feat thanks to the leaks from the rescued victims and from marines who didn't know how to be silent... and as almost always happened, the reporters surrounded the doors of the 80th Branch Marine Base waiting for an officer to come out to corroborate this news.

And fortunately they didn't have to wait for anyone to come out, as they found the beloved Lieutenant Commander Francis together with some of his subordinates returning to the Marine Bse, who had momentarily left during working hours to have an Irish coffee... but without coffee...

"LISTEN EVERYONE!" Francis shouted in a very bad mood upon hearing the name of his archenemy, pushing away the reporters who surrounded him "I am not going to answer any questions related to that bas... with Frederick Freed

If you want to know about him ask him directly!

I can only speak for myself and for the Navy base to which I belong, nothing else!"


A message that was loud and clear, so the reporters continued to ask questions of lesser interest and at the same time difficult to publish...

"Lieutenant Commander Francis!

What are you and your men doing outside the base at this hour and smelling of alcohol?

Can we take for granted the rumor about the lack of professionalism of many of the soldiers of the 80 base compared to the 81?"

"Lieutenant Commander Francis!

There have been some reports that your interventions in many operations have been somewhat questionable.

Are you willing to clarify these doubts?"


Questions that Francis would obviously answer after thinking about them properly

"Ok, I don't accept any questions...

Goodbye..." Replied Francis, who quickly tried to dodge the bulge, just as his lawyer advised him

But it wouldn't be that easy...

"But Lieutenant Commander Francis!

What do you think about the fact that a fifteen-year-old boy is able to catch more pirate gangs in a year than the entire Branch 80 Marine Base put together?

"A few months ago you said that…"

Reporters had surrounded him and he couldn't easily get to his work station before his boss noticed his absence. Obviously he could use force to break through, but hitting journalists could give him a very bad image, a worse one than the one he already had because [someone] was always discrediting him in front of the press whenever he got the chance

He really needed help right now!


And that help came from the most unexpected place and the most unexpected person.

"What the?" The reporters and marines yelled when they heard that human voice that seemed to come from such an unlikely place as the sky

Everyone raised their heads to see if they had gone crazy or not... and didn't take them long to realize that even though all seemed crazy it was very real.

"It's a bird?"

Yes, it's a bird, a giant bird!"

A giant seagull of around ten meters descended towards them, and on top of that seagull was...

"And on top of that is Frederick Freed!"

"Wow! His title of [Beast Tamer] is more than deserved"

There was the triumphant Frederick Freed, with a sack on his right shoulder and on his left shoulder his faithful falcon Captain McNugget!

After stepping out of their bioplane, they were quickly surrounded by the press as the seagull took to the skies towards the sea.

"Frederick Freed! Frederick Freed!

Are you here to claim the reward of the [Iron Fist] and [Wooden Leg] pirates?"

"How did you manage to take down both gangs in one night?"

"It's true that..."

The press ignored Francis as if he didn't exist and focused absolutely all their attention on Fred, the person they had come looking for from the beginning. All of them knew very well that Fred was always very kind to the press and answered all the questions they asked him one by one... although unfortunately today wasn't the best day for it...

"Guys, girls... I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but seriously...

I'm exhausted and I would like to finish bureaucracy and rest a bit...

If you don't mind, could we leave this for tomorrow here at the same hour?

I will gladly answer what you ask me" Fred said heartily apologizing as he emphasized how dirty and bloody he was. Show that he had had a very long and complicated night that had completely burned the almost unlimited resistance of the golden boy

Due to the generous offer that Fred gave them, the reporters were sympathetic and stopped surrounding him to force him to give them a statement to fill out his newspaper, even so...


What a pity..."

Even so, they couldn't hide their disappointment to see how for the first time Fred would leave without giving them something today

Or so they thought!

"But I don't want you to leave empty-handed either, so here's the scoop!

I didn't just defeat the [Iron Fist] and [Wooden Leg] pirates in one night!

The next night, while others were drinking in nightclubs just like a few minutes ago…" Fred said while winking at Francis, to immediately declare "I single-handedly beat the [Stabbers], [Guns and Flames], [Rapid Fist], [Crimson Scythe], [Joyous troublers] and [Iron Mask] pirates!"

And to reinforce his presentation, he showed the decapitated heads of the pirates he had declared to kill that had stored in the sack.. many of which were created with his Akuma No Mi, since they were charred in the fire...

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!" Everyone screamed in shock, including reporters, marines, and even people passing by upon hearing and seeing Fred showcase

Even a layman knew how difficult it was to catch so many fo these big fishes in these seas in so few days, so it was no wonder that everyone's eyes were bugging out.

However, Fred saved the best for last...

"Thch, thch thch...

Impressive right?

But the most impressive of all is that Damian's [Iron Mask]'s true identity was...

Lerna [The Hydra] with a bounty of 313 million berries." Fred yelled once more, this time holding up Lerna's head with one hand, the iron mask he retrieved from the lair with the other, and both reward posters with his hair.

Thus provoking a reaction several times higher than the previous one...


It was so shocking that some reporters dropped their notebooks on the floor, some Marines dropped the rifle with which they were standing guard and Fracis in particular dropped his jaw and self-esteem through the floor.

And that was the perfect moment Fred had been waiting for to hit him emotionally again. "Hey Francis the alcoholic!

Since the same person had a reward as Damian and another as Lerna…

Will you give me the sum of both rewards or just the one from Lerna?"

"I will do everything in my power so that you only get Damian's reward…" Francis responded showing visceral hatred and a tendency to abuse of his power that some Den Den Mushi cameras captured

A sweet anger-produced mistake that Fred was willing to capitalize on to harm his hated archenemy...

"Lieutenant Commander Francis, you shouldn't make such jokes…

Much less in front of the press..."

However, fortunately for Francis...

"Grrjjj... y ahora él..."

Even if he didn't appreciate it, his co-worker but also archenemy Lieutenant Commander Lex arrived at the right time to stop Fred from using his dirty ploys to smear, even if it was only indirectly the institution both belonged

"Hey Lex!

Is the offer from last time still on?

I bring dinner!" Said Fred, who quickly put aside his dark plan to ask for temporary asylum now that his mobile home had been destroyed.

"Yeah, sure, why not..." Lex replied, glad to see him in one piece again.

"GREEATTT!!!! FRED-NICHAN IS COMING TO DINNER AT MY HOUSE TODAY!" Clark said happily, that this time he had officially come to his father's work. And immediately afterwards he turned to his friends, who had also come to visit the family "¿Do you want to come Alex?"


I WANT TO HEAR HIS STORIES!!!" Shouted Alex, an elementary school boy who, like Clark, was a super fan of Fred "¿Can I go mom!?

Please, please, please!"


Today your grandparents are coming to dinner" Said Capian Zola to her little son, emotionally tired of making him understand that a bounty hunter like Fred wasn't an example to follow, unlike the Marines like herself "Now let's go before he sees me and..."

"OH MY! Is Captain Zola, my favourite sugar mommy!

I have come for more of your pocket money!!" Shouted Fred, who unconscious… no, totally consciously unleashing the storm from which Zola had wanted to flee.

A storm of paparazzi that didn't take a second to surround her!







"HOW BIG IS HIS PENIS? Our young and not so young female… and not so female… readers are interested in that detail!"

And before that scaling amalgam of embarrassing misunderstandings, the solemn, serious and correct Captain Zola…



Burst into fury! She would have actually rushed to kill Fred in front of the reporters and her son if not for the entire Marine base doing everything they could to stop her.

And meanwhile Fred


Who's hungry?"

Was enjoying the chaos he had created while eating freshly created tangerines with his two little admirers and hawk


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Meralman Meralman

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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