Again another wall disappeared behind Fred and again the world went in slow motion in the minds of the remaining godfathers, since again they saw something as shocking as before
Much more shocking!
Now behind their [guilty] sons and grandsons they could see their [innocent] wives, sisters, daughters, granddaughters and grandsons too!
'No... way...'
The godfathers never thought Fred would have killed them and of course and was reasonable that they were here, in the same building where they were being held. The godfathers expected that at some point Fred would bring them before their presence to use them to force a dirty negotiation
Something more than usual in this type of situation, but…
They never expected that Fred would bring them here in this way!
They were all completely naked and tied up like them, but unlike them their families were tied up on stretchers placed vertically in front of them, also restrained them from head to toe.
Furthermore, it didn't seem like their "innocent" family was tied up for the same reason as them.
They were tied up to prevent them from escaping or attempting suicide while their wives, daughters, granddaughters and grandsons were tied up to prevent them from falling. They were completely unconscious and probably sedated by some of the drugs that Fred was probably inoculating them through tubes connected to the veins of their left arms.
'No... it can't be... Fred is not...'
They refused to believe that Fred could be doing this!
They had all read Laffitte's psychological profile of Fred, so they knew that Fred had pretty strong moral values.
Fred had an exacerbated hatred towards people who harm innocent people, regardless of the reason. With them he was capable of carrying out the most inhuman and terrible acts that anyone could imagine. He became the devil himself, without a single shred of humanity or compassion. He made them pay in spades for the harm they had caused to those innocents even before they began to beg for mercy.
Although Fred had never shown a level of kindness towards innocent people comparable to the malice he usually uses against the scum he wasn't far from being considered a saint.
On numerous occasions he had given priority to saving people, even if he was in the middle of a complicated fight. He tried to fight in areas devoid of people to avoid collateral damage, even if this strategy complicated his job. He don't negotiate with people who took hostages, but always rescued them. He's known for playing dirty, but had never endangered or used his victim's innocent family or friends to win.
And although he did it almost out of obligation just as his facial expression indicated, he even donated money and worked for others for free from time to time despite being a tightwad obsessed with money and making efficient use of his time!
In conclusion...
Fred's a good guy and tries his best to be a good guy to good people. He does this not only to gain the sympathy and support of the masses, but also for himself.
Laffitte didn't know if it's a way to atone for his possible sins or if what he experienced in his childhood marked him to such an extent that defined his moral compass for life, but there was something very clear
Fred wouldn't do anything to their family members who had never committed any crime! Much less boys and girls who weren't even ten years old and who hadn't hurt anyone!
They were different from the scum he kidnapped the day before!
And yet... there they were in front of them, in exactly the same situation.
'This can't...can't be true....'
The godfathers were totally confused with what was happening, but they didn't seem to be the only ones and that confused them even more.
So far Stephen had shown no reaction, not even when the snake appeared out of nowhere and devoured Andrew. It was as if what was happening in front of him was just a play that he had witnessed countless times. He couldn't be surprised or startled, he knew what would come next.
He knew the script by heart.
But now Stephen's face showed the same bewilderment and fear as them, perhaps even more. He had even gotten up from his chair, something they were incapable of doing.
Upon seeing his reaction the godfathers could only think of two possibilities.
Stephen is one of the best actors they had ever seen or... this wasn't in the script.
"Well well..."
And even though they were now able to see an think in slow motion, Fred didn't give the three godfathers time to delve deeper into that doubt.
Fred continued with the "negotiations".
"I'm going to be honest with you Rocco.
I'm glad he refused to participate, I was dying to kill him" Fred said as he stroked Rocco's head, who was still catatonic after seeing his father's shocking death. "But with his [sacrifice] and your [sanity] now your sister, mother and aunt will be able to live in peace...
If they pass my trial, of course."
After another snap Hawky made the floor come to life, moving Rocco and his still unconscious family out of that room. His role in this performance had already ended after fulfilling Fred's [kind request].
Now in that room there were only those who were trying to convince, those who weren't yet convinced and their already convinced or sensory incapacitated families
"What about you?" Fred said, looking again at the three remaining godfathers with a kind fake smile. "Do you want to sign or will I have to ask your children and grandchildren too?"
No need, you've been pretty convincing, we'll sign.
This was what the three remaining godfathers wanted to tell him to get out of this terrifying situation once and for all.
Fred had shown overwhelming intelligence by placing and trapping them like rats in a sinister mental labyrinth without any escape route. With his absurd individual and military power he had completely subjugated them with great ease and impunity. His cruelty, callousness and lack of empathy towards his enemy was the expected, he would squeeze them out in the most painful and humiliating way even if they knelt before him and licked his shoes.
His moral compass was less solid than they expected. Their innocent naked, unconscious and bound family before them attested it.
Just as Laffitte said, the beast before them was a new and more dangerous version of the Fred they known before, but... they were very sure that Laffitte never imagined this possibility.
None of them wanted to sign that surrender that tasted like a death sentence that they'll have to carry out for life even if they didn't want to, but...
They saw no other option, or at least that's what they thought now. Sooner or later Fred would end up getting what he wanted. In this way they at least ensured that his families were treated humanely and there was even the possibility of being allowed to live if they could be useful for Fred.
This alternative was... maybe... better than death. It was practically common sense… maybe...
Even so...
Even so there are always irrational people... or who think they are extremely intelligent…
"The one who was going to inherit the Genovese family doesn't carry my blood and your wolves have already devoured him.
Unlike that traitor, my grandson doesn't have any kind of power in the family and never will. He's a fucking human wreck who only thinks with his mini dick.
And I've not given political power to my daughter or my granddaughters, I didn't want them to be part of this world." Said Genovese Liborio, still tied to his chair, but feeling freer than ever "Only I can establish control over the Genovese family resources that you surely want…
After my death no one will be able to do it, at least not easily and completely.
I made sure this was done to avoid backstabbing."
Fred could have stopped that brave speech with another poisoned needle, a powerful scream, a menacing laugh or a kick in the groin to also set an example for the other two godfathers. But instead of doing that he simply let him continue.
"I have no doubt that you'll kill my dear men who haven't attended this party.
I know that you'll torture them in horrible ways and that you'll enjoy their pain, just as you'll enjoy mine.
I know, I know you well unlike those idiots" Genovese Liborio said, looking Fred straight in the eyes. Without fear unlike his partners in crime. "I know you well and that's why I know you would never harm innocent women and children. Under that monster mask that you are showing us hides a good person, unlike me and my grandson.
I'll not fall for this bluff.
You coordinated the timing very well between your performance as Rocco and the entrance of the ghost girl to install this thought in our head and thus make us evacuate our families quickly
You thought we acted as you planned, but it was just a coincidence.
We didn't evacuate our innocent women, daughters, granddaughters and grandsons for fear that you would do to them the same thing you did to the fake Rocco or use them as hostages. We simply wanted to prevent any accidents from happening to them while we were fighting, after all there are people who die from stray bullets.
And Genovese Liborio since he wasn't being interrupted, continued. After all, there was a possibility that he would never be able to speak again.
"Nice try to make us believe that you are going to give my six and eight year old granddaughters the same treatment you gave me and my trashy grandson
You scared us so much we almost believed it..." Genovese Liborio said, smiling boastfully at Fred. "That must have been difficult for you, right?
Ate least must have been difficult to you take the decision to kidnap them, strip them, tie them up and expose them in front of us while pretending to be as evil as the pirates, bandits and gangsters you hate so much.
Seems like it's been too difficult for you. So much so that in the end you had to sedate them. You wanted to prevent them from experiencing all of this. You're a good boy after all, you didn't want to traumatize them.
Anyway, I won't deny that pretending to have no morals at this point exponentially improved your negotiating power. Unfortunately for you you did it halfway, you should have left them awake. Maybe their screams and cries would have made me give in, but not anymore."
Genovese Liborio was naked and tied to a chair, the complete opposite of Fred, who looked at him standing and fully clothed... and yet felt that he was in a superior situation right now.
"Whether I sign or not, I'll die and my daughter and granddaughters will live and live well.
The only thing that will change if I don't sign is that you won't get what you want from me or at least you'll need to invest a lot of time and work to get it." Genovese Liborio said with satisfaction after exposing all the plot holes in Fred's play "So if you want me to collaborate in your plan you'll have to redefine the contract with me and guarantee my life and safety."
And just when Genovese Liborio finished his exposition...
Clap! Clap! Clap!
Fred answered with three claps and weirdly he showed no sign of hostility towards him or any other living being in that room.
"I expected one of you to make me a counteroffer, but I didn't expect such an aggressive one.
I also didn't expect it to be Liborio, my favourite coward.
I bet it'd be Michael." Fred said, holding back the urge to laugh, but not for much time "But yes, you're right.
I had to sedate them completely, it was too much for me. I don't want them to experience this sordid and violent situation, especially the little kids.
Living through something so traumatic at their age marks you for life.
Me and my brother know this very well."
Fred couldn't help being sad and neither could Stephen. Quiet, somewhat upset, sad and confused, but still here.
There was no need to explain that story to them, everyone knew the origin of the Demon Hunter very well. Everyone knew that when he was ten years old he saved the women that Leach's pirates kidnapped and avenged in the most cruel and bloodthirsty way possible the people they killed in his village, among whom was his father.
According to Laffitte's report, that event marked his moral compass. From then on he denied all his empathy towards [bad people] like them and transferred all that excess towards [good people] like his 6 and 8 year old granddaughters.
And now he had verified that the Sheriff of Ballywood was right. Fred was bluffing.
"You know, contrary to what the tabloid press says I am neither a hero nor a saint... I've never considered myself one and I never will.
I am a selfish, Machiavellian, cynical, arrogant, perv... an imperfect person full of contradictions." Fred said as he took off his heavy suit, which surprised the godfather. It was too heavy, they didn't understand how Fred could move so well with it. "Hero, saint...
Those two beautiful concepts don't fit me, no matter how much I tried to deform them to fit in my being.
Even so, I try to do what I know is right. I try even though many times it goes against me or I simply consider it a waste of time and resources."
Fred wanted to come clean. Not only before the four godfathers, who didn't deserve his sincerity.
Fred wanted Stephen to listen to him. He hoped he could put him at ease in this way. He had been very tense ever since the godfathers [innocent] family appeared inside this room.
However, he also wanted to hear himself. He hadn't put those ideas in order for a long time, much less express them in front of someone.
That's why Fred couldn't help but get sentimental.
"I made a promise to my father seconds before he died in front of me on my 10th birthday
Make this world a better place… that's what he made me promise." Fred said wistfully as he picked up his training equipment "Since then I've tried to do it, but that term is very ambiguous.
Each person has a different interpretation of that concept and how to carry it out.
I believe I am doing the right thing, but even so I often wonder...
Is this what my father meant when he made me promise make this world a better place?"
Stephen had to rub his eyes and take a deep breath to calm himself. Like his brother, that scene replayed in his mind more often than he would like.
Stephen knew more than anyone the impact that goodbye had on his brother. He not only changed his modest dream into a bigger one, but also many other small details of his behavior, thinking and life.
And the most painful thing is that the answer to that question constantly haunted them...
"Every time I see a person injured after a pirate attack I see my father's face and that forces me to help them, even if I lose time, money and health doing so.
That's certainly something he would have done, since that's exactly what he did..." Said Fred, saddened upon remembering his father's death, but also proud of the man who raised him. Whenever he remembered his smiling face it always filled him with joy, even now. "And I don't see him only in that scenario...
I see him often every time I know I need to do something to help others and I refuse to do it because of my selfishness and equidistance...
But especially when I'm thinking about doing or doing something really reprehensible."
Fred's face suddenly darkened, as if something inside him had devoured all his vitality and happiness. There was no longer a trace of the humanity he had shown until few seconds ago, when was talking about his deceased father.
His tone and body language now was practically like that of a cold robot, who sat in a chair in front of them, as if he had no energy to continue standing.
And they quickly understood why.
"I saw him look at me with concern while I was planning all this
I saw him look at me with dismay while I kidnapped your families
And I saw him look at me with disgust while I tied up the children so you could see them in these conditions.
Is this how you want to make the world better? He said disappointed with me" Fred said with his eyes closed, something that made him even more difficult to read. It was like talking to a chunk of ice that had mysteriously come to life. "My father and I have always seen life differently.
Even so, I don't need to see his face in my mind to know that certain things are really wrong.
I felt terrible just setting this up, so I don't even want to imagine how I would feel if I hurt innocent people, like my father.
I would surely rot inside…"
And suddenly something inconceivable happened...
"Fortunately I can compensate for this horrible feeling with your delicious suffering!"
At dizzying speed, Fred's hair lengthened, transformed and moved to cut the arm of the unconscious Macarena, Liborio's wife, who's the same age as her husband.
That was unexpected and shocking, so much so that no one could react, not even a second later after that amputation.
Until a second ago they had been talking very calmly about morality and now… they had just seen the most immoral act of the day, perpetrated by the one who shouldn't have committed it.
"She has a slight taste of guilt." Fred said coldly as before, but with slight sarcastic undertones. "Maybe she hasn't done anything personally, but she has been married to you for decades knowing what you are like, what you do and how you pay for her clothes.
Even so, she didn't deserve this."
One more time...
Fred's hair snatched the arm of another unconscious hostage. Now it was the turn of the 36-year-old Tatiana, Liboro's daughter and mother of three children, all present and naked in that room, two of them, the youngest, unconscious.
After the second amputation, not only Liboro, everyone came out of the state of shock, although only Liboro had the initiative to scream. The others gasped and felt like a strong fist had pressed their hearts as they looked at their families, who still had their arms attached to their bodies.
"Your widowed daughter has a lesser taste of guilt, but there's guilt in the end" Fred said, without showing even a hint of emotion, like an automaton. "She couldn't decide where she was born, but despite being aware of everything around her when she reached adulthood, she did nothing to report your crimes or at least not be part of all this shit, even if it was passively
Even so she didn't deserve this. Must be difficult to distance yourself from or harm your own family, especially if they have been good to you."
Once again Fred's mutated hair moved, this time with much slower speed than before. Maybe was to allow them to see the cut better, maybe to prolong that agonizing moment or maybe Fred was still thinking about whether to do it or not.
But that didn't matter at all.
What really worried them, especially Liboro, was where that dangerous hair was going.
"No… no… you wouldn't da…"
And finally happened…
Fred also cut off the arms of Tania and Lucia, Liboro's granddaughters, of six and eight years old respectively.
"Totally guilt-free.
The previous ones have hurt me, but this has really rotted my soul." Fred said this time without coldness, only disgust and remorse. "Not even the pain I have caused you can compensate for what I feel.
Anyway... almost no one likes his job."
He really hated doing that, but that didn't comfort their angry grandfather at all.
MOTHERFUCKER! I'LL KILL YOU! "I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!" Shouted Genovese Liborio just like Andrew did few minutes ago, like a bloodthirsty beast devoid of all reasoning "EVEN IF I HAVE TO COME BACK AS A GHOST I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU! MONSTEEEERRRRR!"
"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU, YOU HYPOCRITE SON OF A BITCH?" Fred shouted after getting up from the chair and standing in front of Liborio face to face, showing even more bloodlust than him. "If you know me so well you should know that I love to punish my enemies poetically.
Do you think you have the right to complain after what you tried to do to my family?"
Neither Liborio nor the other godfathers could answer these question. It wasn't just due to that sudden and powerful intimidation, because Liborio had completely lost the ability to talk like a human being or because they couldn't answer that question without looking stupid. After all, they also planned to do the same thing if they caught Roxanne, Marlon, Stephen or even Perona, who they tried to kidnap the first day they set foot in Ballywood
They couldn't respond because Hawky had modified their chairs to gag and imprison them more tightly.
"You say you know me well, so you must know how incredibly vindictive I am.
Knowing that, did you really think you were going to settle this score with a bit of conventional torture?
IT'S OBVIOUS YOU DON'T KNOW A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT ME!!!" Fred shouted as he grabbed Liborio by the hair, lifting him up with the chair included to talk face to face without having to bend down. "I don't care if my soul rots…
I don't care if I see my late father's face staring at me with disgust for the rest of my life.
I don't plan to have a single scruple with the scumbags who have tried to harm the people for whom HE gave his life!
That was a mistake.
Making Fred their enemy was the biggest mistake of their lives.
The only scenario in which they imagined themselves victorious in a confrontation against Fred was to go all out against him at the worst possible moment after having taken his family hostage years before…
However, they now doubted that that would have been possible. Fred would surely have a plan to rescue them and finish them off anyway years ago either way.
That terrifying young man had defeated them in absolutely every aspect. They couldn't even get a small victory when it came to negotiating the most basic of the basic things that were supposed to be guaranteed in this kind of negotiations.
Fred was right, the godfathers didn't know him at all. They had no idea what he was capable of doing if they made him angry. However, it seemed like they weren't the only ones who didn't know him right now…
"Fred, I'll wait for you outside" Said Stephen with disgust as he walked toward the exit. "I can't keep watching…"
Without another word Stephen left the room and Fred did nothing to stop him, he wasn't even surprised when he did it.
He simply continued with his performance after sitting back in his chair to speak again with a little more serenity, but no less hostility and, above all, cynicism.
"I didn't want this, I hate it. But with your actions you have forced me to do this.
I have given you a way out to avoid doing thing that I didn't want to do and you haven't taken it because you trusted in my famous kindness
You don't seem to understand that the only kindness I'm going to offer you is precisely to give you this way out to save your fucking families." Said Fred trying to keep a poker face, but it was practically impossible. A very dangerous switch was pressed. "And believe me, this will get worse.
I have many ideas to force you to accept my kindness. Ideas that horrify me and that I really don't want to put into practice
But I'll do it if is necessary and I don't care if your offspring are awake or not."
The next part of his explanation no longer contained a hint of cynicism.
But pure evil!
An immeasurable evilness transmitted through his severe voice and demonic facial expression that chilled the blood of the three godfathers. It was as if Fred radiated an evil aura that corroded all the happiness and warmth around him.
"No joke, I hate hurting innocent children and I would like to avoid it so...
Why don't we let them hurt you?
I simply have to make them sign a contract of absolute obedience. Convincing them will be easy, they are stupid children after all
They'll learn their grandfather's profession by torturing their grandfather!
Not a bad way to start, right?
Although perhaps a little soon, it may traumatize them for life.
Who will cry and scream the most? You or them?"
Fred moved away from his chair and also from them, but that didn't mean his evil aura affected them any less, quite the opposite.
His demonic aura became more extensive and dense with each passing second. Breathing became increasingly difficult with each word that escaped her poisonous mouth.
"But I don't feel comfortable leaving the torture tasks to newbies, especially if we have an expert like you here.
You know I've earned the nickname [orgy creator] thanks to my aphrodisiacs, right? Entire gangs of pirates fucked each other to death thanks to them
Do you want to try them with your granddaughters?
In case your memory gets foggy during the process, I'll record it and make you watch it for hours. I may even show it to them someday if I don't decide to wake them up.
It's not common knowledge, but I have developed a cannibalistic drug. How about if I make you starve for a few days and then I put the three of you in a room?
Will it be enough to traumatize them for life? Enough to make them hate you forever?
Maybe those will be the only memories they'll have of you after you die"
The godfathers shuddered like never before, almost having a heart attack when thinking about those macabre ideas. But that wasn't the only source of his impending fears, Fred was getting dangerously close to his granddaughters and was carrying needles in his hands.
Needles that Fred stuck in the amputated arms of his granddaughters and miraculously after a few seconds these arms grew back
This would have given some hope back to the godfathers, if it weren't for the fact that this wasn't an act of compassion.
"Or if you prefer, I'll do it myself, although this will make me even more angry with you...
As you can see I can regrow the limbs I cut off.
I could rip these girls' arms and legs off as many times as I wanted until you listened to me.
Although I could also leave them like this and show you their shitty life. A life without arms or legs or other body parts.
But don't worry, I'll offer to put them back on in exchange for your fucking signature.
It's your grandfather's fault that you live like this, not mine, he can make this hell end at any moment.
Do you think it's a good night and good morning phrase?"
No more...
They didn't want to hear anything else...
They wanted this to stop, they'd had enough.
"Or maybe you actually don't care about your family and still refuse to accept my kindness.
In that case I could have fun with you the same way I had fun with your oldest grandson."
Fred approached the terrified Genovese Terzo to rub his head like a dog... a young dog whose hair was falling out from stress and fear.
And while that was happening Hawky made several monitors appear in front of the three godfathers. Thanks to them they were able to see the origin of that supernatural terror.
"I turned them back to their normal form simply to show you my kind side, I hoped you could be smarter and accept my kindness on the first moment, but no…
Does the video not impact you enough?
I think I should do it again with these bastards first, but this time in front of you.
If you're not convinced, I suppose you can keep each other company in the same miserable state until you change your mind."
The monitors in front of the godfahters faces disappeared and their descendants were finally able to see them again. Faces overloaded with terror, but not as much as their own.
Upon hearing that their greatest nightmare could repeat itself, their body reacted violently, as if they had been exposed to an extremely harmful substance.
They became completely pale, their hair was falling rapidly and lost control of their bladder and sphincter. They had no control over their body, but they still made a superhuman effort to beg for mercy from the only people who could avoid their tragic fate.
Terror gripped the young men and grew more intense when Fred momentarily turned to look at them.
Fred gave them a furtive look for dirtying the floor and immediately Terzo, Dario and Donovan, without receiving any commands, crouched down on the floor and began to clean the mess they had created with their own tongues and mouths.
A degrading and disgusting spectacle that their elders witnessed with dread. A dread that already reached an unknown limit when Fred finally freed them from their gag and partially from their restraints.
"I'll get what I want sooner or later, with or without your help, by hook or by crook, so…" Fred said melodramatically as he pointed to the papers under their bloody fingers. "While you're still of some use to me and I haven't fully unleashed the monster inside me. ..
Will you accept my kindness now?"
There was no need to say anything else.
Bonanno Michael, Gambino Giovanni and Genovese Liborio signed without hesitation as soon as they had the opportunity to do so
"See, it hasn't been that difficult" Fred said as he reviewed the signatures "So much wasted time…
This was your only option from the beginning…"
They had already signed their absolute and total surrender. They had lost everything.
There was no point in saying anything now that they were his slaves. The only thing they would do is risk being punished by their cruel master.
Even so...
Someone felt the need to obtain even a small, minimal and insignificant victory today.
No matter how much fear you generate among pirates, bandits and gangsters
No matter how many you kill or subjugate" Said Bonanno Michael almost out of energy and with his head looking towards the ground "More will always appear to take our place.
It's inevitable and all your effort will be useless in the end.
You'll never be able to make this world a better place with this method."
The other godfathers looked at Michael with hostility.
They feared that Fred would use this unfortunate comment as an excuse to begin the torture.
Not only did they fear it, they were sure that their torment would begin imminently because of this recklessness.
However, contrary to their expectations Fred answered politely and without a single trace of homicidal intentions, almost as if he sharing his opinion on an interesting academic debate.
"You're right...
There have always been and always will be bad people in this world. Evil is in our very nature and we cannot get rid of it after all
No matter how many bad guys you kill, we all have the evil gene and only a madman would kill all humans to make evil disappear from the world.
And I'm not nor will I ever be that crazy."
Yes, that was logical. Nobody is that crazy, but...
Why weren't they so sure of that logic now? And why did his voice and temper become crazier as he spoke?
"And yes, no matter how much fear my power, intelligence, cruelty and of course my effectiveness impose.
The World Government and the Yonkou are very scary and yet there are people who challenge them despite being in inferior conditions.
Fear is an effective means, but it's neither infallible nor entirely desirable.
I know it very well..."
Yes, he was absolutely right.
Every year at least one daring rookie died in the New World trying to challenge a Yonkou and recently the Revolutionary Army, the only organization that directly opposed the World Government, began his serious offensive against that ancient entity.
They were very good examples, but...
Why? Why did they feel that Fred wasn't talking about them?
"The most I can achieve with this method is to reduce your volume and ability to harm innocent with impunity
However, my work will never be complete. I'll always have to keep killing and terrorizing scum like you and...
The godfathers thought it was no longer possible, but the terrifying sadistic and crazy smile that Fred put on just now shook their body again, making all their hair stand on end.
They were very scared, much more than before…
They didn't want to know anything more about their new master... his personality became more and more terrifying every time they discovered something new about him.
They could no longer think of Fred as a human but as a crazy, cruel and deranged demon who pretended to be human in front of the other the people.
"I wish I could live in a world free of scum like you, but… I love hunting, torturing and killing scum like you.
It's simply intoxicating to watch the scum I hate so much completely succumb to me while they get a taste of their same fucking medicine...
What would I do with this addiction if you disappeared from this world?"
They were confused and scared and Fred seemed to enjoy their suffering and confusion.
They were unable to understand the monster in front of them. He's not like the rest of the people they have met until now.
Why is he doing all this? What does he want to achieve? What's his real face?
Everything was very confusing and therefore scared them
I am a man with many contradictions.
What I like the most is staying home quietly, but whenever I'm home I think about going on crazy adventures.
I believe that I am the best and that I am capable of achieving anything, but I have the mentality of a poor loser.
I love heroes, but I hate the dependency they create in the majority of the population
I am fascinated by the incredible capacity that humans have to make incredible things, but their almost infinite stupidity terrifies me.
I love...
Anyway, enough chit-chat."
Fred could spend the day naming contradictions, but he couldn't afford to waste any more time on them, there was still a lot to do.
After another snap, the unconscious women and children disappeared or rather were replaced by hair, or at least that's what the godfathers saw. No trace of them was left, not even of their blood or severed limbs, as if they had never existed in the first place.
"Your real families sleep with their clothes on in another room.
Wait here, then I'll take you to them."
Only now did the three godfathers understand everything...
They had sold their soul to the devil in exchange for nothing or at least almost nothing...
They felt insulted, since they had been deceived again. Those bodies with which they had been blackmailed weren't real, they were created with Fred's ability.
They also felt relieved. After all, it seems that Fred did have moral limits and wouldn't harm their families now or ever as long as they did nothing to provoke him.
However, the image of Fred dismembering their families still lingered in their minds, making them think that this wasn't such an unlikely scenario.
They no longer knew what was true and what was not...
Does Fred want to create these contradictory thoughts in our minds too? The three godfathers thought at the same time as they saw Fred leave through the same door Stephen left through.
Right after leaving the door that Fred came out of
"Hello Fred.
You're done?"
Stephen was waiting for him, sitting in an armchair and right in front of him there was another one in which no one was sitting.
A subtle hint that Fred caught on the fly
You'll be able to see 7 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon
I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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