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5.55% Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds / Chapter 1: Prologue
Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds original

Old Mountain Winter Hunting Grounds

Penulis: W3TBananas

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Prologue

It was a dark night, and there were 2 teenagers out in the woods, shivering them selves to what felt like til death, as not only that, but they were scared out of their right minds as well. They regretted their decision to head out to the mountain, as it had been closed for the longest of time, and for good reason of course, as they now had found out.

The 2 kids were huddled up together, trying to stay warm. They had come here as some sort of halloween joke to scare their girl friends. Now that they had gone missing though, they were left out alone, in the middle of some woods on some random mountain at the top of Canada.

They had driven across the border illegally of course, as they did not have a card due to the fact that they were still just kids. It had been a big mistake for them to come here, as they had realized quite some time ago now. The thought of the stories from the old people around town, to be some sort of joke.

They knew that it got in to the heads of their girl friends as well, as it scared them til near death. That was why they had gone up here in the first place. Now they regretted that, as they had come to realize that it was not a joke at all, none of it was. It was all true, and maybe even worse than they had been told in the first place.

There had been some crazy creatures, and some monsters that they had seen lurking around in the woods, just as the old man that they had found by the cabin, had told them all about. He said to go back to the car while they still had the chance, but of course, the 2 boys thought of it all, as some sort of joke, and they stayed around for the man to continue on with the stories.

The man offered for them to stay the night in the cabin, which of course they accepted that offer, as it had been a cold night in the spring, and the girls were scared out of their right minds after the stories that they had been told. The boys of course, they just wanted to go home, and sleep in the bed that was out there, but they felt like they had no other choice but to stay in the cabin for the night.

It was warm, and the car was a long ways away as well. Now they regretted that decision too, as when they had woken up, the old man was no where to be seen, and the woods seemed to look nothing like they had been the night before. They were lost, and they had little to no food and water on them.

After a few days, the girls had split up from the boys, in search for the car that was out on the side of the road some where along the mountain. That night though, the boys had gone back to the cabin to see that the girls had not come back. At first Selman had been worried that they had gone off with out the boys, but he realized that they had the keys with him.

The boys stayed up all night waiting for the girls to come back, but of course, they were no where to be seen. Now the boys were freaking out, as they had gone back in to the woods, this time not in search for the car, though they did know that would help them, though they were not sure if calling the Canadian police about a missing person case was a good idea due to the fact that they had crossed the border illegally, they felt that they really did not have much of a choice how ever.

The 2 boys had been out side of the cabin the entire day, and once the night time hit, they realized that they could not find the way back. They were now huddled up to a tree with one another, using each other as warmth. The place that they were at was certainly strange, as just 2 nights ago they were burning due to it being so hot, but now all of the sudden it was snowing.

Canada whether was a bit strange, that was one thing for sure, as once the boys made it out of here, alive, at least if that was the case, than they made a promise to never come back to here, as this was no place to joke around with. Selman let out a bit of a sigh, as he was doing his best not to close his eyes, as he was worried that the freaky creatures might come after him the moment that he chose to do so.

He blinked a few times, as at this point he was doing his best just to stay awake. This had been the most walking that he had in one day, in what felt like his entire life. It was not just the fact that he was worried about the strange creatures, but he realized that he would die if they fell asleep in the freezing cold such as this.

Selmans friend, Henry, looked in front of him, as he thought that he might have seen some thing in the distance, through all of the trees that were in the woods. He squinted his eyes, as he looked at it for a few moments, as it looked to be some sort of light, that was flickering on and off in the woods.

He blinked a few times, as he had remembered that they had left the girls with flash lights, just like they had, and he wondered if the girls were trying to get their attention, in the hopes that they might see them out in the woods. Henry then turned his head to his friend Selman, and then he pushed him to get his attention, seeing that his friend was practically half asleep at this point some how.

Selman blinked a few times, as he jumped a little bit, as he had not expected his friend to all of the sudden push against him to get his attention. Selman was still so afraid of the spooky creatures that were walking amongst the woods, he was worried that it had been one of them.

Either way, Selman was a bit out of it, as he turned his head to his friend Henry, and he looked at his friend, with a bit of a confused look on his face, as he could see that Henry had a bit of a worried look on his face. Selman blinked a few times, as he then began to speak to Henry at the same time as well, and Henry listened to what it was that his friend had to say to him.

"What is it? I am trying to sl-" Selman started off with, until he remembered that he had made a vow with his friend, that neither of them were going to sleep in these woods. He dipped his head a bit low to the ground, as Henry squinted his eyes at his friend. He knew what Selman was about to say, and it kind of annoyed him, due to the fact that they had made a promise. Selman lifted his head up a bit, as he then continued to speak to Henry after a couple of seconds had passed. "Im sorry I just... Did you see some thing?"

Henry looked at his friend Selman for a few moments, as he kept his eyes squinted at his friend at the same time too, as he was not sure why his friend was not taking this all that seriously, as it seemed to Selman, that this was just some kind of joke, or some kind of prank that the old man was playing on them.

Could Selman really not see that this was not the case at all, and that his girl friend had been missing for over 2 days now? Henry blinked a few times, as it did not seem like his friend was taking this seriously at all. He shook his head, as he knew that he needed to say some thing that would wake his friend up.

He looked at Selman for just a little bit longer, as Selman now had his head dipped low to the ground once again, as it looked like he was about to fall asleep once again. Henry looked back at the light, as he could see that it was still flickering on and off at the same time too. He knew that he needed to tell Selman about it before it was too late, and before they lost the way to where the lights were trying to take them.

Henry turned his head back to Selman, as he pushed him once again. It got Selman a bit angry, but he knew not to do any thing about it, as Henry was in fact the bigger guy, and this was some thing that he should be taking seriously at the same time too. Selman looked at his friend, as he let out a bit of a sigh, as he then nodded to Henry, to let him know that he was now paying a bit of some attention to what was going on.

Henry pointed to the lights with one of his fingers, which looked practically purple and black at this point, to show Selman that there was some light. Selman looked over to where it was that his friend was pointing, as he was a bit confused as to what it was that Henry was trying to show him, or tell him perhaps.

The snow storm was making it a bit hard for him too see very far, but after a few seconds, he then saw what it was that Henry had been trying to tell him about. It was a bit hard too see through all of the snow, but he saw the light flickering on and off in the distance. He jumped up from where it was that he had been sitting down at right away, as he was fairly certain that it was his girl friend flickering the light, in hopes that the boys might see it.

After a few more seconds, he then turned his head over to Henry, and he helped lift his friend up, as his friend did not come to the mountains prepared for any of this clearly, as it had been a fair bit warm when they had driven up to the mountain. Henry nodded to his friend, as he was grateful that Selman was helping him up.

Once Henry was up, he began to look at the light for a bit more of some time, as all of the sudden the light just went out. It was clear that the girls must have given up, and Henry wished that he could yell to them, but the snow storm was far too loud. Henry let out a bit of sigh, as he then looked at his friend Selman, and then nodded to him, to make sure that Selman was paying attention.

Selman continued to stare at where he had seen the light come from, but when he had seen his friend nod at him from the corner of his eye, he then turned his attention to Henry. Selman looked at his friend for a few seconds, and he then nodded back to Henry, as he waited for Henry to go ahead and clearly speak up to him.

Henry breathed in heavily a bit, as it was a bit hard for him to breath, due to the fact that he had asthma, and there was a snow storm going on around them right now. After a few seconds though, he finally seemed to regain his breath, as he then began to speak to Selman. Selman listened to what it was that his friend Henry had to say to him at the same time as well.

"Lets go... That could be them... I am willing to bet that they are scared right now... We need to meet back up with them before we head back over to the car..." He said to his friend Selman. Selman looked at him for a few seconds, as he had his eyes wide open at the exact same time too.

His was still a bit afraid, to go in to those woods, with all of the strange creatures that they had seen, but at the same time as well, he also realized that eventually those creatures would catch up to them, if they were too stay in these woods for any longer, which he did not feel like he wanted to do any longer, as he just wanted to get in the car, and go back home, so that he could sleep beside a warm cozy bed, and a warm and cozy fire.

Selman was sure that their parents were worried sick about them, but they had told their parents that they were going to a party, as they knew their parents would not be happy with them, if they were to find out that they had gone to the mountain, and not just that, but they had crossed the border illegally as well.

If they stayed out here any longer, he knew that they would die, and no one would ever find them either. He was fairly certain that the old man did not ever go out of the mountain, so the man would likely not tell any one about them if he did find their bodies, as well as the fact that the old man had acted quite a bit strange too.

Selman looked back at his friend Henry, as he could tell that his friend was cold, as well as sick, and he just wanted to go back home. Selman then nodded to his friend, as he looked ahead one last time, in hopes that he might see the light flickering over and over again, just as it had been doing earlier.

Sadly that was not the case how ever, as he let out quite a loud sigh, as he looked back at Henry, and he then began to speak up to Henry at the same time too, loud enough to hear through the blizzard that was around them right now. Henry looked back at his friend, as he nodded to Selman, and he then listened as to what it was that he had to say to him.

"Lets go... You are sick... We can't be out here any longer... Those are definitely the girls, they are probably just as sick as you if I had to guess... The light did not seem too far away, we can easily catch up to it." Selman said to Henry. Henry had a pale look on his face, as if he was already dead, and Selman was worried if that was in fact the case, as he did not want to let go of Henry.

Henry then nodded to Selman, as even though Selman was a bit smaller than Henry, he helped carry Henry through all of the snow that was around them, and over to where they had seen the light come from in the first place. It was quite a bit hard for Selman, but he knew that his friend needed him right now, and he was not going to let him down, such as it had felt like he had been doing all day.

Henry and Selman traveled through the woods, as the snow flew right in to their faces. They were not worried about that all how ever, at this moment, as their thoughts were more focused on the light that they had seen from not too far away, as they were fairly certain that it was the flash light that they had given to the girls.

It was quite a bit hard for Selman, as at several points he just wanted to ask Henry to walk him self, but the wound that Henry had on his leg, was going to make it impossible for him to do that. Selman kept on pushing, harder than it felt like he had ever done before, as he knew that there was a whole lot of people counting on him right now.

As the boys kept on going, Selman all of the sudden stopped, as he then saw a flicker of light not too far away from him now. It was about 50 feet away from the both of them, as he was fairly certain at this point, that it was the girls, as they were clearly trying to get some ones attention by flicking the light on and off.

Selman smiled a bit, as he looked at his friend Henry, as it seemed like now, he was the one that was out of it. It did not matter to Selman though, as he knew that the girls had medical supplies on them, and if he could just get his friend to them, than he knew that every thing was going to end up being okay for his friend.

Selman kept on carrying on, as he all of the sudden heard a loud growl, which at first he had thought to be a bear, until he saw what it was that was in front of them. Selman blinked, as it did not look to be true to him. It looked to be a very tall man, with lots of fur on its body, as if it might be sasquatch.

But that was just a myth, surely right? Selman did not care at this point, as he kept on going ahead of him, as he did his best to ignore the creature that was in front of them. The creature was not ignoring them how ever, clearly, as it began to head closer to the both of them, as it growled even louder than before, as it seemed like it was trying to tell them not to go any closer.

Henry heard the creature, as he opened his eyes and looked at it in pure horror. If this creature truly was the sasquatch, than it was worse than any one could ever imagine. Henry could go no further, and he knew it, as he was about done at this point, as his entire body felt like it was going to give up on him.

Henry turned his head over to his friend, as he was fairly certain that no matter what came out of this, he was going to die, if he did not lose a few limbs, by the time that he got taken to the hospital. He had told him self, that he was not going to ever live with him self, if he ever had some thing happen to him that made him disabled.

A single tear dripped through his eyes, as his friend Selman noticed it, though his eyes were focused on the creature that was less than 15 feet away from then at this point. Selman looked at his friend, as he could tell that Henry was about to speak to him, and he was fairly certain he knew what it was that his friend was going to say at the same time too.

Selman stared at his friend for a few seconds, as he saw the creature had now stopped, seeing that the boys had stopped them selves. Selman shook his head at his friend Henry, as he then began to speak to him at the same time too. Henry was a bit out of it how ever, as he was not sure what it was that Selman was even saying to him.

"No Henry... I am not going to let you die! We are going to get home to your family!" He said to Henry, who was his best friend, ever since he was a child. Selman knew that his friend was done for, but he did not want to take in the fact that his friend was going to die, and there was no saving him out in these woods, and in this type of weather none the less.

Henry had his head dipped a bit low to the ground, as he had heard what it was that his friend Selman had said to him, but it did not seem to matter at all to him, as he did not seem to care either. Henry fell down to the ground, as Selman did his best to try to pick him up, and carry him, but he just was not strong enough to do so.

Henry rolled around just a bit, as he looked at Selman for just a few seconds, as he had a bit of a sad smile on his face as well, since he was looking at his friend. They had a pretty fun life together, he was not going to lie, as they had done a lot of things that a lot of people had told them not to do.

They were a bit of some rebellious kids, as it was the reason that they had come to this place in the first place. They had made a promise to each other that they would come here, before they were to graduate high school, so that they could see just how creepy, and how scary it was, that every one had told them about.

It was all true, all of the stories... Henry was fine with it though, even if they both were scared out of their shoes at the moment. They had lived a fun life, and they had done a lot of things that no one else would even try doing. He felt that he would rather live a short life like that, than a boring long life where he was always miserable.

Henry shook his head, as he shook off those thoughts at the same time as well, and he then nodded to his friend. He could see that sasquatch creature drawing closer to them now, and he did not want his death to be in vein, as he at least wanted to save his friend, so that his friend could keep living this crazy life that the 2 had with one another.

Selman had a lot of tears dripping from his face, as he was quite a bit emotional at the moment, as this was his best friend that was just giving up on all of this, and his life. The tears that fell from his face, seemed to turn in to ice before they even hit the ground beneath them, as that was just how cold it was out side at the moment.

Henry shivered a bit, not because it was cold, which he really did not seem to feel at all any more, even though he was on the ground covered in snow. It was because he too was just as sad as his friend Selman was. Henry did not drop any tears how ever, as he was never really the emotional type of guy.

Henry could see the sasquatch drawing closer and closer how ever, as it was about 10 feet away now, and it was going right towards his friend Selman that was in front of them. Henry nodded to Selman, as he then began to speak louder than ever before to his friend, so that Selman could hear it through all of the wind.

"Go Selman! Save your self! Tell my family I love them! Tell them it was worth it!" Henry said to Selman, as he smiled at the last part at the same time too. It was because it was true, and the both of them knew it, no matter how scary it was, it was all worth it, and this was the true way of living life.

Selman smiled back at Henry, as it was more of a bit of a sad smile, as he then let go of his friend. He turned his head around, to see the creature was right up on him now. He shook his head as he did his best to sprint away from the creature, as he did not look back on his friend, as he did not even want to see what was going on.

He shook his head, as he remembered that he had seen some light in front of him a few minutes ago, and that was where he and Henry were trying to go to in the first place. It was not too far ahead of him now, as he looked around, trying to see through all of the snow, if he could see any of the girls around any where.

Selman began to freak out for a few moments, as he had been fairly certain that he had seen them move around some where in this area that he was in right now. He blinked a few times, as he did his best to wipe the snow from his eyes at the exact same time too, as it was just so hard for him to see.

He shook his head, as he was about to give up at this point, as he nearly fell down to his knees. If he was going to die, than he felt that he might as well join his friend Henry in it. He looked up at the sky, and he then began to yell, louder than he ever had before, which did not seem to matter all that much with all of the wind that was blowing all around him.

"Where are you all! Save me God! Please! I am sorry!" He said to the top of his lungs, as it was all that he felt like he had left in him. He shook his head, as he fell down in to the snow, as it was all over for him now, as he felt like now, it was time for him to give up, and it was time for him to just accept what fate had in store for him.

Selman sat with his face in the snow for quite a bit of some time, as the snow was freezing his face, but he did not seem to care at all, as he shook his head, and then he began to close his eyes, as he was ready for it... He was ready to die. He smiled at all of the memories that he had with his friend Henry, as he knew that Henry was right indeed... It was all worth it...

Selman lifted his head up, as he stared up in to the sky at the exact same time too, as he felt like he could see the moon staring back at him, but he was not too sure if that was what it was, due to the fact that there was just far too much snow all around for him to see hardly any thing.

Selman smiled for a few moments, until, all of the sudden he heard a voice yell back to him, as he heard that it was his name. Selman blinked a few times, as he lifted him self up a bit, as he was a bit confused, as the voice seemed quite a bit familiar to him as well. Selman listened to what it was that the voice was saying to him, as he was not so sure as to where it was coming from.

"Selman! Come with me! Come with me Selman! It is warm in here! It is safe in here!" I heard the voice say to me, as at first it kind of freaked me out, as it scared me a bit at the same time too, just the way that the man had said it to me in the first place, as I turned my head over to where I had heard the voice come from.

I blinked a few times, as I saw the old man about 20 feet ahead of me, right in front of a cave as well, as I saw that he had a big and creepy smile on his face. I stared at him for a few moments, as I was a bit lost, and I was not so sure if I wanted to trust this man at all. I was so cold though, and the fact of me going in to a warm cave was quite a bit enticing to me, if I was not going to lie to my self either...

This was the only way that I was going to make it out alive, and I knew it... I had to tell Henry's family about what had happened to him... I could not live with my self if I did not at least do that. I shook my head, as I lifted my self to my feet, and then I looked at the creepy man who had a big smile on his face at the exact same time too.

I squinted my eyes at him, as though he was quite a bit close to me, it was still a bit hard for me to see him, due to the fact that there was a bunch of snow flying all around me. The man nodded to me, as it was clear that he was telling me to follow him in to the cave with him.

I stared at him for a few moments, as I all of the sudden saw him begin to walk back wards in to the cave, as it was clear that he wanted me to follow him. I still was not too sure if that was a good idea at all, but at the same time too, I felt that I did not have much of any other choice but to follow him.

It was so cold out side! I had to do with Henrys promise, to tell his family! There was not much of any other choice! If I stayed out here any longer, than I was going to die! I blinked a few times, as I then shook my head... I knew what I had to do... I then began to follow the old man in to the cave...

next chapter
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