"This is bad… Meng Chao is actually going through his test with Zuo Haoran? Will he get disturbed?"
"He definitely will. Even though they're shooting two different targets they'll be able to see each other's actions and results very clearly. Meng Chao's state of mind will definitely be affected, and he might go through a mental breakdown."
"Meng Chao… he's too foolish. He should have read the examination rules carefully and figured out that the shooting test is conducted in pairs formed based on the ranking from the first two tests. His maximum punching strength and speed are good, so he should have preserved some of his strength and gotten third or fourth place in the class. Then, he could avoid competing against Zuo Haoran."
The students were anxious.
But some decided to indulge in wishful thinking. "Would Meng Chao's state and luck be really good today and he would end up getting really good marks?"
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