/ Video Games / No! I'm Not a God! No! Not Saint Either!

No! I'm Not a God! No! Not Saint Either! Orisinil

No! I'm Not a God! No! Not Saint Either!

Video Games 4 Bab 47.3K Dilihat
Penulis: Ryusenka

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I only try my best to make sure my territory flourishes. I only try my best to ensure the people under me are happy. I only tried my best to make sure the monsters attacking did not hurt the people under me. I only try my best to be the best lord for my people.

Why are you guys worshiping me as if I am a God or a Saint? I'm neither of them. I am just a man who wants to do his best for my people and my peaceful future.

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Nateries
    Nateries Berpartisipasi 6
  2. Jake_Attard
    Jake_Attard Berpartisipasi 3
  3. stefan_bobic
    stefan_bobic Berpartisipasi 3

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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