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5.26% New life as Naruto Uzumaki / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
New life as Naruto Uzumaki New life as Naruto Uzumaki original

New life as Naruto Uzumaki

Penulis: NahinS77

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The sun was rising and most people of the hidden leaf were ready for another day of their life.

But it was not the same for one Naruto Uzumaki. He was fully awake looking at the space in front of him in a daze. His clothes told that he had just woke up from his sleep.

"I don't know if I should be happy or start shouting in anger." He muttered to himself. Because he was no longer the same Naruto Uzumaki, who fell asleep the day before.

He was not the same brainwashed sacrifice who happily forgave Hiruzen Sarutobi, even after knowing he lied to him his whole life, and was still lying.

He was not the happy-go-lucky Naruto Uzumaki who only wanted to have everyone recognise him.

He was different. He was so different that he was not sure he would be anything like the previous Naruto Uzumaki. No, he was going to use the mask left by the previous Naruto to gain people's trust.

As for the possible future he knew about. Even though it left a bitter taste in his mouth he understood, it was only a possible future and he would change. He was not going to slack off and always get by because of Kurama's chakra saving his butt. He was going to curb stomp those who were and would be against him.

But for now he had things to do. Making a cross hand seal he performed his new but favourite Ninjutsu.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" With a puff of smoke 7 shadow clones appeared. Though he wanted only 3.

His chakra control was trash. He knew that, but knowing and seeing it was a totally different thing. He felt annoyed as he furrowed his eyebrows. He was going to change it.

"Now that you are already out go and master the leaf sticking exercise." He commanded three of his shadow clones to train.

"You two get to start cleaning the room. And you two go to shopping, and don't forget to use transformation Jutsu."

"Yes boss." They all agreed to his command and started to do what he commanded them to do.

A part of him was glad at the fact the shadow clones were not disobeying him or things along the line.

Then again he was not the same Naruto who hid and suppressed his real self so much that he was just a shell of himself, not even knowing his true self.

One of the things he disliked about Naruto Uzumaki while watching the show, was the fact Naruto's over reliance on Kurama's Chakra and himself not living up to his potential. It was so bad that the training skip with Jiraya felt more like more of a waste of time than anything.

Then there was fact about Naruto making one after another promises. Naruto Uzumaki promised to Pain but the result. The hidden rain village was hell on earth, and people were still fighting, not even fearing Naruto Uzumaki.

But even then what about him forgiving Obito Uchiha and calling him a hero, all the while Neji and thousands of Shinobis blood that hadn't even turned cold.

And yes he did not like Naruto Uzumaki. He felt the show had way too many plot holes, to the point even with all the plot, filling the holes were impossible.

"I can't waste my time." He said to the mirror as he brushed his teeth. While thinking he was not wasting his time. He was busy getting freshening up.

There were a lot of things he could complain about Naruto. But at the end of the day Naruto's goal of becoming Hokage was just another joke. Not only Konohamaru was the one at that time giving the speech. But his time as Hokage was like a joke. Hokage doing D rank missions while busy all day almost everyday.

The bull crap in Boruto made his blood boil. So much so he stopped caring about the entire franchise long ago.

"They are all orange eyesores... And all of them are the same." He said looking at his clothing collection. Either they were his older clothes or they were his orange jumpsuits. It was not like he hated Orange colour or anything, it was just too much.

"Too much Orange." With an internal sigh he dressed up. He put his new forehead protector on his forehead and paused.

"Should I put that on my arm." He asked looking at his mirror. He could let his hair grow and not spike them using his forehead protector, it will make him more handsome.

He decided, he was going to do that in the future, after his body started to grow because of his improved diet. It would also work like a shock factor showing his new changes. Thinking about that a smirk appeared on his face.

"For now let's go to Ichiraku Ramen." He was happy to go there. It was not just because he loved eating ramen, probably the previous Naruto's effect. But because the father daughter truly were good people, who took care of him without any hidden motives like the Third Hokage. They never showed him any hostility, even giving him free ramen a lot of time.

It was also a good distraction from thinking too much about the future. As well as the first steps to act like Naruto Uzumaki.

"If possible wash the clothes." He said leaving his shadow clones busy cleaning the house. He decided that he was going to eat breakfast at the Ichiraku. But for now he was going to look around a little and wait for his shadow clones to give him memories of their shopping.

Walking outside he noticed an interesting fact. That was most people ignored him. It was like he was not even there. Then there were some who showed displeasure when looking at him. It was a great change, at least what he was able to tell.

Mostly because of the forehead protector. He concluded. He was right at that. As for those who looked at him in displeasure he was not happy about it but didn't care about it either.

But if it was like before he was pretty sure he would have tried to memorize their faces.

He decided to roof hop and not get more attention.

Because of the great amount of chakra he felt filled with power even while he was using his chakra, and wasting most of it in the process.

It was not like he did not wanted to improve. But before doing that he would have to make some changes. So, he would not gain too much attention.

"Well, it's open already." He grinned as he looked at Ichiraku Ramen shop, which was opened.

"Hey old man Teuchi, Sister Ayame, look at this." He ran into the shop and entered it. He proudly showed off his forehead protector smiling happily.

"Ohh! Naruto! You are finally a ninja now!" Ayame said happily seeing Naruto.

"Wait a little bit, dad will be here to see that." She ruffled his hair showing sisterly affection.

"Hehe, I know. A little later I will go and register myself. You will not believe it I learned an awesome cool new jutsu." He happily showed her his shadow clone jutsu.

It was not just acting like Naruto he had to show it with his eyes. And he was doing it to get comfortable, using the same mask Naruto Uzumaki used all his life. But unlike the previous Naruto Uzumaki he was not going to forget his real self while wearing the mask.

"That's an amazing jutsu." She praised him.

A little while later Teuchi came back to the shop.

"So our best customer is back, eh, Naruto. What do you like to have?" He asked even before fully entering the shop.

"Dad, look more clearly. Naruto finally graduated. And he is here to show his ninja forehead protector."

"Hm! That's a great news! Today's ramen is on the house." He happily said to Naruto.

With laughter and conversation he ate his breakfast there. He felt peace knowing these people truly cared for him.

"Okay, take care you guys." He said goodbye to them after his breakfast.

Just after he came out of the shop he paused for a moment...one of his shadow clones popped, telling him they would pop after every one minute difference.

Shadow clones were done with shopping and the house was cleaned. All of them decided to work together to clean everything faster after coming from shopping trip.

He decided to walk to a nearby park and sat till all the shadow clones were done. There were few people around, he sat on one of the bench not caring about the looks they were giving him.

About ten minutes later and mind filled with his shadow clones memories he stood up. He was not really feeling tired or anything. And the small rest and full stomach made it like nothing.

He decided to go and see Iruka sensei. He could go there with flowers and such but that was not Naruto Uzumaki's style... Well he was not fully sure about that.

He decided to get some flowers to give and wishing him a fast recovery.


Ino Yamanaka sat in the front desk feeling sleepy. Using her arms as pillow she tried to shut her eyes and get a little more sleep.

Last night she didn't get much sleep because of the graduation party. Choji, Shikamaru and both of their parents were also in it.

She knew all three of them were going to end up in the same team, but she could only hope to be in the same team as her beloved Sasuke.

Then her father had to leave for some emergency.

Then again if only her mother was not with aunt Yoshino, she could have been sleeping at the moment. Besides it was not like anyone would come to the flower shop... Well that was a lie.

"Hey Ino, you are being lazy again." She heard a voice of a regular customer. It was one of the reasons the flower shop stays open most of the year. There were a lot of regular customers. But there was no need for her to stay. They could get what they want and leave money on the front desk.

Opening her eyes and straightening her blond hair, she tried to get rid of her sleep.

"Here's the money." She didn't even had to stand from her place as the customer picked up flowers for himself.

"And congratulations on graduating." The customer left with flowers and a goodbye.

"I want to have my breakfast." She whined a little feeling her empty stomach.

"Wait I can't eat much, I am doing my diet." She said putting both of her hands on the table.

She heard the door of the shop opened but didn't care. She was still thinking about food.

"Ehh, Ino. What flower should I give for get well soon gift?" She opened her eye and sat up. As she did that she found herself looking at a familiar blonde hair and whiskered boy, Naruto Uzumaki.

Why can't it be Sasuke! She complained in her mind at first seeing him. Why is he even here? She asked herself that. Only then she remembered what Naruto asked her.

"Hmm, that will depend on the relationship with the person. You can give Sunflower, Roses or Tulips depending on it." She paused looking at him. Then with sudden enthusiasm she leaned forward looking into his eyes fully intending on knowing more, after all she loved gossiping.

Naruto scratched the back of his head, making her more interested.

"Well... It's for Iruka sensei." He said making her eyes widened a little. She was surprised, even a little shocked.

"What happened to him? And how come I don't know about it?" She asked him this time looking closely at his reaction. Her sleepiness completely gone.

"It's a long story, but Iruka sensei is being treated in the hospital. I want to go there and wish him a fast recovery." She frowned a little but decided to not push, even though she wanted to. Instead she decided.

"Wait here for few moments. I will go with you." Even though she was no longer his student, she still respected him. And she also decided to go to hospital.

"So, which room is it?" Ino asked Naruto as both of them stood inside the hospital.

"I don't know. We should ask someone." Naruto replied.

".... Ok, I am going to ask the receptionist." Ino went to the receptionist and started a conversation.

While Naruto was thinking another thing.

'I did not expect Ino to come with me. It's all fault of Kishimoto's stupid writing. Most female characters were like an afterthought.'

For Naruto it was now more than looking at the TV and understanding that the people around him had different sides, and not the ones only showed in the TV.

"Let's go. it's room no. 189." Ino said to Naruto after talking with the receptionist.

"Man, how much pranked did you play that they are so annoyed with you..." Ino said to herself not asking Naruto as few people were looking at them like they were annoyance.

"I don't think I even did..." Naruto said with a small bitter smile. Which caught Ino's attention. After all from her memory all she could remember was the smiling or grinning face of Naruto. And even when he was angry at Sasuke it felt different. The bitter smile in Naruto felt different to her.

Before she could put more thought into it they were in front of the room.

Naruto knocked twice at the door and was about to talk.

"Come in." Iruka's voice came from the room.

Opening the room they saw their teacher sitting on the hospital bed, looking like nothing happened to him.

"Ohh! I was not expecting you two to be here." Iruka said with a happy smile. He looked at the flowers they were holding and smiled happily.

"Don't worry I will get discharged soon. Still I am grateful." He said with a small laugh.

"Iruka sensei, you are okay? What happened to you?" Ino asked first one to enter the room.

"Ehhh, I don't think it will be a problem to tell you. You will know it in some times anyway." Iruka said putting a hand on his chin.

"Mizuki decided to betray the village and attacked me. If it was not for Naruto I probably would have been in a far worse situation." He said with a smile and his voice filled with pride while talking about Naruto.

This time Ino was shocked. She was so shocked that even the flowers were about to fall from her hands, only for Naruto to stop that.

"Impossible! How?! What! He didn't even pass the graduation exam! And couldn't do a simple clone jutsu as well as being the dead last of the class!?" She said in a shocked voice her voice rising as went on.

"Ino, take a deep breath, and calm yourself." Iruka said in calm voice.

"Did you not see his forehead protector?" He asked making her look at him. She was even more shocked she had thought that to be his goggles not forehead protector. What kind of shinobi was she with that level of observation skill!

"But, but... What happened?" She finally asked already thinking about the reason.

"Naruto learned a different clone jutsu and with that he defeated Mizuki. As well as graduating as a genin." Iruka said with a smile.

All the while Naruto had stop his face from darkening. Though he showed his annoyed face, and decided to take a page from old Naruto Uzumaki's book.

"Oi! Don't look down on me. Let me show you my new awesome cool jutsu." He said crossing his fingers.

"Shadow clone jutsu." With that and a lot of puff of smoke dozens of shadow clones appeared next to him.

"And don't think it like the academy clone jutsu." He said as each shadow clone lifted small things in the room, showing the difference.

"What!? They are solid copy!?" Ino was shocked again looking at it all happen.

"Now you believe it." Naruto said with a grin just like the previous Naruto.

"Here Iruka sensei. Get well soon." He said giving flowers to his Iruka sensei passing by shocked Ino.

"Sensei, I will go to register myself. We will meet at the Ichiraku at the evening, same time." Naruto said his goodbye leaving the room.

Iruka also understood, Naruto didn't want to talk while Ino was present.

"Don't worry I will get discharged soon. I will be there."

Only then Ino came back to her senses. But at the end she soon had to leave. Even though she did not get the answers on how Naruto got a new jutsu. She decided she would ask her parents about it.


'Ino Yamanaka... She was the same and different at the same time'. Naruto thought to himself as he jumped from one roof to another. His current destination was the Hokage building.

"Well, they can get busy." He muttered to himself as he jumped into an alley, only to leave few moments later. And few moments later few cats and birds walked out of the alley. They were given the job to gather information around the village.

Naruto wanted to have the latest news and get updated soon. Besides it was like an information gathering mission on its own, you just have to look at it from that angle.

'Welp, Have do my best while wearing the mask.' Naruto said in his mind as he stood in front of the Hokage building.

"Look at the camera." After a flash his photo for registration was complete. Now he had to take them to the Hokage office.

Naruto didn't mind the camera man as he left the rooftop. He entered the Hokage office without knocking. Then closing it.

"May I come in?" Naruto asked.

"Come in." Hiruzen said as Naruto entered the Hokage office.

"So, did the sun rise from the west, or did I just see you knocking before coming in." Hiruzen said with a smile. There were a small pile of paper on his desk. And because of Naruto's good sense of smell, which probably because of the fox he could easily tell Hokage had been smoking.

"Ehh, I told you that I will do my best to become Hokage. And I was trying to act respectfully." Naruto said a little bashfully looking at his feet.

"And entering the room without knocking was just habit." Hiruzen said with a smile on his face. And Naruto could not tell if it was an act of a true smile.

"Yes, you know it's boring to do all that..." Naruto stopped his mouth as Hiruzen started to chuckle. Naruto wanted to believe... It didn't matter anyway the time had passed for that.

"Well, you will have to start from something at least. Let me see the papers." Hiruzen went through them fast and put his seal on it.

"So, how are you now?" He asked Naruto.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I promised you didn't I. I will definitely get your hat." Naruto said with enthusiasm.

"That I know my boy." Hiruzen said to him looking at him with a fond smile.

"Oh! I also went to meet Iruka sensei. I am coming here after meeting him." Naruto informed his visit to Iruka.

"Gramps, you are the strongest ninja in the village right?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, that I am."

"What advice will you give me to be a ninja like you." Naruto asked with a hopeful voice.

"Naruto, you should try to be a ninja like yourself. Yes, you have things you lack, but you have time to change them." He said taking out his pipe.

"I will advise you to put your attention on the basics. A foundation is very important for a shinobi. Also even if you don't like to you have to broaden your horizons. Even if you don't like to read, you will have to read books. And if you don't understand or need help you can come to me or Iruka." Hiruzen advised him seriously.

"The forehead protector is a registration ID on its own. You can go to library and show it to get entry to the shinobi section." Hiruzen said to Naruto.

"I will do my best, Old ma- I mean Hokage sama." Naruto said.

"I don't mind your usual self. It's not like you have to change everything." Hiruzen said with a smile looking at Naruto's annoyed face, because of making mistake again.

"It really feels weird calling you Hokage sama, old man." Naruto said making Hiruzen laugh even more. They talked for a little longer and he said goodbye to him soon after.

A/N: It will be great if you help me by donating. But don't worry those chapters will get public release soon.

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