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14.7% Naruto: the forsaken / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Fresh start..

Bab 1: Chapter 1 - Fresh start..

A/N: I do not own or have any rights to Naruto and jojo series or their characters. They belong to their respective creators.

Go to: vsbattles.fandom

To see the tiering system used in this story.


~ Location - hidden leaf village ~

- nightfall -


{Hiruzen pov}


"Y-you want to leave the village!?" He shouted while looking at his replacements concerned face.

"Yes hiruzen, you know as well as i that the twins need to be trained. Word will soon spread of kushina and I dying from the process of sealing the beast into the children. It's the perfect opportunity to lay low and prepare for the masked individuals inevitable return." Minato namekaze spoke seriously as he avoided the gaze of the 3rd.

"And what about your other child! Your just going to leave him here!?" Hiruzen retorted referring to minato's oldest son who recently turned 6 years old.

"He.. doesn't possess any chakra hiruzen. He'll only be in constant danger with no way to truly defend himself." Minato said with no hint of regret of what he had told the old man.

'More likely you think he'll be a liability..'

For a long minute the old man stayed silent as he heard his students protégé give his only excuse for leaving his child behind.

"Are you absolutely sure your doing the right thing..?" He asked while looking out the tower window.

"Honestly.. I don't know anymore. But I will do what I must to ensure my newborns are safe. Even if it means making sacrifices" With those final words minato was prepared to teleport. However, Hiruzen had one final question to asked.

"I take it he will not be living in the namekaze residence?" The old man seemed to have aged ten years after asking that singular question.

Minato shook his head and pulled out a slip of paper and placed it on the desk.

"Unfortunately, he cannot. However I did buy an apartment for him to live in while we're away. His things are already inside. He'll move in as soon as the procedure is done."

Hiruzen froze after hearing those last words. "Procedure?" He asked. Unsure I'd he wanted to hear the answer.

"To alter his memories. In order to keep him safe from my enemies he must leave his identity behind."



{Minato pov}



Looking to the sound he saw the old man had broken his pipe in half with a look of murder in his eyes. "First you want to abandon him. Now you deprive him of his memories! You disgust me!" Hiruzen yelled in a voice Minato only heard during the 3rd great ninja war.

The man before him was no longer the kind old man he knew for so many years that treated him like family. But a veteran of three wars who looked as if he wanted to rip his heart out.

"You have truly disappointed me Namekaze. As the reigning hokage. You have 24 hours to vacate this village. If you are still here after that time an announcement of your false death will be spread throughout the five great nations. Now get out of my sight." He spoke slowly with a cold voice that caused Minato to take a step back.

"B-but Hiru-"

"Get out!"

Knowing there was no chance of talking the old man while he was in this state. He activated his flying raijin and teleported away. In the bling of an eye he appeared in his and Kushina's living room.

"Minato! Your back! How di-" She stopped talking and saw her husband's pale face. Walking over to him she held his hand to which he came back to his senses. Looking into his wife's eyes he could only say a few words.

"I think... I think we've overstayed our welcome kushina..."



{Hiruzen pov}


"Ox. Summon the Yamazaka who performed the procedure on Minato namekaze's oldest child." Hiruzen ordered as an anbu agent hiding in the shadows.

"Yes lord 3rd." With a burst of silent speed the agent left to complete their task. For some time the old man stared outside and witnessed the aftermath of the ninetails attack. Buildings torn from their foundations. Streets overrun with debris. Wounded flooding the hospital to the point they needed to form large medical camps outside.

"And the death of my love.. my dear Biwako.." Hiruzen privately mourned. So many years of companionship gone in a single night.

Suddenly the sound of the door to his office opening brought him out of his depression. Inoichi yamanaka.. why wasn't he surprised. Hiruzen could tell the man was exausted from the way he carried himself. The bags under his eyes were another clear indication.

"Lord third. How may I be of assistance?" The clan leader bowed only to recieve a scoff in return.

"You can assist by canceling the procedure on Minato's first born." The yamanaka flinched at the thirds tone and order.

"I-i'm afraid that no longer possible. The procedure was already completed before your agent notified me. However.." Inoichi reported bowing his head in order to avoid the third hokages now heated gaze.

"You actually went through with it. You damb fool." Hiruzen spoke with contempt as the yamanaka looked up to see the hokage looking outside once more. "Damb you Minato. First you deprive him of his name. Now deprive him of his memories!"

Looking to the clan leader he straightened his posture and glared. "Undo the process. I do not care if Minato ordered you not to!"

"I'm afraid I can't. Not because I don't want to. But because it's impossible to do so now." Inoichi spoke causing the old man to drop his new pipe he received recently onto his desk and pin the yamanaka to the wall.

"What did you do!" He barked only for the yamanaka to bow his head in Shane.

"Something occurred in his brain. Something unforseen. The resulting anomaly erased his existing memories." The old man backed away in horror as he heard the news as inoichi fell to his rear in shame.

"Whoever he is now.. he is no longer Minato's child." Inoichi said in a way as if he had killed the boy.

"Houzu namekaze is dead.."

After hearing this news Hiruzen dropped back in his seat and silently begged any God who would listen for their forgiveness.

'Damb you Minato. Damb you..'

Suddenly the door opened once more to reveal his advisors and old teammates. Koharu was the first to speak as she sat down on the nearest couch within his office.

"We have just heard reports from the anbu declaring Minato has left the village. Along with the jinchuriki." She said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Indeed, with our source of military strength gone other village's will soon be emboldened to attack our borders. We must show we are still strong." Homura spoke next.

Hiruzen could hear the gears grinding in both their heads.

"I may have a temporary solution."

Walking out from the shadows came Danzo. Once his closest friend. Now a power hungry snake in the grass. Hiruzen wasn't blind to the subtle attempts his old friend made in order to take the hokage position from him in the past.

However, he never had the heart to put a stop to his antics. As corrupt as danzo was, his root was still necessary to ensure the village's protection.

"What exactly did you have in mind?" He asked as danzo looked at him with his lone squinted eye.

"The 4th has a less known child still within the village's walls, does he not?"

Upon hearing that singular question a pang of utter guilt formed in his heart...


~ morning ~


{Isaac pov}


"Where am i?" Isaac spoke tiredly as he felt a hangover starting to creep up in his brain. Getting up from the bed he expected the ever familiar cold carpet floor only to fall off and land on face.

"Ow! What the Fu@%!" Using his hands he tried to get up only to freeze in shock at the size of his hands. What was once large hands that could crack walnuts with ease were now pudgy little digits that could barely hold his iPhone.

Wait.. where was his phone? Quickly he looked around the room only to see a place fit for a child.

Toys, posters and stuffed animals littered the room. A feeling of horror creeped down his spine as he bolted to the rooms mirror only to see a kid with red hair and bright blue eyes with wisker marks on his cheeks.

Stepping back he began to experience a panic attack only for a panel of light blinked into existence in front of his eyes.

[Template system activated...]

[JJK variant..]

[Welcome host. You have been chosen to live once again by the god of reincarnation!]

[As such you have been given a system to aid you in your journey across the omniverse.]

'Well... that explains why I'm a child once again. If that's the case I've had to have been given a wish or two.' Isaac complained as he looked at the systems texts.

[Indeed host. During your time in the void you requested to be reborn into the world of Naruto with your memories intact.]

[As a sign of good will he allowed you to make three wishes]

[Your first wish was to bestowed with a template system housing the templates of the cursed spirits of the Jujutsu kaisen series]

[Your second wish was to have a long life span. The maximum amount of time you were given was a 5 billion years.]

[Last but not least was the ability to adapt in order to quicken the growth of your capabilities.]

'I'm honestly not surprised. I was both a Naruto and jujutsu kaisen fanboy...' After a moment of silence he realized an important plothole.

'Hang on, if I met this God or whatever then why don't I remember anything related to our encounter.' He thought while sitting back down on his bed.

[The time with my creator was expunged from your memory in order to prevent others with the power to read your mind from knowing about his existence and the omniverse as a whole.]

"I see. That actually makes a lot of sense." Closing his eyes he gave himself time to calm down and come to terms with his new situation.

After thirty minutes of looking outside and admiring the hokage mountain in the far distance to which was only unstructured by a few neighboring buildings he summoned the system once more.

'System, what are your functions?'

[My current functionality allows you to wield the powers of the Disaster curses and sorcerors from Jujutsu kaisen in the form of templates. Specific tasks will also be given out in order to enhance your attributes and gain template progress.]

[Please choose from the bottom.]

[Hanami] [Dagon] [Jogo] [Mahito]

As his eyes wandered upon every individual character panel his eyes locked on to the third option.

The one eyed pyromancer. Humanity's fear of volcanoes made manifest.


One of his most favorite characters in the series.

'System.. I choose jogo as my first template.'


[Integrating template...]


[Integration complete.]

Nodding his head he asked the system to bring up his stats.

[Name: Houzu Namekaze]

Age - 6

Gender - male

Race - Human/Curse


[Template: Jogo]: 1.0%


[Tier]: 8-C

Strength: superhuman

Agility: superhuman


Chakra: F



[Adaption]: Allows the user's body to grow stronger at an extreme rate and become resistant to certain phenomenon. Whether through training or in combat.

[Fire manipulation] - (novice)

Maximum temperature: 1,000 degrees C.

[Cursed energy manipulation] - (novice)

[Chakra control] - (novice)

[Lava manipulation] - (novice)

[Black flash] - (locked)

Multiplies the users physical attacks

by 2.5 x.

[Cursed energy control] - (novice)

[Reverse curse technique] - (Low-Mid)

- Able to heal and regrow severe wounds, lost limbs and organs.

[Domain expansion](locked)

Upon seeing his new name he was caught off gaurd.

'Namekaze?' Reaching up to touch his cheek he felt his wisker birthmarks that were identical to Naruto Uzumaki's. 'Am I a alternate version of the main character?' He asked himself as he kept examining his stats.

[Incorrect host. Although this is an AU.]

[ in this reality you are the first born of the 4th hokage. The main character was just born tonight. Both parents have survived the sealing of the nine tails.]

'If that's the case then why am I in this small apartment?' He asked.

[Both parents wish to train both of your siblings to control the ninetails. Due to the original owners body before the transfer having extremely low chakra reserves they left you behind.]

'Wait.. I stole another kids body!' Isaac began to feel a pit grow in his stomach at the thought of it.

[In a sense.. no. Your souls were switched. The yamanaka who was in the process of sealing the formers memories had mistakenly been inside the host mind during the systems integration. The end result was the complete loss of the formers memories.

[As compensation their soul was given to the God of reincarnation in order to send them off to live in another timeline.]

[Truly an unfortunate circumstance.]

*sigh~* 'poor kid.. at least that God gave him another chance as well.' Getting to his feet he made his way to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see a decent amount of cooking supplies.

"Thank god they at least had the common sense to give him enough food to survive for a few months." Grabbing some eggs and bacon he went to the stove and got to work making breakfast.

- 1 hour later -

After finishing his hearty meal and cleaned his dishes.

Isa- no.. Houzu made his way outside in order to begin his training. In such a world he needed to gain as much power as he could. He'd read too many fanfics depicting the mc being under prepared during their 'tutorials'.

'No. I shouldn't refer to my second life in such a way. This is far from a game.' He thought as he locked his apartment door before continuing on.

Making his way along the street as the townfolk continued to rebuild the damage caused by last night's events he received his first task.


[Limit breaker] - (Stage 1)

Push ups [0/100,000]

Sit ups [0/100,000]

Squats [0/100,000]

Km run [0/1,000]


'Hm! Fine, let's get this over with.' With those last words he ran to one of the many forest area's of the village and started his routine.

- unknown forest area -


- 8 minutes la

After continuous breaks and stopping to rest every few minutes he finaly was nearly his fiftieth push up.


With every break he could feel his sore muscles and tendons repairing themselves. Growing stronger and sturdier every minute that passed.

- 3 minutes later -


- 2 minutes later -

"98...99...100!" He yelled out as he dropped to the ground. For less than a minute his body slowly healed as his muscles mended back together and enhanced his capabilities further.

"Jesus christ... this is going to take forever.." Houzu panted while getting back into the push up position. If not for his abysmal use of the reverse curse technique and adaption he would have given up at fifty by now...

Unknown to the boy, a group of masked ninja watched him progress from within the tree tops above.

"I don't understand hawk. Why does he even bother? With the absimal amount of chakra he has he can't join the village's ranks." Boar scoffed while hawk continued to survey the child.

"Regardless of his lack of chakra. Something isn't right about him. I mean, look at his body, how it steams and ripples as he rests." Hawk answered back.

'So strange..'


A/N: hey guys! Hope you like the story so far and hope you'll share this story with your friends!

next chapter
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