Waking up early I was looking forward to the start of my ninja journey. This was it, my first step into this world of war and death. My goal, become a beacon, a pillar built not on the slaughter of thousands.
But a shield that protects and a fountain that provides life saving water. That being said I'm not naive enough to think I can go fight without killing. Death is nothing new to me, as a surgeon death is part of the job.
She is a fickle mistress, one moment she will ignore you then the next she gives you her cold kiss. Okay, that's enough of that. I get out of bed and do my morning routine.
30 minutes of stretching my entire body, then some body weight training. After that's done I perform high intensity movement to get my heart rate up for another 30 minutes. Finally a 10 minute stretch then head to the bathroom to wash up. Keeping your body well stretched and warmed up at the beginning of the day does wonders for mental health.
I'm truly grateful to Tsunade for helping me get this apartment, living at the orphanage was the worst. That closet was not kid friendly, and it sure as hell wasn't growing with me.
With the payment I received from my work at the hospital and Tsunade's connections I was able to get this place for a great price. Best thing is that it was only 20 minutes from the hospital.
Once done with the bathroom I get dressed and groom myself. Looking in the mirror I'm satisfied with what I see. Cute kid with pale skin, jet black hair and eyes, with a lean physique. My body doesn't give off the impression of great strength but great flexibility and adaptability.
No hard muscle but supple, pliable and able to move beyond what a hard body can manage. I'm wearing an outfit similar to kalder from young justice except the top is black while the bottom is a shorts version in blue. Blue ninja sandals and a pack at my waist that holds my gear. I plan to learn fuinjutsu to create better storage for all my medical supplies, but this will have to do for now.
I let my hair lay as it will and eat a good breakfast. Heading out towards the academy I was excited, I couldn't wait to start my journey. Suddenly I realized a very important detail.
Going to school sucks ass, not only that but this is like first grade. I stop dead in my tracks and contemplate if I really want to subject myself to such torment.
After much contemplation, I head into an ally, "water clone jutsu". From my body came a water clone, "go to class for me, claim first place in everything." After sending my clone off I make my way to the hospital thinking about the possible injuries I'll be able to treat.
Arriving at the front desk to the hospital I spoke with the receptionist who I have yet to get her name. "Hello, any new suckers, I mean patients?" I ask. "No, but Lady Tsunade is in her office. You could head up to see her, she was waiting for your arrival later but since you are here now" with that said I thank the woman and head to Tsunade's office.
Once I make it to her door I knock and wait for a response. "Come in" I hear and open the door, once inside I see Tsunade at her desk going over paperwork. She looks up and smiles upon seeing me, "I figured you'd be here".
I smile at her and take a chair placing it next to her desk as usual. "Yeah, the idea of attending a class that can't teach me anything is not very appealing" I say. "Well since you're here you can help me finish my paperwork" she says while pushing half the stack towards my side of the desk.
After an hour we finally finish and have lunch brought to the office. Once lunch was over I delved back into the books on poison. I knew that this upcoming war would be extremely difficult and I wanted to be as prepared as possible.
The battle where the legendary sannin were named was against Hanzo the salamander and he was known for his poison. Tsunade, Jiraya, and Orochimaru were the only ones to survive. One man against an entire battalion of leaf ninja, scary as hell.
The main reason I'm confident in not only surviving this battle but also saving a few lives is the fact it's always raining in Amegakure or more aptly known as the rain village. I have no delusions that I will be able to kill the old man but with all that rain my water jutsu will be much more powerful.
That's why I need to do more research into poison and assimilate many different kinds into my system so I can not only naturally produce them but counter them. Hell, even during the battle against the sand village I can help counter that old lady chiyo's poison saving many leaf shinobi lives. Even though I preach about wanting to be more of a healer and defender than a killer I chose this village for a reason.
If I wanted to make myself virtually unstoppable I would have chosen the rain or mist village as my home. The hidden leaf is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but they have something that the other hidden villages lack. A strong governing system.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's perfect but it's by far the most stable. The mist village has a cast system that practically bred discontent and allowed corruption and oppression.
Not only that I'm not interested in participating in all the uprisings that went down there and the mass genocide of all keke genki holders. I mean seriously, why kill potential assets to the village? And don't even get me started on that battle royale hunger games event they had for up and coming ninja, no thank you.
The sand village is a monarchy but not a very good one. The kazekage is more of a figurehead and can be removed if he causes too many problems for the more influential members of the council. Which is evident in the fact that all the kazekage were assassinated, but more importantly the place is a hot dry shithole. Not many resources to work with so the economy is really bad.
The stone village, man where do I even begin? If you think the mist village is an overly aggressive nation then you haven't met the stone village. They are war junkies, if you want to live in constant battle and be in endless border skirmishes then it's the place for you.
Also the fact that earth style counters my water style played a big role in my decision. Not much is known about the economy but due to the constant fighting trade is most likely limited.
Last but not least the cloud village. Well not much is known about them except they really want to capture Hinata(pedo senses are tingling). I'm not saying that the leaf village is perfect, not at all. But they are the most stable out of them all. And they have Tsunade, what can I say, as a surgeon meeting the god of medicine in this world is a great honor.
After some time I decide to ask Tsunade a question. "Hey Tsunade? Can you help me with my training? I have some interesting ideas I want to try out but I need input from an experienced fighter. Also you're the only person I trust."
She looks up from her desk and thinks on my request. "Sure, I don't have any appointments for the rest of the day anyway. And I'm flattered you hold me in such high regard" she says with a smug look on her face towards the end.
As we make our way to one of the more private training fields I try to speak to Karthos, the lazy fuck has been sleeping for a whole year. 'Hey Karthos, wake up. I need to ask you some questions.'
I got no reply, as I was about to start cursing the creature he responded to me at last. 'Who dares to disturb my slumber?!' What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Has he already forgotten who I am?
'It's me Aizen, I have been trying to contact you for some time now. How long were you planning on making me wait?' I await for his response but after five minutes I grow impatient and am about to start yelling.
'Ahhhh, I remember now. How have you been Aizen?' I stop dead in my tracks, Tsunade looks at me questioningly. "It's nothing, just had a thought, let's get going" I say to her and we continue to our destination.
This is the first time he has not referred to me as master, what could this mean? Has he gone rogue? If he did could I even stop him? We are bound together so he would not kill me, but that's not to say he wouldn't attempt to take control of my body. No, I must calm down.
Logicaly, he was a child during our first meeting. I have no idea the maturation rate of an old one but maybe he has just grown up a bit. God I hope so, otherwise this world is fucked.
As I'm about to ask my question he speaks, 'I am tired, I will go to sleep now. Don't be a stranger, let me know if you need anything' he says.
'Wait wait, what the fuck! He went to sleep again!, and what's this shit about not being a stranger? You never answer my calls anyway.'
Lord give me strength, fuck it, I'll worry about his lazy ass some other time. Why did I pick a race that spends thousands of years sleeping as a companion in the first place?
Here you go, hope you like it. Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️
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