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31.25% Naruto: Of Bone and Ice / Chapter 35: Chapter 35:

Bab 35: Chapter 35:

Hello, here is the next chapter! Just a warning, this chapter is rated 18 and over! You have been warned.

"There is something that we need to discuss together," Fuyōna said, getting everyone's attention.

Zabuza was still wheezing from the hit he took, and his arms and legs had been bound with ice so that he couldn't escape.

"Let me go!" He roared, still outraged.

"I will, but you need to calm down first," Fuyōna said.

"Zabuza, this is important. I think you will want to hear it." Mei said.

"Shut it, you bitch! Or I'll kill you too!" He shouted as he tried to break free from the ice restraints.

Mei got angry very easily and walked over to him, crouching down to face him.

"Say that again, and you will be the one who dies." She said in a very intimidating tone.

Zabuza went silent for a moment but scoffed.

"Whatever." He said, looking away.

"Back to the matter at hand then," Fuyōna said.

"As I said, I believe that the Mizukage is being controlled by someone else. I think it's a Genjutsu of some sorts, but I would like you to confirm it with your Byakugan." He said to Ao.

Zabuza turned back to face them and was actually shocked by the news.

"That can't be!" He said.

"He's right. That would take an extraordinary genjutsu caster to be able to trap lord 4th. Only the Uchiha clan of the hidden leaf could do such a thing." Ao said, still unsure.

Fuyōna nodded.

"I'm afraid that may well be the case." He said, deciding to withhold Madara's name for the time being.

"And what are you planning to do if you are right?" Mei asked.

The others all waiting for Fuyōna to give his answer.

"I will... No. We will stop him, either by breaking the genjutsu or..."

"Or..." Mei asked, already knowing the answer.

"What you are saying is treason Fuyōna," Ao said as he crossed his arms.

Fuyōna walked over to Zabuza and released the ice that was holding him.

"I know asking you to trust me is a big risk, but if we don't act now, I fear it will be too late."

Zabuza slowly stood up as he dusted himself off, still not happy about this whole thing.

"All I ask is for you to look with your Byakugan."

Ao closed his eyes for a moment as he thought about the whole thing hard.

"I will do as you ask Fuyōna as a favour to you." He said.

Fuyōna nodded his head in appreciation.

"But know this. If you are wrong, I will turn you in for treason!" He said, not giving the threat lightly.

"So you are plotting to overthrow the 4th. Zabuza said with a sinister smile.

"I underestimated you, Fuyōna." He said, turning his back on them.

"Where are you going, Zabuza?" Mei asked as he started to walk away.

"Mind your business!" He snapped.

Mei was pissed and was about to charge at him, but Fuyōna stopped her

"It's ok, Mei. Let him go." He said, giving her a nod.

She looked at Fuyōna, his face was close enough that she could see all of his features, and she liked what she saw.

They watched as Zabuza walked away and finally disappeared into the mist. Ao turned to them and placed his hands on his hips.

"We had better get back and report to lord 4th." He said.

"And don't worry. I'll play your little game, for Now, Fuyōna, but remember what I said."

"I understand," Fuyōna said.

With that, the three of them left the Kaguya village behind as they started to make their way back to the hidden mist village.

However, unknowing to the other two.

Fuyōna left one of his ice clones behind so that he could thoroughly scout out the area for anything of value.

Fuyōna, Ao and Mei all returned to the Mizukages office, and Ao reported the mission was complete.

"There are no Kaguya clansmen left lord 4th," Ao reported.

"Good work. I knew I could count on all of you." Yagura said as he locked his fingers together over his desk.

"You are dismissed, for now, report to me in the morning. I might have something else that needs taken care of." He said.

All three of them bowed and made their exit from his office. As the three of them walked down the hallway and out of the eyes of any Anbu guards, Fuyōna gave Ao the go-ahead to activate his Byakugan.

Ao nodded, and he raised his fingers.

"You better be right about this. I'll be killed if he finds out I did this." He said as he activated his Byakugan.

Mei and Fuyōna waited in anticipation to see what Ao said. A moment went by and time seemed to slow down before he reacted.

Aos eye went wide as he deactivated his Byakugan.

"What is it, Ao?" Mei asked, eager to know.

Ao turned to the two of them and shook his head.

"Fuyōna is right."


Zabuza had taken his loss to Fuyōna pretty hard. He had done nothing but train and train to become stronger, honing his skills and forging them in the fires of combat.

Yet, he had been made to look like a child before Fuyōna. Zabuza had never felt so weak. Never had he felt so worthless, as if all his efforts had been in vain.

He had wandered through the land of water for the rest of the night until he came to a half-decent sized town. With nothing else to do, for the time being, Zabuza decided to head to the local bar where he could have some peace and drown his sorrow alone.

Zabuza walked in as he pushed the door open.

"Welcome..." The maid said as she suddenly went quiet, the look on her face one of fear.

Zabuza was still dressed in his everyday hidden mist jonin attire. Complete with his flak jacket and headband.

His presence had silenced the entire place, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to.

"A table and a Sake. Better make it the bottle." He said with his gruff voice.

The barmaid nodded and offered him a small table in the corner of the room so that he would have some privacy.

"I'll be r-right back s-sir? She said, clearly nervous. After all, hidden mist shinobi were very feared, and ordinary people tried to stay well clear of them.

The girl returned with a full bottle of sake and one cup. Placing them down on the table, she lifted the bottle and attempted to pour some into his cup, spilling a little by accident.

"Give it here! He yelled as he snatched the bottle from her.

The girl couldn't help but flinch, and she backed away a little too quick.

Zabuza wasn't bothered, and he started to chug the rice wine, hoping to forget his misery.

He drank all night, easily polishing off four full bottles of sake before the night was done. His temper still hadn't improved, but eventually, the alcohol took effect, and he passed out on the table.

The place's owner was too scared to wake him and instead decided it would be best to leave him until morning, hoping he would leave without causing any trouble.

Back in the hidden mist.

Ao was shocked to see that Fuyōna had been telling the truth. There was no mistaking the Chakra colour that signalled he was indeed under a powerful genjutsu.

Only his Byakugan eye could even detect such a genjutsu, and Ao had to wonder how Fuyōna had found out.

The three of them decided to leave the Mizukage's building before they discussed anything further, and the three of them returned to Mei's house as it was the closest place.

"So, lord 4th is really under a genjutsu..." Mei said.

Ao nodded as he took a sip of his tea.

"I am afraid Fuyōna was telling the truth. It's a powerful genjutsu at that. One I don't think I can break."

Mei was surprised by that as Ao was a specialist in that area, to begin with.

"Then how are we supposed to break it?" She asked, confused.

Fuyōna was stood staring out of the large window that overlooked the Mizukages mansion with his arms crossed behind his back.

He was trying as hard as he could to remember any information at all from the show that could help them here. But nothing came to mind.

"There is only one way." He said, not turning to face the others.

Ao and Mei turned to look at him, waiting for him to continue.

"We have to force the genjutsu to break from the inside." He said, finally turning to face them.

"Just how are we supposed to do that?" Ao asked.

"He's right. If we try to force him, we will face a battle to the death, and lord 4th isn't a pushover." Mei said, sipping her tea.

As she did, she spilt a little bit, and it landed on her breasts. Mei flinched a little at the hot liquid and started to rub it off. The action not going unnoticed by Fuyōna.

He cleared his throat and his mind from the view before he got serious again.

"As I was saying... I would need to get close enough to enter his inner world and converse with the three tails inside of him. If I can break the genjutsu on the three tails, it should be able to do the rest."

Ao whistled.

"That doesn't sound easy." He said.

"No..." Fuyōna said.

"Would it not be easier to kill him?" Mei said, not even batting an eyelid as she did.

Ao slapped his hand on the table in protest.

"We can't do that!" He shouted.

Mei didn't flinch.

"Why? It would be much easier that way."

Fuyōna thought about both possible outcomes. On the one hand, they faced a battle against Yagura and the three tails where they would have to hold back in order to save him, putting themselves and potentially the entire village in danger.

While on the other, they could kill him and avoid massive casualties and potentially a life-threatening battle. Fuyōna knew there were only two others besides himself in the village who were strong enough to challenge him in a one on one battle.

Mei was one of them. The other was Kisame... But Fuyōna already knew what his path was. Yagura was no pushover, and if push came to shove, he could do a lot of damage.

Fuyōna also had to worry about what Obito would do if he found out they were trying to break the genjutsu. He highly doubted he would attack them, but he had to consider the possibility.

Ao finished his tea and placed the empty cup onto the table.

"Well, there is nothing we can do for the time being. Not until we have come up with a plan on how to deal with this." He said.

"I agree. We should take more time to gather allies and plan accordingly before we act on this.

Fuyōna also nodded.

"Yes, that is the most logical plan of action. But, we will have to be careful who we trust with this information. Remember, we aren't trying to stage a rebellion here."

The other two nodded.

"He's right. There are two many who would use an opportunity like this to enact their own gains." Mei said.

"Only people that you truly trust can be made aware of this. For now, we will treat it as an S class top secret until we come up with a better plan. For now, we should go about business as usual." Ao said.

Fuyōna and Mei nodded in agreement and brought the conversation to a close.

"I think it's time to take my leave," Ao said as he stood up, thanking Mei for the tea.

Fuyōna nodded.

"Yes, for now, we do nothing." He said, also walking towards the door with Ao.

Mei stood up from her seat as she watched Ao open the door to leave.

"Wait, Fuyōna." She said just before he stepped out.

"I was wondering if we could talk alone before you left." She said.

Ao didn't look surprised and simply nodded.

"I'll take my leave then." He said, bidding them goodnight.

Fuyōna said goodbye to Ao and shut the door walking back into Meis house.

"What is it you want to talk about, Mei?" He asked, not sure what was happening.

Mei walked over to the fridge, bending over as she opened it. She pulled a bottle of sake out and gave it a little shake.

"Will you have a drink with me?" She asked, putting on a seductive smile.

Fuyōna was taken back by her boldness, but he had to admit, he kind of liked it.

The two of them sat down, and Mei poured them each a cup. She sipped hers slowly, and Fuyōna noticed how full and soft her lips looked.

"Cheers." She said before she finished the whole cup.

"Arrrr." She said as she wiped her mouth.

"Cheers," Fuyōna said as he, too, took a large drink of sake.

"Woow!" He shouted as he finished the drink, trying not to cough his cuts up.

The sake was more potent than he had thought, hitting him almost instantly.

Mei poured them both another drink as she places the sake bottle back down on the table.

"So Fuyōna." She said, looking into his eyes.

"Yes, Mei?" He said, trying to pretend the sake wasn't affecting him.

"You still haven't told me much about yourself. I mean, I only know what little comes through the great vine." She said, taking another sip.

Fuyōna also took another drink, not wanting to be rude by letting her drink alone.

"Not much to know, Mei. He said, putting his cup down.

"I could say the same about you, though." He also added.

Mei smiled. "Well, why don't we play a little game?"

Fuyōna wasn't sure what she was getting at, but his curiosity got the better of him.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Why don't we play a game where we ask each other a question... Your answer. However you want, and we try to guess if it's a lie or the truth." She said, finishing her second drink.

Fuyōna had to admit that sounded quite fun. After all, he did want to know more about her back story as he didn't know much.

"Ok, who starts? Fuyōna asked.

Mei rubbed the edge of her cup with her finger slowly as she gave a smile.

"I'll start." She said, placing both her hands on the table gently.

"How old were you when you graduated from the academy?" She asked.

Fuyōna had to take a moment to work it out; so much had happened since then, after all.

"I was 8", Fuyōna said.

Mei smiled.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it."

"Now it's your turn." She said.

Fuyōna nodded as he finished the rest of the Sake in his cup, slamming it down on the table.

"Alright... What is your dream?" Fuyōna asked, taking her by surprise.

"My dream?" Said asked, filling his cup back up.

"No one has ever asked me that before." She said softly.

Fuyōna noticed the look on her face as she blushed a little.

"My dream... Is to help build our village and nation, so it is a healthy and peaceful place for the people to live." She said.

"And also find a good man." She added, giving him a cheeky grin.

Fuyōna almost spat his sake out as he caught the last bit of that.

"What?" He managed to blurt out as his face started turning a little red.

"I'm saying that I want you, Fuyōna." She said, leaning over the table, letting her large breasts hang for a better view of them.

Fuyōna almost choked this time.

"This can't be real?" He said to himself.

"Come on, Mei, I think that's the sake talking." He said, batting it off as a joke.

Mei wasn't joking, though.

"I'm not joking, Fuyōna. You have grown into such a fine man, one who I would happily let have me." She said, rubbing her hand down her body.

Fuyōna was gobsmacked that this was happening, and honestly, in his deepest dreams, he had always wished it had.

Fuyōna put his sake down onto the table, and he looked her in the eyes.

"I have to warn you, Mei. I'm not the man you think I am."

Mei shushed him as she placed her finger to his lips.

"We have all done things, Fuyōna. There is no need to explain to me." She said as she took his hand.

Fuyōna let her pull him from his chair and his body pressed against hers. He was taller than her, and she had to look up into his eyes.

Fuyōna couldn't hold back anymore, and he leaned in, kissing her with heated passion.

Mei returned the kiss, and the two broke into a heated battle for dominance over their lips.

It didn't take long for Fuyōna to wrap his arms around her waist as he pulled her in closer, getting a slight moan from her.

Mei let him as she enjoyed every second. Fuyōna had to admit he was a little rusty, but he could still remember a few moves.

He moved away from her lips and started to kiss down her neck, biting and sucking softly as he did.

Mei couldn't contain her pleaser as she let out a moan, her legs getting weak from the sensation.

Fuyōna broke the kiss away from her neck, and Mei wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him back in for another kiss.

She continued to pull him with her as they crashed and banged into the furniture and walls before finally reaching the bedroom.

They fell onto the bed with Fuyōna on top as he broke the kiss, looking into her eyes for a moment.

Mei smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck once more, pulling him in for another kiss.

Mei ripped Fuyōnas jacket and mesh undershirt, throwing them onto the ground. She noticed how strong and hard his body was as she ran her hands down his back, digging her nails into his skin.

Fuyōna also ripped her blue suit off, exposing her bare upper body, enjoying every part of it with his hands and mouth.

Mei was holding his head and pulling his hair as he sucked and flicked her nipples with his tongue, spending ample time on each of them, getting Mei hotter and hotter until she couldn't contain it anymore.

Mei flipped him over, using her strength to mount him. she rubbed his chest, letting her hands travel lower and lower before finally taking his and her own pants off.

Neither of them could contain their lust for each other any longer as Mei guided him inside of her, letting out a loud scream of pleaser as she moved her hips back and forth, joining the two of them together as they made love for the rest of the night.

Morning came all too fast for Zabuza as the sun shone brightly through one of the small windows.

His head was pounding, and he realised he had passed out, spending the night here.

Zabuza stood up slowly and noticed the owner and his daughter, who was the maid.

"Thanks for the sake." He said as he dropped three times the amount of money the bottle was worth on the table.

They bowed to him in thanks, clearly still nervous until he left. Zabuza walked out onto the street. It was a cold morning, and the snow was falling heavily with a light mist in the air.

Zabuza growled a little as he put his hand on his head. The cold was always good for a hangover, and he turned as he started walking down the street.

The trees in the village had a thick layer of snow on them. Zabuza had guessed the snow hadn't let up all night as his footsteps crunched with every step.

It was busy as people rushed around going about their business. Of course, Zabuza paid them no attention as he headed over to one of the bridges so he could cross the river.

His battle with Fuyōna was still fresh in his mind, and the sake had done little to make him forget it.

Anger filled him as his chest started to get tight. "Curse you, Fuyōna." He growled under his breath as his chakra flared a little.

He had been so blinded by his hate that he had failed to notice a small boy who was sat staring at him.

The boy appeared to be homeless and had snow piling on his body, indicating he had been there for a while.

"You have the same eyes as me, mister." He said as he stared into Zabuzas soul with no fear.

Zabuza looked at the runt for a moment longer, taking pity on him. He could tell he was weak from hunger and would probably die if he stayed out in the cold much longer.

He had medium-length black hair and a black collar around his neck. Zabuza was about to walk away when the boy smiled at him with no fear, triggering something in his cold heart.

"Well, little one, will you stay here and die a beggers death? Or will you come with me and be of a little use by serving me and submitting to my will?" Zabuza said, waiting for the boy to respond.

The boy didn't respond, taking a moment to think about the offer. Finally, he stood up and walked over to Zabuza, looking up to face him. He nodded.

Zabuza gently placed his hand on the boys head, rubbing his hair a little.

"Tell me your name, boy." He said.

"My name is Haku... Haku Yuki." He said with a blank face.

Zabuza's eyes snapped open at the name Yuki.

"From this day forwards, your abilities belong to me," Zabuza said as he pulled the boy into his side with his hand on his shoulder.

Haku could feel the warmth from Zabuza, and at long last, he felt safe. Knowing he was willing to do anything, this man would ask of him.

"Time to take you home," Zabuza said as they set off, heading back towards the hidden mist.

"Wait until you see my new ace. Fuyōna." Zabuza thought to himself as he walked through the village with his new apprentice in hand.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for supporting the story so far!

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