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83.11% Naruto : Hinata Hyuga / Chapter 64: The Devil never changes

Bab 64: The Devil never changes


Chapter title~ Tragadies after Tragadies


Pov-[Hinata the cute pedophile]

"Hey Ren, give me something to eat," I asked him because the live show was about to start and oh boy it's going to be fascinating.

The walls are about to be painted red, limbs will be scattered around the streets like trash, the screams of the dead will be the music to the ears of someone and the full moon will shine in the blood of young, old, child, men and women.


The bloody moon was already in the sky, everything was silent for some reason. All the preparations were already done, it was just a matter of time before they would act. And the 'they' are referred to as both firstborns of two great clans.

"It's here lady Hinata," Ren opened a scroll and a lot of food appeared on a white blanket. Neatly boiled egg, meat, some rice, and a jug of milk with some sweets. A little too much for one person.


I have to eat a lot to grow up quickly, that's what my mother says and I can't disobey my mother, can I?

Currently, we were in the forest, the Naka River was beside us, this was the same place where we last met Isomu Uchiha.

We were currently using a very high-level camouflage technique to hide ourselves, some silencing seals here and there, some light-distorting seals, so we were absolutely safe from the outside world.


"Ahh... This is heaven," I gulped down the milk, and the situation made it sweeter.

With my Byakugan, I could see some elders of my clan watching from afar, hiding in the shadows.

Hiruzen and Anbu were patiently waiting in an abandoned building. Some Anbu ninjas were hiding around the gates so no one escaped.

From 45 degrees to the north, Danzo and his Root were hiding, there was a satisfied grin on his face and anticipation in his eyes for what was to come next.

Root ninjas were like swarms of flies, circling the clan like rabid dogs.

There was one difference between Hiruzen and Danzo; one was hiding, and the other one was openly showing his eagerness.


The Root ninjas had placed silencing seals all around the clan compound, if not, the clans like Inuzuka would surely hear the incoming screams.


I gargled the water and spat it out, sealing the toothpaste and brush in a mini-scroll.

'Mother says that you should always brush your teeth after eating food.'


Walking a few steps ahead, I put my hands on the ground and poured an ounce of earth chakra. The ground around my hand wiggled, and ten-centimeter-tall walls sprouted out from the ground in a circular motion.

Placing my hand once again, my chakra converted into water and filled my little pool.

The water in the pool was calm and tranquil; the white moon was reflecting in it. It was like a mirror was placed in the middle of the forest.


"Why did you make this," Ren asked, slightly confused.

I just looked at him and smiled. "The boy will enjoy the show, it would be cruel of us to watch and enjoy the show alone, hehe."

"But the boy is only three and a half," he said without any expression. "It will traumatize him."

I raised my head and asked, "And..."


Ren didn't ask anything else. I didn't see a problem here.

"Hehe, it's better than dying, isn't it? And don't worry, it will play a crucial role in his character development," I said.

Ren just looked at me, and I just looked back. "Hehehe," a laugh escaped my lips at the seriousness of the situation.

"Let's fetch the boy," I said and tapped a special spot on the ground. The ground shook a little before revealing a deep tunnel. This tunnel will open in the basement of Isomu's house.


"Ritsu did a fine job," I said and jumped into the deep tunnel. How hard could it be to make a little tunnel underground with an Earth-style user?

"And unlike us, they couldn't see underneath the ground." And we have a man inside the clan.


Hundreds of chakra strings were expelled from tenketsu points and attached to the surface of the tunnel. They stretched and stretched before my free fall came to a halt.


I landed as swiftly as possible, and all the chakra strings were pulled back inside my body.


Ren was running on the walls, and he too finally landed beside me.

"Now let's go," with a burst of chakra beneath our feet, both of us disappeared.


The floor creaked, and both of us jumped out of the long tunnel.

We were in Isomu's house, and before long, we were standing in front of him and his son in his bedroom.


The little child had black hair and black eyes and was looking at us with a confused look, and he looked very cute.

I gave him a friendly smile, waved at him, and spoke, "Hello there."

The boy looked at his father and asked, "Father, who are they?"


His father took a deep breath. I could see his heart was pounding furiously, his legs were trembling, and even the eclectic signals in his brain were in disarray.

"They are my friends, be good to them, Yuki, and always do what they ask, and don't question them," Isomu said with a trembling voice.

'Oh, another 'Yuki' in the house,' I thought and looked at the cute kid. '

And Isomu isn't good at parting goodbyes.'

I then looked at the other person who was sleeping soundlessly, her body condition was somewhat peculiar.

'My my look what we have here,' I looked at the kid's mother, Isomu had done numbers on her, basically, he fucked her unconscious and now she was sleeping with a satisfied smile on her face. 


"Father, why are you saying this?" Yuki asked.

"Boy, don't ask questions and do as I say," his voice was stern, which made the boy flinch.

He then looked at me and then Ren. "I hope you will take care of him," he practically begged.

"You don't have to worry about him," Ren nodded to him. Isomu gazed at his son as if he were looking at his treasure.


Ren raised his hand. "Our deal."

"Oh yes," Isomu quickly handed some scrolls to Ren. "This is all of our fortune, money, jutsus, and a pair of Sharingan. I hope this is enough to take care of my son," he said.

"Come here, Yuki, and say hello to big sister," I called him with a smile. I couldn't let him see what was about to happen next.

The boy felt strange, but nonetheless, he came closer to me.

I ruffled his hair with a loving smile. "Come with big sister," I extended my hand.


The boy looked at his father for permission, and Isomu nodded to his son.

As soon as I exited the room, I saw Isomu raising his hand and gouging out both of his eyes, handing them over to Ren.

"Our work is done here," I muttered and waited for Ren to come out.

Soon, Ren was in front of me and nodded.

"Let's go," I said, and the three of us disappeared from there after perfectly erasing our tracks.


"Where are we?" the boy asked, looking left and right, searching for his parents.

'It's time, baby,' I thought inwardly, and the expressions on my face started to change drastically. Even the air around me became gloomy.

"You see, Yuki, we are now your new parents and family," my voice dripped with regret and sorrow as I spoke.

"Huh…" the boy became alert, his body went stiff, "what are you talking about, I have my father and mother."

I shook my head, my eyes filled with sadness, "listen to me, Yuki. Your father had a bad feeling that something bad would happen to him and his family, and he was right. Someone is going to kill everyone, so he asked his most trusted friends to look after you."


"W-what are you talking about, I want to go to my mother," he sniffed, tears started to fall from his eyes. He was a child, and hearing someone was going to kill his parents, this reaction was obvious.

"No, Yuki, you can't go. Your parents will be sad if they find out that you didn't obey them," I hugged the boy from behind and raised my hand to look him towards the little pond.

His back was touching my belly, my hand was protectively wrapped around his neck, and then I whispered in his ear, "Look into the water. This man is going to kill your family."


My Byakugan was activated, and using a real-time genjutsu, I instructed Yuki to look at a mirror-like pond.

"What…" he couldn't complete his sentence as an image started to appear on the water's surface: a ninja clad in black Anbu was sitting on a pole, his Sharingan blazing menacingly, with the full moon behind his back as if witnessing everything.

"Watch carefully, Yuki," I whispered in his ear. The futile struggle was no more.

He would see everything my eyes saw. I focused my eyes on Itachi; I could see him from every angle. He jumped from the pole and pulled down his Anbu mask.


'Let the show begin.'


The moon started to turn crimson as the wall of the first house was painted red. The throat was slit open by the cold edge of Itachi's sword.

Yuki flinched in my arms when he saw the true horrors of the cruel world. Bad feelings started to grip his heart, his parents were going to die just like the couple.

Many sleeping gas bombs were thrown out by Itachi, putting the already sleeping innocent people even deeper into their dreamland.

Itachi used every tactic, from traps to sleeping gas to genjutsu to kunai to even dirty tricks. Killing around 2000 people in a fair fight was just pure bullshit. And how old was the boy? 13 years old.


"Don't cry, baby," my soothing voice filled his ears, but it didn't calm him down. His tears were like a broken dam, they flowed without any restriction.

'Hoho look, he is going to kill that hiding old man,' I watched as he dragged the man by his leg from the closet before stabbing his heart with his beautiful sword.

'Damn, he looks so majestic, killing civilians who didn't even know what their fault was,' I sarcastically thought as a new player was added to the game.


Children, boys, girls, old, young, not even pregnant women were spared.

They were dragged out from their hiding places, and women protecting their sons and daughters were stabbed in their backs. The blades didn't stop at their flesh; they continued until they killed both mother and child.

Yuki's body uncontrollably shook as he looked at Itachi, who had just jumped into the house through the window.

"N-No, please don't kill them, No… noo…" he tried to reach out his hand as the throats of his parents were slit open in front of his eyes.

His parents were dead, the bed was dyed red where he had slept countless times.

The scene started to repeat in front of him again and again; three times he saw his parents murdered.


"W-why did they have to die? What did they do?" he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Don't cry, baby," I lovingly patted his head. I was giving him the warmth he needed recently.

Then suddenly my focus shifted to his mother's belly. I zoomed in until I saw there was an unborn child there. And the boy saw what I saw.

'The five-month-old child will be dead in a few minutes.'

"Look at your unborn brother," I whispered in his ears, and soon the movements of the little child stopped completely.

Yuki's spirit was completely broken, there was unimaginable hate and rage in his eyes. Itachi had robbed everything from him: his father, mother, and unborn sibling.


"Mom…" he sobbed, sniffed, and cried while wiping his tears.


'Oh, mama's boy, I will be your mommy,'


I turned the boy around and embraced him with a loving hug.

"You're not alone, Yuki. You have us; you have me," I patted his head so fondly and smiled so warmly that it could even put his mother to shame.

Those were the last words he heard before going unconscious in my arms. He didn't have to see anything else; he had seen enough. I caressed Yuki's cheeks which were soaked with tears.

Tilting my head, I looked at Ren, who was staring at me as if he had witnessed something incredible.


"What…" I asked him.

He shook his head, "Nothing, it's your fourth time," he said.

I walked towards him and handed the boy over to him.

"Hehe… maybe this is the last time, I guess."

"Who knows what the future holds for us," he mysteriously said and gently took the boy to check his condition.

I nodded to him, he was right, nobody knew what the future held, hehe, except me.


With a puff of smoke, a mini scroll was opened, and an apple was in my hand.

"Let's see…" I munched the sweet apple and looked at Sasuke, who was running towards his home.

"Here it comes." I watched as Sasuke's face started to distort from happy to confused to rage and finally to horror when he looked at the streets filled with dead bodies of his clan members.

He started to check them, but all he found was death. His legs started to tremble, he looked in the direction of his house and ran as fast as he could.

"Mother, father," he yelled, but what he met with was silence. There was no father or mother to answer him.


Soon he reached the door of their parents' room, and with trembling hands, he opened it and met the lifeless bodies of his parents.

"No…" he yelled with agony, his heart shattered into countless pieces.

And to add the nail to the coffin, his big brother, whom he adored the most, was standing behind his parents with a bloody sword in his hand.


He didn't want to believe what he was seeing, but the reality was in front of him, and sure it was disappointing.

"W-why did you do this," he asked with tear-filled eyes.

"To test my powers," he met with a simple answer. His brother killed everyone just to test his powers.


Soon, Itachi disappeared from there; Sasuke followed him to the streets. "Why don't you kill me," he asked while kneeling on the ground.


'Here comes the intriguing part,'


I thought as I munched another bite. Itachi's eyes started to spin and changed to Mangekyo Sharingan. Looking into Sasuke's eyes, he replied, "You are too weak, you aren't worth killing."

Sasuke's surroundings changed, and he found himself watching his parents' death by his brother's hand again and again; everything was imprinted on his mind.

For the next 72 hours, he watched it, his mother, and father dying in front of his eyes. He watched 518,400 times again and again.

'My my Itachi literally mind raped his brother and people say he was a good brother, good brother my ass, why didn't he just kill him,' 


I didn't know why but when I looked at the stain of a big brother my rage and blood started to boil on its own. 


'He can't be compared to my brother Neji, not even close,'


I then looked at Sasuke, I didn't even know how he was still alive.

'And then people say they hate Sasuke because of how he behaved.'

"If you want to kill me, you have to acquire these eyes, and for that, you have to kill your best friend," Itachi told his half-conscious brother.

I watched everything with an amused smile. 'Kill your best friend, huh? Sasuke will never do that just to prove Itachi wrong… But this time he won't even have a best friend to begin with, hehe.'


"Why are you smiling, Lady Hinata," Ren curiously asked.

"I am just looking at an idiot and how he behaves with a little power in his hand," I told him my true thoughts.

"Well, you're not wrong," he agreed with me.

Sasuke was unconscious, and Itachi was gone, soon Danzo's little spawn started to collect Sharingan from dead Uchihas.

"Aren't you going to kill Danzo now that he is in the open? He poses a great threat to our clan, now that Uchihas are dead and there are too many geniuses in our clan," Ren asked, a little worried.

"He won't be a threat to our clan for at least the next 10 years, the village is currently weak, and you don't have to worry about him. He will be a good toy to play with. I will strip everything from him, little by little, in front of his eyes.

He likes to play dirty with people, and if I didn't make him piss his pants to the point he will fear taking a step out from his little safe haven, my name isn't Hinata Hyuga."


With a chuckle, I pulled out my weapon, and with some clicking sound, it turned into a bow; a string started to connect both ends. I poured absurd amounts of chakra to the point it started to become visible, and then it turned Red.

"His right eye, I don't like it, the stolen Sharingan he loves so much. Let me scratch it," I put an arrow on the string and pulled it with all my might.

Lightning started to crackle around the arrow, and there was one other string connected to the bottom of the arrow to stop it in time.





The arrow generated so much force it blasted three sonic booms. The air rippled in circular motions as the arrow disappeared, blasting every obstacle in its path; the arrow appeared in front of Danzo.



The tip of the arrow just stopped before entering his brain.


"I nearly killed him," I looked at my feet that were stabbed into the ground, and I was pulling the string backward, my hands went numb from stopping a supersonic arrow.

I looked at two visible lines, Ren was standing 30 meters away from me, but before he was beside me.

"Playing with Neji sure paid off," I chuckled while shaking my hands.

"Let's go before someone comes," I said and disappeared with Ren.





End of the chapter... 

powerstones... give your brother some....

Devils_hand Devils_hand

this was the last chapter before i start posting regularly, maybe from next weak.

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