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10.86% Narcissa Black's Chance / Chapter 5: Training

Bab 5: Training

Harry was grateful that he'd had enough time to get to his quarters and freshen up before his mother arrived, My mother the precocious second year Gryffindor and her best friend my least favorite teacher since Gilderoy 'There's no way I didn't use memory charms on teenage girls' Lockhart. He sighed and pulled a clean shirt over his head. Minerva had been rightfully furious with him, he had said he'd be 'right back', and he hadn't. Instead he'd been gone for two hours, shagging Bellatrix Lestrange like it was my damned job..He smirked at the memory

Bellatrix hissed as he entered her. Nails dug into his skin as she bit down on his neck and lifted herself up slightly. "Do it. Take me, make me betray my vows.." She whispered as she drove her hips down again. Harry kissed her as he began to thrust, the fact that this was the past version of the most evil witch in generations was sitting forgotten with Quidditch scores from the nineties and what color Ron's formal robes were at the Yule Ball.

Harry frowned Let's not think about the wild sex you just had when your twelve year old mother is about to show up..and looked at the wand Albus had purchased him when he'd arrived in the past. It was his old Holly and Phoenix wand, he hadn't seen it since the destruction of St. Mungos in 1998, but of course here in the year 1972 it had been sitting on a shelf waiting for him. Ollivander had been very amused at the name Harry had been given as well,

"Fawkes...how curious. The Phoenix that supplied the feather for your wand was named Fawkes as well."

"Well, I guess he must be a cousin or something.." Harry had said trying to make a joke.

"Fate and Destiny do have interesting ways of playing tricks on us mortals Mr. Fawkes..."

Harry heard a knock at the door of his quarters, he opened the door and found Minerva standing there. "Harry, we need to discuss what happened in the village."

"Nothing happened Minerva, I went to see a house."

"And came back with your robes disheveled! Who was that woman, the truth this time. Or does my friendship mean that little to you?" I haven't seen Minerva this mad since...shit ever..this isn't 'Professor McGonagall' mad this is 'Minerva Isobel McGonagall wants to kick my ass' mad..

"She isn't anyone to me Minerva. She just offered to show me the house and then she left that's all."

"I am not an idiot Harry. I know who she was. That was the woman wasn't it? The one you gave all your winnings to..what did she want this time needed to pay off a fine to keep her poor grandmother out of Azkaban?" Minerva said, her lips pressed thin in anger.

"Wait a minute..are..are you jealous?" Harry didn't know where the question came from, but once it came out he just let it happen, She'll either say 'yes', 'no', or 'you bastard'..'Crack!' As it turns out slapping me was also a possibility.

"Jealous? Harry Fawkes of all the idiotic-" How dare he accuse me of being jealous. I've told him countless times that I don't want a relationship with him..with anyone. That sick feeling I got when I saw him come out of the house looking like he was trapped in a broom closet was because I was hungry..he was supposed to buy our lunch.. Minerva drew in a long breath to calm herself. "I'm not jealous Harry, I'm concerned. What if she tried to curse you?"

"Minerva, she wasn't trying to curse me. She wasn't an old flame. She was just showing me the house. That's all." She was totally not Bellatrix Lestrange sent here to kill me..nope that was definitely not what happened.

"We will discuss this later Harry. If you're going to help chaperone these students with me, then you and I need to be on the same page. Perhaps it would be best if you held off the house hunting for the weekends we aren't watching over students." She turned on her heel and left the room, opening the classroom door just as Lily Evans was about to knock.

"Hello Professor McGonagall, is Professor Fawkes inside?" Minerva adored the muggle born redhead. She was one of the smartest students she'd ever had the pleasure of teaching.

"Yes Miss Evans, wait here and I'll get him for you." Minerva turned back and walked to the door to his quarters. She knocked on the door. Harry opened it, not seeing his mother and the future Professor Snape behind her.

"Minerva, you're back already?"

"Yes Professor Fawkes, Miss Evans and Mr. Snape are here to see you." She said before turning and leaving. Harry drew in a breath and walked out, Damn, tiny Snape is just as ugly as regular Snape..He thought as he put on a smile.

"Hello Miss Evans, and this must be your best friend Mr. Snape, is that correct?"

"Yes Professor, Severus is being picked on by that prat James Potter and his friends." Lily said tugging the young Snape closer. Well he looks as happy to be here as I am..

"I hardly think this necessary Professor. I've explained to Lily that I'm actually quite capable of defending myself.." Snape said churlishly.

"Be that as it may Mr. Snape, Miss Evans seems to think it's important that you learn..since you claim to be capable of defense, perhaps we'll test that theory. We'll start by practicing the basic shield charm.." Harry said as he moved the two towards the center of the classroom.

"That spell is only difficult for a first year.." Snape said, The Professor doesn't think I'm capable, I can see it in his eyes..wait..why is he smiling?

"I'm glad you find it so easy, you'll be casting it to defend Miss Evans from a stinging hex...then she will cast it to defend you from the same." Harry said taking a few steps back from them, "Now please stand together, Mr. Snape when I give the signal you will move to in front of Miss Evans and cast the spell. Afterwards we will repeat with you being defended by her."

Scene Break

Narcissa Black walked down the hall towards the Slytherin common room. She'd been studying for her next test in Charms class, Flitwick is a damned slave driver..he wants us to memorize the water summoning charm and then turn that water to vinegar..that little..he knows how hard it is to change the properties of magical liquids.. She was in a foul mood and it was not improved by the appearance of her 'future husband', Lucius Malfoy.

"Hello Cissy.." Lucius drawled as he moved to walk alongside her. Narcissa frowned and sped up, "Narcissa if you please, Lucy." She said with a smirk. "Now now, is that anyway to treat the Scion of House Malfoy? After all, you'll be the Lady Malfoy soon.."

"What do you want Lucius?"

"How is your dear sister Bellatrix? She came to Hogsmeade today you know.." Narcissa's frown deepened, "I wouldn't know. I was here all day."

"Perhaps I'll ask Professor Fawkes, Nott said he saw her pull him into a cottage and then when he left alone he looked rather...peaky." His smirk grew, "He said that when Fawkes walked away with McGonagall, Nott swears he saw scratches on the back of his neck..like fingernails.."

Narcissa stormed away from Lucius, Damned blonde ponce...there's no way Bella would sleep with someone like Professor Fawkes, for one she's married.. She paused in her musing as she heard voices in the dueling classroom. "Very good Miss Evans, Mr. Snape, I believe this is enough for now. Practice the shield charm and we'll meet again in two weeks." She opened the door and saw Harry standing with his back to it, talking to the two second year students. Narcissa's eyes widened when she saw the tiny red scratches on the back of his neck, There's no way..Nott saw those scratches though..he could have gotten them from anything...

"Ah, Miss Black, what can I do for you?" Harry had turned as the students left his classroom, he went to sit at his desk. Narcissa watched him wince slightly as he sat back against the back of his chair.

"Is something wrong with your back sir?" Narcissa asked, Like are there scratches from when my sister was underneath you?

"I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed that's all.."

"Are you certain Professor? I saw some marks on your neck, perhaps you were bitten by something..I could take a look for you.." She moved closer to him, he started and moved so that she was looking at him straight on, "It's fine Miss Black, really..now did you need something?" I'm not letting you look at my neck or anywhere else..your sister did bite me and I'm definitely not showing you that..

"I wanted to ask you something, you said that your family was British correct?" Narcissa moved back away from the desk.

"Yes, the Fawkes family moved to the United States during my sixth year..why?"

"I was wondering if you were affiliated with any of the old Houses..for example my sister Bellatrix is about your age, did you know her in your time at Hogwarts?" Narcissa noticed Harry looked a bit paler but she continued, "She's a little taller than me with long curly dark hair..she's married to the Lord of House Lestrange..Rodolphus Lestrange is widely considered one of the best duelists in magical Britain.."

"Well, I can say that I do not know your sister, your brother in law, or anyone besides you from the Black family. Was there something else I can do for you?" He asked. Narcissa leaned back towards his desk and touched his robe, She smells like vanilla..I..wait-let's not think about that Harry.. "Yes Professor, you need to be more careful with your grooming.." She leaned back up and Harry saw a long black hair in her grip, "Someone could think you are up to something if they found a hair this long on your effects.." She held an internal smile as she turned, "I'll see you on Monday, do remember that you promised to let me help you make the class a bit more challenging.."

Harry watched her walk away, Where did she find that hair? I changed my clothes..

Scene Break

I'll have to use the floo to get into the Hogsmeade safehouse, I can't apparate right now..the tremors are still too bad for that...Bellatrix sat on the edge of her bed. She had to kill Harry Fawkes, she knew that, either he dies or I die.. She sighed softly looking at the wand in her hand.

Harry had held her when their passions turned from burning hot to gentle. Even making up for the time her husband had spent not touching her, Bellatrix still had to catch her breath. She went to move over, Rodolphus had pushed her aside when they were done, telling her not to sweat all over him. Harry had taken her and pulled her back against him.

Bellatrix stifled a little shudder as she thought about that moment, that damned man drove me to distraction, that's why I didn't kill him then..Her master had done exactly what she'd feared he would, he had called Rodolphus to his side and told him all about what had transpired.

"Rodolphus my friend, your good lady wife has returned from Hogsmeade. Unfortunately she failed in her mission to kill Professor Harry Fawkes." Voldemort said looking towards the pile on the floor that was Bellatrix, "She has been given a chance to redeem herself, luckily for her it will be easier for catch him unawares..after all, she spent her time with him getting to know the man intimately.."

Rodolphus had been furious, he'd half dragged her up to her room and threw her inside. He knew it wasn't any use to try and curse her right now, the cruciatus curse would do enough to keep her in pain for the time being, anything he'd try would be considered a relief. Instead he promised her of what he would do to her after the pain had ran its course.

"You cheating slut, when you return from your mission I will take the bones from your hands for embarrassing me like that!" He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, "Or maybe I'll give you to my brother for the evening..."

Bellatrix shuddered again, but this time it wasn't out of pleasure. Rabastan Lestrange was even more cruel than his elder brother. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts, she had been told to leave in three days, but she couldn't stay in this house. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll kill me..a death at his hand would doubtless hurt less than one by the Dark Lord or Rabastans hand..

She rose shakily and went to the fireplace, throwing a pinch of floo powder she gave the code for the safehouse and vanished in the green fire.

Scene Break

Harry hadn't slept well that night. Rolanda had noticed he was distracted during their morning jog, "The hell is wrong with you Fawkes? You're practically walking today.."

"It's nothing Rolanda..I just had sex with an incredibly evil woman yesterday and I think her sister somehow suspects me...I'm just not feeling it today.." He noticed Rolanda frown, Maybe she's another 'don't call me by my first name' like Tonks..

"Right, spill it Fawkes, what's wrong? You haven't called me Rolanda since we were introduced.."

"It's nothing really, I think I might just be feeling a little sick that's all..I'm going into the village to get some breakfast today.." He pulled back on his shirt and started towards the gate when she grabbed his arm.

"Did you and Minerva have a fight? I know she looked mad about something when you came back yesterday...you didn't kiss her did you?" That would explain why he looked so awful yesterday, it was like he had went three rounds with the giant squid..

"No, we just..look Minerva and I are fine..I'm just going down for a walk to clear my mind and I'm going to get a bite to eat while I'm there.." He broke from her and walked away.

Why do I feel so awful today? It's like my brain has too many thoughts in it..Harry sighed as he went to the groundskeepers hut and knocked on the door.

"Oh, 'lo there Professor Fawkes, what can I do fer ya?" Hagrid asked as he stepped out of the hut. Even now with Harry being a grown man he still barely reached Hagrid's chin.

"Good morning Hagrid, I want to go to the village, I know it's early but could you unlock the gate for me?" Harry said, hoping the tall man wouldn't comment on his state like Rolanda had.

"O' course Professor, I'll grab the key an' meet you there." Thank Merlin, Hagrid didn't notice anything, or if he did he was too polite to say anything..Hagrid ducked back into his hut and then rejoined him a moment later with the key.

"Are ya goin' for anythin' special sir?" Hagrid asked as they walked towards the path to the gate.

"Not really, just felt a little cooped up is all, I'm just going into the village for a while.." Please don't ask me more, I don't feel like making up a lie that I feel fine and didn't spend the entire night looking at my ceiling and dreading Monday..

"Right then, a good walk'll do that, fix ya up quick as anythin'..'ere we go sir, I'll leave it unlocked for ya, just tell me when you get back.." Hagrid said as they reached the gate and unlocked it. Harry thanked the man and then set out.

Bellatrix did her best to practice dueling in the safehouse but it wasn't going well, That damned curse has left me shaky, my grip isn't as strong as it should be..I'll have to be careful.. She sighed and straightened her shoulders. She was preparing to go through the footwork again when she looked out the window and saw Harry is in the village...the Dark Lord will know that I saw him now..I have to do this.. She went to the doorway and then out into the daylight.

Harry made his way towards the three broomsticks when he heard someone step behind him, "Harry..I need to speak with you.." a soft voice said, he turned and saw Bellatrix standing there.

"Bellatrix, what are you doing back?"

"Please come with me.." Her voice was different, it seemed weaker somehow. Harry allowed her to lead him back to the cottage where they had spent the previous day. He noticed something strange, her hand is trembling..every few moments Harry saw her hand shiver every few seconds, it wasn't jerky, it was just a soft tremor. Cruciatus damage... He frowned and allowed her to lead him inside.

"I'm sorry Harry, but my master decided that he didn't need you on his side...so I have to-" She stopped as Harry held out his wand and said something she didn't recognize, a soft white haze touched her and for the first time since the curse had been cast on her she didn't feel the pain. The absence was shocking to her, her eyes widened and she grabbed him pushing him against the wall.

"What did you do to me?" She said, her voice a terrified hiss, "What did you do?"

"I noticed your hand was shaking every few seconds, I heard your voice, it's hoarse. He cast the torture curse on you didn't he?" Harry said softly, green eyes met violet until Bellatrix broke the stare.

"He was right to do it, I disobeyed him. What did you do?" She repeated.

"I've seen people suffer those tremors in my travels, I developed a charm that will help a little..it can't repair the damage, only time can do that..but it can numb the nerves." He explained, "He wasn't right to hurt you Bellatrix.."

She looked back in his eyes, pity..She thought as she tried to determine the look in his eyes, the look caused a strange coldness to fill her belly at the thought of what she had to do. Then anger flashed in her eyes, "I don't need your pity Fawkes. I came here to kill you.."

"I know that Bellatrix..and if you still want to try I will defend myself as best I can." He pities you, he doesn't think you're strong enough. No one does, not your master, not your husband, not Harry...She snarled and drew her wand stepping back.

"Avada Kedavra!" She cried as the killing curse shot from her wand, Harry ducked and dove away dodging the spell as it impacted the wall. That spell went wide..She thought growling as she cast another at him.

"You've ruined my aim!" She shouted as she tried a stunning spell which missed Harry by a few inches as he backed through the doorway.

"Your aim is probably off because I've numbed you. You've lost some spatial awareness.." He said as he cast a spell "Expelliarmus!" The scarlet light went true and her wand flew out of her hand.

"I don't need a wand to kill you Fawkes!" She spat as she dove at him. Her fists went into his ribs, striking as she kicked at him. Harry tried to stop her by pressing her against the wall, his hands going to her wrists holding her up. Bellatrix looked at him with hate filled eyes, "Kill me then."

"Why do you want me to kill you?" He asked quietly, watching as she panted.

"You kill me or I kill you. If I return to my master and you're still alive, he will kill me...it'll hurt less if you do it.." She said, the last part was soft enough that if Harry hadn't been beside her he wouldn't have caught it.

"I don't want anyone to kill you..." He said softly, watching as a different emotion went into her eyes, "I don't want to die either.."

"One of us has to..either you kill me now, or I'll have to kill you when the charm you cast wears off.." Her voice was still soft, she sounds sad..

Against his better judgment he kissed her. She froze against him, then began to return the kiss. He felt hot tears fall from her eyes landing on his cheeks as he kissed her. She inhaled deeply, drawing in his scent as she had the day before, he let go of her wrists and her arms snaked around his waist as she pulled him towards the bedroom.

"Stay with me.." He said softly as she undressed before him.

"I can't..he'll kill us both then..." Her hands continued to tug at her garments, even if I have to die after this, I want one more time with him..She thought as she stood naked before him, her hands reaching to his robes and pulling them off.

"He can't kill you if he can't find you, he can't find you at Hogwarts.." He kissed her again, his arms moving to pull her close against him.

"Lucius will tell him.."

"Lucius doesn't go in my quarters.."

They were both naked now and words failed them.

It was later now, nearly noon as Harry and Bellatrix lay on the bed just as they had done the day before. "If..if I stay with you..what happens then?" She asked him, terrified that she was hitching her wagon to an impossible dream.

"You can help me..."

"What, help you plan the next dueling class?" She snorted derisively, Harry shook his head.

"No. I'm not just here to teach dueling. I know your master. I came here specifically to kill Tom Riddle."

"Why do you call him that?"

"It's his name. Tom Marvolo Riddle. That bastard took everything from me. He killed my parents, my friends...everyone I've ever loved he took away from me."

"Is that why you want me to come with you, so you can take me from him?" She asked starting to sit up, he took her hand.

"No, I..I want to keep you from his madness...his evil." Harry sighed softly, "I've seen what he does to people who serve him..he'll take everything from you and then kill you once you're of no use to him.."

"I..I believe you, I don't know why I do, but I believe you..." She said softly, then looked at their hands, "But what happens after that, say you kill him..what's next?"

"I don't know yet, I've been planning this for so long I don't know what will come the day after it...or even the minute afterwards..maybe I'll stay as a Professor.." He sighed and lay back on the bed, eventually Bellatrix lay back down, resting her head on his chest.

"We'll use the floo at The Hogs Head, Aberforth won't care that I'm taking a woman into my quarters, but Madam Rosmerta is a gossip, everyone would know if I took you there." He said after a time, Bellatrix nodded and went to rise but was stopped as Harry pulled her back down gently. She lay against him with her face hidden, a small smile tracing her lips.

Scene Break

"It was fantastic Alice, Professor Fawkes helped Severus and I work on our shield charms. He had Severus protect me from a stinging hex and then he had me do the same.." Lily said to her friend Alice Edgecombe as she finished her Charms essay.

"Professor Fawkes is so handsome, have you heard the older girls giggle when they watch him jogging in the morning?" The little blonde witch said to her red haired friend.

"They are silly, everyone knows that he and Professor McGonagall are in love, I'm surprised they haven't ran off to get married yet." Lily said as she went to get ready to go down to lunch, "I'll bet that Narcissa Black is jealous..she was at the door at the end of our lessons, she looked furious that we were intruding.."

"Maybe she's his real love and Professor McGonagall is keeping them apart because of their ages. Frank Longbottom said that whenever he sees Professor Fawkes talking to Narcissa that Professor McGonagall is frowning like there was a bad smell under her nose.

"I'll bet that Narcissa Black is just a..a scarlet woman. That whole family is bad, look at Sirius Black, he and Potter and the rest of their friends are just hooligans." Lily Evans hated the way James Potter and his friends treated Severus, Severus is my best friend, so what if he's a Slytherin..She looked down at her parchment and stood up. "Alright Alice, let's go get some lunch."

next chapter
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