I looked up just in time to see the lumbering stone giant.... ant... raise its giant tower shield and begin to slam it down towards me. I was still in a state where everything was slowed down but I was starting to notice that the golem was starting to glow a faint purple more so as the seconds went by.
'Shit, boss this thing has the properties of the unrefined mana crystals. Its getting faster and stronger the more you use your magic. I can keep the absorption going but who knows what will happen when that thing becomes fully refined.'
'Yea I know, But we can't just not use our power. That's the only way we can survive, so for now we will just have to take the ant on at full strength and try our best to survive. Go ahead and go full force with the absorption and let's get this refinement process over already, hehe just think of the amount of experience we can get for killing this guy.'
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