/ Eastern / My Fierce Tigress Wife

My Fierce Tigress Wife

My Fierce Tigress Wife

Eastern Lengkap 234 Bab 2.1M Dilihat
Penulis: Stellar RainPenerjemah: Atlas StudiosEditor: Atlas Studios
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3.98 (436 peringkat)

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Everything Wang Hu ever wanted before he died was to build a family.
He reincarnates into a tiger with the memories of his previous life intact.
He contemplates a life of captivation in the zoo for some interaction with humans before loneliness eats through him… until he encounters a beautiful snow-white tiger. He forces her to be his wife which results in two tiger cubs.
Everything seems to be perfect until one day. The world suddenly experiences the awakening of spiritual powers, giving nourishment to everything on Earth. Alternate worlds start appearing and major powers seem to be on the move…
Moreover, something seems to be wrong with his wife. Is she a reincarnation of someone great?
However, it doesn’t matter since she can never beat him.
“You have to abide by me since you can’t beat me!”


  1. NinjaTiger
    NinjaTiger Berpartisipasi 9415
  2. Jpy117
    Jpy117 Berpartisipasi 9335
  3. AnViCa
    AnViCa Berpartisipasi 9238


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    LV 7 Badge

    i accidentally click on this when I wanted to go to vote and I read the summary and found it interesting and I read the part then I realized this is actually quite a good it's better than I am a mighty lion. I stopped reading trial reads a while back because webnovel keeps picking trash novels and most of these trashy novels get picked while others are dropped so I'm just here to show my support and hope that this will be picked and continued.

    Lihat 49 balasan
    LV 5 Badge

    Good story. was really looking forward to it. Then CHINA happened. Only in China does spiritual power increase more than normal. MC has no qualms about killing Russians because they are 'whites' but for Chinese people, they are friends. Higher realms all Chinese. China not a simple country, but it's fine to pick fights with the other ones. In any case..... I am sure this won't be picked. However good the story is as a non-china person, this novel is just too bad to even try :V

    Lihat 185 balasan
    LV 12 Badge

    The level of discrimination is too high to be qualified as only nationalism. Getting this novel here will only put shame on other authors that have their novel on the same website. If you don't believe me you can continue to read this novel to make your own opinion. I hope the translator will have a better novel to translate. Ch. 209

    Lihat 28 balasan

    It is a really fresh and new concept It is simular to I am a Mighty Lion only a lot faster and better, I really enjoyed reading it 😊😊😊😊😊

    Lihat 5 balasan

    another china numba 1. the constant propaganda churned out by these novels is astounding. will the insecurity of these writers wind down ever?

    Lihat 11 balasan

    it would have been a fantastic novel entering in the top of my reading list IF it wasn't on earth that is. if you've read worlds apocalypse online you will understand how good of a job the author has done in mixing of various elements. but this on the other hand put the modern world as its basic setting which truthfully makes me really uneasy knowing that it will definitely be racist and full of unusual stereotypes of other countries making them look like shit holes, I'm saying it from my experience from reading tones of Chinese novel with this problem which mainly revolves around modern world. I mean this would have been fantastic if only it was not in this setting. hell, he could have been reincarnated into some blue star planets with similar settings and it would hqv3 been great with less racism.

    Lihat 7 balasan

    Came for Tigers, didn't expect the bigotry. Way too much Nationalism. I mean how is there so much Nationalism in a story about animals? This story could have been a lot better.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    I don't get why this book is rated so highly. I wouldn't waste your time, it's racist af as others have mentioned and the mc is a beta. One thing that pisses me off is that the female lead isn't fierce... she is an absolute raging btch. Like there is a difference in the two that the author seems to not know. It was fine when she didn't submit etc bit stupid but yeah. Then it went through the whole faze of them getting closer and It would have been cool af if they grew up like a prober fam. So she and the mc with acc love getting stronger in that time with the kids. But instead she "awakens" This completely destroys the story and it goes downhill that doesn't stop. I'm surprised how fast it crashed and burned... I mean nobody wants to read a story where the main character is a btch. Like I said before the author can't seem to tell the difference and thinks fierce translates to arrogance, btch, and literally all them shtty character traits. SO yeah don't waste your time. Unless you like the character I described which I am shocked if you do but yeah...

    Lihat 2 balasan

    Tigress Kung Fu Panda, it's you ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Lihat 4 balasan

    Even chinese tigers are racist scum....who could have imagined that. And I never imagined that there can be this many fools who would encourage a novel that speaks of how chinese nation is superior to all their inferior nations....😂😂. This novel really is an eye opener.

    Lihat 2 balasan
    LV 14 Badge

    The story development is good, but the character nationalism and racism are too exaggerated. ....... ..... .... .... ... ...... ... ... ... ...

    Lihat 9 balasan

    if you are from china or may be a china numbawan fan boy then this is for you......no hate 1 love china numbawan[img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

    Lihat 0 balasan

    Finally..they improved their Quality Best Novel recent Months of trial. Our MC is Man of culture..... Really into Furry. From plot to character development to World development is Quite Good. Translation Quality could be more better. I will Totally Recommend this. Story is interesting This Novel have many flaw but overall Good Novel. To Properly analyse this Novel 60 Chapter needed. 40 chapter doesn't do Justice

    Lihat 1 balasan

    this is cute novel to read.... but why adding nationalism in this novel (he is a tiger and he don't act like one he still trust the humans like humans is his very bestfriends )retarded Mc can't take it anymore and if read the MTL you will know that the stories became trash because of nationalism [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

    Lihat 1 balasan

    nationalisms, racism and mc beta, honestly I don’t understand how so many people came to defend this novel that clearly is just another one that was chosen to praise and defend how much the CCP is needed for China

    Lihat 0 balasan

    To thy fellow readers who stumbled upon this novel. Heed thy warning. A nationalistic tiger, need thy say more?. Read this if thou can hold thou stomach. If not, immediately turn back. Thy headache had still not gotten away after reading this.

    Lihat 4 balasan
    LV 15 Badge

    Alright, to those who are on the fence for reading and have come to see the 'newest' reviews. There are plenty of reviews screaming 'nationalism' as well as many screaming at those people saying 'it's not nationalism, it's just painting China in a good light'. It's propaganda. The novel is about a reincarnation of a Chinese man into the body of a tiger. The problem there, is that I shouldn't have to specify he is a Chinese man. It should just be human for the PURPOSE of this story. The story should be about TIGERS. I wish it was, because the tiger stuff is enjoyable to read. But, it's minuscule. In this novel, China specifically is mentioned far too much. This is why people scream nationalism. The immersion of a Tiger story is completely ruined by it. The novel is about a Tiger, not humans. So, the fact we have to deal with the MC being WILLINGLY used by humans, and by extension China exclusively as they are made as COMPLETELY dominant as a country in this novel, it ruins the story. The MC as of Chapter 125 is so incredibly strong compared to the rest of Earth, that he should not have to deal with human schemes. But, why does he tolerate being used? It's because the author has willingly wrote China in to appease Chinese censorship. So, to you people that defend the novel when people cry nationalism, I ask you, why? Why do you defend it, when it takes away from the quality of the novel? Why are you defending the use of propaganda when it simply doesn't do anything for the story, but compromise the reading experience? Now, what the story should be about. The romance aspect. I'm frankly disappointed. After a hundred chapters, the MC (spoiler alert) fakes an injury to guilt FMC into accepting a marriage proposal. His entire romance, and by extension the point of the novel, is built off of his lies and deceit. There was so much potential to be had in the aspect of romance, to be ruined by lies. It really disappointed me. Anyway, that's about it. If you can mindblock the constant propaganda, the story isn't half bad. - Xhaare

    Lihat 1 balasan

    The work is not bad but unfortunately the author seems very simple, he seems a bit more of an extremist Chinese, all the chapters name China, and all the good events are focused on China, you should read a bit to realize it. The truth is, I liked giving it a better score, but it frustrated me so much and the author has ruined the work so much with his nationalism, so it can't be enjoyed.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Beta male trash trash trash trash trash trash trasG trash trash trash trash 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🥱🥱👎👎 He is a pussy even tho he is stronger, the wife is a bitch not fierce she is arrogant and retarded even tho she is a transmitter like him

    Lihat 2 balasan

    the story is decent. everything is good. until the mc became a Beta. I will not trash talk about this novel because everyone has their preferences, and I will respect your opinions. but just heads up for you brothers who hate beta mc.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Penulis Stellar Rain

    Penerjemah Atlas Studios

    Editor Atlas Studios