The burly young man and the thin tall young man had died, but those vipers behind did not let them go and kept biting at their bodies.
Within a short while, their skin, flesh, bones, and organs were all eaten, leaving only two sets of skeletons lying in the wilderness of wild beasts.
The wilderness of wild beasts was cruel and heartless; with 100,000 square kilometers of plains, it was filled with cold-bloodedness.
A lot of self-cultivators came here, and once they were besieged by those demonic beasts, they would all be killed mercilessly. At the end, their bodies would not even be left behind, leaving only a set of white bones, becoming a wandering ghost.
Qingfeng Li looked around and saw a lot of white bones ahead. Some of them were self-cultivators that died and were left behind in the interior plains of the wilderness of wild beasts.
Just 3 for today, but there will be 7 for tomorrow. Sorry about that but we have to celebrate boxing day.
November MEMR Count: 20/27
December MEMR Count: 20