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33.33% My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA) / Chapter 5: Everywhere and Nowhere! (Brotherhood)

Bab 5: Everywhere and Nowhere! (Brotherhood)

AN: Rewritten Chapter (11/08/2023)

Chapter 5: Everywhere and Nowhere!

POV Isamu Midoriya

A few days later, in my room...

Despite being a genius and having been reincarnated, I have realized that my brain is practically the same as that of any other child my age, with the difference that I have access to certain areas that most do not. Therefore, I am influenced by the emotions of a child.

So a genius, influenced by childish emotions along with a twisted view of the world... It's the perfect combination for disaster!

The police and the heroes must be very confused... Not to mention that Endeavor is possibly doing everything he can to avoid murdering everyone around him. It turns out that during the blackout, I brazenly hacked into his bank account and transferred all the funds to an untraceable account belonging to Cognito Inc.

Why did I do that? There are some long-term calculated reasons... But in the grand scheme of things it was because I thought it was fun.

Oh, I can't wait to see the expressions on their faces... Especially Endeavor's face.

But first, I need to reestablish the link with my curious teddy bear undercover at the police station... Which has become some kind of unofficial mascot of the police department. He even has a police cap and badge!

Unfortunately, I lost all contact with my teddy bear when Izuku and Bakugo accidentally crushed the signal transmitter linked to him days ago. However in the end they received what they deserved with the help of my chaos puppies.

Therefore, I am now trying to reestablish the link with the help of my most recent invention. The Faz-Watch! A small smartwatch inspired by a certain video game with some very interesting functions, although it is only a prototype at the moment, it should be able to connect remotely with my teddy bear.

***Failed link... Error 404***

"Come on, link up, and don't explode!" I exclaim, pressing the power button again and again to no avail. It is very frustrating that due to poor-quality materials, some of my inventions suddenly fail or do not work as I expected.

Giran promised me good quality materials and parts but they will take a while to arrive in Japan, so for the moment I have to make do with the materials I have at my disposal.

***Failed link... Error 404***

Is it possible that my teddy bear has suffered some damage or a short circuit? Or worse yet... Is it possible that the police have discovered the small cameras in his eyes and the intercom inside him?

***Failed link... Error 404***

"Stupid trash!" I exclaimed in frustration, throwing my smartwatch on the floor before crossing my arms and making a childish pout. "I hate you..." I hissed bitterly as I looked away from the useless watch.

I take a couple of seconds to reconsider my immature and childish behavior before snorting and smiling slightly. It doesn't matter if my inventions fail! I will learn from my mistakes and try again with double the effort!

A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles!

Anything my twisted mind can imagine!

I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process!


I laugh out loud like a little lunatic as I determinedly pick up my little Faz-Watch from the floor, ready to do my best and try again.

However, I noticed a new message on the screen, a message that made my blood run cold and made me cover my mouth almost instantly as my little heart skipped a beat.

***Link successfully... Microphone on***

Oops! I really hope no one on the other side heard me laugh...



"Excuse me, but I have a question... Is it normal for that teddy bear to laugh sinisterly? Because if you ask me, that was very creepy... Hahaha." All Might's voice is heard through my Faz-Watch followed by a small nervous laugh.

Immediately afterward, my Faz-Watch was remotely linked to the cameras located in my teddy bear's eyes, allowing me to see everything through his eyes... Which quickly made me panic.

I am in trouble!


I'm in big trouble!

From what I can gather, my teddy bear for some reason was in the police department meeting room being used as a pillow by one of the heroes present at the conference related to the recent events...

...Until my laughter accidentally interrupted the conference, causing all the police officers and heroes present to direct their gazes toward my teddy bear.

Among them, there are those who stand out... Some familiar faces who will eventually become worthy opponents to crush. This game is getting more and more exciting...

"Sergeant Fluffy shouldn't be able to talk." Sansa Tamakawa whispers in shock, taking a couple of steps back as sweat begins to run down his cat-like face.

"My makeshift pillow just came to life and interrupted my little nap... Tsukauchi, is there anything we should know about this strange teddy bear?" Eraser Head asks with an obvious hint of boredom in his voice, glancing sideways at my teddy bear.

Generally, Aizawa would avoid participating in these types of meetings and getting involved in any situation that he considers problematic. I'm sure a certain white rat is involved in this somehow.

"We found that teddy bear near the crime scene of an ATM robbery gone wrong. The villains responsible blamed the teddy bear for manipulating them and giving them the strange weapons found at the crime scene. However, the accusations were classified as collective delirium and the case was closed shortly after... We never found the intellectual author of the crime."

Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi explained, possibly remembering some fragments of the strange interrogation before narrowing his eyes suspiciously. Who in their right mind would blame a teddy bear for masterminding a crime? Hahaha!

"The electrical system of the entire city was interrupted... The upper floors of a building in the center of the city completely disappeared..." Endeavor growls with his arms crossed, visibly angry as his intimidating flames cover part of his body.

Behind him, a huge screen shows the damage suffered by the building and the surrounding area, as well as the aftermath of the blackout.

"And I'm completely sure that the bastard responsible for all that was the one who dared to rob me!" He exclaims completely angry with a murderous look on his face. "This is not the time to solve the mystery of a damn defective toy!"

At that moment, my eyes shine cunningly, watching and listening to everything through my Faz-Watch as a chaotic idea pushes its way through my twisted little head.

Despite my precarious situation and the danger that this entails, I know perfectly well that I cannot waste this magnificent opportunity, which is why a devious smile spreads across my face.

This is the perfect opportunity to stir up the hornet's nest and plant the seeds of paranoia.




🧸 "We toys can see everything... Endeavor." 🧸

I utter ominously through my Faz-Watch, causing the teddy bear's innocent robotic voice to echo throughout the conference room.

As a result, Endeavor's eyes widened in surprise while many of the police officers and heroes present shuddered... In their looks there was confusion, uncertainty, and in some cases fear.

Meanwhile, I was shaking with excitement in my room, trying my best to keep from bursting into laughter. I must resist... I must resist this impulse!

"Should we call a priest?" All Might murmurs in confusion as a few drops of sweat slide down his face, unable to understand the complexity of the situation and what this represents for all of them.

"Shut your mouth All Might." Endeavor growls, walking past All Might without even deigning to look at him, advancing with firm steps and a completely serious expression on his face toward my teddy bear.

"The security of this inefficient police department has been compromised and if I'm not mistaken, whoever controls that damn teddy bear is none other than the bastard responsible for all of this."

Endeavor growls in a deadly serious tone, perfectly controlling his flames to avoid melting his surroundings before his intimidating gaze focuses on my teddy bear's eyes. "You have guts."

A chill quickly spread throughout my small body... For a second I thought that Endeavor was in my room right in front of me, ready to turn me into ashes... He will definitely be a troublesome and dangerous opponent.

So Cool!

At this, Eraser Head snorts and intervenes. "Are we really in the presence of the mastermind of recent events? Endeavor is right about one thing... This situation is too convenient to be just a coincidence. Why cause a blackout and collapse of a building? Who are you?" He asks calmly with his hands in his pockets, possibly trying to gather any clues about me.

"You were also spying on us all this time through that teddy bear..." Naomasa mutters, clenching his fists in frustration and helplessness as they all wait impatiently for my response.


"You're right! The mastermind behind the blackout! The evil villain who made the upper floors of a building collapse! The person responsible for hacking Endeavor's bank account! Among many other things that could be considered illegal!"

"It was me! All this time it was me!"

"Wasn't my controlled explosion really cool? Worthy of a Hollywood production!


I brazenly brag about my exploits as silence spreads throughout the conference room. "Oh, but what a lack of decorum on my part, allow me to introduce myself properly..."

"...I am the shadow that lurks in the darkness..."

"...I am the materialization of your worst fears..."

"...Heh, but for now you can refer to me as..."


I exclaim with great enthusiasm as my little heart pounds. It's still too early to reveal my awesome villain alias, so for now, an acronym should be the best option...

After all, I'd hate for the police and heroes to refer to me by some kind of boring, very generic alias.

"Pathetic." Endeavor mocks me, shaking his head from side to side as a smile that promises pain spreads across his face. "You're just a pathetic villain trying to gain a little fame with some cheap tricks... A pathetic villain who will soon be captured by me or turned into ashes." He threatens, earning some disgusted looks from those present.

"Oh, very harsh words coming from someone who has lost his family due to his obsession with surpassing All Might... This brings back good memories..."

"Do you remember the mysterious fire at Sekoto Peak, where Toya Todoroki was last seen? I was there, Endeavor... Watching the whole dramatic spectacle while I ate popcorn..."

In my previous life I watched the entire plot on my TV while eating popcorn, so technically I'm not lying... But they don't have to know that.

"Do you still think I'm just a pathetic villain?"

At that moment, all the police officers and heroes present in the conference room felt Endeavor's strong murderous intentions... It was evident on their faces.

"Eraser Head, stop Endeavor!" Naomasa exclaims, pointing at Endeavor who had lost control of his flames... I'm sure my provocation has unleashed bad memories.

Therefore, Eraser Head quickly activated his quirk and prevented Endeavor from unleashing hell and destroying everything, including the police officers and heroes present.

"Shota Aizawa... Do you remember Oboro Shirakumo? That fateful day... I was also observing..."

"Everyone must evacuate the conference room right now!" Naomasa exclaims in panic, watching Aizawa's shocked face as the police officers and heroes begin to evacuate the place.

Aizawa's eyes reflected shock, anguish, and above all, Anger... I will use my knowledge of the plot to my advantage and manipulate everyone, heroes or villains... They will all become my precious toys.

"Endeavour! Don't let yourself get carried away by anger!" All Might exclaims before being abruptly interrupted by me.

"All Might... I also heard Nana Shimura's last words... She and All For One certainly put on a good show for me... So smile! Smile for me!"

Needless to mention, All Might's expression was just as I imagined...

"Introduce some anarchy..."

"Disrupts the established order..."

"And the world will become chaos."

"So I will happily drag everyone into my wonderfully chaotic world of madness!"

"Come on! Catch Me If You Can!"

Then Aizawa's eyes slowly closed and Endeavor unleashed all hell. All this while my eyes were shining brightly and a sly smile spread across my face.

🔥🔥🔥 Lost Connection... 🔥🔥🔥

Guess I'll need another teddy bear... And the police department a new meeting room.




A long time later...

It has been approximately three years since the acronym (C.E) became engraved in the minds of many police officers and some heroes. Not to mention the psychological damage caused to All Might, Aizawa, and Endeavor by making them believe that I am the mastermind behind their dramatic canon events.

Therefore, for a while, they spared no resources in trying to find any clues about me but their efforts were in vain... I was always one step ahead of them.

Oh, during these three years, many interesting and very fun things have happened...

But sometimes, I tend to lose control a bit when it comes to Inko or Izuku... Stupid childish emotions from a seven-year-old!

So now I'm trying to solve a small problem... Like any normal person would do after someone insulted Izuku for not having a quirk... Luckily, I'm very kind and reasonable.

Then very kindly my baseball bat crashed hard into the stomach of a teenager, making him fall to his knees on the ground gasping for air. "I'm sorry... I won't make fun of your big brother again." He grunts in pain, clutching his stomach shakily as I drag my baseball bat across the floor around him.

"Your father works as a sales consultant at Cognito Inc, right? I also heard that your mother was recently hired as an executive in the pharmaceutical branch." I say casually, walking around him as his face turns completely pale before getting close enough to his ear and whispering as if it's some big secret.

"This time I have been kind to you because you are new, but if you dare to insult my brother again... I will destroy you and your entire family..."

I threaten subtly, letting out a bit of my murderous intentions while he closes his eyes tightly and pees his pants... Which made me take a couple of steps back and shake my head slightly.

Damn, I think I exaggerated again...

"I perfectly understand! I have learned my lesson!" He exclaims in panic, unable to look me in the eye as his hands shake and his breathing is erratic.

"And if you tell anyone about this, rest assured that I will know instantly... After all, I am everywhere and nowhere." I hum slyly, hoisting my baseball bat onto his shoulder just before the school bell rang.

"By the way, welcome to Aldera Junior High... Senpai."

I uttered happily with a kind and innocent smile on my face, turning around and walking away from him before the bustling students began to leave their classrooms and crowd the hallways.

It should be noted that throughout these years, I have noticed some very interesting changes in my small body, my senses have become more acute, my body has become more resistant and agile while my hair has begun to become more and more brown. I guess it was to be expected considering my situation.

"Is that Isamu Midoriya? I heard that he is the best in his class... I also heard that he recently joined the Aldera children's baseball team, racking up victory after victory..."

"I heard that his mother has an important position in the Japanese branch of Cognito Inc... Good enough to have early access to all the games that have not yet been released!"

"That means he has access to God of War Ragnarök and the new Call of Duty! What envy!"

I hear a group of students murmuring among themselves as they pass by me before my attention is focused in the distance, precisely on a group of girls who are Izuku's classmates.

"Izuku-Kun's little brother seems a little cute to me in that sportswear..."

"We should ask him to call us Onee~Chan."

"Shhh, girls... He's watching us!"

Oh, this could be fun. So I smiled sweetly in their direction and cheekily winked at them, causing the girls' faces to blush brightly before a small line of blood came from their noses and they began to approach me. 




"I have to hug him!"

Immediately afterward, a pair of arms quickly wrapped around me... However, they weren't the warm arms of an Onee~Chan that I was expecting... Damn!

"Don't be afraid, little brother, because I'm here... And I won't let those perverts get close to you!" Izuku exclaims, quickly hoisting me onto his shoulders like I'm a sack of potatoes before running off. "You are still too young and innocent for such things!"

"You're exaggerating... You always exaggerate everything." I mutter irritably before huffing and smiling slightly.

"Sometimes I wish you would never grow up and stay like this forever... Small and innocent."

"Izuku... The harsh truth is that..."

"...That sounded embarrassingly cheesy!"

Without a doubt... Izuku really cares about me, although he tends to be a little overprotective... And dramatic... And also a crybaby! But...

...I don't regret being reborn into the Midoriya family...


Soon after, we end up laughing in unison at each other while Izuku ruffles my hair and I counterattack by tickling him.

Oh... I just had a disturbing idea for a new toy...


A few weeks later.

POV Third person.

Advertising space begins

It was a very hot day on an unnamed beach, the heat and sweat on the bathers' faces were evident, almost on the verge of dehydration. Immediately afterward, warning sirens echoed across the beach as a small crowd of beachgoers watched the horizon with hope on their thirsty faces.

"Is coming..." The bathers whisper in unison while a strange smile spreads across their faces.

Then a cinematic nuclear explosion occurs in the distance, causing a gigantic tsunami of bubbling black liquid as the epic background music increases in intensity.

"Refresh yourself with a Nuka-Cola and stay hydrated like us!" The hero duo Water Hose announces in unison, surfing the Nuka-Cola tsunami as they promote the famous soda on television.

Sponsored by Cognito Inc – Wonka Branch


"Mommy and Daddy are so cool!" A little boy of approximately two years old exclaims with great enthusiasm as his eyes shine with joy... This energetic boy is none other than Kota Izumi. "I want to surf a tsunami too!"

"It was just special effects, little champion... But in a few years, I'll teach you how to surf." Kota's father says with a small smile.

"I still think that commercial was a bit bizarre, it's as if the idea had been taken from the mind of a child. But I must admit that children and young people loved the commercial... Some people have even started calling us..." Kota's mother murmurs before being interrupted.

"Nuka-Cola Man and Nuka-Cola Women!"

"Team Nuka~Cola!"

Kota exclaims with great excitement, hugging his parents tightly as they share a warm family hug. "We will always be here for you, son..."

Without any of them realizing it, they were being watched by one of Kota's toys, precisely a small purple stuffed rabbit... Manufactured by Cognito Inc - Fazbear Entertainment Branch.


Advertising space begins

"Fighting crime and keeping that sexy butt in shape is a rigorous and demanding task, which is why I always make sure to use Safsprin to stay healthy and eternally sexy." Pro heroine Uwabami announces with a seductive tone of voice as she strikes some sexy poses.

"Also, with the purchase of any of our available pharmaceutical products..." She hums, raising a finger to her lips seductively as if she were about to reveal a big secret. "...You will have the great opportunity to win a date with me."

She cheekily announces, slowly lifting a Safsprin aspirin to her mouth before passionately swallowing it and blowing a kiss to the camera.

"Eternally Young... Eternally Sexy."

Sponsored by Cognito Inc – Umbrella Branch


"I need 5 bottles of Safsprin! No, it better be 10 bottles! Fast!" Mineta exclaims impatiently while behind him a long line of people is visible. The chance to win a date with Uwabami was something he wouldn't pass up.

"My goddess Uwabami, you will soon be mine." He whispers morbidly, licking a clay figurine of Uwabami.

The salesman just shrugs, accustomed to this kind of perverted behavior from some of the recent customers. "Excessive use of Safsprin can cause some side effects and..." He mutters monotonously before being abruptly interrupted.

"Shut up and take my money!"


The next day at the police station.

POV Naomasa Tsukauchi

I swallowed another Safsprin aspirin to try to mitigate the annoying headache... The last three years have been the strangest and hardest of my police career. However, my instinct warns me that this is just the prelude to what is really to come...

My sanity has slowly begun to break... And from what I see I'm not the only one...

"Play video D41 again." Aizawa mutters seriously with his arms crossed while the bags under his eyes are evident. (C.E)'s words must still resonate in his mind... The main suspect in causing the death of Oboro Shirakumo.

Although at the moment, we have no convincing evidence other than what C.E said...

I press a few keys on my laptop and select the recording stored on the D41 body camera. Fortunately, the famous company Cognito Inc has donated a large number of body cameras and security cameras to the Japanese police.

Which has allowed us to catch some minor villains and avoid one or another misfortune.

***D41 Body Camera***

"It's a trap!"

A police officer exclaims in panic, desperately fleeing a dark alley as loud laughter echoes behind him. "We have to...! HAHAHA!" He laughs out loud, falling to his knees as panic is visible on his face.

"Something is crawling under my uniform! Help!" Another police officer exclaims, desperately trying to remove his bulletproof vest before bursting into laughter and beginning to writhe on the ground. "HAHAHAHAHA!"

"What the hell is happening!?



"I'm going crazy! HAHAHA!"


"I can't...breathe..."


*** D41 body camera recording ends ***

"The police officers involved in the events were found unconscious shortly after dawn in a nearby alley..."

"...The result of the medical examinations was somewhat disturbing... According to the report, they laughed out loud involuntarily until they eventually lost consciousness due to exhaustion and being on the verge of suffocation."

"But that is not all..."

I snort helplessly, placing a small armored glass jar on my desk while a danger label is attached to the lid. "We found this thing stuck in the armpit of one of the officers."

"Naomasa... Is that what I think it is?" Aizawa mutters, massaging his eyes in irritation... I also had the same reaction when I saw that thing for the first time...

Through the armored glass, a small robotic bug moved erratically from side to side with the help of its three pairs of very disturbing little robotic hands... In search of its next victim.

"A small robot in the shape of a bug, whose function is to aggressively and relentlessly tickle its target... Until the victim becomes unconscious."

I explain, clenching my fists as a conflicted expression spreads across my face.

"There is something else... Isn't there?" Aizawa asks.

"We also found this." I respond seriously, pulling a strange little poker card out of my pocket before placing it on my desk... A message addressed to me was evident on the back.


Hi Detective~San! It's me, your friendly villain!


I plan to make my spectacular and twisted public debut in about two years and terrorize the entire world with my evil plans!

And no one can stop me because I will always be one step ahead of everyone!

I am everywhere and nowhere!


Cheer up, detective! Catch Me If You Can!

PS: In the meantime, I'll do some quests and level up... Maybe that will give you a chance to gather some clues about me and unravel the terrifying mystery surrounding me.



"Everywhere and nowhere... What the hell do you think that means."

"Problems... Many problems."

Without a doubt, we are facing a villain with a very cunning and dangerous mind... A psychopath about whom we have almost no information... A shadow that lurks in the darkness...

🎵 I'll happily drag everyone into my wonderfully chaotic world of madness~ I'll happily drag everyone into my wonderfully chaotic world of madness~ 🎵



Those words still echo in my mind as I quickly swallow another aspirin and clench my fists tightly.

C.E... C.E... C.E...


A tense silence had spread through my office before the sound of a television in the distance was faintly heard... Something I didn't give any importance to...

"...Cognito Inc shares continue to rise after positioning its first satellite in space..."

"...Experts say that it is only a matter of time before Cognito Inc is positioned among the most influential companies in Japan, rivaling Detnerat while more factories and branches continue to open every day..."

"...Around the world."



To Be Continued...

☆ In the next chapter! Chapter 6: Sweet but Psycho ☆

  1. https://youtu.be/o5fJgZVyb1Q
    Channel Name: EmperorTube
    Video Title: My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood - Welcome To My Wonderfully Chaotic World Of Madness! Despair Starts!

Empe_ror99 Empe_ror99

AN: Rewritten Chapter (11/08/2023)

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