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54.28% Multiverse transmigrator / Chapter 17: Chance of survival

Bab 17: Chance of survival


Watching a man sitting on a blood coloured throne, Zack was thinking of life decisions...

The man had sharp jawline, red hair and lean body, his eyes were filled with arrogance, disdain and mocking towards him…

Zack was hurriedly thinking of all the possible scenarios of the situation when he heard the man say: "Look at you, still trying to find a way out."

The mocking tone in his voice was grating Zack's nerves, Zack looked at him with a grim expression, he just realized that he can't use any of his powers, not to mention the physical boost he got by his stats was also not there, he gritted his teeth and said: "Who are you and what do you want from me?"

The man laughed again hearing his words: "Hahaha, you are too arrogant for a measly human, let me teach you where your place is."

Suddenly Zack's face hit the floor in a kowtowing position, no matter how much he tried he couldn't lift his head.

"hmph, that's your place, you filthy human, don't make me tell you twice." The man said with a snort.

Zack was feeling anger rising inside him, he couldn't even move an inch, it felt like he was completely at this man's mercy.

He struggled as hard as he could but couldn't do anything, eventually he stopped after using all his energy.

"pathetic… wriggling like a worm, the greatest pleasure I get is from crushing the ego of humans like you." Zack could hear the madness in his voice…

Zack felt powerless for the first time in quite a while, suddenly a random thought crossed his mind 'Did all the people I overwhelmed with my power felt like this?'

Just as this thought appeared in his mind, he felt shame, he felt ashamed at himself for doing something like this, he couldn't care less about mobs but he also remembered doing the same thing to Jasmine on their first meeting.

He gathered all his energy and will power to open his mouth and barely speak

"Who… are you?"

The man stopped laughing and frowned when he heard Zack's voice, he was quite unpleased by the fact that the pathetic human was not begging for mercy…

He shouldn't be able to move a muscle, not to mention speak, watching this the man decided to break him mentally…

"I am what you human call Devil, Satan or Lucifer" He said with a smug smile "Now, why are you being such a stranger, haven't we already met before."

The man or Lucifer could see that Zack was listening to him, so he continued: "Did you forgot the person who gave you 'your' powers, aren't you quite ungrateful."

Zack was baffled by the sudden reveal, the only thing going on in his mind was the image of the old man who called himself god and transmigrated him, now that Zack thought about it, he didn't even question if the old man was really the god or not, it's true that he couldn't do anything at that time but that didn't mean he had to fully believe in the old man.

Lucifer smirked a little at him and continued 'breaking' him: "It's funny that how easily you accepted everything. transmigration? Did you really think that bull crap about your soul? Ptff hahaha."

"And even the fact that you will be granted such a power without any cost, did you really think that it is a joke to give someone so much power? Truly pathetic."

Lucifer looked at Zack as if he was looking at an idiot, Zack had a blank look on his face, he was thinking about everything that the Devil said, the more he said the more Zack felt like cursing his own stupidity.

"Do you know why I did all that to you?" The Lucifer released his pressure from Zack a little, making Zack look at him "It's because I love to see the look of despair on Human's faces when I tell them the truth."

Zack's eyes turned blood shot and he gritted his teeth in anger, seeing his state Lucifer gave a excited smile and exclaimed: "Yes! Yes! That's the face I wanted to see."

Zack paused after hearing him, for all he knew, he didn't wanted to make things easy for this bastard anymore,

Lucifer had a crazy grin on his face as he said: "Let me tell you a story, There was once a man named Zack whose life in the mortal world ended one day, due to having positive karma, he was supposed to go to the lowest floor of heaven but on the way his soul was interrupted by someone, the devil disguised himself as god and met the soul, he gave the soul wishes, the soul was so foolish that not only it came into the influence of the devil but even lost the opportunity to go to heaven due to taking devil's powers."

*Evil laugh* "Due to the laws of the universe, I can't directly interfere with a soul, but when you decided to take 'wishes' or more specifically my power, it became possible. Didn't you notice yourself being more greedy, prideful or lustful, haha, that was the power of my sins."

Lucifer had a lunatic smile on his face, while Zack just hatefully glared at him...

"Well, it seems that you are a tough nut to crack, I don't have time to deal with you right now." Lucifer said with a bored tone.

His moods swings were seriously pissing Zack off but he could just watch as Lucifer called some guards and told them to move Zack to the underground jail.

After a moment, when the guards left with Zack, a voluptuous woman came inside the room, she had a pretty face, with black hair, she wore a revealing outfit from which her breast threatened to burst out, her hourglass figure was enough to make any man in the multiverse drool.

She arrived by the Lucifer's side and said "Well, isn't he quite interesting."

Lucifer had a serious expression on his face: "He is, I can't believe that even for a moment, a human was able to resist my suppression."

The woman showed a smile which could melt the hearts and said: "Don't you think that he is impossibly handsome for a human, his looks even reaches yours.

"Hmph, That is the reason why I found his soul in the first place, but I already checked that he is nothing more than a human." Lucifer admitted begrudgingly.

The woman looked at the direction to where Zack went for a moment before she left the room with graceful steps.

Before she could leave Lucifer voiced out: "I will be gone for some time to trick some other souls."

The woman smiled a little mysteriously and whispered to herself: "How convenient."


In an damp place with no source of light whatsoever, Zack was sitting with his back again the wall, his hands and feet were chained…

The only solace he found in this situation was the fact that he wasn't alone in this place, when he was being 'escorted' here, with the help of the few Torchlights in the hallway, he saw many people bound here like him.

At first he thought that they were random people but after he recognized a few he couldn't help but notice a single similarity...

All of them were… Isekai anime protagonist!!!

From a certain skeleton to the advocate of gender equality…

By this point, he was numb from shock, in just one day he went from paradise to the deepest part of hell.

Now chained inside a small room, he couldn't help but chuckle at himself, this was the bitter reality.

At the end of the day, the power he was granted was nothing but a fluke, he didn't even knew if the people he met were real or not…

The image of hae-in in his embrace popped up in his mind, he didn't knew about the powers or world or even the people but that feeling of her in his arms, that was something he could say was real without a doubt.

'And I even accepted the crap about my soul rejecting the world, was I just consoling myself?' He had a self deprecating smile as he thought 'I think o got arrogant after taking someone else's powers.'

He thought of all the times he did something using his powers instead of brain. Manipulating minds, forcing someone on their knees, humiliatingly crushing someone… Without knowing he became a despicable person who would want everything to be done his way by any means possible.

'Is it karma?'


The time he spent in that small room, locked and chained was nothing short than hell, the damp environment wasn't suitable to stay in, Zack was considering if he will catch some disease or not...

It seems like this wasn't his original body since thankfully he didn't got hungry or had to piss and shit on himself…

He didn't knew how much time passed here, in that dark silent room, the concept of time seemed meaningless, it could be that only an hour passed or an year.

During this time, the only thing he could do was self criticizing, he was now calmly evaluating all his decisions after the plane crash.

Why did I wanted to be transmigrated in the first place?

Was it because of satisfying my fantasies?

Didn't I just always wanted to be in peace without anyone bothering me?

Then why didn't I just asked to go to heaven if I was given wishes? He said that he couldn't really influence me if I hadn't chose his power, then that means that it was my choice to go along with the flow.

But we're those world real? If yes, then are Qingyue, lingxi and hae-in still waiting for me?

Well, it doesn't matter anymore, since I didn't I will be able to leave this damned place.

As on queue, the sound of the metal door opening reverberated, looking up into the direction of the sound, he couldn't see anything else than the outline of the figure, from it he deduced that the entered is a woman.

The form came closer to him and suddenly pulled him to his feet by grabbing his arm...

Zack didn't had the strength or energy to resist, he could only begrudgingly follow the lead of this woman.

The woman led him outside the room and to the way from where he came, when he was brought by a gaurd.

They exited the basement and after walking for a few more moments stopped in front of a large door, the woman released him and knocked on the door: "Your majesty, I brought him per your orders."

"Come in" An extremely alluring, beautiful and seductive voice called out from inside, the woman carefully owned the door and went inside.

Zack followed behind, inside he saw a scene which would definitely make someone nosebleed.(if that was possible.)

A mature woman with slightly tanned skin, she had shoulder length black hair and perfect 'assets', she was wearing a see through gown, which made it impossible to not notice her pink protrusion on top of breasts.

But surprisingly or not so surprisingly, Zack instead of feeling horny started to get wary, from what he heard she is the one who told the woman to bring him here.

Not to mention that it was clear that She could kill him instantly if the woman was calling her 'your majesty'.

Aside from the woman on the bed, there were two other woman standing at the side with their backs against the walls, the woman who brought him here joined them and stood with them.

The woman on the bed looked at him and gave a smile "At last, I can finally talk to you without being bothered by anyone."

Zack just gave her a wary look and stayed silent, he didn't wanted to piss her off, not when he was so weak, the best strategy for now would be to do anything to survive.

"Not much of a talker huh? We will see about that in a few minutes."

"Now, first let me tell me enlighten you, My name is Lilith and I'm the queen of all the demons in hell." She said in a proud tone.

Zack couldn't help but evaluate her again, at first he thought that she was a concubine of that bastard or something but the title 'Queen of demons' was really impressive.

But the first question that came into his mind was "So you are his wife?"

Lilith paused and narrowed her eyes at him, Zack was keeping a calm facàde while cursing himself from the inside, due to his hair he ended up asking her too directly.

Her silence was even more nerve grating for him, at this moment he realized how much dependent he became on his skill 'Calm mind'.

After a moment she gave a sweet chuckle and said again: "Oh my, and why would you think that I'm the wife of that bastard scum."

Zack was left speechless at her brashness, she directly called Lucifer as a Bastard and Scum...

Does that mean that she doesn't even put him in front of his eyes? Then how strong is she?

But before all this, he had to give her an explanation since she seems to be offended to be called Lucifer's wife: "I apologize for my earlier statement, but there have been rumors among humans that he is your husband."

Lilith coldly snorted and said in a disdain: "Ignorant humans and their weird assumptions, how dare they call me his wife."

Seeing that her anger was not directly at him, he was partially relieved, that is because he was also a human, what if she decided to punish him‽

Just when Zack was making his plan to avoid this situation, Lilith said: "I don't usually like to explain this to everyone but since you are handsome I will make an exception."

"Now listen carefully, We are right now in the underworld or more commonly known as hell, it is one of two most powerful universes in this multiverse. The only other universe with equal strength being the upperworld or heaven as called by many."

"There are many species existing in underworld, but there are two of them that are more dominant and are currently ruling this place. Demons and Devils.

As you should've already guessed, Lucifer is the ruler of devils and I'm the queen of Demons... But make no mistake, That doesn't mean that demons are equal in strength to those devils, the only reason that we are coexisting with them is because of their number, they are weaker than us but their numbers are much larger."

She said all this without stopping, she took a moment to see if Zack was keeping up with the information dump or not, then continued:

"That also means that I'm much stronger than him and I don't have to fear him finding out that I took you. It is insulting when someone calls me his wife." She said with a cute pout which contrasted with her graceful way of speaking.

Zack was furiously digesting the information, questions were popping into his mind, but the most important in the current situation was…

"What did you want from me?" He asked trying to be as polite as he could.

"Hmm, let's see" She put a finger on her chin with a thoughtful expression on her face "I want you to pleasure me."

Zack's face went blank hearing the last, watching the sweet smile on her face, he couldn't help but be speechless, isn't it too contradictory, she was just a few moments ago offended because he called her Lucifer's wife but now she wants him to pleasure her.

What is with these people and their weird mood swings? And why did she wanted him to be the one to pleasure her in the first place?

Wait a second‽ Is it that by pleasuring, she doesn't mean sex but something else, like a massage or something?

But wouldn't that be weird, he didn't even knew how to give a massage and can't she just ask one of her servant for it? Why him?

He looked at her and carefully asked: "Um.. What did you meant by pleasuring you?"

Lilith gave a lascivious smile: "Oh my, look at you trying to act all innocent" She held a mischievous tone in her voice "Then let me tell you more clearly, I want you to Fuck me."

At this point, Zack wasn't even sure what to think anymore, how could she say something like that with a straight face to someone she just met.

"And if I refuse, will you kill me?" He asked with an expressionless face.

Lilith giggled a little: "Now why would I? Wouldn't that be just a waste? I will just use some other means to make you accept."

Zack didn't had a doubt that she was most likely telling the truth, since he knew that if what she said about herself being more powerful than Lucifer, than it wouldn't even take a snap for her to kill him.

He looked at her and seriously said: "Would you let me leave after that?"

He didn't had much hope to be honest, he just asked her as a last hope, but what he didn't expected her answer...

"Who knows? Maybe if you please me, then I might just give you a reward."

Zack was startled but he still didn't believe her, after all he just got deceived by the a devil not to long ago, he would be stupid to trust her…

She seemed to have saw through his thoughts as she replied: "Dont worry, I'm not like that bastard who doesn't even stay true to his words, if you were really able to please me, then I will undoubtedly let you leave this place."

Zack thought for a moment, he couldn't really do anything right now, his only chance at survival was to fuck this demoness, he was sure that if he refused then she will use some underhanded methods to make him agree, so why just lose your chance of survival…

Just for the record, this was only for survival, it was not because he wanted to fuck a sexy demoness.

(A/n: yeah, but I wanted you to fuck a demoness, so…( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

"Fine, but I expect that the queen of Demons will be a woman of her words."

"Good, now…" Lilith looked at the three women who were just standing at the side till now and said: "Take him and clean him up."

After living in that underground place, Zack's body was covered in dirt and sweat, any woman would demand him to get washed up first.

Zack followed the three woman and arrived at a big swimming pool looking place, there were rose petals floating on the water, the women unrobbed themselves and then also undressed him.

Zack didn't got flustered by this, this was a matter of life and death, he was as serious as one could be.

Zack couldn't help but question the way of bathing in this universe when The three squeezed their boobs in his arms and helped him while sticking their bodies closer.

After the bath, he wore a simple bath robe and walked back to Lilith's room himself, arriving there he saw that she was already lying on the bed naked…

"Oh my, You look even more handsome now that I can take a look at your face~" Her extremely beautiful figure along with her way of speaking was enough to make Zack turned on.

He slowly took off his bath robe and made his way to the bed to play the game of Life and death…





Cute_lama Cute_lama

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