Although, his tap was soft and gentle, the Archive was a very silent place to begin with. Such that even the sound of a pin dropping would be loud, so David's tap was specifically a little more louder.
Although the Archives had been altered to block sound, the librarian's seat was exempted from such altercations.
Obviously startled the young lady quickly did away with the books she was holding. Still with her heads down, she quickly adjusted her self and with the brightest smile she could possibly muster, she raised up and greeted David.
"Good morning sir, how can i help-" her voice was suddenly cut off and suddenly her smile dropped as she notice the person standing in front of her desk.
With a frown and an in an indifferent tone, she spoke up "And what is it that you want?"
Opening up the Holographic image, she went back to what she was previously doing, ignoring David once more.
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