David saw the astonishment on the old man's face but that didn't stop David from making his move at all.
The ground instantly exploded as David darted forwards like a phantom with lightning speed. The oldman was completely unable to determine his position.
David instantly appeared in front of him like a ghost and punched out. The terrifying strength of the fist produced sonic booms in the air as though it was about to piece the void.
The oldman was smart as he prepared to use the same tactics on David. David's current strength has gone way beyond his expectations and beyond what he could handle.
Not given enough time to think, he swiped his sharp claws at David shoulder and it was as if he was a heavenly hammer containing a few thousand kilograms of strength in them.
But what was unexpected was that David didn't move to dodge and neither did he change his attacks direction to counter the old man's attack.
He wanted to trade wound for wounds, injury for injury.
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