"Father!" Wang Mu Tuo and the others also came to Wang Chang's side. Wang Mu Tuo gave his father a questioning look.
Wang Chang shook his head gently and said, "We can't deal with level nine monsters. You take your mother and run away first. If there is a fight, neither of us will be able to leave here alive. I will try my best to buy time, and reinforcements will arrive soon. "
Wang Mu Tuo was shocked when he heard this. It turned out that the beast demon patriarch was a level nine monster, and his heart suddenly felt like a cold rain, and he was beaten to the core. He was afraid it was going to be a fight. Nobody wanted to leave.
Wang Mu Tuo took a half step back and whispered to Wang Xuan'er, "Xuan'er, take your mother and master and teacher and go first, and I will stay with my father. Hurry up!"
Thanks for reading. This was a long chapter to put these scenes in one chapter, hope you enjoyed it. I really appreciate you all. Without you, there's no me. The more you support my poor soul, the more I'll be able to focus on writing.
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