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12.5% Moon Emperor / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Entry to Society
Moon Emperor Moon Emperor original

Moon Emperor

Penulis: Alquimedes

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1 Entry to Society

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Young Justice, Justice League or related movies.

AN: Just like always, there is something you should know before you start.

Naruto is the actual Shinju (The Sacred Tree); I believe everyone knows the story about its power right? The story will take place in the Young Justice universe with some hints from Justice League.

Personality wise, he will be calm, polite and friendly.

As for the story itself, I'll write it as though you've already seen the characters, meaning I'll not waste my time writing what they are wearing and what not.

Question of the Day (How many books can you put in an empty backpack?)


Long ago, before the humans were conceived to inhabit the surface of the planet Earth, a solitary sapling of unknown origin and specie was sent crashing to the Earth from place unknown, rocking the planet to its core. As soon as the seedling was situated upon the Earth, it instigated to mature immeasurably to a colossal tree, stretching as far as the sky itself.


Night. Watch Tower

The surface of the moon appeared as brilliant as always, showering the earth with a silvery radiance, but on this particularly warm and unusually peaceful day, the moon was glowing even more dazzlingly. It was as if the celestial body was almost quivering with barely concealed excitement and anticipation, anticipation of what? No one knew. This kind of spectacle had been reported to transpire every two centuries in the history of the world, making it a must-see for everyone.

All the inhabitants of the earth were no doubt transfixed on the glowing surface of the moon.

The floating station of the earth Mightiest Heroes was hovering peacefully around the planet. Superman and Batman were standing near the edge of the tower and gazing at the wonderful and peaceful glow of the moon through the glass windows. It wasn't always like this, with their lives and crime-fighting duties, it was practically impossible to see such sights.

"It's quite peaceful tonight" Batman voiced softly, a complete opposite of his grumpy and serious voice as he gazed at the glowing moon.

"It sure is" Superman nodded with a small smile "I hope some idiotic villain doesn't take this as an opportunity to launch an attack and ruin the moment"

"That would be quite annoying indeed" the caped Dark Knight agreed "Clark, I was hoping to have a word with you regarding the 'Sidekicks'"

Clark chuckled when he heard the oddly funny name, Sidekick considering one could easily mistake for a form of kick "Yeah, what about them?"

"They are getting quite impatient, I was thinking of forming a team consisting of them with one of us as their superior" Bruce stated with a grimace, recalling the last time Robin had ranted to him about not keeping his promise "The missions will be given by whoever is designated to be in charge of them, making it essentially our duty to give them missions suitable to their talents … missions where they cannot be harmed"

"You've really thought this through, haven't you?" Clark asked with a knowing smile.

"Hard not to when an impatient teenager is screaming in your ears 24/7" Batman grumbled.

Clark chuckled good-naturedly, Bruce joined in after a few seconds, not able to keep his amusement hidden from the Man of Steel.

"I think it would be a great idea, we are not getting any younger, one day we'll have to relinquish our duties to them. With the establishment of this team, they will gradually grow accustomed to the duty of fighting crime." Clark agreed "They would require a base of operation, I think our former headquarters, Mount Justice would suffice"

"I agree"

"What would be the name of the team? Sidekick Justice or Something?" Superman ask with a grin.

"No need to be funny Clark, this is serious" Batman retorted with a scowl.

"Lighten up a little Bruce"

"I'm always 'lightened up'" Bruce commented sarcastically, causing Superman to give him a strange look.

"That was a very weird comeback from someone like you" the Dark Knight glared daggers at the grinning Superman.

"In any case, I think Young Justice would be an appropriate name, considering they are teenagers" Overhearing a snort from his side, he spun around with a glare and saw Clark whistling innocently "You have a problem with the name, Clark?"


"Good, Young justice it is then"

"Who will supervise them?" Clark asked with a cough, getting over the funny name.

"We'll discuss that in the upcoming meeting, which also reminds me we should get moving lest we arrive late. I don't know about you, but I don't want my reputation to take a hit by being late to a meeting." Batman started for the gate and looked over his shoulder at the prone figure of Superman gazing at the moon intently "Something the matter Clark?"

"No, just wondering why the moon is shaking" Bruce gave him a strange look, prompting Clark to explain "You can't see it because you don't have enhanced eye sight. But it just may be my imagination"

"Let's go before I summon a Doctor to examine your head" Batman stated bluntly and walked out from the room followed by a frowning Superman.

'What was that distortion I was seeing?'

The Man of Steel gave the glowing moon one last look and walked out of the room, deep in thought.


Inside the Moon

A solitary figure was striding through a dimly lit intricate corridor, adorned with dazzling stones and crystals of distinctive shades deep inside the moon. The figure was a commandingly giant and muscular brown haired male garbed in a golden and crimson armor. The armor was consisting of two golden shoulder pads, a gleaming crimson chest piece covering his torso, golden wristbands wrapped around his hands up to his elbows leaving his muscular arms bare and a set of black boots covering his feet. Under the armor, a black coat with black pants could be seen.

The giant male did not pay any attention to his shuddering surrounding, dutifully concentrating on a glowing massive gate at the end of the corridor. The door was crimson in color with a colossal tree design engraved on it. The figure quickened his pace when the door glowed even brightly, lighting the whole corridor in a blinding red.

The tall figure reached the gate just as the light reduced considerably and vanished slowly.

Without knocking on the door, the brown haired man calmly pushed the massive door away and entered cautiously. The inside of the room was pretty simple than the outside considering it was located in another dimension. The room itself was filled with every kind of dark color stretching as far as the eyes could see, with a large circular black bed floating in the middle.

Reaching the center of the room, the figure kneeled as the bed slowly floated down and touched the distorted floor with a soft thud.

"Sire, it's time for you to awaken" the tall man stated firmly and maintained his kneeling posture with one hand on his chest and the other on the ground in servitude. A soft groan was heard followed by the sound of movements of the bed sheets as the stoic figure tensed in anticipation, the ground underneath trembling even harder as it waited for the Master to wake up.

A large humanoid hand followed by two similar feet, peeked out of the black covers as the aforementioned Master slowly peeled the sheets off his body and sat up. Sliding towards the edge of the bed, the man's feet touched the ground as he stood up to an intimidating height. As soon as his feet came into contact with the surface, the trembling and shuddering of the moon ceased all together as if finally in peace.

"Has it been 2 centuries already, Oken?" the deep resounding voice of the tall man snapped the kneeling figure known as Oken out of his dazed state as he looked at his Master.

The man, seemingly in his mid-twenties, was very tall, standing at an abnormal 8ft, 3inch height with a magnificently muscular body, stone-like bulging biceps, and broad muscular torso. Silky blood red hair let loose over his back reaching up to the back of his knees with thin bangs draped over the two sides of his ethereal face. Twin diamond-like narrow blue eyes filled with concealed amusement and mirth gazed at the kneeling servant.

He was dressed in a black sleeping robe with the buttons on the chest undone, revealing his chiseled nude torso. The most attention grabbing feature about the giant man was the two black horns adorned atop his head like a majestic crown.

Oken shivered from the sheer potency of his presence alone. No matter how many millennia he had spent serving his Master; he still found it hard to even breathe in his presence. The tall stature and the physical perfection of his body along with his piercing blue eyes and majestic black horns demanded nothing but absolute servitude. What made him even more obedient to his Master was his kindness and his generous heart.

The power he possessed in his pinky could wipe out an entire planet in the blink of an eye, yet his heart was filled with nothing but kindness. All this time he had spent with him, never once had he demanded anything from any of his guards or anyone else.

"Yes Milord" the now identified Oken responded obediently.

"No need to be so formal Oken, you can simply call me Naruto" the tall redhead chuckled softly.

"My apologies, Sire, but I simply cannot address you short of what you truly deserve" Oken stated loyally. Naruto shook his head, realizing it was futile to change his mind. The man was stubborn that way, even more so than his eldest son.

"Well, seeing as I can't change your mind, I believe I should probably take a shower before we get to the matters of the world" the Master of the Palace stated calmly and moved towards the left side of the infinite room, the wall distorting away to reveal a spacious bathing chamber.

"As you wish, Sire. I'll depart and notify the chefs to prepare a feast for you" Oken gave one last bow and left the chamber.


An Hour Later

Naruto exited the bathroom dressed in a red skin tight shirt, a long red coat with large red and black tree design on the back, reaching to his knees, black leather pants with a brown belt and red combat boots with metal guards reaching up to his knees. Draped over his broad shoulders was a large crimson fur cap with two red shoulder pads and red metal wristbands up to his elbows.

He looked around his personal chamber and softly shook his head in resignation. Oken was already there kneeling on the ground with his head bowed "Your imminence, the chefs have prepared the feast and are awaiting your arrival"

"At ease Oken. Let us go" Naruto smiled kindly and walked out of the room with such grace and elegance it looked as if he was gliding over the surface.

Oken nodded and followed after his Master stoically.

Naruto strolled through the crystal palace towards the large dining room followed by Oken, the doors of the room sliding away to reveal the Dining Chamber. The inside of the room was quite simple but large, with a great crimson gem hanging from the ceiling, bathing the whole room in a red hoe and a large table with spacious crystals chairs in the middle of the room.

Naruto entered the dining room followed by Oken; the standing chefs snapped into attention and bowed their heads as Naruto walked up to his chair and sat down. The table was filled with every type of food a man could desire, a meal befitting of a king. The chefs had really outdone themselves.

Seeing as Oken stood beside his chair and the chefs excuse themselves from the room, he smiled softly "Oken my boy, sit down and tell me all about the world's situation during my slumber"

"Sire, my place is to stand beside you, not consider myself as your equal" the stoic man exclaimed.

"Oken" Naruto started calmly "How many times do I have to tell you to not use formalities with me. We are long past that stage. Sit down and eat. This meal is more than I can eat"

"As you wish Milord"


"It seems the world has changed far more than I had anticipated" Naruto commented lightly as he floated to his throne room. They had eaten their meal with the usual dilemma of Naruto trying and failing to make Oken stop calling him 'Sire' and all those formal names. Oken had explained the situation of the world below and Naruto had to admit, it was far more complicated and worse than before.

The throne room was situated at the back of the palace at the top floor facing the vast landscape and forest inside the moon. The outside of the moon could be seen as nothing but a round silver ball of sand and stones, but on the inside, it was a land of lush and green grass and dense forests stretching as far as the eye could see with large blue lakes and rivers. Naruto had collected any and all endangered species of animals and plants and had nurtured them in the moon.

You could find any kind of animals and plants your heart desired, from animals as small as ants to as tall as skyscrapers.

The two story tall Sentinels _ covered in golden armor from head to toe with enormous axes, standing at the door of the throne room _ bowed to the king and opened the great golden gates with vines like designs engraved on it. The gates opened to reveal a dimly lit, large hall-like room with a crystal staircase leading up to a pedestal in the middle of the room, where a large crimson throne was situated. The room had gold and blood red pillars located in a row to the sides, with a large red carpet leading to the front of the stairs.

The wall behind the throne was a clear red transparent glass, lighting the Throne Room in a dim red hue and enabling the King to watch over his domain. Made from gleaming black and red crystals with a modified cushion and two circular globes as armrest, the throne was a work of art itself.

Naruto floated through the large room, up the stairs to his throne and sat down while Oken stood beside the large throne stoically.

"Yes, the 'Heroes' try their best to subdue the villains but make a critical error of judgment in the end"

"Would I be correct in assuming that these … villains are sent to some kind of containment structures instead of being dealt with?"

"Yes Sire. The villains are sent to jails to atone for their crimes. While the Heroes decisions to leave them at the hands of the government are noble, it's their belief in second chances that eludes me" Oken explained calmly.

"I believe it's their desire to not become executioners, considering themselves to be below the law" Naruto explained calmly and revolved the throne around to gaze out of the large window at his vast domain "While it's a very honorable quality, on the other hand, it's their greatest weakness. From what you have informed me about these criminals, many of them have one reason or another for committing transgressions and while I don't approve of foul play, they at least have a purpose for doing what they do"

"And the others?" Oken inquired interestedly. His master always had a distinctive outlook and way of thinking than others regarding many issues of the world.

"The others basically commit crime for the fun of it. This 'Joker' character for instance is undeserving of second chances regardless of the tragedies of his past. Their show of mercy regarding some of these villains is admirable, but the rest needs to be dealt with permanently."

"Regrettably, that is one action this band of Heroes cannot seem to take" the tall man stated with a small frown while Naruto smiled softly.

"What is the name of this band of Heroes?"

"It's called the 'Justice League'"

"An interesting name, ironic even. They refer to themselves as the upholders of justice, yet refuse to kill for the sake of justice" the red head voiced out with a subtle hint of amusement "They wouldn't happen to operate from that floating station in Earth's orbit, would they?"

"Affirmative your Highness, they call it the 'Watch Tower', a place where they can protect the earth from both outside and inside threats" the brown haired man replied dutifully. Naruto hummed in thought and eyed a small bird feeding an even smaller hatchling in a massive tree outside the Crystal Palace.

"Oken, what would you say to the concept of me consolidating with this group of Heroes?" the redheaded King asked curiously, without looking at his devoted right-hand man. He knew that the stoical man appeared to be mulling it over, obviously searching for appropriate words to both answer the question and not offend him.

Seeing as he couldn't come up an appropriate answer, Oken bowed slightly and replied "My opinion on the matter is of no importance, Sire. My job is to follow and serve you"

Naruto chuckled softly and shook his head in resignation "Its settle then, I would join this band to see what the world is like now and to cut a few loose ends. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to study the present world"

"As you wish Sire"


Watch Tower, Conference Room

"This meeting is hereby called to order" Batman announced as he, Superman and Wonderwoman stood in front of a large U-shaped table in the Watch Tower high above the earth. All the members of the Justice League were in attendance, sitting around the table, from the senior members up to the most recent members.

"The objective of the conference is to think over the prospect of an undercover squad involving the Sidekicks" Wonderwoman began.

"As all of you know, there are certain problems that goes right under our noses, create situations that we cannot solve with sheer brute strength or power alone … situations that require information that needs to be gathered before it can be solved. The purpose of the team will be to gather info and deal with small problems" The Man of Steel continued where Diana had left.

The three senior members returned to their seats as the meeting began.

"While the formation of such team certainly has merit, it would need a base of operation and supervision from one of us" Aquaman stated loudly and looked around the table for agreement.

"Superman has petitioned our former headquarters to be an appropriate base of operation for the team. As for the designation of a supervisor, we will vote on it" Batman responded evenly.

"I volunteer as a supervisor" Captain Marvel raised his hand pleasantly. Working with boys almost his age would be fun. The Justice League members while powerful and unique were far too stiff and uptight in his opinion!

"We will take it into consideration" Superman stated firmly.

"Name of the team?" Flash asked curiously and raised an eyebrow when he saw Superman trying to mask his amusement. Was the Man of Steel actually trying not to grin!? The name couldn't be that bad, could it?

"Young Justice" the Dark Knight replied and directed a discreet glare at an innocently smiling Superman "If no one has anything to say, I believe it's time to vote. All oppose?"

No one raised their hands. The formation of the team had more ups than downs.

"All in favor?"

Everyone raised their hands at once.

Batman nodded in approval "It's decided. Team young Justice is hereby formed. Now for the designation of a supervisor, I myself will be handing out missions appropriate to their talents. We need someone to supervise them, any volunteers?"

"I volunteer to be their supervisor" Red Tornado said in his monotone robotic voice.

"Good, now we…."

"Incoming Transmission" a robotic voice interjected as a wide screen appeared in front of the Leaguers and showed the image of a black haired female, the attendant of the Justice League earthly base, Catherine.

"Sorry to interrupt, but a red haired man calling himself 'Destiny' seeks an audience with the justice League"

"Motives?" Batman asked seriously.


"Where is he?" Superman asked curiously. Who would intentionally want an audience with the League?

"Sitting in the waiting room in the Hall of Justice"

"Alright, meeting adjourned for now. The rest will be discussed upon our return along with this new individual. I, Wonderwoman and Superman will go and meet this 'Destiny' character" Batman declared seriously and stood up from his chair. The Man of Steel and Wonderwoman followed after the Dark Knight as he stepped into the Zeta beam tube.


Hall of Justice, D.C

Superman, Wonderwoman and Batman paced into the waiting room and saw a tall and muscular red haired man in his mid-twenties wearing a crimson skin tight shirt, black leather pants with two red lines and red combat boots reaching up to his knees. He was wearing a long blood red cap kept on his shoulders by two shoulder pads, and red segmented wristbands reaching up to his elbows. His long silky blood red haired was stretching up to the small of his back while two thin bangs hung over his narrow blue eyes.

All in all, he was quite intimidating and admittedly otherworldly handsome.

The tall redheaded man walked up to them as soon as they entered the room and smiled softly "Greetings. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, a pleasure to meet you"

Diana observed eyed the strange man with a judicious gaze as he walked forward. His voice deep but soft, a calm and ethereal handsome face and a stride full of confidence and conviction bore a resemblance to that of a royal blood. The sheer potency of his presence demanded respect, even she; a princess herself could not deny the self-conscious thoughts about being disrespectful in his presence into surface.

What truly caught her attention were the two wristbands and abnormally heavy pressure in the room. The wristbands were similar to the bracelets wore by her and her sisters as well as the Queen. Though they resembled the ones wore by the Queen and her, except red in color and segmented. She would have to ask about that later on.

Superman, being the kind-hearted man that he was, simply smiled at the redhead and tried to ignore the sudden appearance of an unknown force weighing down on his shoulders. He didn't need his superior Kryptonian intellect or his enhanced sight to know that this man was not normal by any sense of the word.

Batman on the other hand was already trying to analyze the new comer and find his weakness, but was unfortunately being met with failure. This man left nothing uncovered or exposed to be exploited, not mention he was too friendly.

Judging from the name _ which was another surprise since all Heroes and Heroines kept their real names a secret _ he was obviously from either Japan or China, but his style of dress, regal facial features and fluent English presented a completely different picture.

"A pleasure to meet you, Naruto. I'm Diana of Paradise Island, as you may already know, this is Superman and Batman" Wonderwoman greeted with a polite smile and extended her hand.

"I have to say I'm honored by your presence" Naruto smiled and shook hands with the three members.

'Such an impressive grip' the black haired heroine thought in surprise when she shook hands with the redhead. The strength of the grip reminded her of the times she had hand-wrestled Superman, which was saying something considering the man was… well Superman.

"Now that the formalities are out of the way, can you tell us why you wanted an audience with the Justice League?" Batman asked with his eyes narrowed behind the cowl. The redheaded king couldn't help but smile at the cautious man who was trying to intimidate him.

"Simple, I want to join the Justice league"

The three members were surprised to say the least. Normally, when a new Hero would spring up and get the attention of the League, he would be given the opportunity to join the League or … if a sidekick was nominated and voted to be a part of the League. No one had ever volunteered to join the League before.

"Why?" the ever paranoid Batman asked suspiciously with a glare while Superman sighed. Can't he just give the guy a chance?

"I didn't realized I required a reason to save innocent lives" Naruto smiled softly, not the least bit intimidated by the 'Batman Glare', quite the contrary in fact.

The Dark Knight, however, was not convinced by his supposedly noble actions and friendly act at all. He had seen far too friendly people later revealed to be serial killers. Who was to say that this one wouldn't turn out like the rest of them! In their line of duty, nothing was certain.

"Why don't you tell us about your abilities?" The Man of Steel asked, trying to change the subject.

"Super Strength, Speed, Senses, Flight, Invulnerability and a few other abilities"

Superman and Wonderwoman were surprised to hear that his abilities were almost similar to theirs while Batman narrowed his eyes at his curt explanation of his abilities.

"What other abilities?"

"Some secrets are better to remain a secret" the redhead said mysteriously, prompting Batman to frown.

"If you want to join the League, you need to come clean with your secrets"

"I'm entitled to my own secrets Batman, just like all of you. Superman has his own secrets as does Wonderwoman and you do as well. They wouldn't be secrets if they were exposed, but rest assured, it will not put the League in jeopardy" Naruto explained with a delicate smile.

"Excuse us, Naruto. Batman, may I have a few words with you?" Clark interjected with a smile. He had to agree with the redhead's logic about secrets being secrets. I mean he wouldn't outright reveal his secret identity to anyone simply because they wanted him to come clean.

In fact, very few people knew about his identity as the mild-mannered Clark Kent. Batman had found out through means he didn't want to know about. To be fair, he had also used his X-ray vision to figure out the Dark Knight's identity as well.

Diana… well, she had been the most surprising one in regards to figuring out who he was off-duty. She had figured it out during an interview. He had counted his lucky stars on that day for being alone with her in her Embassy office since she had outright asked why and he quote "Kal, why are you dressed in a silly garb and asking me these question when you could've asked them on the Watchtower?"

He knew she was blunt and all, but come on! She could've compromised his identity!

Batman raised an eyebrow at the strange request but complied and walked out of the room with Clark, leaving a contemplating Wonderwoman behind.

"I'm not convinced by his act. I'll summon J'onn to scan his mind" Batman said in his usual grumpy voice as they stood outside the room.

"When are you convinced anyway?" Clark teased with a raised eyebrow "Jokes aside, I listened to his heartbeat and it stayed the same throughout the conversation. If he was lying, it would have surely increased, yet it didn't"

"That is still not enough. Can't you feel the weight of his presence even outside here? It's like a huge truck is placed on our shoulders and frankly, it's making me a little wary" the Dark Knight explained with a scowl. He had faced the likes of Joker, Felix Faust, Circe and Darksied, all considerably powerful with great strength or skills, yet not even one of them had been able to make his heart thump faster in his chest cavity.

Not even Darksied had been able to make him sweat from sheer fear alone. Joker's most twisted and revolting 'jokes' hadn't even made him flinch, let alone shiver. Yet this redhead was doing all those things by just being there! He hadn't even moved from his spot, yet he could feel his overwhelming presence even outside of the room!

"Wary than usual?" Superman asked with a raised eyebrow.


"Then I guess calling J'onn is the only option"

Batman nodded and turned to the wide screen computer "Computer, Contact J'onn"

"Connecting… Message Sent"

The monitor displayed the image of the olive green face of Martian Manhunter "Yes Batman?"

"J'onn, we have a situation in the Hall of Justice that requires your 'unique' abilities" the Dark Knight replied.

"Acknowledged. On my way"


Inside the Room

Naruto was seated on a comfortable sofa in the waiting room with a delicate smile on his ethereally regal face, sensing a set of eyes observing him closely, as if he was a puzzle she could not solve.

"You have something on your mind, your Majesty?" Naruto asked suddenly without even looking, causing Diana to give him a puzzled look.

"I don't know what you're talking about and please don't call me 'your Majesty'" She stated innocently and tried hard not to lose herself in those oceanic blue orbs when he glanced at her with an arched eyebrow of amusement.

"Your posture indicates that you have something on your mind yet you seem reluctant to ask what your heart desires"

Wonderwoman seemed to be rather shocked that he could read her like that. She indeed had a question and was dying to find the answer, but she was reluctant to ask in fear of offending a potential member of the League. A part of her was screaming at her that she knew this man, but she could not recall ever meeting someone like him before.

The feelings were just at the tip of her mind yet her tongue could not find words to describe them.

"Quite perceptive of you" she praised curiously "I do have a question, a rather personal one in fact. Why are you wearing those bracelets?"

"Am I not allowed to?" the redhead asked with a lopsided smile. Realizing the humor in his tone, Diana shook her head in negative with a smile.

"No, just curious"

"Mere coincidence I believe" Naruto responded and raised his bulging forearm to his eyes to look at the red segmented bracelets "They are quite helpful"

"That they are" Wonderwoman agreed with a smile. The unease and self-conscious thoughts were slowly reducing the more she talked with him. Maybe at some point in time, she would have enough courage to ask him if she had met him before "I hope you don't mind the attitude of my teammate, he is quite… cautious to say the least"

"Not at all. Would I be correct in assuming that this is the normal protocol for new membership?"

"Not entirely. Usually, we recruit members, not the other way around. You're the first to actually volunteer by yourself" the black haired heroine replied sheepishly and smiled softly when Naruto let out a small melodious chuckle.

"That must have been quite a surprise"

"It was"

The door to the room slid open and Superman, Batman and the green martian, Martian Manhunter entered.

"Naruto, allow me to introduce you to the forth senior member of the League, Martian Manhunter" Superman started and gestured to the green man standing quietly beside him.

"Ahh yes, the ever analytical and faithful extraterrestrial comrade of the League, I'm honored" Naruto praised genuinely. What he said was neither sarcasm nor empty words, but merely the truth. Martian Manhunter was what could be described as the perfect upholder of Friendship and Loyalty.

"I'm honored by your kind words" the green Martian replied in his monotone voice.

"Martian Manhunter, our 'friend' here wants to join the league. You're here to read his mind to find if he is being truthful" Batman stated seriously.

The quite green alien nodded slowly and stepped forward in front of the seated King.

"It's not my desire to invade your privacy, unfortunately it's the only way to clear your name and to satisfy Batman's suspicious nature" he explained apologetically.

"Do what you must" Naruto assured with a smile.

Martian Manhunter's already red eyes shined a bright red as he gazed straight Naruto's blue eyes. Seeing as mere mortals couldn't see what truly laid inside his head unless they wanted to get their minds fried, Naruto, in the spin of 1 millisecond, created an entirely different life story with precise details to properly convince the Martian and Batman.

The green alien's eyes stopped glowing after a few moments and turned to Batman "He speaks the truth"

Batman scowled and narrowed his eyes at the calm redhead, still not convinced. The redhead's smile was not of someone who had just his mind scanned by the Martian. He would have to ask J'onn about the things he saw in Naruto's mind.

"Welcome to the League, Destiny" Superman stated with a smile.


2 Months later, Watch Tower, Observation Deck

The observation deck of the Watch Tower was located at the top most floor of the floating station, used to observe the world below. The large hall-like room was surrounded by a large transparent glass from three sides. Inside the glass, a sanctuary of sorts was created to hold many animals and plants to provide the members of the league a feeling of harmony and peace away from home.

The dazzlingly blue glow of the planet below combined with the peace and tranquility provided by the birds and plants created a very heartwarming and serene environment.

Naruto was standing in front of the glass with a peaceful smile on his face, a multitude of birds were sitting on his shoulders and hands while small animals like squirrels were lying around his feet as he gazed at the peacefully spinning globe below.

Being an entity of Nature itself, everything whether animals, plants or birds were connected with him. That connection was not just some ordinary connection, no; he could understand their every thought and move as if it was conveyed through words.

"So this is where you have been hiding" A teasing voice said from behind him.

Naruto turned around with a small smile and came face to face with the black haired heroine known as Wonderwoman.

"Is that a crime?"

"Hiding your face from us is as good a crime as any"

"I'll try to be careful next time, Your Highness"

She stepped forward and stood beside him with one hand on her hip as she gazed at the world below. It has been 2 months since Naruto had joined the League and things have been pretty much the same. The members had taken a liking to him as soon as they had seen him, especially the females.

His friendly and comforting aura had proven too hard to resist by any of the members of the League. His constant serene smile and calm nature give confidence and new light to those around him.

The past two months, never once had he ever looked down on any of the less powerful members even though he possessed power beyond her and Superman's capability. Quite the opposite in fact, he had offered friendly spars and training methods for them to improve their skills.

The males saw him as a worthy companion and friend they could rely on should they face any hard times while the females saw him as a big brother always there for them should they need advice, even those older than him, herself included.

Everyone except Batman of course, much to her chagrin. He was still of the opinion that Naruto was nothing but an actor trying to conceal his 'evil' ways and waiting for a chance to take down the league. Speaking of the ever paranoid Batman, he was having his hands full on earth with giving the three Sidekicks a tour of the Hall of Justice.

The way animals and plants loved and adored him was utterly shocking and endearing. At first they had dismissed it as trick of their imagination to see a seemingly motionless plant suddenly wrap around him as if hugging him, but slowly and surely they had come to realize the deep love the animals and plants had for him.

Now seeing him surrounded by birds and animals as well as plants was a common but welcoming sight.

"Something wrong Diana?" the redhead asked out of the blue. Her head twisted around so quickly he feared she might have broken her neck as her eyes widened in surprise. Naruto had this disturbing habit of reading and analyzing your every thought and move no matter how much you try to conceal it.

"Why would you think something is wrong?" she asked innocently while Naruto smiled softly. Children trying to hide away their emotions from him? Amusing.

"Well, for one, you're futilely trying to give the impression of contentment… yet the smile and happiness is not quite reaching your eyes. Second is the slight paleness of your normally vibrant olive skin. Combining the two signs, I would say you are homesick" the redhead explained calmly without turning around and thus missed the complete look of shock and amazement of Diana's face.

'He was able to figure all that out within a few minutes of my arrival!'

She had to admit being impressed beyond belief. The sheer analytical power of his piercing blue eyes was mind-numbing. She had been indeed homesick for some time now; being away from home for so long does that to you. The reason why she had approached Naruto was to talk with him and maybe forget about her home for some time, but it seemed he knew before she even had the time to explain.

"Hiding things from you is turning out to be impossible. Just how are you able to figure out such things anyway?" she asked fondly.

"It's a skill you learn with the passage of time, Diana" Naruto stated mysteriously, causing her to give him a puzzled look "Nevertheless, I believe taking some time away from your duties and visiting your mother and sisters would do you some good"

"I know. I'm trying to take my leave when there is no crisis, but unfortunately, it's turning out to be far more difficult than I had imagined" She sighed.

Naruto placed his hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture and offered a small smile "I'm sure that opportunity will present itself soon. But can you do me a favor?"

"Of course"

"When you do take your leave, can you at least introduce me to your mother?"

The black haired heroine shot him a surprised look "You mean you want to accompany me to my home?"


She didn't want to break his trust in her or give him false promise. While their crisis at the hands of Hercules had ended before he and his men could take the honor and dignity of her mother and sisters, they still resented and abhorred men except the one man who had saved them.

She had not been told of his name nor his identity, only the stories and legends surrounding his name, the legends of how he had single handedly destroyed Hercules and his army without moving a muscle, the stories of how he had bestowed them with immortality and had given them the bracelets to signify their independence and freedom from any man's authority and power.

It was the exact same reason why she had asked about the bracelets wrapped around Naruto's hands.

"I hate to say this … but my mother and sisters are not exactly friendly towards men in general. I will never forgive myself if they hurt you in my presence and in my home" She explained apologetically.

It was depressing to hear a favor from him of all people yet lack the power to see it through seeing as he had not even asked for a glass of water from anyone in the League, let alone a favor.

"I'm sure it'll be quite an interesting experience to see a horde of females trying to kill me" the redhead stated jokingly as Diana gave a small chuckle.

"Naruto, I'm not sure if that's a good idea, they could seriously hur..."

"No need to worry, I can take care of myself" He assured firmly with a smile.

"Well … if you say so"

Incoming Transmission!

Naruto and Wonderwoman looked up as a screen showcased an image of the Magic user of the League

"Zatara to Justice League, The sorcerer Wotan is using the 'Amulet of Aten' to blot out the sun, requesting full league response!"

"Duty calls" Naruto voiced out and gently released the birds from his shoulders and hands as he walked away followed by the black haired heroine.

A Few Hours Later

"Aren't you coming Naruto, Batman says it will intimidate the Sidekicks to see all Justice League members come to see their not so secret mission failure" Dinah aka Black Canary said encouragingly while she stood in front of the seated Naruto.

They had just stopped Wotan from blotting out the sun. The other members were restricted by severe handicaps due to the nature of the mission. Not every member could take breathe in space.

Superman had once again proven his vulnerability to magic, but he had no such weakness. It seems Wotan had expected him to lose unconsciousness by directing almost one third of the energy of the sun at him.

However, he had soon learned that Destiny had no weakness to begin with.

They had just return from their mission and had found out that their systems have been hacked by Robin to see the files about Project Cadmus. The Three Sidekicks had taken it upon their selves to investigate the facility and had apparently destroyed the whole building.

Dinah was here to convince him to come with them to the earth and confront the Sidekicks. If the thoughts swarming around Batman's head were any indication, he had a feeling he would be seeing them a lot. Apparently Batman still thought of him as a secret agent of the enemy, no surprise there.

"I'm certain it would be a waste of time" Naruto replied with a smile.

"Come on, I think it would be fun quite fun to see the look on their faces" Dinah said encouragingly.

"No promises but I shall try to be there"


Mount justice

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League; we're calling it into service again. Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you will do it in real terms" Batman announced to the four Sidekicks. Kid Flash, Aqualad, Robin and the newly released clone of Superman, Superboy "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary will be in charge of your training and I will deploy you on missions"

"Real missions?!" Robin asked in surprise.

"Yes, but covert" the Dark Knight affirmed.

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff, there is a reason we have these big signs on our chest, you know" Flash grinned and poked the lightening symbol on his chest.

"Cadmus proves that the Bad guys are getting smart, Batman needs a team that can act covertly" Aquaman stated.

"The five of you'll be that team"

"Cool, wait! Five?"

Batman gave a slight inclination of his head to their backs', the four sidekicks turned around and saw Martian Manhunter with a redhead Martian girl their age walking beside him "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian"

The girl was obviously a Martian, given that her skin was green. She had red hair and was wearing a white shirt with red lines, a blue skirt and blue cap.

Wally couldn't contain the slight grin creeping up his face as he leaned towards Robin

"I'm liking this hero gag every minute" he whispered and moved towards the green skinned girl with a wide flamboyant grin "Hi, I am Kid Flash, that's Robin, Superboy and Aqualad. It's perfectly cool if you forget their names"

"I'm honored to be included" Miss Martian voiced with a polite smile.

The tree sidekicks minus Superboy moved towards the green Martian and shook her hand. Superboy was reminded once again the reality of his existence. Created to be a clone to replace or kill Superman was not a way of life he cherished.

Seeing the distant expression on Superboy's face, Robin waved his hand in 'come here' gesture "Hey, Superboy, come and meet Miss M"

Happy to be included in the welcoming ceremony, Superboy walked forward and stood beside the four teens. The white shirt of Miss Martian changed color and became a black shirt with red lines, similar to his, except the two crossing lines on the torso.

"I like your shirt" She said with a shy smile, Superboy returned the smile, albeit a small one. Wally and Robin nudged the Clone in a friendly way and draped their arms around him.

"Alright, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I would like to introduce to you another supervisor who will accompany you on some of your missions" Batman announced firmly.

Recognized, Destiny

The Computer announced loudly and a tall individual walked towards the Cave with grace and elegance, with such confident and self-assured way that it had all the Sidekicks entranced.

A heavy pressure accompanied his every step towards their location, however, there was no feeling of malice or evil-intent in the pressure. Quite the opposite in fact, the aura surrounding the tall redhead was that of comfort and support.

"Who is that?" Kid Flash whispered to Robin, his eyes wide like saucers in awe. For the first time in his life, he was speechless and that was saying something considering his mouth ran even faster than his feet!

"You don't know?! That's the new strongest member of the League, he is practically a living legend!" he replied with equal surprise. A man becoming legendary in two short months accompanying them on missions would be like a dream come true!

Superboy didn't care about the rest, only the part about this guy being stronger than Superman had gotten his attention. Could a guy exist that was stronger than Superman? He had never thought of the possibility of someone stronger than Superman existing. Cadmus had programmed his mind to think so.

"Greetings young ones, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, but you may call me Destiny" Naruto greeted with a soft smile on his regal face.

"That's why you didn't want to come, you should've said so" Dinah said with a frown, hurt that he had known this would happen and hadn't told her about it. Then again, she should've known that he would know everything happening around the League. She had no idea how, but somehow he seemed to know everything about them!

"My apologies, I had no desire to ruin your entertainment" Naruto reasoned with his typical delicate smile.

"Hello, my name is Robin, it's an honor to meet you" Robin said with an uneasy smile, nervous from being so close to the legendary figure of the Justice League. It's not every day you meet some who is stronger than Superman.

"At ease, Child, no need to be so formal" the redheaded king stated with an easy-going smile that sure enough relaxed Robin.

"H-hello, my name is Kid Flash, nice to meet you"

Standing to the side, Flash's eyebrow rose in surprise. He had never ever seen KF stutter, but then again, this was Naruto they were talking about. Even some of the more hardened members had stuttered when they had first met him, including Flash himself.

"Ah yes, I've heard about you Kid Flash, I have to say I find your behavior and entertaining nature to be very amusing" Naruto voiced with clear amusement while Kid Flash chuckled nervously, not exactly expecting to be praised for his joking nature.

"Hello, I'm Megan Mars; it's an honor to meet you Mr. Destiny" Miss M stated with a polite tone.

"The honor is all mine, Miss Martian"

"My name is Aqualad; it's an honor to be in the presence of such a legendary member of the league" Aqualad spoke in a polite tone. His King had mentioned the enrollment of a new and powerful member into the Justice League. The sheer amount of strength he possessed was astounding. He had no choice but to give him the respect he deserved.

Superboy was still staring at the tall redhead with something akin to concealed admiration and awe. The pressure he emitted, the confidence with which he walked and the way he talked was awe-aspiring. He may have wanted to be accepted by Superman, but now he had found someone stronger and better than Superman.

"My name is Superboy"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Superboy. Now that the pleasantries are over, I would like to instate a basic but incredibly essential rule of this Team. Always trust your teammates. Secondly, always call on me should you need help regardless of anyone's feeling on the matter, I will hear your call whether I'm here, off world or even in another dimension, am I understood? "

"Yes Sir!"

Batman was looking at the interaction between the Sidekicks and Naruto with narrowed eyes. The nervous reaction from Robin had surprised him, stunned even! He had trained the boy to not be intimidated by anything or anyone. For him to show such nervousness and unease was astonishing to say the least.

Even he could not intimidate the boy so easily, but Naruto had done it with just his presence alone. It further proved his theories about Naruto being a secret agent of the enemy.

Aquaman, Flash, Red Tornado and Black Canary were looking at the scene with small smiles … well the rest were smiling while Tornado was gazing confusingly. His superior programming had nothing on this strange and powerful force Naruto possessed to accomplish such feats such as intimidating a whole group by merely his presence alone.


A Week Later, Mount Justice

It had been one week since their Cadmus dilemma and the team was itching for some action. Aqualad, Miss Martian and Superboy were waiting for Destiny and Red Tornado to arrive so they could ask for a mission. Red Tornado was easy to understand and predict. Given his robotic nature, he should have been the harder one to understand, yet there were able to do it.

But Naruto, on the other hand was incomprehensible. They had spent one week with him yet they hadn't been able to tell what he was feeling or thinking.

The man was friendly and welcoming to everyone one of them, but the constant pressure lurking around him made it harder for the team to approach. When that particular issue had been brought to his attention, he had resolved it with a 'you'll get used it in time just like the Justice League' and a small smile, without explaining the nature of the overbearing pressure around him.

The pressure hadn't lessened throughout the week, though it had become manageable just like Naruto had said it would.

Recognized, Robin, Kid Flash

The two Sidekicks materialized in front of the Zeta beam tubes and ran to the center of the cave, where the rest of the team was standing

"Are they here yet?" Kid Flash asked with excitement.

"What did they say?" Robin asked with equal giddiness.

Aqualad pointed to a large screen showing two points approaching their general location quickly "They are arriving now. Let's go outside and meet them"

The team nodded and ran to the exit of the cave.

As soon as they stepped out, a sudden blur and a controlled tornado alerted them to the presence of the Leaguers, Naruto in his usual regal and dignified glory and Tornado in his robotic glory. Destiny floated to the ground without making a sound followed by Red Tornado in his usual tornado-style of transportation as Wally waved his hand in greetings "Tornado and Destiny"

"Greetings, is there a reason you intercepted us outside the cave?" Red Tornado asked confusingly.

"I believe they want an assignment" Naruto stated knowingly. The looks of surprise and shock were both amusing and expected. Honestly they should have learned by now that he could read them like an open book.

"Ah … you're correct. We were hoping to see if you have an assignment for us" Aqualad explained politely, getting over his shock of being discovered so quickly. There was just no hiding anything from Naruto whatsoever.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility" Red T replied in monotone.

"But it's been over a week and nothing has..." Robin started but stopped when Tornado raised his hand.

"You'll be tested soon enough. For now simply enjoy each other's company"

"This team is not a social club" Aqualad stated with a frown.

Seeing as the situation was getting out of hand, Naruto interjected with a soft smile "Miss Martian, why don't you entertain the team by showing them your Bio ship and maybe take it for a test drive. There are no assignments as of right now, but I'll be sure to inform you should one come up"

That seemed to satisfy the team if the wide grins were any indication. Wally and robin gave each other a high-five and entered the cave with Megan telling them about her Bio ship and the layouts of the cave. Tornado gave Destiny a look akin to confusion, still not getting the influence and authority he had over the team as well as the Justice League.

"May I ask how you're able to convince them with the same aspects they had disagreed with before when I mentioned them?" He advised them to get acquainted with each other, but they sharply opposed, yet when Naruto mentioned to take the Bio Ship for a test drive which would accomplish the same objective he had said, they agreed.

The difference between what he had said and what Naruto had stated eluded him.

"It's an unpretentious style of verbalizing something that has identical implication yet different outcome" The redhead king clarified and floated in the direction of the cave, followed by a contemplating Tornado.

An Hour Later

Naruto was floating in a crossed legged meditative position and listening to national news on a wide screen in the cave while Tornado was standing like a statue behind him. A particular report about abnormal tornados raging around in England caught his interest and knew the team would be happy to investigate.

"Destiny to Miss Martian, an emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant, I suggest you investigate albeit … covertly"

"Acknowledged, we're just on course!" Megan replied swiftly and tried to conceal her happiness.

"This is so cool! Our first official mission!" Wally exclaimed and pumped his fist to the air.

"Indeed, it is" Kaldur replied with a smile while Robin grinned in anticipation.

"Let's do this!"


An Hour later

"Miss Martian to Destiny"

Naruto looked up from reading a book to a wide screen showing the image of a dejected and downtrodden Miss Martian "What is it, Child?"

"Sorry to say this but we … no … I messed up and thought this Twister character was Red Tornado in disguise and thus hurt the team. They are pursuing him right but I know we'll need your help" She explained dejectedly.

"No need to be so down, dear. Inaccuracies are to be made. It's the greatest thing about being young, when you make mistake, you have time to redeem yourself. Notify the team, I'll be there before you can say Mount Justice" The deep and regal voice of Destiny affirmed.

"Yes sir!"

Naruto arrived at Happy Harbor a few seconds later to find the team fighting a red robot with the same ability as that of Tornado "That would be quite enough"

The calm and regal tone of voice got the attention of the team and the red robot as they stopped their battle. Naruto descended to the ground in front of the robot and gave the team a small smile "You have done enough Team, rest now"

"But we didn't win, aren't you disappointed?" Robin asked in confusion, getting over the shock of Destiny's sudden appearance.

"Battles are not always about winning, nor are they fought to win but rather to protect something precious" Destiny explained calmly with a soft smile and dodged a sudden tornado attack from a fuming Mr. Twister "My sincere apologies for ignoring you, my name is Destiny"

"I don't care who you are, you're in my way, step aside or get terminated!" the robot stated in an angry voice.

Naruto didn't seemed the least bit bothered by the insult or the threat as he held his ground with his hands behind his back and eyed the red robot with calculating calm eyes, his lips stretched into a delicate smile while the team looked on with rapt attention.

Seeing as his threat didn't work, the robot violently plunged his hands behind him and sent an enormous tornado at the unmoving redhead who didn't even flinch or move from his position as the tornado swallowed him up. Before the robot had time to even gloat about his victory, a blur shot out of the tornado and struck him in the torso.


The machine looked down at his torso with something akin to shock to see a large fist disappearing into his chest cavity and out of his back.

Naruto retracted his fist and took a hold of the robot before sending it flying to the deep see with another devastating punch. The flight path of the robot was filled with robotic limbs and parts from the powerful punch all the way to the wide sea.

The team had their eyes wide in astonishment. They hadn't even blink before it was all over! He defeated an enemy they had spent hours to defeat … in a few seconds!

"So this is the legendary speed and strength of Destiny, it's truly amazing!" Kaldur said in an amazed tone.

"Now I understand why Batman is so cautious of him" Dick Grayson voiced in an amazed tone.

Wally was too stunned to even talk. The speed with which Destiny took out Mr. Twister was something he could only dream of. Destiny's speed made his look like a snail trying to run! It's no wonder all the Leaguers claim him to be faster than even Flash himself.

"That should take care of it. I hope none of you received any substantial impairment"

"English please?" Wally asked dumbly while Naruto smiled.

"You're not hurt, are ya?" Naruto asked in a silly tone of voice.

The look on the teams face was amusing to say the least.

"If you can talk that way, then why were you torturing us with those complicated words every time you spoke!?" K.F whined childishly while Robin and Aqualad nodded in agreement.

Naruto simply gave them a soft amusing smile "Miss Martian should be here in about five seconds. Wait for her arrival and return to cave"

"Why don't you just carry us with you?" Wally blurted out before he slapped his mouth.

"Carrying you would be no problem at all; however your bodies won't be able to withstand my speed"

"T-that's okay, we'll wait for Miss M, right KF?" Robin interjected with pointed look at Kid Flash who nodded vigorously. Naruto gave them one last smile and shot upwards with incredible speed, a loud boom signifying his breaking of the sound barrier.


Crystal Palace, Throne Room

Naruto appeared out of a large distortion inside the throne room in all his regal glory as his crimson uniform turned to his royal clothes. It had been 2 months and almost 2 weeks since he had joined the League, in all that time he hadn't return to his beloved Kingdom.

He had to alter his appearance as his original appearance would've left everyone deprived of the ability to speak or breathe even, as well as his height and voice. His abnormally tall height would have certainly attracted a lot of unwanted attention.

His voice on the other hand was a different story all together. Its natural deepness and authority would have been a major problem in gaining the trust of others since they would have been too busy respecting him out of fear for their lives.

The Throne Room was as glorious as always with his magnificent Throne situated upon the pedestal. He floated to his throne with his bloody red fur cap fluttering with a soft breeze and calmly sat down with his head on his fist. The redhead King smiled softly when the door to the Throne Room was knocked a few times.


The door opened and walked in the ever stoical and obedient Oken. As soon as he reached the start of the stairs to the pedestal, he kneeled down.

"Welcome back Sire, I hope the journey back to the land was pleasant as well as your quest to join the Justice League. The inhabitants have missed your presence" he stated submissively.

"It proved reasonably entertaining. I hope things have been peaceful in the course of my absence" Naruto spoke calmly.

"Of course, though the Masters and Mistresses have been quite vocal about you not visiting them upon awakening from your slumber, Sire"

Naruto let out a soft chuckle at the mention of his sons and daughters. All these years and they still behaved like children pouting over not receiving the full attention of his/her parents. Just like all other children, human or otherwise, they always waited for him to visit them instead of coming themselves, believing it to be his responsibility to see his sons and daughters.

He would have to visit them soon; else they would be sulking for another decade or so.

"Is that so? They never learn, but then again children will always be children" he said amusingly while Oken showed a rare show of amusement … that being a small smile.

"Should I inform them of your visit?" Oken asked unsurely.

The redhead gave him a calm smile and raised his hand "That won't be necessary. I want my visit to be a surprise"

"As you wish, Sire. May I recommend the visit to be right now since the servants are starting to fear their temper problems. The oldest master, Master Kurama has blown up the entire west wing of the palace during one of his usual episode. The damage has been repaired of course but … the issue of more fear and fright is still unsettled"

Naruto couldn't help the loud melodious laugh that escaped his mouth when he heard the dry tone Oken used to describe his oldest son since he was in charge of the palace, meaning all the damage was to be repaired by him.

Naruto had given him the power to carry out all the duties, but it didn't make it any less bothersome. Kurama was always the most volatile and emotional of all his children since he had spent more time with him in the past, but he was also the most protective and possessive.

He was the strongest among his sibling and thus had the biggest ego.

"I believe I should probably take your suggestion into consideration. I may not show it, but I have missed them"

With that said, Naruto floated down the pedestal and out of the room with his Right-hand following him obediently to the chambers of his children.

Meeting and listening to their constant rants about not being a proper father was sure to be amusing.


Naruto's League uniform is like Lord Cobra's from 'Drop Zone' mission except Naruto wears a red skin tight shirt and a red cap kept by two shoulder pads as well as a tree design on the buckle instead of snake. The wristbands on Cobra's arm are made of who knows what, but Naruto's are made of his Chakra. The rest is the same.

Naruto's room is like the dimension or mindscape in which Ten Tails' Jinchuriki Obito and Naruto spook during the last part of the war., except darker.

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