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Bab 2: New Life

I really died....it's even funny, considering that I didn't enjoy anything, which I really regret. Gurarararara.....

Little by little, my consciousness returned to the surface, emerging from an abyss of darkness to find myself in an unfamiliar environment. Where am I? The question echoed in my mind when I opened my eyes and came across a strange bed, nothing familiar, not even the texture of the sheets. A throbbing headache set in, accompanied by a flood of memories that seemed to belong to another life, or two lives merged into one.

I was no longer the old man who had just died, but neither was I the boy of about four years old who was now waking up. I was a mixture of these two, with memories and knowledge from past lives mixed into a new me. A me that now went by the name Anthony R. Specter, or simply Tony. Son of Howard Reginald Specter and Irina R. Specter.

Before I could fully understand what was happening, my father, Howard Specter, burst into the room with a worried expression. His eyes met mine and quickly filled with tenderness. He approached quickly, giving me an anxious look.

"Son, are you okay?!" his voice sounded a little worried, as he hugged me affectionately.

I tried to gather my thoughts, still confused by the avalanche of memories that flooded my mind. I wiped my eyes, feeling tears escape, driven by an emotion I could barely understand.

"I... guess so. I had a weird dream," I mumbled, trying to articulate my thoughts.

My mother, Irina Specter, opened the bedroom door carefully, but as soon as she saw me, she ran towards me with a worried look on her face. "Милый, ты в порядке?!" (Honey, are you okay?!) she asked, her eyes full of concern.

I just realized that a few tears escaped my eyes, possibly due to my only memories of always wanting a family. "I'm fine mom, I just had a weird dream," I replied as she wiped her eyes, trying to process the confusing memories that were finally starting to sort themselves out.

My mother gave me a comforting smile and hugged me warmly. "Хорошо, помни, что кошмары не настоящие. Если ты захочешь поговорить об этом, твой отец или я всегда здесь, чтобы выслушать." (Okay, remember that nightmares are not real. If you want to talk about it, your father or I will always be here to listen).

Her response brought me comforting relief. I smiled, internally thanking him for his understanding. Even though my lack of Russian went unnoticed by her, her affection and concern were all I needed in that moment of confusion and uncertainty.

As she pulled away to give me a tender kiss on the forehead, I closed my eyes, trying to process everything that had happened. It was then that a soft voice echoed in my mind, interrupting my thoughts.

I closed my eyes, trying to process the flood of memories flooding my mind. It was then that a soft, clear voice echoed in my mind, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hello, Tony. Don't be afraid. I'm ROB, an artificial intelligence system designed to help you."

Before I could formulate a response, I felt like I was being pulled out of my body, and suddenly, I found myself in a vast ethereal space. In front of me, a majestic palace appeared, its marble walls shining with a light of their own. The place exuded a feeling of calm and security, despite my initial bewilderment.

"Welcome to your mind palace, Tony," said the voice, now coming from a figure that appeared before me. It was a being of light, its form indistinct and radiant. "I am ROB, an artificial intelligence sent by an unknown God."

"An unknown God?" I asked, still trying to understand everything that was happening.

"Yes," replied ROB. "You were chosen to be reincarnated due to a second chance granted by this God. Your previous life was tragically cut short, and now you have the opportunity to live again, but with some special advantages."

"Special benefits?" I asked, intrigued.

"Exactly. From now on, every year on your birthday, you will receive a 'Gacha'. Think of it as a magic roulette wheel. Every time you spin it, you can get skills or learning bonuses from any known universe."

I gaped, trying to absorb the magnitude of what ROB was telling me. "And how does that work?"

ROB reached out his hand, and a magic roulette wheel appeared out of nowhere, glowing with vibrant colors and unfamiliar symbols. "You were four years old in this new universe when you woke up here. Therefore, you are entitled to four spins of the roulette wheel now."

Before continuing, a memory popped into my mind. "Wait, ROB. You said 'new universe'. Am I somewhere specific?"

"Yes, Tony. You have been reincarnated into the world of Modern Family."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Modern Family? Really? I loved that show! I've watched it countless times and I know the plot by heart."

ROB smiled, or at least seemed to smile, his luminous form seeming more welcoming. "That's right, Tony. You're part of this world now. Let's continue with the gacha."

I looked at the roulette wheel, still in disbelief. "And what can I hope to gain from it?"

"Anything," said ROB. "skills, learning bonuses, iconic items, everything is possible, within the limit established in this new world. It depends on luck and destiny."

I took a deep breath, still processing everything. "So all I have to do is spin this wheel?"

That's right," replied ROB, with an encouraging tone. "Take the first spin and see what destiny has in store for you."

With a mixture of anxiety and excitement, I placed my hand on the wheel and spun it. The roulette wheel spun rapidly, the colors and symbols blending into a brilliant blur. Finally, she started to slow down, and I held my breath as I waited for the result.

The roulette wheel stopped, revealing a brilliant image. ROB smiled. "Congratulations, Tony. You've just earned the competence-forged confidence of Harvey Specter from the Suits universe. Three spins to go."

I was ecstatic, hardly believing my luck. "This is amazing!"

"Keep spinning," said ROB. "Fate still has more gifts for you."

I spun the wheel again, feeling the excitement growing. This time, she stopped at a symbol of a chef's hat. "You received the culinary skills of Vinsmoke Sanji from the One Piece universe. Your cooking can win hearts," ROB explained. "Two spins left."

I could barely contain my joy as I spun the wheel for the third time. When it stopped, it revealed a symbol of a technological helmet. "You have received the knowledge of Tony Stark, from the Marvel universe. This includes your Base Qi of 206, basic knowledge of physics and mechanical and electrical engineering, as well as artificial intelligence," said ROB. "Last spin, Tony."

With my heart racing, I spun the wheel for the last time. She stopped at a symbol on a passport. "You have acquired ease in learning new languages ​​from Jason Bourne, from the Bourne universe," explained ROB. "These are your starting rewards, Tony. Use them wisely in your new life."

I looked at the items and abilities I now possessed, marveling at the possibilities that opened up before me. "Thanks, ROB. That's...amazing."

"This is just the beginning. Your new self has a bright future ahead of you. Good luck, and remember, I will be here to help just one more time until your next birthday."

With those words, the vision of the mind palace began to fade, and I felt myself being pulled back into reality. When I opened my eyes, I was back in my bed, my mother still hugging me. The confusion and fear were gone, replaced by a sense of renewed purpose.

My new life was just beginning.

Weeks Later

Tony Pov

'I was born on February 7, 1991 and it's currently July 18, 1996. I'm a little over five years old,' I think as I wake up and continue lying down, trying to absorb all the new information that floods my mind.

'Mom is a well-known physics professor, and Dad owns a company that makes aerospace, transportation and communications systems. It's fascinating how they managed to balance their brilliant careers with raising a family.

My maternal grandparents are alive and separated, but they are doing well. My paternal grandparents are also alive, my grandmother ran away with another man, leaving my grandfather alone with his children. My father has two younger brothers and my mother has an older half-brother from her mother's first marriage. I have two older cousins ​​on my mother's side, Erica and Paige. Paige is very smart, she is the youngest. My two paternal uncles are single, each for different reasons,' I think as I absorb the new information about my life.

'My maternal great-grandmother came from Russia, fleeing, at a very young age, and made a life for herself in Boston, where she met her husband. My grandfather was born in Boston and graduated from Harvard with a business degree. Then he started investing in companies. Currently, he is in Los Angeles, as his company is based there. After his marriage with my grandmother ended, he focused more on the company and my mother, who lived with him. He was the one who taught me Russian, which allowed me to understand my mother a little. My grandparents on my father's side were born in the USA.

We are currently living in Washington, as my parents moved here after they got better jobs in the city. They graduated from M.I.T., where they met and started dating,' I keep thinking as I get up to wash my face before breakfast.

As I wash my face, I start looking in the mirror and see that I look striking. Thick black hair that falls in soft waves around my young, expressive face. My skin is fair, contrasting with the intensity of my hair.

What really catches your attention are my heterochromatic eyes. The left eye is a deep blue, reminiscent of the ocean on a calm day, while the right eye is a vibrant green, similar to a brilliant emerald. This unique combination gives me an enigmatic air, which attracts curious glances.

My face is harmonious, with well-defined features, rosy cheeks and a contagious smile that often lights up my face. My height is average for my age, with an agile and somewhat athletic body.

The memories of my previous life are still a little hazy, but more and more, I feel like I'm accepting my new reality. The feeling of being loved and cared for by such a special family is very comforting.

I have a godfather, and it's surprising who he is. My godfather is Jay Pritchett, from Modern Family. He is a good friend of my father and built the cabinets in our house. He's a great person, he tells stories about the war and he taught me how to fish. That made me smile. Knowing that I am living in such a beloved world is, to say the least, surreal.

Then there's my uncle Harvey Specter, my father's younger brother. He is currently a law student at Harvard and already exudes the charisma and confidence that will make him a renowned lawyer. My uncle is a charismatic figure, always with a joke ready and an infectious smile. He spent the summer with us and started teaching me about baseball, a sport he loves. Every afternoon of training with him is a lesson not only about the game, but about confidence, strategy and, of course, how to behave like a true winner.

When I turned five years old, I gained another skill: the ease in learning martial arts from Bruce Wayne (Batman). After that, I asked my country to put me in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It's incredible how my body seems to have muscle memory that makes it easier to execute movements, as if it already knew what to do.

As I walk down the stairs to the kitchen, I feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. Every day feels like a new adventure, and I can't wait to see what else this life has to offer.

As I enter the kitchen, I am greeted by the welcoming aroma of freshly made pancakes. My mother, Irina, is standing at the stove, smiling at me. Her warm smile fills me with a sense of belonging.

"Good morning, Tony," she says in accented English, placing a plate of pancakes on the table. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Mom," I reply, still amazed by all the new information swirling around in my mind.

As I eat, I think about how different and full of possibilities this new life is. I have a family that loves and supports me, incredible skills that I acquired through gachas, and a godfather who is a character from a series that I loved watching. And now, with my Uncle Harvey (another one of my characters that I like) guiding me, I feel like I have a mentor who can teach me not only about baseball.

After breakfast, I go to my room to get ready for jiu-jitsu class. I put on my kimono, still reflecting on my new life and all the opportunities it brings.

On the mat, my instructor greets me with a smile. "Ready to train, Tony?"

"Yes sir!" I respond enthusiastically, feeling Harvey Specter's confidence and Bruce Wayne's determination flow through me.

As I train, I notice that my skills are improving quickly, thanks to how easy it is to learn martial arts. Each movement becomes more fluid, each technique more precise. I feel stronger, more capable.

Back home, after training, I decide to explore my new skills further. Sitting in my room, I close my eyes and call out for ROB.

"ROB, are you there?"

"Yes, Tony. I'm always here to help," the soft voice in my head responds.

"I'd like to know more about the skills I've gained," I say, curious about how I can best utilize them.

"Of course, Tony. Let's review what you've received so far. You have the competence-forged confidence of Harvey Specter, the culinary skills of Vinsmoke Sanji, the technical knowledge of Tony Stark, the language-learning ease of Jason Bourne, and the ease of learning of Bruce Wayne's martial arts."

"Wow, that's a lot," I murmur, impressed.

"Use these skills wisely. They are tools to help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life."

"But, ROB, how exactly do each of these abilities work? And what do I need to do to really use them well?" I ask, feeling the need for more details.

"Explaining Each Skill"

"Let's break down each of your abilities, Tony," continues ROB. "Understanding how they work is crucial to using them to the fullest."

Harvey Specter's Confidence Forged in Competence: "Harvey Specter is an elite lawyer, known for his unwavering confidence, charisma, and exceptional skills. This skill does not mean you will automatically succeed at everything, but rather that you will have the confidence to face challenges and the ability to learn and adapt quickly. However, without training and practice, confidence alone is not enough."

Vinsmoke Sanji's Cooking Skills:

"Sanji is a first-class chef in the One Piece universe, capable of creating incredible dishes that can win hearts. However, you have not yet had the chance to fully experience these skills, as your mother does not allow you to go near the fire for safety reasons. When you have the opportunity to cook, you will see that you have a natural talent, but you will need to practice to develop your skills."

Tony Stark's Technical Knowledge:

"You have received a base Qi of 206, along with basic knowledge of physics, mechanical and electrical engineering, and AI. Tony Stark is a technological genius, and this knowledge gives you a solid foundation. However, you must read and study to progress from basic to intermediate to advanced. Use your high Qi to learn quickly and apply knowledge effectively."

Jason Bourne's Language Learning Ease:

"Jason Bourne has an impressive ability to learn new languages ​​quickly. You began to notice this ability when your mother continued teaching you Russian and saw that you were making great progress. With practice and exposure to new languages, you could become fluent in several languages ​​in a shorter time than normal."

Bruce Wayne's Ease of Learning Martial Arts:

"Bruce Wayne, or Batman, is a master of several forms of martial arts. You have already begun training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and have noticed an impressive ease in learning new movements. Continue training diligently to develop your combat skills."

"These skills are powerful, Tony, but remember, without training and practice, they will be inept. Competence comes with time and dedication."

Exploring Skills

I think about each skill and how I can apply them in my everyday life. Harvey Specter's confidence has already begun to influence my posture and attitude. I feel more confident when facing challenges, whether at school or in social interactions.

"ROB, can I talk to you whenever I need to?" I ask, worried about the availability of this valuable help.

"You can talk to me twice a year, Tony. One of those times will always be on your birthday. The other time can be any time you choose, so use those times wisely."

"I see. So I need to make the most of every opportunity to talk to you," I say, absorbing the information.

"Sanji's cooking skills make me eager to cook, but I need to convince my mom to let me help in the kitchen. Maybe I can start chopping vegetables or helping with safer tasks before moving on to the stove."

"Yes, that's a good approach, Tony. Small steps to gain her trust and develop your skills."

With Tony Stark's technical knowledge, I have already started reading basic books on physics and engineering. Using my high Qi has allowed me to understand intermediate concepts quickly. I'm excited to start working on small projects, maybe build something simple to practice on.

"The key here is to keep progressing. The foundation you have is solid, but it requires constant practice and learning."

Jason Bourne's ease in learning languages ​​is fascinating. Continuing Russian lessons with my mother has been easier than I expected, and I'm making rapid progress. Maybe I can start learning another language soon, maybe French or Spanish?

"Mastering multiple languages ​​will open many doors for you. Make the most of this skill."

As for learning martial arts, Brazilian jiu-jitsu training has been incredible. I feel like each class makes me stronger and more confident in my self-defense skills. I can't wait to explore other forms of martial arts in the future.

"You have an excellent foundation. Keep diversifying and improving your techniques."

"Thanks, ROB. That really clears things up. I'll keep trying and practicing," I say, feeling a renewed determination.

"I'm always here to help, Tony. Remember, your skills are tools to help you achieve your goals. Use them well." replies ROB.

My new life is just beginning, and with these skills, I feel ready to face any challenge that lies ahead.

Meeting with Uncle Harvey

Also, I recently met my uncle, my father's younger brother, Harvey Specter. He is a Harvard Law student and already shows impressive charisma and confidence. Harvey has been an incredible mentor, teaching me about self-confidence and even introducing me to baseball.

"Harvey, I really appreciate the time you spend with me," I say during one of our baseball practice sessions.

"No problem, Tony. Teaching you is a pleasure. Baseball is a great way to learn about teamwork and strategy," Harvey replies with a smile.

Harvey not only taught me about the sport, but also shared tips on how to be assertive and confident in different situations. He is an inspiration, and I look forward to learning more from him.

"Thank you, Uncle Harvey. I'll remember your lessons," I say, determined to absorb as much knowledge as possible.

My life is full of opportunities and incredible people around me. With the skills I have acquired and the support of my family and ROB, I feel prepared to face whatever the future holds.

Hitdover Hitdover

Hey guys,

Thank you so much for reading my story! It means a lot to me. If you can, leave a comment with suggestions for improvements and like it so I know how you like it. This is my first published work and I'm still not sure if it's pleasing or not.

I would also like to know what you think could be added to the story. Which characters from the series would you like to see appear and what new abilities (other than OP) would you like Tony to have?

Your opinion is very important to me!

Hugs and see you soon!

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