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1.04% Modern Family: Gacha / Chapter 1: The Beginning
Modern Family: Gacha Modern Family: Gacha original

Modern Family: Gacha

Penulis: N_R_U

© WebNovel

Bab 1: The Beginning

Within the confines of the Void, a small ball of light could be seen floating in the endless abyss. The small ball of light was glowing erratically and moving in an irregular pattern, as though confused. After a while, the ball of light became stationary, as though exhausted.

"Where am I?", muttered the ball of light, its voice barely discernable.

In response to the words of the ball, a black screen with white characters appeared before the ball.


[Due to your good Karma, you've been allowed to transmigrate into the {Modern Family} universe]

[To aid you in your journey, you've been rewarded with System#183, better known as the Gacha System]

[As a starter pack, you've been given three Uncommon Gacha and one Rare Gacha]

[Please note that your appearance will be based on the first character you roll]

[Please note that you will receive a character's abilities, talents and intelligence but will not receive any superpower such as the Kryptonian abilities of Superman or the Asgardian abilities of Thor]

"Huh", replied the ball, "Gacha System? Modern Family? I remember all of Modern Family so that's good. Ok. Roll my first uncommon Gacha"

[Rolling Uncommon Gacha]

[You've received Haruka Nanase (Free!)]

[You've received Haruka Nanase's swimming mastery]

[You've received Haruka Nanase's appearance (modified to be more American)]

"Who the hell is this guy?!" screamed the ball.

[Haruka Nanase is the main protagonist from the anime Free! and the light novel High☆Speed!]

The ball responded with, "Never heard of the guy. I didn't watch too much anime so I don't know anything about the guy. Whatever. Roll my next uncommon"

[Rolling Uncommon Gacha]

[You've received Sae Itoshi (Blue Lock)]

[You've received Sae Itoshi's football mastery]

"Despite not watching anime, as a massive football fan, even I've watched Blue Lock. Sae was the best player there so having his football skills guarantees me to be a football prodigy", replied the soul, "Roll the last uncommon"

[Rollin Uncommon Gacha]

[You've received Joichiro Yukihira (Food Wars)]

[You've received Joichiro Yukihira's cooking mastery]

"Never watched the anime so I don't know who the guy is. Now, best for last. Roll the rare please?"

[Rolling Rare Gacha]

[You've received Reed Richards (Marvel)]

[You've received Reed Richard's intelligence (267 IQ)]

[You've received Reed Richard's Judo mastery]

"No fucking way. I got Reed Richard's. I'm a massive Marvel fan and Mr Fantastic was one of my favourite characters. I'm kinda sad that I don't get his powers, but that IQ is off the charts", said the ball.

[All rolls have been used. Would you like to be transmigrated?]

"Yeah", replied the ball.

[Initiating transmigration]

[Transmigration initiated]

Immediately, a whirlpool appeared in front of the ball of light and was immediately sucked in before disappearing.

[Line Break]

In a quiet suburban house, nestled within a Cheviot Hills, lay the bedroom of a typical 13-year-old boy. The room, a sanctuary that reflected his evolving personality, provided a glimpse into his world.

Upon entering, one's eyes were drawn to the walls adorned with an eclectic collection of posters. They formed a colourful tapestry of his varied interests and passions. A prominent spot was reserved for posters of his sporting heroes, frozen mid-action, celebrating their achievements that inspired his athletic endeavours.

The room's centrepiece was a sturdy wooden desk, it's surface adorned with a scatter of textbooks and notebooks. Here, a boy waged intellectual battles, completing homework assignments and delving into his favourite subjects. An assortment of pens, pencils, and highlighters stood within arm's reach, ready to translate his thoughts onto paper. A laptop occupied a prominent spot, bearing the scars of countless gaming sessions and late-night browsing adventures.

Near the window, a humble bookshelf displayed a well-loved collection of novels and graphic novels. Tales of adventure, fantasy, and mystery lined the shelves, taking him on countless literary journeys. It was a testament to his imagination and his yearning for new worlds beyond the confines of everyday life.

Amidst the organized chaos, a modest dresser held an assortment of clothes, their colours and styles reflecting his evolving taste and personality. Soccer jerseys mingled with band T-shirts, while a collection of caps hinted at his love for sports teams from near and far.

Across the room, a bed stood against the wall, its sheets rumpled and tossed from restless nights of sleep and vibrant dreams. A simple nightstand held a bedside lamp and a stack of books, a subtle reminder of his love for late-night reading sessions. Framed photographs adorned the walls, capturing moments spent with family and friends, each image capturing a cherished memory frozen in time.

In the soft glow of the late afternoon sunlight, the 13-year-old boy found solace on his bed, embracing a brief respite from the demands of the world. He lay sprawled across the comforter, his body sinking into the mattress beneath him. The gentle rise and fall of his chest mirrored the rhythm of his tranquil surroundings.

The boy was tall for his age, around 5ft 3, with medium-length raven hair that fell effortlessly, framing his face. He had thin lips, a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. He had pale yet fair skin and an athletic build, evident from the muscles he sported.

As if a whistle had been blown, the boy's eyes rapidly opened. His eyes were like pools of liquid sapphire, depths that beckoned you to lose yourself in their mysterious allure. Their hue was a mesmerizing blend of deep navy and ethereal indigo, reminiscent of a starlit sky on a tranquil night. They held a sense of wisdom and resilience as if they had witnessed the secrets of the universe and carried within them the stories of countless nights. These midnight blue eyes were framed by long lashes, which gracefully swept upwards, accentuating their elegance and adding a touch of mystery.

[First Person POV]

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was hit by rays of sunlight that cut into my eyes like needles. Just as I was about to get up, a dull ache slowly exercised itself at the base of my skull. It felt as though an invisible vice was tightening around my head, exerting uncomfortable pressure. The pain began to radiate from the back of my head, creeping its way forward, as if every nerve ending was tingling with discomfort.

With each passing moment, the ache intensified, and it became harder to ignore. It was as if a persistent drummer has taken up residence in my temples, steadily pounding away with each beat. The throbbing sensation synced with my heartbeat, creating an unwelcome symphony of discomfort. Concentration became a herculean task as the pain spread like tendrils, infiltrating every corner of my mind. My thoughts felt foggy as if they were swimming through a thick haze.

Amid all this agony, a rush of emotions floods my being. Faces once unrecognizable now bore significance, triggering a cascade of memories. It was as if puzzle pieces were falling into place, forming a coherent picture of my past.

A particular fragrance danced in the air, and its scent sent me reeling. The aroma triggered a vivid recollection, transporting me back to a time and place I thought I would never revisit. Images, sounds, and sensations came rushing back, revealing the rich tapestry of my life. As long-lost memories assault my mind, I groggily pull myself up and grab the glass of water atop the stack of books on my nightstand. I gulp down the water, finding a brief distraction from the pain that continues to bombard my very being.

After what feels like an eternity, the sensations of agony begins to die down. A loud sigh escaped my lips as I can't help but replay the newfound memories imparted to me. "Zephyr Blake. So that's my new name. It's a bit strange having a new name, but I'll get used to it after a while", I mutter while falling back on my pillow. "Still no mother I see. So that couldn't be changed huh system", I say to no one.

[Yes. To allow you to get used to your current life as best as possible, we decided to keep key aspects of your life similar. As you lacked a maternal figure in your original life, the same was replicated here to ensure you don't feel uncomfortable.]

"Still, you could've come up with a less traumatising reason for her not being in my life. Being killed in a robbery gone wrong is bad enough, but having him be there when it happened doesn't help", I muttered in frustration.

[This was done to match your current personality. They will see your cold and lazy personality as a result of the traumatising event.]

"Ok, I get that but why did you have to make me neighbours with Desiree? Weren't there any other homes available?", I asked, looking over the memories of the hot, airheaded neighbour who would visit regularly.

[It's everyone's dream to bang a MILF, and the admin thought it'd be funny if he gave you the means to do so.]

"I've got an admin?", I asked with shock.

[Yes. Your admin was responsible for deciding how old you'd be when transmigrated, where your home would be, etcetera.]

"Will I ever meet my admin?", I questioned.

[No. You can't meet your admin. Now that you've gotten accustomed to your new life, would you like to know about the system's features?]

"Go on then", I couldn't help but mutter.

[Name: Zephyr Blake]

[Age: 13]

[Gacha Points: 0]

[Gacha Points, or GP, can be used to buy Gacha from the system. There are four Gacha ranks, Common, Uncommon, Rare and Legendary. Common Gacha is the worst you can get and include characters who have little to average skill. Uncommon Gacha is better than Common Gacha and offers better characters, but their skills aren't too useful. Rare Gacha includes characters who were powerful in their world, but not the absolute peak. Legendary Gacha contains characters who stood at the very peak of their world. You can gain GP by interacting with characters from the plot or being involved in the plot itself. The greater the involvement, the more points you receive.]

"That's not too bad. It could've been better, but it's not the worst either", I said as I look up at the ceiling of my room.

Just as I was about to close my eyes once more, the door to my room is opened and a blonde woman rushed into my room. "Oh my god! Zephy, your dad told me how you hit your head in the morning. Are you okay? Do you want Des to kiss it to make it feel better", the woman said while forcing my head into her large bosom, depriving me of air. As much as I hate the admin for what he did, this wasn't a bad way to go out.

[Time Skip]

I'm going to be honest. Being reborn as an 13-year-old sucked, especially when you're as smart as I am. Having eidetic memory made sure that I remembered everything just by looking or reading it once while having an IQ of 267 made it easy to find how the content applied to any possible question that may come up. Honestly, all I do in class is sleep and get shouted at by the teacher.

"Mr Blake!", shouted Mrs Henderson, forcing me to look up from my desk to her face. "Now that you're finally paying attention to the lesson, perhaps you could tell me the answer to the question".

My eyes flickered from Mrs Henderson to the board at the front of the classroom. Quickly looking over the question, I noticed that it was a basic algebra question. "X is 4".

My teacher simply sighed at my answer, before replying, "Correct as usual Mr Blake. Perhaps if you paid attention to the lesson, like Ms Dunphy next to you, you wouldn't have detention after the lesson".

Another thing to note was that I was seated next to Alex, who was the exact opposite of me. We were both smart, but our attitudes were so different. She paid attention to lessons while I slept. She raised her hand to answer every question in class while I only answered when asked. She did her homework early, I did my homework last minute. She was the 'perfect' student in class while I was the troublemaker, something Mrs Henderson would remind me of every lesson, despite how annoying it was.

Folding my arms on the table and laying my head on my arms, I began to doze off again. Despite how boring it was having to redo school, some good things were going for me. P.E. was the only subject that I didn't hate, especially since the teacher was quite chill and let us relax.

The ringing of the bell snapped me awake from my sleep and I got up from my chair, letting out a yawn. Grabbing my books, I headed towards the lockers and put my books away. With that done, I walked towards the cafeteria where I quickly grabbed my food and made my way towards the tables. My eyes scanned the tables, noticing that all of them were filled, all except one.

An audible sigh escaped my lips as I made my way towards the table at the corner of the cafeteria. Without asking, I put my tray down and sat. The sound of my tray hitting the table caused the black-haired girl reading a book while eating to look up. She stared at me through her glasses and asked, "Why are you sitting here?"

I simply replied, "There's nowhere else to sit and this table looked mostly empty".

Hearing my reply, she nodded her head and returned to reading a book while eating. With the atmosphere no longer being awkward, I turned my attention from her to the food. While the food didn't look at all appetizing, I managed to force myself to eat it, especially with P.E. after lunch. Now that I think about it, I could make myself lunch so I don't have to eat the school's lunch. With Joichiro's cooking skills, it'd be easy to make myself something nutritious that tastes well.

As I was eating, I noticed that the girl in front of me was reading the Biology Book the school gave us. Deciding to help her out a bit, I spoke up, "If you're revising for the Bio exam next week you should focus on Mitosis. It's the only noteworthy subject in the book".

At my words, the girl looked up from her book, "I know, but there's more to the test than a single sub-section".

"Yeah, but everything else is easy. The structures of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells are easy to remember. There are only a few differences between the two. The functions of a cell's structures aren't hard either. There isn't much content to cover in the first place", I replied.

The girl snorted at my words, "How would you know? All you do is sleep in lessons".

I laughed at her words, "That's because the lesson is so easy. Maybe if everyone in the class wasn't so dimwitted I wouldn't be bored out of my mind".

"If anything, you're the one slowing down the class. The teachers constantly stop the lesson to shout at you to wake up. Still, your constant disruption of lessons is helpful as it gives me more time to secure first place", the girl said.

"Oh", I couldn't help but mutter, "Since you're so confident then let's make a bet".

At my words, she simply shook her head, "Bets are illogical. But since I'm guaranteed that first place, I don't mind humouring you. Go on, what's the bet?"

"Whoever comes second for the exams has to do two things for the person in first", I said. After a few seconds of consideration, the girl nodded her head. I held my hand out and she shook it, "It was a pleasure doing business with you Ms Dunphy".

With that done, I quickly got up and chucked the food on my tray before walking out of the cafeteria.

[Third Person POV]

As soon as she got home that day, Alex quickly made her way to the bedroom she shared with her sister Haley and started revising. Creeping his head to look into the room, Phil asked his wife Claire, who was right next to him, "What happened?"

Claire let out a small sigh and said, "Alex made a bet and now she's obsessed with beating the student"

Phil replied, "Isn't that good? She's finally talking with other students"

Claire quickly responded, "I'm worried that she'll burn out by revising so much. I heard that the kid she's competing with is really smart and she might feel down if she loses to them".

[Time Skip]

Two weeks soon passed and Mrs Henderson stood in front of the class with a paper in her hand. "In third place, we have Mr Patel. Well done Mr Patel. Had you gone over the functions of the mitochondria, you would have had a perfect paper". At her words, the class applauded before quieting down again. "In second place we have Ms Dunphy. You made a small mistake when describing the process of what happens before the cells divide during mitosis which cost you two marks". Once again the class gave an applause before Mrs Henderson coughed. "Now. In the first place we have Mr Blake with a perfect paper. Well done Mr Blake. If you paid attention to lessons, we could begin considering removing you from detention."

Unlike the response Sanjay and Alex received, the class was quiet upon hearing who got first place. Once he heard that Zephyr beat him, Sanjay stood up from his seat and shouted in anger, "There's no way he beat me! All he does is sleep! He must have cheated! I demand a retake!".

At his words, Zephyr let out a laugh, "No need to cry, third place. If you need tips you can come to me".

Sanjay gritted his teeth but didn't respond. Seeing what was happening in the class, Mrs Henderson spoke out, "I'm afraid you're incorrect Mr Patel. I re-marked Mr Blake's papers three times and had other members of the science department look at his paper. They all collectively agreed that there were no faults in Mr Blake's paper and that he should receive full marks".

Upon seeing the look on Sanjay's face, Zephyr let out a hearty laugh, which further infuriated him. Not capable of dealing with the embarrassment, he stormed out of the class, slamming the door shut on the way out. Despite the disrespectful manner in which Sanjay left the classroom, Mrs Henderson paid no attention to him. "I must ask, Mr Blake, but how did you get perfect results. There have only been two other students to have done the same as you and they ended up going to Princeton and Harvard respectively".

At her words, the grinning Zephyr simply replied, "It's because I'm awesome".

Mrs Henderson shook her head but decided not to question him and chose to turn around to begin the lesson. As soon as her back turned, Zephyr looked at Alex next to him who was gripping her pencil with anger. Seeing the smug look and grin on Zephyr's face, a strange feeling settled within her. Just as Zephyr was about to say something, Mrs Henderson's voice cut him off. "Your upcoming science project will account for 30% of your science grade so make sure to put as much effort as possible into it. I've already decided who will work with whom so come to me after the lesson to find out who you're going to work with".

next chapter
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