"Come on Muna, don't be shy." Miss Rose said smiling down at me.
"Yes Muna, come on, you can do it!" Amanda yelled from the other end of the FaceTime call.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. They were supporting me so much, the last thing I wanted was to disappoint them. But I guess it was better for me just to get it over with.
Releasing the breath I was holding, I opened my eyes and stared at my laptop screen:
Dear Muna Johnson,
We are Princeton University are proud to inform you that you have been accepted-
I began screaming, I began running around and just screaming. Amanda was screaming as well from the other end of the line whilst Miss Rose looked between the two of us in shock but a huge smile playing on her face.
"I got in!" I yelled jumping up and wrapping my arms around Miss Rose's neck, "I got into my dream school! I got into Princeton! I'm going to Grad school!"
Miss Rose hugged me tighter as she whispered into my ear, "I knew you could do it baby."
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