(Daenerys Targaryen POV)
My name is Daenerys 'Stormborn' Targaryen. I was conceived during the last month of Robert's Rebellion, the war which ended House Targaryen's reign over the Seven Kingdoms.
Shortly thereafter, my mother was sent with the young prince Viserys, my brother, to our family's ancestral seat of Dragonstone to escape the rebel army marching towards King's Landing. I was born nine months after our flight, while a great storm raged above Dragonstone, sinking what remained of the Targaryen fleet; for this reason, I am known as "Daenerys Stormborn". My mother died in labour, but not before naming me. I used to ask Viserys about her. While he used to tell me bits and pieces, he has long since stopped and usually hurts me physically if I bring her up.
The war had been lost shortly after Mother had fled the city, after which Robert I Baratheon had claimed the Iron Throne. With my father, my eldest brother Rhaegar, and Rhaegar's young children Rhaenys and Aegon dead, my older brother Viserys and I are the only living Targaryen heirs. Viserys had been crowned King while we were in Dragonstone by Mother before her death, making me receive the title "Princess of Dragonstone" as my brother's heir.
Robert's brother, Stannis Baratheon, built a new royal fleet in preparation for an assault on Dragonstone. They wanted to destroy us for good and eliminate our 'threat' to his rule. With the Targaryen fleet destroyed by the storm during which I had been born, the garrison at Dragonstone was prepared to sell us children to Robert. I know this because Viserys told me so. However, before they could act on this plan, Ser Willem Darry and several other loyal retainers took us from the nursery. They smuggled us into exile, sailing to the Braavosian coast.
Viserys and I lived in Braavos in a house with a red door, where I had my own room and a lemon tree underneath my window. I still remember that time and wish it would come back. Willem was old and sickly, but I remember he always treated me kindly and usually wore a gentle smile when talking to me.
When I was five namedays old, Willem fell sick and slowly wasted away. After his death, the servants he had hired stole all they could. We were put out of the house a while after since we couldn't afford the rooms anymore. As we were forced out, I wept. I don't understand why we must go through with all of this and why people hate and push us away. I wish we could live somewhere in peace. But Viserys has changed.
Viserys and I left Braavos and wandered the Free Cities for years now. We visited nearly all the Free Cities, including Myr, Tyrosh, Qohor, Volantis, and Lys, and returned to Braavos once. While we were initially welcomed by magisters, archons and merchant princes, their interest in the 'last Targaryens' decreased with time. Viserys and I had to sell their last few treasures and, eventually ... our mother's crown. Selling our mother's crown took the last of Viserys's joy, leaving only rage.
"So venerate members of the Golden Company, what do you think of my proposal?" Viserys' voice pulls me back from my thoughts.
I look around the room at the many men who were feasting on the food Viserys spent our money on, hoping they would take up his cause. I don't feel safe here and wish we could finally leave from here. The men send me glances I don't like, which send shivers down my body. I'm afraid, but I have learned not to show it.
Considering himself to be the rightful ruler, Viserys has grown bitter and obsessed with the birthright he has been denied. I am a frequent target for his frustrations. He has not forgiven me for Mother's death in childbirth and frequently warns me not to "wake the dragon" by angering him.
"What do you mean?" one of the men asks. I think he is one of the Captains of the Golden Company.
"I am talking about you rallying to our cause and sailing with me to King's Landing. Once we're there, the people will bend the knee and crown me King. As King, you will be greatly rewarded for your services."
"Hehehehehehe ..."
I am surprised as they start laughing. However, I am not as surprised anymore as I used to be. Laughter is a frequent response to Viserys's dreams and plans. I wince as I hear them, and looking at Viserys, I know what is coming after the men leave. I will have to bear the brunt of his anger; I get pain while they make fun of him.
"What's so funny?" Viserys asks through clenched teeth.
"Are you serious? Hahaha, boy, going to King's Landing doesn't make you King automatically. You'll face the army of the 7 Kingdoms. There is no civil unrest right now in Westeros ... you won't benefit from an ongoing war. They will not place a crown on you but metal collars and then flog you through the streets before killing you. You're delusional."
I see. Viserys is overestimating himself or underestimating our enemies. It seems that no one is innocent when they rebelled against our father.
"So, you won't help us? I can guarantee you that-"
"You can't guarantee us anything, boy. You have nothing. No money, no armies and no allies. And nothing comes from nothing. The food was good, though. See you."
I observe as the men start to stand up and walk out, leaving me alone with Viserys. I feel his anger radiate off of him, and his breathing becomes ragged and quick. His fists are balled. He raises his head and looks at me, causing me to flinch again and move backwards unknowingly.
"What are you looking at? Are you looking down on me? Or on my efforts?!"
"N-no brother ... please, I-"
"SILENCE!!" he shouts and raises his hand to strike again.
I close my eyes and allow the tears to roll down my face as I wait for the pain.
But it never does.
I open my eyes again and see someone grabbing Viserys' hand before it could strike me. I see Viserys' surprised expression and move my eyes up the arm. My eyes widen as I observe the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She has beautiful brown hair and the most gentle facial features. Her eyes scream of intelligence and ... mischief.
"Urgh, WHO ARE YOU?!" Viserys shouts.
"Why are you shouting, little lizard? Don't you know that the wider you open your mouth, the less space your brain has?" she says with a smirk.
Her voice is melodious, making me forget my troubles for a moment. I look at Viserys and see his frustration and anger dissipate. He seems just as enchanted by the woman as I am. She lets go of his arm and then turns to me. Her eyes bore into mine and seemed to see right through me. Like she now knows all of my secrets.
"I see. Yes, I agree with his assessment. You are suitable."
"...what? Are you a fairy?"
"Hoho, some men have claimed so. But who knows for sure?" she says, takes my hand, leads me to the seats, and then sits down next to me.
"Now then, Daenerys Targaryen. You should be 7 right now, correct?"
"Y-yes. But how do you know my name?"
"Oh, that's not hard if you have someone who practically knows everything as your Master. You see, I was told to come here and ask you a simple question."
"What question?"
"Do you want to come with me and live a different, more interesting life or stay here with your brother and wander through Essos, begging for scraps?"
"NO! You will not take Daenerys from me, you WHORE! Take your hands off her!" Viserys shouts and grabs my arm, pulling me backwards.
The woman, in turn, grabs his arm and suddenly punches my brother in the throat, causing him to gag and gasp for air. But that's not all, she pushes his feet away, causing him to fall on the ground.
Then she walks forward and takes a knife from seemingly nowhere. She puts her foot on Viserys' throat and speaks in a menacing voice.
"Whore, huh? Has your mommy not told you how to speak to a lady, boy?"
Viserys can't talk since she is pressing her foot on his throat.
"I am in awe at the arrogance you amassed during your time as a beggar instead of being humbled by it. It should be the other way around, trust me. Now let me show you what I do to boys who run their mouths," she says and is about to swing her knife at Viserys.
"Please, don't kill him," I embrace Viserys on the ground and beg the woman.
"Kill? What made you think I'd kill him? I was about to castrate him ... slowly. Your love for your brother is admirable as much as it is sad to witness. You must learn that while allowing men to say whatever they want to you, you must know when to draw a line and bring the deadliest form of punishment upon them."
"Haaah, very well. So, can I take your reaction as an answer to my question? Will you not come with me?"
"C-can, Viserys come too?"
"Huh? Why would you want him to come as well? He abuses you physically, no?"
"P-please, he-he's my brother. We are the last ones left."
"Absolutely not!"
We are riding south, towards Voalntis, according to the woman. She introduced herself after we started riding as Merala. I look to my right and see a growling Viserys and smile slightly.
"I can't believe you managed to convince me to take him as well," Merala says.
"I'm very grateful, Lady Merala."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's forget about that and talk about something else instead."
"Can you tell me who it was that sent you for us?"
"I can't tell you that, no. You will meet him sooner or later. All you have to know is that you will learn and have a powerful person watching over you. So try to do your best."
"What do you mean by that? What will I learn?" I ask her timidly.
I know what women in this world have to do to survive. Viserys sometimes go to those places, and mostly women work there. I'm afraid of that and pray that it is not something like that. Merala notices my fear and smiles at me.
"Don't worry, little dove. You won't have to sell your body. But I can assure you that knowing how to use your charms to your advantage will get you far in this world. So you might have to learn about it, but you will never have to work in a brothel."
"What will I be learning then?"
"I can imagine a lot of things. History, geography, maths, languages, politics ... and probably physical things as well. All to prepare you for the future and your job."
"So, what will I have to do? What is this job you are talking about? Will I have to work for your backer? This mysterious person?"
"Everyone, whether they know it or not, in some way or the other, is working for the man I serve. Some might be happy about it; some might not be. Others may not even know what is going on and play their own game, not realising that they play right into his hand. So, to answer your question ... yes. In a way, you will, but not really. Your role is an important one."
"What role? Can you tell me?" I ask eagerly.
"What do you think? The last sane member of House Targaryen was just saved by an unknown woman and is brought somewhere to learn and study. What else could this be for ... but to make you the next ruler of Westeros?"
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