Under the cover of night, the sound of gunfire and clashing blades echoed through the outskirts of Rome. The noise moved from the residential areas to the coast and finally to the harbor, where flashes of gunfire and steel lit up the rooftops of the warehouses.
The battle ceased as Christopher dropped from the sky onto the quay outside the harbor warehouse. Behind him lay only the vast sea. This area, isolated and deserted, was one of the battlegrounds used by the Curtained World to settle disputes among mages and other factions.
Panting and clearly fatigued from the relentless chase, Christopher still maintained his stance, his guard never faltering.
At that moment, several groups of paladins appeared. They positioned themselves on the rooftops, in the alleys beside the warehouse, and along the quay, blocking any escape routes. Each paladin wielded blessed blades, swords, spears, or guns, loyal soldiers of the Archbishop's command.
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