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19.23% MHA: The Symbiote Hero / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Bab 4: Chapter 4

Walking to my class there is a couple of minutes before class starts. Standing out of the classroom seems to be my new teacher, smiling, I walk up to them.

"Hello teacher, I am Axel. Your new student, please take care of me." I said while bowing to show respect to the teacher.

"Good morning Axel, I heard that you will be joining us. I will start class then I will ask for you to come into the room and you will introduce yourself." The teacher said while smiling.

I wait outside the classroom until the teacher introduces me into the classroom. I could hear the teacher make a few announcements before introducing me into the class. Hearing him, I walk into the classroom

When I walk into the classroom I see a bunch of rowdy kids that cannot sit still. Plague did notice 2 kids though and told me to look out from them since they are really powerful. A green haired kid who is mumbling to himself while writing something down in his notebook, while the other is a kid with ash blonde hair with an arrogant expression on his face. That last kid reminds me of the bully like before and I just want to punch that smug face of his.

I calm myself down though, I already said that I wouldn't cause any problems. I didn't want to break my promise on the first day so I took a deep breath before I said.

"My name is Axel Holgate. I like to read and I plan to be a hero in the future. Please take care of me." I said while bowing.

[What a lame introduction. You could at least say how cool I am, you know] Plague said.

'Ya right, all you have been useful for is teaching me combat and how to use you without your help but you suck at that' I retorted back.

[It's not my fault that you are just bad at listening to instructions.]

While we were arguing, everyone just seemed disinterested with me showing up. One kid asked what my quirk is and Plague was interested in how I was going to answer this question. I just said it's not that interesting but Plague just called me a p*ssy for not saying what his quirk is.

Then the kid with ash blonde hair said I must be quirkless and just didn't want to say it. This caused the other kids to start laughing and making fun of me except one person, it was the green haired kid. He didn't seem all too interested in my introduction either until that kid said that I was quirkless and I wanted to be a hero.

The kids eyes seemed to light up and also seemed like he was looking into my soul, it felt really creepy. And Plague just seemed to shake his head in my mind, I didn't even know he could do that. Ignoring my other classmates I took a seat at the only open seat, the so-called 'protagonist seat'. Even though I don't remember what that is, apparently Plague said to not worry about it. I do think I was into anime and mangas, cause boy when I started reading them it felt like I found something that I lost but never knew I had.

But everytime I try to ask about it Plague just denies all the things I think he was interested in. Obviously I know he is lying but why is he trying to hide it, eh that's a problem for another day.

Sitting down I looked out the window seeing if I could find anything interesting, not finding anything I ended up falling asleep. To everyone else they couldn't believe the new kid had the guts to just fall asleep in class but they also saw that the teacher didn't mind one bit.

Plague just continued to study everyone else in the class since he couldn't fall asleep and tried to find any interesting quirks while also paying attention only when it comes to history.

The others were confused why I was allowed to sleep because another kid fell asleep in their class a couple days ago. No one knows what happened but after getting dragged out of class by the teacher the kid seemed so invested in class. When asked what happened the kid said he didn't want to talk about it.

Eventually the whole incident was forgotten until now. Bakugou on the other hand seemed extra angrier than the rest even though he wasn't the kid that fell asleep he seemed to be pissed for some reason.

The day passed and when everyone thought the day was over there ended up being a pop quiz. No one was allowed to leave until they finished the quiz, waking up due to someone nudging him awake. I saw that there was a quiz sheet in front of me. Taking my pencil out I write down all the answers in under 5 minutes. And everytime I answered wrong, Plague would fill me in on what I did wrong and why.

The only thing he did tell me about his past life now thinking about it is that he wanted to become a teacher but died before he could become one. He would be a good teacher in a school but not in martial arts or how to use quirks because for some reason he can't make the connection for that.

'Man, it really is handy having all this information that I remember when I was in school in my past life.' I thought while I stood up and picked up my backpack and headed to the teacher.

[You got 50% of the answers wrong because you were so rushed and I had to tell you how to solve them correctly. Don't act like you know everything] Plague said yelling in my mind but I just ignored him.

Giving my quiz to the teacher I exited the classroom and headed home. The classroom was in utter disbelief. The kid who was sleeping the whole day just woke up and finished in under 5 minutes.

Bakugo saw this and was so angry that he actually burnt part of his quiz. Not wanting to let some quirkless kid think that he is better than anyone he quickly finished his test and tried to catch up to the quirkless loser to knock some sense into him.

Exiting the school Bakugo couldn't find the new kid anywhere, he stomped angrily back home. While this was happening our Mc was watching everything go down on top of the school building.

'I guess you were right Plague , he has already set his target on me. *Sigh* this is going to be a pain, but I knew I was going to have to deal with it eventually since I planned on not saying what my quirk is, so I wouldn't be a bother to my parents as much as I already have been.' Stretching I jumped off the building and landed in front of the school taking no damage and there was no damage on the ground either.

[Told ya, it would have just been easier to say that you had a quirk and explained to them what I can do. But no, you had to be a p*ssy about it.]

'Shut up, you don't know what it is like to be judged' I thought back. Plague on the other hand thought to himself about how wrong he was.

I then jogged home, knowing that when I get home mom will want to know about my day and greet the neighbors too. I hurriedly went home to not worry my mother. I ended up getting lost on my way home but when I got home there were 3 female parents talking while 2 kids sat near each other arguing.

Unfortunately for me I was neighbors with two kids, the bully, Katsuki Bakugou and the green haired kid Izuku Midoriya. Apparently Midoriya is quirkless and is getting bullied by Bakugou, even though he did say it I could tell by how they interacted with each other at my house.

I decided to suggest to Midoriya's mom that she should let Midoriya learn some basic self defense so he could defend himself if he is ever bullied for being quirkless or there is a villain that attacks him on his way home he could defend himself and be able to run home safely.

Bakugou's mom said that her Katsuki could protect him, but I made sure that Midoriya could learn some martial arts since it was mainly for him to defend himself against Bakugou. Midoriya's mom eventually relented and allowed Midoriya to go to a dojo as long as I went too.

Agreeing since that was my plan anyways. All three of us got signed up to take some self defense lessons. That's right Bakugou somehow got dragged into this too. I just hope that Midoriya is a natural or I might have just made things worse for him.

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