Unduh Aplikasi
78.75% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 61: The Greatest Gacha?! And One Quick Trip

Bab 61: The Greatest Gacha?! And One Quick Trip

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"The last thing you'd want from a T-rex

Is the 'I love you, you love me song

Cause scientists estimate a T-rex dick

Could be to twelve feet long"



Recap: It was shown the not-so-glamourous side of being a hero and our MC finally completed his revenge quest, only to discover that there's no reward.


Hector moves slowly through the cemetery. Stopping at his parent's grave, he put down the flowers that he brought.

He stays there kneeling for some time organizing his thoughts. He already has checked his surroundings, confirming no one is close or watching/listening.

So he can speak freely.

"I have finally done that... If you two can see me, I bet that you are disappointed..." He sighs

"But is something I needed to do. For many reasons..." He pauses "But don't worry! I was not 'consumed by vengeance' or anything." He explains fast to assure them.

"Dealing with him was very, very easy... so I didn't waste years or effort seeking revenge like some other people. So it's not a problem, right?"


"Maybe was because of that I feel so empty... Beyond the feeling of some light weight leaving my shoulder, I feel nothing. The satisfaction evaporated so quickly..." He says with a vacant gaze, more to himself

"Maybe if I was weaker and had to put more effort like the other revenge-seeking guys, the ending would be more satisfactory... Like finishing a long work." He says and stops. Nothing saying anything more.

He stays like that for a long time. Thinking... Reflecting...

"Well... I discovered some things about myself. I need to make peace with those..." He comments absentmindedly, more to himself. "Something is bothering me, really..."

Hector looks at his hand like he wants to see something hidden there. "I tortured a man in a heinous way... And I felt nothing. Shouldn't it be nauseating?" He asks

"The saving grace is that I did not feel good either..." He comments "It's not about the act... It's the intention. I mean, I would have killed the Kingpin even if he didn't have killed you guys. Like I did with Osborn..."

"I want to be personal because of what he did to you two. But... But at some point... It stopped being about you guys." Hector closes his eyes slowly.

"Don't get me wrong. It started because of what he did, but I don't want you two to feel an ounce of responsibility. Aargh! It's complicated!" He scratches his head

Maybe this is the only thing that can make Hector tongue-tied, his thoughts are jumbled.

"It's... It's just... It's just that good things happened to me after you two are gone. Is this okay? I was not that ball of angsty that I thought I would be... I met amazing people, did incredible things... In truth, it looks like my life is better now..." He pauses, looking like he is physically in pain.

His face scrunches up, almost crying "I'm sorry... It's just... It's not hurt so bad anymore... Is this all right?

"It's okay to be happy without you two?" His thumb and index finger press his eyelids, and his mouth becomes a thin line

"..." He stays like that for some time, only after he stabilizes himself he removes his hand from his face and starts talking again "In hindsight, it was pretty much like that from the beginning. I thought that was a coping mechanism... I focused on other things to not stay all the time thinking about the fact that you two are gone."

"Thinking in ways to survive this crazy world, the possibilities, my new powers... Heck, even childish thoughts of a harem and a little flirting with Aunt Chris..."

"But maybe I was broken from the start... Maybe was this power. This great mental fortitude that I acquired with the assimilations that don't even allow me to stay sad for too long."

"*Haah* I think I can't blame all of this on my power... I have the growing suspicion that I was like that since forever, but this never came to light" He pauses and frowns "Was I always that much of a monster?"


"I can't help it, you know? There's something inside me screaming that I'm evil... That this was my call. I'm only lying to myself by acting like a good person. 'Acting'... Heh. This is what I'm doing." He sighs "I thought that if I acted for long enough would become the truth."

He stops and looks at the distance "Maybe I should stop holding back..." These words carry some deep meaning that only he knows how heavy it is.

After some time he shook his head. "No, I can be a lot of things but I refuse to be a weak-willed pussy that chooses the easy way." He stands up.

His face showed great resolve once again. "The last time I came here, I made a promise of repaying my good luck to the world. Doing what you two would do. Make the world a better place than how I found it. I was naive..."

All doubts are thrown out to the wind. "This is not an easy job... It's gritty, ugly, and dirty... But I'm not gonna quit. So I'm here to renew my promise... No excuses. I know where I'm getting into."

He turns around to leave "Even if everything fails, I want that at the end of my life I can smile and say that I did my best. And found you guys not in shame... Encounter you guys and make you two proud."

"I will save the world. It's something that only I could do. And then... Then I will be happy." He smiles "Strong enough to be gentle. Strong enough to have no enemies...Heh."

"Don't worry, I have a plan to bring you two back..." Then Hector's eyes harden 'That's the only thing I want. The only thing... I only want this reward, world. Don't.Deny.Me.That.' His gaze has some promise... and a threat.

"Love you two..."


Hector P.O.V.

Zeta Space Station

"The results are as good as expected..." I comment observing a body in a morgue.

Putting my hand over it, I analyze the changes.

The naked human male has many medical devices attached to him, signaling that apart from his brain, everything is working just fine and he is incredibly fit. But I want to check myself.

"Perfect..." I comment, before closing the body again in the locker. "Show me how he was before the procedures." I say to Cortana and start walking to another locker to open it and check another body.

"Right away, Master." She answers and in my field of vision, it shows the former criminal body statistics. His measurements, weight, medical records, bone and muscle structure...

"The transformation is evident... We already stabilized the procedure enough to have no variants..." I comment while checking a naked woman this time. She also is incredibly fit but... "...there's a slight variation depending on the gender."

"That's natural. The core strength varies to the upper or lower body depending on the gender. Females also are more flexible, sacrificing a little of strength when compared with their male counterparts..." Cortana says to me while I check.

"And races?" I ask. "Caucasians, Asians, Blacks, Mongolian, Indians... Any difference?"

"Negligible." It's the answer

As expected, we are not that different... But I ask myself if an African Super Soldier would be stronger and taller than an Asian Super-soldier, the latter on his part being smarter...

"The individual differences impact more in the end, but now is trivial. Everyone can achieve peak human form with this serum." Cortana comments

"That's only the foundation... How are the others? The ones that used the 'cocktail' and the ones that are not braindead?" I ask leaving this section of the Space Station and going back to the Command Center

Sitting on my chair in front of the Big Screen I hear Cortana's report.

"There's no warping on their personalities..." She starts

"So that thing about 'Good becomes better and evil becomes worse' is false." I comment.

"Probably a metaphor." Cortana says.

"Yes... Must be about the potential. A good person, when gains powers, has his potential to impact the world and other people increased. It's the same with an evil person." I say. So Captain America didn't receive any boost on his righteousness, the guy is like that on his own. Respect.

"About the 'cocktail'... At this point, they are mixing seamlessly. Your idea of creating an order during the procedure worked just fine and no one is exploding or melting in a puddle anymore." Cortana relates.

"Good..." Very good indeed.

In Marvel there's a lot, I repeat, a lot of Super-soldiers projects and serums. Most have a slight deviation from the Erskine original formula.

The T.A.H.I.T.I. Project that uses the G.H. drug, derived from a Kree, to give someone something like a healing factor.

The Centipede Serum that is a variant from the Super-Soldier Serum.

The Extremis virus, that has many versions and upgrades in the comics.

The Burstein Process that gave Luke Cage his impenetrable skin and super strength.

And even some random bullshit chemical compounds that give other people powers like with Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock.

And if you want to stretch it by a lot... There are also the Spider and Goblin powers.

"I'm getting tired of waiting... Those monkeys can't progress fast enough to give me the serums. I surpassed them already regarding Centipede and the Extremis." I tap my finger on my armrest impatiently.

I'm too early in the timeline. I remember that the Extremis has at least 2 more versions, one of them even helped Stark to perfect his Bleeding Edge armor.

"Let's focus on the adaptability of the E-serum, not 'closing' any door..." I say to Cortana

"Allowing evolution and mutation in the future? There are risks..."

"There's always risks... Because of this, we have the 'bipedal sheep' to test before." I say.

My E-serum, derivated from my secondary mutation, allows someone a great curve on adaptability.

And not only regarding powers. A normal someone that was injected with it stops feelings the problems of extreme cold after a month of high exposure. And other examples like growing resistant to impact if he was hit enough...

Not fast enough by the way... And it does not last. After taking the body from the extreme environment, the body goes back to normal slowly. Very slowly, but still goes back to normal.

Well, the E-serum is not perfect yet...

And being super resistant to cold makes you fragile to heat, so maybe is a good thing that there's this variation. But this is not optimal...

The best-case scenario would be increasing the "comfort zone" of our race. If we start suffering from the heat at 40ºC and from the cold at 0ºC, I want to increase this range.

Making that we only start having problems after 100ºC or below 80ºC. And this is only the start.

Other races out there are much more resistant to these variables in temperature, pressure, and diseases than us. This can't stand.

I refuse to believe that we have less room to growth than them.

We are the human race, for god's sake. This is one of our best traits.

This fucking Multiverse was thought by humans... If we are not the ones with the greatest potential, I don't know who it is.

I pause my talk with Cortana to turn to Cassandra who just entered the Comand Center. She must have finished her training, just having left the showers and holding an energy drink in her hand.

She nods at me and I nod back. The girl still doesn't talk much. Old habits die hard.

To my surprise, or not really, instead of sitting in another chair or in any other place. She sits on my thigh like is no big deal.

"..." Well, it's really no big deal, I'm not a Japanese MC that will grow flustered over something trivial like that.

Shego does it all the time, she is just imitating her.

Oh yeah, I have permission to make a harem now... I forgot really.

Hm~ Sincerely, I'm not as eager to do this as I expected I would be. Isn't it like the Weeb dream? But I'm not caring too much... Not in a hurry.

I need to think things through. It's not only seducing women and putting them in a palace and end of the story.

Would I ever be capable of making them all happy?

Yeah, better to go slow on this shit. Not force anything...

I just remembered this because of Cassandra's act. The repressed thought of how my relationship with females summons will develop resurfaces...

It's too early to know.

I can only say that I'm not having sexual thoughts about Cassandra right now, even if her perky butt is pressing against me

But maybe in the future... I can't deny that I'm a little possessive of them.

Recently, with Chun-li when I received a report and had a small talk to keep the relationship good, she commented about a superior of her that is courting her incessantly.

Even being annoyingly forceful.

I surprised myself when my first thought was separating his two heads of his body.

I shouldn't be like that. All the girls are beautiful, it's okay and even natural that many men will try to shoot their shot.

Let's kill them only after they cross a line, Hector.

Now... Why my relationship with some summons grows in different ways? My horniness? My childish crush on them? Maybe...

I think depends on how they present themselves too. It's not only about how hot someone is, I'm not that much controlled by my dick.

I mean, look at this little animal slurping an energy drink on my lap!

"...*Sluurp* ?" She looks at me confused and tilts her head

I can't lewd that! She looks so pure!

A true man of culture knows what to lewd and what not to lewd. You can't lewd Komi-san... But you can lewd Tatsumaki. Why? It's not about who is hotter... It's how they present themselves.

Damn, I just had an epiphany. I can feel the bottlenecks in my mental cultivation loosen up...

I was taken out of the gutter where my mind is when Cassandra points to the screen and looks at me.

I know her enough to understand that she asked "What is this?"

"Just trying to make the most complete serum for you guys... Everything is okay. Not as perfect as I would like, but if wait for others to do things I will wait forever." I say

She nods in understanding

"By the way Cortana, how was interaction with the subjects where I gave powers?" I ask

"All of them had an increase in potency, five of them mutated..." She answers

"Was the increase only tied with their physical growth or did the serum affect the powers too? And pass to my mind the information of the ones that mutated." This is important

"In most of the cases, the increase in strength of the powers was proportional to the increase in physical prowess. But there have been some variables... Especially on the ones that are registered as having the dormant metagene. The same with the mutated powers." Cortana answers

Resting my chin on my fingers I think. "Later I will take away the powers... Will be the easiest and fastest way to reach the answer." I say before turning to Cassandra "This part is important to you, Cassandra. Did you think about the powers that you want? Think hard about your build." I ask

"...*Slurp* Fly" She answers without hesitation

I chuckle. She really wants to be able to fly, huh? Well, it's a nice feeling...

With the serum, they will be capable of holding more powers without problems. And I reached the conclusion that having powers during the procedure will be good for a seamless integration... After all, a power that I give is a foreigner strange thing to a body. It's natural to occur rejection.

"We will start with seven powers... Your body will grow strong with time and be capable of holding more, but is not a good thing to have many powers. No everyone is like me." I give her my counsel

It's better to be a master of one craft.

She points at me and says "...you."

"Want me to decide the rest for you?" I already put some thought into that "Well... To your wish, I have a good power of [Flight](Captain Celebrity quirk) that allows you to telekinetic propel yourself. It will even give you some degree of strength and defense because of the Tactile Telekinetic Field. And adding the power you have now, [Black], we have 5 slots to fill..."

Pausing to watch her reaction, I continue after seeing that she is interested "Normally, there are two paths to take when you want a power-up. Become even better in something that you are good at or fill a gap in your weakness."

"You're a CQC fighter, strong in a one-on-one and weak against groups and long-range attacks. Normally one would think that having a [Energy projection] or AOE power would be an excellent idea BUT..." I raise my finger to make her pay attention. This is important


"... There are other ways to circumvent that." I give the answer "There's power systems that I can teach you. Can't the Rankyaku and Shingan give long-range attacks? And the strength of a hundred men when mastered? If you're strong enough, no need to care about an army of sheep."

She nods slowly

"Now, another thing that you need to keep in mind... Beyond Martial Techniques and Power Systems that can help you, there's... Technology." I say and press a button on my armrest "No need to be reluctant to rely on some gadgets. Watch this..." I point at the screen.

She looks at the footage of a mannequin wearing a skintight suit, there are some wires connecting to the thing. It's a prototype after all.

"For example... you wouldn't think that [Invisibility] would be an incredible power for you to have? You would be the terror of the criminals. But I don't need to give you this power..."

On the screen, the suit starts to blend with the surroundings. Become opaque till it disappears almost completely. Only the wired and other parts are visible.

"No need to burden your body with something you can acquire in another way. Better to fill the slot with other power. It's the same thing with many sensory powers. It's great to have! I love to have them, but..." I point at the screen changing to a variety of goggles and other devices that allows infra-red vision and others.

"...they are easily replaced." I say.

Not everyone can be like me. It's obvious the advantages of having these abilities tied to my body and my body only. But if you have a limit... Focus on other things.

I let her think about it for some time.

"[Intangibility] can be a good power for you..." I comment after some time "Sometimes the best compatibility comes from you simply liking a power too. There's another one that you thinks is cool?"

"..." She raises her palm "...Boom. [Air cannon]." She says flatly.

"Oh~ Is that so?" I smile. She is cute. "You know what... I will give you [One For All]." I say

She tilts her head in confusion

"It's one of my core powers. Allows you to boost yourself and others' powers. Has infinite growth... I have some weak copies that give you no more than the equivalent strength of five people. But it's good that it will grow with you."


"And you will be capable of creating wind pressure from your punches. I will teach you how to do it later..." I raise my fist and mimic the motions "It's easy, just rotate your wrist and shoulder, and then stop the motion at the right time..."

She pays attention to my explanation silently.

"Heh, normally I would keep these powers to myself. But only the best to my cute disciple" I ruffle her hair "Let's aim to you be capable of soloing the Avengers in the future."

After annoying her a little more with head pats I raise myself and casually lift her by her waist "Now, go check the list of powers. By the way, I'm a sucker for Passive Powers like [Hiper Regeneration] and [High Specs], but maybe will be unnecessary because the serum will already give an equivalent... Just mark the ones that you like." I say giving her a tablet with a list

"...when?" She asks me after I put her down

"After my next dimensional travel. I will make a training trip with Saeko and some others." I say

Then she grabs my arm when I start to walk away.

"..." She looks at me silently

"Wants to come too?" I ask. She doesn't have many friends apart from us... Well, she doesn't have any friends apart from us. The X-girls are more of acquaintances.

And if was not for Xavier, I would let her go there more often to bond with the girls. Well, Xavier and the people watching that mansion.

"..." She nods

"...okay. It will be like a Summer Vacation. We can do our Training Arc together." I smile at her before going away.

But she didn't let go of my arm yet.

I turn to look at her again slowly. She looks like she is hesitating in saying something so I ask "Yes?"

"...are you angry?" She asks in a mosquito voice, avoiding eye contact

Am I... angry?

Now this makes me pause...

"No..." I say slowly "I'm not angry... I'm just in a not-so-very-good mood lately." I say

Sincerely, I thought that I was hiding that pretty well and acting normally.

But she was gifted on that, huh? Very empathic.

So this is why she sat on my lap... She is trying to console me... Imitating Shego.

"Don't worry... It's just me having many things on my mind right now." I pat her head and send her away

I'm not angry... I'm just not that animated lately. There's nothing to be angry about.

Well, I think my mood will improve now...

Now is the awaited moment of the month.

Time to Gacha.


I sit cross-legged on the ground of a training room of the station.

Now I have peace.

I have a good feeling about this Gacha... Finally, this is the Gacha that will use all my Gacha Points.

Every month, I gain more or less 30 GP and I can buy 100 GP. For every 10 rolls I use 30GP, so I spent 120 GP monthly. This leaves me with 10 Gp to do nothing.

But now... Finally accumulated and I have 150 GP.

I can gain the amazing amount of 50 cards.

And no, I will not use any special type of Gacha. I really want the 50 cards.

I need to see what I can gain. Maybe new mechanics or other things. Today I want variety.

And if my, almost-proved, theory is true. I'm on the path to gain some amazing things. I fought Belasco, went to Limbo, learned magic, did a lot of scientific breakthroughs, and completed my revenge...

If I gain cards related to these achievements will be nice.

Let's go...

General Type Gacha. Roll 10...

01- April O'Neil - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Okay... A character, nice.

It's about time that I put my hands on media. April was a very brave and good reporter... She can be the pioneer in my infiltration of Media.

Ans she looks a little like Megan Fox...


02- Yor Forger - Spy x Family

Another Character? My luck was nice today...

Oh, this is of that manga that was gaining an anime when I died. I read 10 chapters... I remember that she was a top waifu at that time.

A skilled assassin and has a good character and personality. I can find a use for her.

03- Harley Quinn - DC Comics

Pfft. Helena will have PTSD if I tell her.

Some time ago she went to talk to me about bringing Harley here, something about not letting her and Shego meet.

Well, by the image on the card... This Harley with blonde hair and only the tip of her Twintails colored, shows that it's the best version of the character. So maybe will not be that bad...

Maybe I can curb her craziness. I have an idea... Offer her a second chance. Start anew.

04- Meiko Shiraki - Prison School

Okay... Something is wrong here.

That was the fourth Character in a row!

In the past, on the batch of ten, normally there were three or four characters max!

And I already gained four?? And all of them are female??


Wait... It can't be...

Gacha... you...

It's because of the Harem??

DUDE! I fought an immortal demonic sorcerer in a hell dimension and you're focusing on THAT?!?

No... I refuse to believe that.

The next card will not be a woman.

And will not be a hot woman...

You can't do this to me...

Do you know how much I sacrificed?!?

C'mon... C'mon...

05- Jessica Rabbit – Disney



I give up...

I throw myself on the ground and lay there sprawled...

All the enthusiasm left my body now...

Maybe this is a punishment...

I think I will stop the rolls for today...

The Gacha is giving me women to fill my harem that I didn't even started yet...

Fuck you, Gacha.

You are not pleasing me, Gacha...

06- Gwen - Total Drama

Okay... Now we are starting to talk.

But I will not summon normal girls like that.

Stop trying to coax me.

07- Loona - Helluva Boss

What is this... this... unholy thing?

A furry goth girl??

The duality of this leaves me confused! A moral dilemma worse than my everyday fight between good and evil!

A cartoon from hell? That explains a lot...

At least I'm started to gain things related to my other accomplishments.

08- Robot Twins - Atomic Heart

? Never heard of this...

Ballerina robot guards? Okay... I guess...

But why are they hot?

You know what, they should be Hybrid Character/Item like Cortana, so let's summon the two.

I use the card and after motes of light, the two faceless robots appear to me in a graceful pose.

"Greetings... Master." They say in unison.

It looks like they want to calm me another name, but settled with "Master".

"What you two can do?" I ask

And the list is big! Okay, they are not bad summons after all...

And maybe I can improve them with adamantium.

"...and sexual relief." They finish the list

"Say what?" I was distracted and double-checked. How? I can't see... holes... Do you know?

"Sexual relief." They confirm it "Do you require sexual relief, Master?" They tilt their heads and ask seriously.

Cortana "..."

"Eh... No... You two, guard the door over there, please." I say, feeling awkward.

They move gracefully to the door. They Relationship Loyalty is also 10/10. Like Cortana when she arrived.

Wait? Did... Did... How is that metal jiggling? Who is the gen-pervert that thought about these two??

My eyes, which are accompanying that admittedly enchanting sight, move again to the front...

Going face to face with Cortana's blue hologram face that was watching me closely.

"..." She stares at me with narrowed eyes "Do you require sexual relief, Master?" She says 'sweetly', mimicking and mocking the two from early.

I gulp down involuntarily. I was caught lacking! A jealous Yandere A.I. is not funny...

She was never like that before... It's because the two are robots? Technological territorial? Is this even an expression.?

"No..." I answer her.

She harrumphs, turning her head away and disappearing.


Let's continue with the Gacha.

09- Power – Chainsawman

Heh... Sounds nice to have her on the paper... But living with this gremlin can be very annoying.

But fucking seriously? 9 characters??

I got the message, Gacha. But I am not summoning these people for now.

Okay. Let's go to the last and guaranteed to be good.

Even if is a woman, at least will be someone good like Esdeath.

10- Nemesis - To Love-Ru: Darkness

Oh~ From an ecchi anime.

And her... She gives me a fucking good idea.

I was planning in making my Hellbat armor similar to the Endo-symbiote armor of Iron Man in the comics. Nemesis is a being of Dark Matter that at some point fused with the protagonist...

Heh, now I have the mind of my armor. A living armor has its advantages.

Hell Nemesis Armor... I like the sound of it...

Now I just need some other materials.

Now... Should I continue?

I can stop for today and roll the rest tomorrow. My luck will reset and I will stop gaining women.

Whatever... Let's get over it.

How worse can it get, right?

01- The Penetrator – Saints Row: The Third


Haah~ If one day you gain physical form, Gacha. I'm using it on you.

02- Widowmaker – Overwatch

Seriously, can you stop now? You're not gonna give me dozens of women now, right?

I can't handle this much!

And dear Amelie Lacroix has uses, even if all I know about Overwatch came from the orange and black site.

03- Goblin Slayer - Goblin Slayer

Finally a man!!

What relief, really! The curse has been broken!

Okay, okay. Not that impressive of a card. I probably gained him because our methods are a little similar, preparing beforehand and all, and I killed the Green Goblin.

But there's a very interesting line in the description.

[Fateless: The ability to defy the roll of dice of the Gods]

This allows me a degree of resistance to Fate Manipulation, even if just a little. It's probably tied to his willpower... This ability is for me.

This I welcome.

04- Hentai Setting Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/One Month)

Aaand we are back at it...

What use does this have? Low-Tier...

If the tier was higher I could go to Kuroinu or something like that... Ahem... I mean... I don't even know Hentai Worlds.

Useless card.

05- Gender Bender Card x03


[When used during a summon, this card makes that a gender-bent version of the Character comes instead of the Canon Version. The Character comes from an Alternative Universe where he was always like that, so he doesn't find it weird.]

I'm not even surprised that something like this exists...

I mean, ignoring the horniness for a second...

From an objective standpoint... Making a villain Character a woman and making him/her fall for me is a good way to control her easily.

But can I do that? I try to imagine Johan as a woman.


Next card, please...

06- Selene – Underworld

Well, I remember her...

Not interested in becoming a vampire now, even more one weak as her. I prefer to wait for some Dracula card.

She can be useful... Vampires here in Marvel can be like pests.

I can make her go investigate Blade too.

07- Gloria Pritchett - Modern Family

Mommy? I mean... *Ahem*

Now I know that the Gacha is testing me... Goth girls and now a Latina Mami?

Let's see... Beyond having a great fucking aim, this woman has no other useful ability. So no. Not summoning a normal woman from a sitcom here.

I'm not that horny and this is not this type of story.

08- Yumeko Jabami – Kakegurui

What can I say?

I don't know... Maybe I can put her with Johan to fuck up some people some people of the illegal casinos.

09- Casual Sex World CYOA(Supplement Jumpchain)

Another CYOA... But couldn't you give the Worm V1?

CYOAs, or Choose Your Own Adventures, are documents where you can play with a limited number of points and create a build to your Character in a certain world.

There are original CYOAs and even of famous works like One Piece, and Marvel. I used to read it in my other life. It's used in fanfics too.

This one is a Supplement... That's mean that you would choose a main CYOA as your main world and this one would alter a little. In this case... This Casual Sex CYOA would make the world more lewd.

Making Sex be... Casual.



[Contabilizing free perks...]

This CYOA has free perks? It has been a long time since I saw these prompts... Free things are good.

[Analyzing your setting..]

[Modern and Sci-Fi characteristics detected...]

[Perk gained "Safe Day"...]

["Safe Day": You can go without contraception, because this perk allows you to toggle your virility/fertility. So go ahead, bust a nut in a new girl every night. You will never become a parent unless you want to.]

Meh... I already have something like that. I don't need it. But I toggle off my virility from now on.

Oh, there's another?

["We Cum In Peace": First contact between species, diplomacy between galactic empires. These are threatening concepts when the downsides could mean great war or possible extinctions. Not only are you fantastic at getting into the mindset of sapient aliens though, you're fantastic at getting into their pants. Peacemaking, lovemaking, same difference in the end, right? You're really good at coming to mutually beneficial understandings with aliens is the point.]

Ignoring the underlying objective. Having a boost in charisma with aliens species is good to have in Marvel.

["Carnivore": You are superior, born that way, better than all others. Your rugged handsomeness or traditional beauty that seems gifted by god and good genes are just further proof of that. You're just incredibly fine, drop-dead sexy even, with features tending towards sharper or harder that emphasize nobility. You've also got a great metabolism, leading to little body fat unless you work to get fat. If you wanted to be a model, you're ideal in every sense, and will likely get more than a few admirers even if you follow some other career path.]

Another Charm booster perk. Well, it's expected coming from something lewd like that. But this is useless to me... Redundant. I'm already drop-dead gorgeous.

Let's read to see if there's something useful...

Oh, there are some bullshit things... But they're too expensive to buy like that. I don't have a lot of CP. I'm not gonna waste in this CYOA. What if I gain a CYOA from the Dragon Ball world and there's a perk that gives me Ultra Instinct for 1000 CP and I don't have it?

I would punch myself for wasting CP to be capable of... "Breeding anything, ignoring the differences".

Let's see the tenth thing from this batch...

10- Five Leaf Grimoire(Asta) - Black Clover

Okay, this is good. I'm not complaining...

I finally gained something from a magic anime... But is the only thing without magic!

I will test it later. Maybe I can give to a summon...

Let's roll another batch.

01- Seinen Setting Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/One Month)

Seinen, huh? I gained most from Shonen... And gained one from all Anime.

Seinen, seinen... there are some good worlds to visit... With supernatural scary things... I need to think about this later.

02- Kronk - Emperor's New Groove

Heh~ I love this guy.

One of the Ogs Gighachads.

Will be nice to bring some positivity to this world. A somewhat useful handyman.

03- Background Customization Card x05

It took long enough to come some.

Always useful.

04- Package: Kokushibou - Kimetsu no Yaiba

Oh, now we are talking. We are finally leaving that bullshit luck behind.

I can summon him, or give the card to Saeko...

I want to study his physiology and his breathing style.

To the two, I don't need to assimilate him. I have some Weakness Removal cards too... Let's think about it later.

05- Cartoon Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/ One Week)

Now it's Cartoon...

Ben 10... But it's not a Low-Tier world, I think.

There are other options too.

But it's good. I'm noticing that the Variety of things that I'm gaining is increasing.

06- Ghostfreak (Ectonurite) - Ben 10

Oh, that's a scary fella.

I already have the ghost physiology of Dark Danny, but maybe there will new things to gain from him. He can do magic, right?

07- Seinen Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/ One Month)

Another? Okay...

Maybe I can go to Vinland Saga to save Thors and have a good talk with the guy.

Maybe he can explain to me in detail his "having no enemies" philosophy.

08- Power Boost Card x02


09- Nosferatu Zodd - Berserk

Well, well... A big murderous cat.

He can be my second Machia.

Hmm, I can put him on Limbo to create a foothold there.

10- Frostmourne – Warcraft

Haha. Now this I like very much, thank you!

Oh man, so many memories... I look at this card fondly.

Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne was so cool. It's what made me play the World of Warcraft.

Arthas is what made me like undeads and necromancy too... Hehe. I think Ainz and Overlord inherited some of that fondness because it was one of my favorites Isekais.

Aah~ I will have fun with it.

Let's go to another batch...

01- Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon – Gintama

Pffft. Hahaha...

I burst into laughter involuntarily seeing this.

Oh god, it's okay for me to have this weapon of mass destruction?

But really, how strong is this thing again? We need to take things from Gintama with a grain of salt

02- Miyamoto Musashi – Baki

Hm, another assimilation to Saeko?

People will think that I'm biased...

03- Elder Wand - Harry Potter

Interesting... Will this allow me to do Harry Potter magic? I doubt that...

But if boost my spells a little, will already be a win.

04- Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/One day)

One day, really? Well, can be used to go into that worlds that have only one thing worth grabbing.

05- Monika - Doki Doki Literature club

Hell naw!

My PTSD is acting up!

I teleport fast and dip this card on the volcano where I threw Shou Tucker at that time.

*Huff* That was close...

I don't even want to know if this Monika has some sort of technopathy or if she is just a normal schoolgirl.

No means no.

06- Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Middle Tier/ Three months)

Three months... Good. Just what I'm needing. I didn't want to use the Six months one yet.

07- Arthur Leywin - The Beginning After The End

Fucking Finally!!!

Took you long enough to give me someone with mana!

And is a guy with some good abilities too, nice.

08- Rudeus Greyrat - Mushouku Tensei

Haha. Now we're talking.

Magic in the world of Mushoku Tensei is very convenient, that's like manipulating the elements and the surroundings with mana. And Rudeus has a lot of mana and talento.

Good, good.

09- Macht - Sousou no Frieren

? I remember reading this manga... It was nice.

Isn't this guy a demon psychopath?

Well, Johan is loyal so... I can use him. Maybe I can make him teach the magic of his world to me. Uses mana, so should be the same with all these isekais, right?

Sincerely, his magic is a little similar to Rudeus one. So should be better to summon him.

10- Kim Min-Su - Hero Has Returned

I see what you're doing here, Gacha. I'm not that much of an edgy lord like this guy.

I only read the first ten chapters of this manhwa. I don't even know how strong is this guy.

But someone that finished an isekai world can't be weak.

Well, he is the last of the batch so he should be stronger than Arthur and Rudeus.

Let's go for another batch.

01- Ebony and Ivory - Devil May Cry

Heh, that's cool.

With infinite armor to the booth.

This remembers me, I think is time to create my anti-hero street-level persona. Red Hood or something like that... I need to think of a name.

02- Package: Barney Stinson - How I Met Your Mother

Heh, at least I will gain a wardrobe full of expensive suits.

And let me read... "Never take a bad photo", "Always arrive fast when women are fighting", "Mathematical Intuition" and other bullshit gag powers.

Heh~, let's see how this work in real life.

03- Juri Han - Street Fighter

"..." So you don't give up, huh Gacha?

At least, she is useful somewhat... I have a plan to create separate groups of the SCP. Like SCP Europe and SCP Asia. She can be part of the Asia one in the future.

Wait, she didn't get along with Chun-Li, right? I will ask her later.

04- Background Customization Card x03

Always good to have.

05- Special Birthmark - JoJo Series

? What?

Let me read this...

[...like the Joestars, you have a customizable birthmark that you pass to your descendants. The people of your bloodline will be guaranteed to inherit a part of your willpower, destiny, talent, protection, and others.

Obs.: Works retroactively if you already have a child.]

Interesting... This ensures that no child of mine will be a useless second generation at least.

This is funny... Like, I can gain any Joestar and I would gain this. But here I am just gaining one part of the whole. Like gaining a batarang instead of Batman.

Well, at least is customizable. There's no need to be a star.

What should be? Hm? A skull? A sword? A tree? Maybe a spiral...

06- Charmcaster- Ben 10

Well, well...

Well, well indeed...

If this isn't one of my childhood crushes.

*Ahem* It's better that I summon her... Like... I already have other summons that can do magic... And she can teach me anyway. *Ahem*

It's only that... believe in it.

07- Power Boost Card x02

Good, I have many powers, I need those things.

I hope that in the future I start to gain in dozens of these with each roll.

08- Joker - DC Comics


To the volcano...



[You had two Cards that can be fused conceptually in a new Character]


[You still don't have the Fusion Mechanic]

Fusion mechanic? A conceptual fusion?

The Batman Who Laughs... So two preexisting cards can make a new one... Like if I have Goku and Vegeta, I can make a Gogeta or Vegito.

Or a Juubi if I have all Tailed beasts...

"..." Sincerely, the Batman Who Laughs is not that impressive to me. I'm not bound by Batman's morals anyway.

It's not impossible for me to go on this path... Do you think I'm a power-hungry bastard? You haven't seen anything... If I really want, in some years I can have the Heart of the Universe in my hands and become like Astral Regulator Thanos.

But to this, I would need to abandon Earth to go to space. And this I can't do for now...

And is not like I will receive Dr. Manhattan's powers with this fusion... Maybe with a Dr. Manhattan card, I can make the Darkest Knight card.

Well, to the volcano...

09- Dauntless Shard Power – Worm

Hm, what does this power do again?

[...this Shard can empower items by infusing them with a little bit of power each day, permanently enhancing them. You will constantly be charged with energy that can be stored in the items together with the power. Normally takes 20-30 hours so that you can have the energy for an enhancement.

Beyond energy, you can imbue with your own predetermined power, controlling the direction of the growth of the item.]

This is big.

I don't this is what the Character in Worm was capable of doing... Is this changed? If I'm not wrong he can put his "energy" in an item and then the item will go leveling up. He has a daily limit too.

But... I can put my powers in the item. Because I have powers!

This is like those magical enchantments, but with meta powers. I can make boots with [Air Walk], helmets that give [Telepathy], clothes that give [Hiper Regeneration].

And daily charging for the item will make them eventually reach Omega level.

This is fucking big.

Top 10 things that I gained from the Gacha till now. No top five... To any other person would be a good power... To me, it's a fucking cheat.

I need to do tests.

But first, let's see the last card of the day.

10- Overgrown Rover - One Punch Man

Heh, and the Gacha ends beautifully.

I finally gained a dog. No, a dawg!

Heh, now I finished the Gacha. The beginning was a little... different and almost made me want to enter in a coma to wait for the next month. But overall was very good.

Fifty cards and many are useful and a LOT of characters.

Yep, time to use a travel ticket to assimilate them.


I pause to think a little and organize what I gained.

Even if I gained a lot of characters, they're more of a potential summon than assimilations.

With three slots, let's start with the Main Characters.

Rudeus Greyrat, Arthur Leywin and Kim Min-su.

Without hesitation, I start assimilating the three and notice the low percentage... They're all under 5%. Magic, huh?

And normally I gain knowledge during R.E.M. sleep, so I think will take a while for the numbers to go up. I don't even know all of their powers to test. Their skills or whatever...

I raise my hand and try to imagine water condensing above my palm. Very easily and naturally, a ball of water the size of a basketball slowly appears.

"I think I go the gist of it..." I murmur while "compressing" the thing to make ice.

Okay, this is a little fun, better not to lose myself and waste time. I will have time later.

Because I plan to use a Travel Ticket to stay months in another world. There I will train and study without worries.

I go to the page where I put my consumables and observe my Travel Tickets.

Maybe... Maybe I can do two travels...

First, let's get things straight. The best worlds to travel are the ones where I can use my [Power Manipulation] to grow in strength fast.

I made a list of worlds like that.

Then, I can't go to the world with gods or other high-level beings. Well, I couldn't go there anyway, because I'm only gaining Travel Tickets of Low and Middle Tier.

The Tiers... Are a little abstracts and I can't agree completely with them.

From what I observed on the list of worlds I can go, it appears that the Essence considers the overall medium strength of the people or things inhabiting the world.

Low tier encompasses most of the Slice of Life animes. I'm saying anime, because I mostly received Shonen Travel tickets, but Low Tier worlds must be sitcoms and normal serious movies too.

But... Boku no Hero is a Low Tier world. He is one of the highest of the Low Tier, but still a Low-Tier.

The Big Three of One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach are Mid Tier worlds. But the order is the opposite of how I mentioned, if I need to break it down into smaller tiers...

Bleach would be a High-Level Middle-Tier world, while Naruto and One Piece are Low-Level Middle Tier worlds.

The overall strength of the characters of Bleach is higher, this no one can't disagree. Naruto is a little higher than One Piece, by the way.

This brought me a surprise...

Jojo is a Low Tier world.

Yes, even with a bunch of bullshit powers, it is on the same level as Boku no Hero Academia.

I can only theorize that the reason for this is the small number of characters with powers... Even ridiculous powers like Gold Experience Requiem and Made in Heaven can't increase the tier of the world. Much like All Might alone couldn't.

Making that I would use the same level of Travel Ticket card to go to Jojo and to go to Komi-san... I can't help but feel strange.

Funny enough, To Love-ru is a Middle Tier world. Heh. Even if is an ecchi world, has some ridiculous powerful people there.

By the way, High Tier worlds are the obvious Marvel, Dc, Dragon Ball, Tengen Toppa, Shin Megami Tensei, Saint Seiya, and others...

Heck, for some reason, Star Wars is a High Tier world. I found it strange initially till I remember that there's still the unexplored áreas of the galaxy and the cosmic horrors there...

And I think the level of technology impacts a little. Not as much as the level of the characters, but still impacts on the Tier.

Now, after this brief summary about the essence of the Tier List of the Omniverse, I will choose the world to amass strength.

I cut a lot of Options because of the lack of information and risks... Like One Punch Man and Toaru Majutsu worlds.

I don't know the power ceiling of these worlds clearly and I don't know if Imagine Breaker, my big reason to go to the Toaru Majutsu world, is a power that I can copy now.

I prefer waiting to have more options for acquiring powers before going there.

And I'm not going to the One Punch Man world before I'm Superman level of power. Who knows how crazy the author was when he decided how strong Saitama truly is, and correspondingly how powerful God truly is.

Tch, that guy is a fucking treasure trove to me, and I can't go there yet...

But it's okay, I have other options...

"It's good that I waited for this month's roll... As expected, I gained travel tickets that I can use." I say as I retrieve a certain card

• Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Low-Tier/One day)

"The time will be a little tight but I can make it..."


Third Person P.O.V.

Jojo Bizarre Adventures World

Timeline: Part 04

City of Morioh, Japan

Space shifts for an instant and someone appears in a grass field in the outskirts of Morioh. No, not someone... Two persons.

"So the Essence really brought my two bodies here..." Hector comments looking at himself at his side

"As expected, just a part of the whole... Will be no different if I make extra limbs and make them fly away and then put them together to form a whole body..." He says

"Heh, I'm in the Jojo world for 15 seconds and I'm already using detailed metaphors to explain things..."

"Society influencing the individual..."

"More like going with the flow. Anyway, let's start... With luck, I can acquire everything on the list." Hector comments while he senses to scan the city close.

Then uses Bio-Fusion to become one again and in the next second he divides himself into four.

Without a word, three Hectors fly away and the Hector that stayed blinks to appear above the city.

"Cortana, are you there?" He says softly while his eyes analyze the city

"To you always, Master." She answers immediately

"So there are advantages in being a hybrid Character/Item..." Hector concludes

He didn't need to use a Background Card to bring Cortana, like he would need to bring the others.

"No need to act nice... Let go of knocking down the people with stand and copying their abilities till only the important people remain." He says before dipping down and invading the house of Kishibe Rohan.


Italy's Hector

Yes, Hector doesn't put numbers in his incarnations because there's really no order or hierarchy. All are him and he is controlling the four bodies at the same time.

Maybe the one that he is giving more attention to is the one in Morioh and is also the one where Cortana's real body is resting on his heart. So that one can be considered the main one.

But it's more for convenience's sake. If you're holding four cell phones where you need to pay attention to answer some messages, there will be one that you will rest your gaze constantly, only shifting the focus to the others when something happens.

Italy's Hector, as his name is saying is floating above Italy with a huge stack of leaflets above his head. There is literally a mountain of papers being held by him telekinetically.

"Hello, today we are gonna do a speedrun on the Jojo world and I will teach you guys how to acquire all this world has to offer efficiently..." Italy's Hector jokes with a straight while flying around Italy raining leaflets

"If you have the chance to come to this world and have a limited time, you need to choose wisely the Part where you will arrive..." He says like he is teaching in a guide "If you have some biokinesis like Alex Mercer, just go to the Part Two and become the Ultimate Lifeform. No need to think much... But if you are a power grabber mother fucker like me, the Stands are what interests you."

"The part 3 stands are two simple, and the best power appears in the other Parts too. So don't go there. The best part to come is obviously Part Four... A bunch of stands concentrated in a small town, so even if you don't have the means to move Around the world like, you will hit big." Italy's Hector continues to fly around letting the leaflets fall down on Italy

"Another important thing to notice is that the Parts Four and Five are separated from less than two years, so depending on how longer you can stay here you can have two for the price of one." He stops after finally distributing the mountain of leaflets around Italy.

People on the street are confusingly staring at the ridiculous quantity of paper flying around. Almost everyone grabs one to read the contents.

"Now you must be wondering what I'm doing if I'm nothing going around copying some stands powers... You have to remember that the year is 1999. Information travels very slowly. Cortana can't help much in this world."

"I'm baiting the biggest fish of Part Five... The guy that erased almost everything about him. He has no identity, so how could I find him? Well, I can brute force through and search him in every hole of this country. Italy is not that big... But I only have 24 hours so let's make him move."

Hector holds one leaflet in his hand and looks at the content

"Diavolo, I know about you. Come to where you took that photo of Donatella or I will reveal you to the world" It's the words written in the leaflet that anyone in Italy can read now.

"Diavolo is worse than me with his identity... Use your meta-knowledge well against him. Ah, and there's no need to mind the big commotion... You are here for only a limited time anyway. Go big." Italy's Hector says continuing to act like he is teaching a tutorial

" 'But Italy's Hector, how do you know Diavolo will fall for that? What if he gets even more cautious and hole himself up or runs away from the country?' " He imitates someone's voice "Excellent question, dear viewer... He will believe it because I used two facts to convince him that I know about him. The name Donatella and the event of the photo... And why he will make a move?" Hector smirks

"Assumptions are dangerous things... Like how I act like I don't know about a lot of things happening in the Marvel world and let people plot while I stay still only observing and taking notes... Diavolo thinks that I don't know about Doppio. He will move as his other personality, he will feel safe this way like my enemies on Marvel feel safe scheming against me." His smirk widens

"Now I only need him to ride a train, ship or plane and Cortana will find him. Technology here is shit, but this much is possible..." Then Hector looks down and starts moving at high speed

"...and while he doesn't appear I can go grab the other stands!"


World's Hector

If the previous two Hectors are responsible in cover the two points of interest at this moment, Italy and Morioh. World's Hector will travel around the world to grab the things of others' Parts that exist at this moment...

For example, Pucci already exists, and many other stand users...

But these are side quests. World's Hector's two main quests are... grabbing the remnants of the two first Parts. The legacy of when Jojo was a more simple manga.

In a secluded and somewhat luxurious house, World's Hector moves like he owns the place till he is only a few feet away from the person he comes to meet.

"..." He pauses looking at the old man taking a nap in a reclining chair.

Joseph Joestar... Looking at this fragile old man brings mixed feelings to Hector. In some way, Hector accompanied this man's life history.

From an idiot. A youngster that would run away and call this a technique to an old man that would prank his grandson even after he only escaped from the hands of Death. An idiot always... But a likable idiot...

And now he is here... A senile old man.

Hector feels a little melancholy...

"The only Hamon user of this day that I know..." Hector comments before gently invading Joseph's mind and getting the knowledge he wants.

He also copies the power of his stand and Acthung Baby's one. Even if he doesn't think that is that useful to him.

"..." Now he can practice Hamon, but he doesn't leave immediately

After some thought, he puts his hand on the old man's head "A gift... For the good memories" He says slowly

After turning around he chuckles "From the ones of my childhood and the good image of Lisa Lisa now..." He smiles cheekily before disappearing to start his other mission.


Space Hector

Passing through the atmosphere, Space Hector pauses to look Around.

"This gonna me hard... " He uses all his powers to try to feel the surroundings before starting to fly away from the planet

There's another remnant of the Part Two beyond Joseph and Hamon.

The Ultimate Lifeform Kars is out there, in space...


Morioh's Hector

In a remote, but somewhat good, neighborhood of Morioh, a car stops at a traditional Japanese house.

A blonde man calmly leaves the car and finds himself surprised when he meets a teenager in his yard.

"...and you are?" Yoshikage Kira asks with a frown. His mind already running on a thousand possibilities.

The serial killer with a lot of secrets, who always tries to act inconspicuously will obviously get off the loop if someone appears at his home.

"It doesn't matter who I am... It matters who you are..." Hector says slowly, a smile growing on the edge of his mouth "I do know you... Your name is Yoshikage Kira. You're 33 years old. Your house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and you are not married. You work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and you get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. Don't smoke, but you occasionally drink. You're in bed by 11 PM, and makes sure to get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, you usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, you wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. You're told there were no issues at your last check-up. I understand that you're a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. You take care not to trouble yourself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause you to lose sleep at night. That is how you deal with society, and you know that is what brings you happiness. Although, you believe that if you were to fight you wouldn't lose to anyone." Hector says with a straight face

Every word said makes Yoshikage Kira's face gets uglier and uglier.

Seeing his exaggerated expression., Hector couldn't help but smirk

Then without any warning, Yoshikage Kira's stand Killer Queen is already advancing toward Hector to chop him.

"Heh~" He smirks when nothing hits him.

It took a second to Kira notice that instead of hands, only two bloody stumps remains on his arms.

His hands fall on the ground a second later.

"Knowing your hand fetish, I think this punishment very fitting..." Hector starts to walk calmly at him "And most of Stand's powers are activated with their hands, you know that? Not even The World Over Heaven escapes this limitation..." He stretches his hand towards the kneeling, and in pain, serial killer.

But he is interrupted, and turning around quickly he catches a flying photo that is holding an arrow.

"Finally showing yourself... Aah~, it's so easy when you know the people..." Hector comments while tearing the arrow from the hands of the old man in the picture and then unceremoniously burning it to cinders with blue flames.

"Now..." He slowly turns around to the now inoffensive serial killer "...time to pay."


"Is this the place, Jotaro-san?" Josuke Higashikata asks after him, Jotaro, Okuyasu and Koichi get out of the Vehicle.

"Don't look like the place where a bastard killer would live..." Okuyasu comments looking at the yard of the traditional Japanese residence "This guy must be loaded..."

"Well, that's the address that was written in the note..." Koichi says checking the paper again.

They crossed the stone path in the yard, finally arriving at the front facade of the house. There, they find someone...

"Koichi, you are truly a reliable guy." Hector says with a smile that only he understands. He is sitting on the steps of the front of the house nonchalantly, between his fingers he plays with an arrow.

"That's the arrow!" Okuyasu shouts pointing at him "Is he the guy??"

Jotaro doesn't say anything, he narrows his eyes looking at Hector. By his age, he can't be the serial killer.

"I knew that if you received a letter explaining everything you would go for Jotaro first, eventually joining everyone to come at me, without the need of me going after you guys. And then I could do other things..." Hector comments casually

His arm goes behind his back, everyone tenses seeing that. He pauses seeing their reactions and smiles reassuringly.

Slowly he retrieves what is behind him. Yoshikage Kira's head.

"This is the guy you are all searching for... You can ask the ghost girl later, or check the house now. There's a lot of evidence inside." He says putting the head at his side

Some make faces seeing the detached head, which looks like the rest of the body exploded.

"If he is the guy... Who are you??" Jotaro finally asks eyeing Hector

"..." Hector look at him. Thinking about the next world "You really have the drip, Jotaro-san." He jokes and his stand, D4C, leaves his body.

Everyone tenses again, they stands ready, but D4C doesn't move.

"I don't want to fight..." Hector comments "Let me put some good faith by showing my stand."

Then he continues "It could sound... bizarre. Heh. But I'm not from here. From this universe. My stand allows me to travel multiple realities and I come here to meet you guys..." He says Half-truths


"The World, The Hand, and Crazy Diamond... I want to copy these powers so that I can protect my world better. Can you guys allow it? I assure you all that there's no loss." He extends his hands and smiles innocently



"That's it? Okay then..." Josuke says easily.

The people around look at him. Even Hector looks at him strangely before throwing himself back to laugh.

"Josuke-san, I don't know if is a good idea to agree that easily... We should make sure first." Koichi comments

Hector stops laughing and after a long breath to stabilize himself he says "You're a nice guy Josuke... And sorry Koichi, I don't have much time. I could say some things to Jotaro-san to make him believe in me a little. Like the fact, I know that he read a diary in Egypt about reaching the heaven... I even know the content... The sacrifices, the coordinates..." Hector says slowly

"Enough." Jotaro interrupts him and frowns.

He prefers to not involve the rest of his group in this subject

Hectos smiles in understanding and says "I can give some valuable information in exchange for the copy of your powers. As a guy that can travel multiple realities, knowledge is something that I don't lack" He comments.

"I don't trust you... there's a lot of holes in your story." Jotaro says seriously. He can feel that Hector is being truthful in some way, but he also can notice some hidden intentions.

Hector sighs "As expected... And I can't blame you guys either. I also wouldn't agree that easily. This is why I need to be sneaky when copying powers..." He then stands up slowly "Sorry but I can't back down on it..."

Hector looks at them, any playfulness now gone. Invisible pressure assaults all four of them "It appears that in the end, we will solve this with our fists."

Once again, everyone prepares themselves for a battle.

Hector eyes them "As expected of Jotaro, you really have a great Battle IQ. Already judged that my stand is good at close combat, so you stay close to these rocks so that you can throw at me to create an opening during the world of stopped time."


"And also keeping yourself in the range to help and be helped by your allies..." Hector claps "But the Jotaro that I know wouldn't back down from a fistfight either, right?"


Hector then started to slowly walk toward Jotaro "We can't beat the shit out of each other without getting close, Jotaro..." He smirked while approaching

"...! You know a lot..." Jotaro comments and adjust his hat before slowly starting to walk in Hector's direction too.

Hector's smile widens. He is living in the moment right now. He can't even bear to end this "fight" fast.

When they reach the two-meter distance from each other, their stands move from their bodies and advance to crash fists.

*Bang*A small shockwave is generated by the contact.

And as standard, they exchange a thousand of punches in some seconds

D4C is silent while Star Platinum shouts "Ora" with each punch.

"!" But Jotaro notices something is wrong...

Cracks are appearing on the knuckles of Star Platinum!

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap... The stand of the main villain of the Part Seven. His stats are equal to Star Platinum, all of them are "A" with a range of 2 meters.

But in the beginning, in the next day after Hector gained the Gacha he tested a Power Boost Card in D4C to see if it could awaken [Love Train], an ability that D4C only awakened later in special circumstances.

The test was a failure. There, Hector discovered that it takes some cards to something have a "breakthrough" and "evolve".

But the card was not wasted! It increased all physical abilities of D4C including its range, now it can go as far as 5 meters.

If before, D4C was on the same level as Star Platinum, now he can completely overwhelm Jotaro's stand.

Jotaro himself is surprised, only another stand could be equal to Star Platinum physically (and he thinks Crazy Diamond has the same potential).

He judges that he was going to lose...

"Start Platinum: The World!" he doesn't hold back anymore.

From the gem on Star Platinum's forehead, a time wave expands and clock noises are heard by Jotaro before the world goes completely still.

Now he can end this... It's what he thinks.

"Interesting..." He hears a voice that he shouldn't have heard in this world that belongs only to him.

Right there, an impossible sight is presented to his eyes.

The youngster is moving normally!

Even the youngster looks surprised by the development. The youngster's appearance also changed.

"I don't fear your power to stop time because you can't hurt me anyway..." He says calmly while looking at his own hands "But this is an interesting development..."

Right now, Hector's hair is white, only the edges maintaining a darker color. His eyes are brilliant purple and there are golden marks below his eyes and arms.

"Static Void... The Trump card of Arthur Leywin." Hector says calmly "It shouldn't be possible with this level of assimilation... But was forcefully activated as a defense mechanism. Like when you put your hands in front of your face to stop a fall..." he says

He looks at the percentage assimilation going up fast and smiles.

"It's rare when I like surprises... By the way, these five seconds are lasting too much... Typical Jojo moment." He laughs before attacking.


Koichi fell on his butt seeing the scene before him.

All of his friends lay defeated while the enemy stands tall and victorious

"Heh, this guy pulled me by erasing space to fucking kick me in the face. Hehe, I don't hate idiots like you, Okuyasu." He laughs while touching the delinquent-looking guy.

After the time stopped and Hector one-shot Jotaro, he made quick work of the rest.

"Don't worry, they will wake up in some minutes. These guys are resilient and have a lot of willpower." Hector turns to Koichi and then he appears before him like he teleported... No...

Like he stopped time...

"Heh~ I'm liking this power already." He says before crouching down to pat the head of Koichi "Now it's proved that I don't have bad intentions, right?"


"Here, gives this to Jotaro when he wakes up, it's about the legacy of Dio." Hector delivers a paper

"..." Koichi doesn't know if he should trust him this time

"Bye-bye, Koichi. In another timeline, we will be friends..." Hector starts to walk away and waves his hand. "Ah! Tell Jotaro to spend more time with his daughter. Who knows if she will end up in jail or something~ There's more to life than dolphins~"

Koichi watches Hector moves away in a good mood. He is even singing to himself "Ocean man ♪ Take me by the hand ♪ Lead me to the land that you understand ♪"


"♪ Ocean man, the voyage to the corner of the globe ♪ Is a real trip ♪" Hector sings to himself while walking on the streets of Morioh.

The Stand Arrow being twirled by his fingers.

He is in a good mood by being able of acquiring good powers and even met interesting people, even if the circumstances are not ideal.

"Now I have another countermeasure against the Infinity Gauntlet... Only the Reality Stone continues tricky." He says while thinking "I need to test if those powers will work properly in my universe too..."

He continues to walk away casually, just to make sure that he took every interesting power here.

"I already went on the Trattoria Trussardi to take Pearl Jam powers and went for Kishibe to Heaven's Door. There's some shit stands too, but not interested..." He goes over the list again "Now, I need to make a decision..." He says and looks down at his hand.

He looks at the Stand Arrow with a pensive expression

"..." After a long time, he shrugs his shoulders "Whatever! It's too risky. I can gain powers easily, what if comes a bad Stand like that one that stays on your back and the one of the tower. Or I could die... hehe, would be so shitty." He says and puts the arrow away

He continues to walk calmly to the streets till...

"As fucking if!" He retrieves the arrow and holds it ready to stab his other hand "I'm not that much of a pussy! Since I went from the My Hero Academia world I decided to not rely only on the Gacha!"

His face becomes fierce and a dangerous glint appears in his eyes at the gamble. "I will seek my own power! Mine! I will make my own magic! All others are only the foundation! I'm not Batman or any other guy! I'm Hector goddamit, bring it on!"

He stabs himself with all his strength, the arrow going deep into his palm.

He feels like he has just been electrocuted.

Something spread through his body... Going even further and spreading through his mind too...

He observes the bizarre situation of the arrow practically dissolving to enter in his hand, passing through his wrist.

"It's a one-time use only?" He feels his eyes heavy "Maybe has a limited durability like items in games..."

He can't keep himself awake. He only has the presence of mind to teleport to an abandoned house before falling to the ground. His energies going haywire in his body, like there's a fierce fight.

"It's better... to be... a fucking godly stand..." It's the last thing he murmurs before falling asleep.

In the ground, a grey aura envelops his body...

And a towering figure slowly appears behind his back.


Around the world and space, all other bodies also fall asleep.

They only have time to seek a safe place.



Hector's body in Morioh spasms for a second before he sits straight in the next second.

"...For how long I slept?" He asks while cracking his neck.

"Exactly one hour, Master." Cortana answers. She used one of the countermeasures to 'shook' him awake or out of some control. "I don't know if I did good..." She was indecisive for some time.

Not knowing if waking him up would mess up with the process.

"You did well... It took some time, indeed. I was half-conscious during the whole thing. It was like something scanned my very being to give me the stand. My desires, will, dreams, personality... I unconsciously resisted at first." He comments while looking at himself

"So it went well?" Cortana asks, still a little unsure.

At this point, a big grin splits Hector's face

"It's the fucking jackpot of my travel here! Finally, I have..." He pauses dramatically and laughs "STANDO POWAH!!" And his stand appears over his shoulder.


World's Hector, Central America

A ball of Earth crumbles revealing Hector that made a quick defense to himself when he noticed that he was going unconscious

"Ugh... I lost a little of time" He dust himself before continuing to scan the ruins. This is already the 12th one and he already investigated dozens of underground caves.

He moves and moves... Went all around the world, using X-ray vision to look at everything where there was a remote chance of him finding what he is Looking for.

"Tch... Did the Speedwagon Foundation get rid of all of them? It's possible, they have almost 60 years of headstart." He murmurs while passing through some hidden temple. "Oh!"

Hector appears surprised before he moves fast, appearing in front of a wall. He phases through it, appearing above a tunnel that goes even more underground.

He laughs when he flies down hundred meters, finally arriving in a small space. His vision can pierce through the darkness, in truth he doesn't even need his eyes. With En, he can feel everything.

He extends his hand to retrieve the object before teleporting away.

Now, high in the sky he reappears holding the famous Stone Mask from the Jojo world. The thing capable of turning people into vampires.

"Calcium? And other materials that I don't recognize... Is this made of the bones of the Pillar men? And maybe some meteorites..." he analyzes the ugly thing.

To be even more sure, he cuts his finger and smears the mask with a little of blood.


Spikes sprout from the mask, anyone seeing that would think that this is a killer object.

"One step closer..." Hector says before putting the mask away

The mission of this body is complete. He even met Pucci and other people...

"But let's continue to look around till the end of the time. Maybe I can find more things." He disappears again.


Space Hector

Hector sighs in space...

His hand is behind his back and he looks like he is relaxing.

'The mission failed...' He thinks in resignation.

Kars's body is nowhere to be found.

'It's obvious, but space is huge... If Kars left Earth's magnetic field, he could be lightyears away from here...'

Earth is also moving at ridiculous speeds in a certain direction, relativity says the why we don't feel it. If Kars's initial propulsion moved him away from it and he is now going in the opposite direction...

Almost 60 years of flying without anything to hinder his path. No air resistance, nothing...

And Kars turned himself into a rock, so Hector can't feel his lifeforce and top ut the last nail on the coffin...

...He stopped thinking. So Hector can't even try to feel his mind with his Omega-level telepathy.

Luck and destiny it's not by his side on this.

Hector is sad, but somewhat he is tranquil too.

He remembers some quotes from a novel of his other life.

Fang Yuan from the novel Reverend Insanity, said something about the unpredictability of life...

'Man proposes and the Heavens disposes... Life is unpredictable but this is why life is interesting. Even this helplessness when things don't go your way has its charm...'

Hector smiles serenely.

'It's okay... I only need to use a ticket to come back here in the future. Maybe even join Joseph and save Caesar... Maybe even become Joseph's stepfather." He laughs before flying back to the planet.

Maybe he is looking for a reason to come back here and enjoy some bizarre adventure.


Italy Hector

Giorno Giovanna, it's not having a gold experience right now.

He just tried to scam a tourist in his taxi. But when he took off with the man's luggage... The man was suddenly inside the car like nothing happened.

He is sweating looking at the man calmly sitting on the back of the car.

With his legs crossed, the man asks "Why did you stop?"

"The traffic..." Giorno says pointing to the cars stopped in front of him

"There's a lot of space on the sidewalk..." Hector points

"!" 'Did he wants me to... run over the pedestrians?' Giorno thinks

Hector then laughs "Sorry, just messing with you. A little revenge for what your Father Did to Senator Philips the last good politician... The guy paid 50 times more in taxes than an ordinary person. That was rare."

This only confuses Giorno further, but he doesn't have time to think before he was put to sleep.

"Heh, he still doesn't know but he has his stand... Like Trish, he has since he is a child but still didn't manifest." Hector says before starting to copy the life-giver powers of Golden Experience.

Giorno is born in 1985. In the year of 1987, due to Dio's influence, everyone from the Joestar bloodline awakened their stand. It's the whole plot of Part 3.

The Crusaders have to go save Jotaro's mother.

So Giorno has the stand, but he still doesn't know it.

"If I remember well, he must awaken this in a year. Thanks for the ride." Hector leaves after giving a big tip and waking up the confused Giorno.


In the streets of the city of Sardinia, a pink-haired man walks nervously Around.

Doppio finally used a plane to move and he has been found out.

He looks around, biting his nail, like he is afraid of anyone jumping on him.

Then he heard someone calling him at his side "Hey dude, there's a phone call to you..." A young man says to him and gives him a rock the size of a hand.

"Oh yeah? Thank you..." Doppio completely ignores the fact that this is a rock and took it like it's a phone and put it on his ear "Hello?"

The surprising thing is that someone really answers him "Doppio! This is the enemy! Run away now!" The boss shouts in an alarmed tone

"!" Doppio quickly looks to the one who gives him the rock/phone

Hector stands there with a big smile, thinking this is very funny. "Your schizophrenia warned you of the truth because only I could know that. Heh."

Doppio throws the rock/phone at Hector and runs away.

Hector watches him push people to escape without doing anything "The guy is even more paranoic than me... In his mind, he could've killed me from this distance, but he don't want to do it in the middle of the street." Hector starts leisurely following him

He calculated and knows that he has time to spare.

Doppio runs for his life till he is in a secluded part of the city, close to a Cliff that has a view of the beach.

He breathes hard and holds his chest.

"This is the place that you choose for your eternal rest?" he hears a voice at his side. He quickly turns around to see Hector standing there calmly "The view is beautiful at least. The sun is rising..."

"You..." Doppio starts saying, but Hector seems to teleport away to some distance.

The distance is just far enough so that Doppio can't reach him in 10 seconds.

Seeing Doppio's face, Hector smirks "Why don't you let the boss come out? I think I will feel better if I don't beat a mentally ill dude..."

Then something amazing happens to Hector. Doppio also seems to disappear... Doppio disappears and Diavolo appears at half the distance from Hector.

"Oh~" Hector's eyes widen at this bullshit ability. In the corner of his eye, he can see the digital clock in his HUD. 'He erased 5 seconds of time... So the cooldown will be only 5 seconds, then he will erase 10 to reach me and end me in one move.' Hector analyzes 'He already considered that I know about his stand and is using small moves to give me a small sense of security...'

But Hector still doesn't make a move and just looks at the villain of Part 5.

"A psychoanalyst would have a field day with you... Two personalities and your body change greatly when shifting from one to another. Bone structure, muscle mass, hair, eyes... Truly... Bizarre. Heh."

Five seconds passed. Diavolo didn't say anything and also didn't move.

"?" Hector tilts his head "Oh yeah, you can see the future... You saw that your attack didn't work, huh?"

Diavolo starts to sweat profusely.

Of all the people that Hector met, he maybe was the first that truly understand how fucked he was when face to face with this monster.

It's a little funny seeing such a terrifying villain acting like that.

To Diavolo, he was seeing all possible futures. Fighting, running away, begging for mercy... And in all of them only reserves despair to him.

His ability to erase time for 10 seconds looks so limited now. He can't run far enough... There's nothing of him to do.

"If you're not coming..." Hector says before appearing just a foot away from Diavolo.

In fright, the villain activates King Crimson and goes to the world of erased time.

All the sounds disappear while he looks at this monster. He erased time only fast enough to see Hector's stand come out.

Hector's true stand.

A humanoid figure emerges from Hector and extends his hand at Diavolo's neck.

The stand color scheme is white, black, and blue. It looks like a human, like Star Platinum. His skin and eyes are blue, his tight-fitting clothes are with, and some points, of what looks like a protections, are black.

His cloth on the Upper body covers all of his torso and lower face but leaves his arms exposed. And in his lower body, he has a waist cape and a protection in the middle.

The stand is muscular like Eidolon, and on the top of his head a white crown-like thing, that looks like horns as much that looks like an angelic halo adorns his features.

The halo is broken in the Middle, and this is what made it look like horns that envelop his head.

Diavolo moves out of the way to escape the stand grip but something surprises him

The stand sky blue eyes follow him in this world.


Luckily, the body of the stand doesn't follow like his eyes. But it looks like the stand is aware of Diavolo's presence.

Diavolo doesn't know, but this is the result of Hector's high spiritual awareness and Spider-sense...

Diavolo circles Hector cautiously, he needs to time it right. He can only strike people after he used his ability. He will strike even if the future is bleak.

Things go back to normal, and the arm of King Crimson drops down on a chop at Hector's neck.

But Hector's stand acts faster than the eye can see and grabs King Crimson's wrist.

"Neat, huh?" Hector turns his head to look at Diavolo's scrunched face "Sorry but King Crimson is no match..."

Hector's stand color scheme is White, Black, and Blue.

White like the clouds, black like the night, and blue like the clear sky.

"... to my [Mr. Blue Sky]." Hector says his choice of a name.

Then the body of Mr. Blue Sky morphs, becomes elastic, and goes around King Crimson like a snake, impeding the stand to move.

"Your next words will be: 'Elasticity? Is this the power of your Stand?' "

"Elasticity? Is this the power of your Stand? !!" Diavolo says and stops himself in surprise

"You're not the only one that can see the future." Hector smirks

Diavolo uses King Crimson again. During the world of erased time, he is untouchable. King Crimson phases out the grip of Mr. Blue Sky.

Diavolo put some distance between him and Hector.

When his ability ends, both the eyes of Hector and of Mr. Blue Sky are already looking at Diavolo.

"...guh!" The man is gritting his teeth already.

"It's not elasticity..." Hector says. He is still acting casually. "Not only elasticity..."

Hector's fingers go to his chin and he looks pensive "Maybe I could surrender myself to the ways of this world and reveal my ability. Will make no difference anyway..."

Mr. Blue Sky moves his arms at Diavolo...

Diavolo with much effort tries to move out of the way, after seeing the future.

But in the next instant, the attack already happened and his legs are falling far away from his body.

He is breathing hard, seeing hope diminish at each second.

"That's the first ability of Mr. Blue Sky... [My Way]." Hector says while walking calmly to Diavolo "He can use my powers." It's all the explanation that he gives.

He looks very happy.

But Diavolo's face blanks.

"Hahaha. You truly don't understand! I think is natural..." Hector laughs them sighs to himself "Let me rephrase it... Mr. Blue Sky can tap all of my powers and he has physical stats compared to me..."


"He can fight by my side. If I stop time for 5 seconds, when it's over he stops time more 5 seconds... He can overlap my body to give me a boost." Hector Steps on Diavolo's chest.

"It's a fucking boost of almost 100% in my overall strength, Diavolo. Don't you fucking understand how big this is??? I'm twice strong now!"


Stand: Mr. Blue Sky

Namesake: "Mr. Blue Sky" - Electric Light Orchestra)


Destructive Power: ???

Speed: ???

Range: C (2m)

Durability: ???

Precision: ???

Development Potential: ∞


First Ability:

My Way – Born from Hector's tendency of doing everything by himself. The Stand can replicate all of Hector's powers and he grows with Hector too, albeit it takes time to catch up.


• It can't replicate magic and other power systems, like jutsus.

• Don't have aura, mana, and other energies by himself, still used Hector's reserves.

Namesake: My Way - Frank Sinatra

"♪ …For what is a man, what has he got? ♪ If not himself then he has naught ♪"


Second Ability:

??? - ???


Hector sighs "Haah~ I wasted my hype with you." Mr. Blue Sky moves and now removes Diavolo's arms "Now you're a turd too..."

This way, it doesn't matter if he used his ability to erase time, there's nothing more he can do.

Without losing more time, Mr. Blue Sky goes and touches Diavolo's head. This is another good thing, the stand can use [Power Manipulation] for Hector. Very useful to be sneaky.

But Hector still needs to be careful, because he made some tests in the Marvel Universe and noticed that some people can feel stands.

Many minutes later Mr. Blue Sky stops.

And without another word, Hector starts leaving.

"You still don't have the Requiem Arrow, too bad... But I have a hunch that I couldn't use right now, anyway." Hector eyes his own stand. "There's always Power Boost cards..."

Diavolo continues to stay on the ground immobile 'That's it? He will not care about me anymor-?'

"Another one bites the dust..." It's the last thing he hears before he explodes.


"Mr. Blue Sky: King Crimson..." Hector murmurs before the world changes around him.

He looks around seeing these changes and tries to feel what he can impact. He is trying to understand how King Crimson truly works.

Hector erases time once, but nothing seemed to change. People don't even notice.

Then he sees a cliche occurrence of a girl almost being isekai'ed by a truck.

He erases time, and the world changes... His senses sharpen and everything appears to move slowly.

He approaches the inevitable accident.

The girl is paralyzed while the truck approaches her. If Hector does nothing, when the erasing time ended, no one will see the moment of impact. Only the girl as a pool of gore.

"I see..." Hector extends his hand and punches the girl.

Not at the girl, at the moment of the impact f the truck on her. He punched that second... He punched time.

Like a mirror reality cracked...

In the street, everyone is wide-eyed. The girl is still paralyzed in the same place, but untouchable.

The truck is many meters away from her, no the truck already passed her. It's possible to see marks in the asphalt of the tires and some places that the truck hit before stopping in a wall.

"Wha-what just happened?" Someone murmurs in disbelief

"A miracle..."

In another part of the city, Hector sits on a bench close to the beach.

"I understand now... I can choose what is erased..." He comments looking at his palm.

Then a smile blossom on his face

"Erasing time..."

"Manipulate cause and effect..."

"Alter fate..."

"So that's is..." He says with a smirk splitting his face

But is Mr. Blue Sky's deep voice that finishes "...King Crimson no nouryoku."

Like Emma Frost once said, Eidolon's enemies don't have enough imagination to measure him.

No one but Cortana is witness to the growth of this monster.

No one knows his depths, and they will be for a hell of a surprise.


A.N.: Hello there

A gacha half joking and half serious.

First of all, let me say. Hector will not summon not even 80% of those women. I just want to see how down-bad you guys are.

A little spoiler: In the future, he will gain the mechanic of recycling 3 cards for a new.

So you guys know where cards like Shou Tucker and the Joker will go.

It's only that. This chapter is too big anyway.

Next chapter... The true travel arc.

next chapter
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