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52.5% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 40: Growth and Summons, Again

Bab 40: Growth and Summons, Again

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"[...] he's the devil. You know, he is smarter than you, he is luckier than you. Whatever you think is supposed to happen, I'm telling you, the exact reverse opposite of that is gonna happen, okay?"

-Jesse Pinkman


Third Person P.O.V.

Little Flashback

Four days after the Invasion

"... a good man, a good father, and husband. Alexander Belluci is everything and more..."

Hector held back a scoff hearing the word of the one conducting the funeral of his uncle.

'Kill a man and still send him flowers...' Hector muses to himself as he keeps a sad face at the funeral of the man who is still being held in a dark room on the Infinity Castle.

"Are you okay, Hector?" Christine Palmer asks from the side. She is following him. Publicly, Hector doesn't have anyone close to him in New York other than Christine and Isabella.

"I... I don't know." Hector speaks with a trembling voice "First my parents and now my uncle... I'm even asking myself if I'm cursed..." Hector looks at his hands before bringing them to his face. Hiding his "sad" expression.

"No! No! Don't think like that. All of this is a series of unfortunate events, the invasion in special, none of this is your fault." Christine hugs Hector by his shoulder and brings him close.

Their exchange is also heard by some people nearby, these people can't help but shake their heads and sympathize with the youngster. He's only 16 years old and already lost so much.

"Uncle Alex had called me the day before the invasion to tell me that he wanted to teach me all the in and outs of the hospital..." Hector speaks weakly "Who would have thought it would be our last conversation..." He speaks in a heart aching voice.

"It's okay, Hector..." Christine doesn't know what to do other than soothingly caressing Hector's shoulder.

After the end of the ceremony, Hector goes to give his condolences to the direct family of Alexander.

Alexander has a somewhat beautiful wife and two children, a man in his middle twenties and a girl of Hector's age. Hector investigated, the girl is not Alexander's daughter. The couple cheats on each other constantly.

Observing the fake tears of the wife, Hector gives his condolences and says goodbye.

These people are not his family.


On the next day after the funeral, Hector finds himself in a meeting with the administrative group of the hospitals.

He's not talking anything, just observing. And the people here are ignoring him most of the time. After the usual bootlicking in the beginning, no one believes that Hector knows anything about business.

'A fair assumption' Hector thinks, as he studies the numbers. Not surprised for certain things not adding up. There's embezzlement, obviously.

Alexander is the one that made it easy, but he had help. He has accomplices.

"Gentlemen…" Hector begins, interrupting a discussion about expanding an area of ​​the hospital to increase the number of beds for emergencies. Now that big disasters can happen at any time, is something worth discussing.

"I want you all to do two things." Hector continue, his voice calm. "The first thing is to give a big discount to all the people who were brought to the hospital because of the Incident. And when I say 'big discount' I mean cut our profits to zero." Hector finishes to voices of protest.

He let them talk for a while without changing expression before interrupting again "Gentlemen, what era are we currently living in?" Everyone looks a little perplexed by the out-of-context question.

"Is the age of heroes, if none of you has noticed. The age where goodness is praised and exalted. We will follow the example first, it will bring long-term benefits. And it's not like we are in the red." Hector finishes.

When the rest of the people start to discuss PR moves Hector interrupts again. "There's no need to make a fuss over it either." He attracts everyone's attention again "Just do it and be discreet. Someone will do the PR for us. Will look even more authentic."

They understand. It's easy for someone just posts a comment about how the hospital didn't charge anything for treatment. With the healthcare of America, it won't be long before this act of generosity is noticed by the public.

"Now, the second thing..." Hector lifts a sheet of paper from the top with two fingers "I have here, the proof that some of you guys are stealing from the hospitals." Hector says to everyone's shock.

"I already know who." Hector says to gulps of the people there.

"I will give you a chance to solve this without further conflict. The people who participated in this scheme have this week to come to me to confess. You will give back the money, and I will accept your letter of resignation. No legal repercussions." Hector's eyes grow cold.

"Fail to do this, I will have to be a little more... forceful. Your names will be smeared. And I will see to it that none of you will be employed anywhere in this country." Hector doesn't elaborate further. He gets up and leaves the room without looking at the executive board.

This move is good because the people don't know how much Hector knows. Maybe someone that escaped Hector's clutches will give himself.


Lawyer Darrow P.O.V.

Well, life is full of unexpected twists.

Who knew Hector would have any business acumen?

Some of the executives contacted me to find out whether or not Hector is bluffing. And as Hector instructed me, I told them that he actually had solid proof that he acquired with his "dear uncle Alexander".

Hah. Only I know that the two of them never care for each other. But Hector is selling the image that they are very close and all the proof was acquired by Alexander.

So, to everyone, Alexander has planned to backstab everyone, but unfortunately, he died before moving on with his actions. Now Hector is the one with the evidence and he has no dirt to be used against him, he can't be blackmailed or persuaded.

Sitting in front of Hector's desk, I'm ignored while he types something on the computer and checks some documents. I notice him smirking when he looks at the contract with Frost Pharmaceuticals.

Finding the silence uncomfortable, I decided to start a conversation

"Good plan, I'm surprised you actually got evidence in such a short time." I say, and he just nods without even looking at me. "Aren't you worried that if Alexander shows up, he will be able to deny everything?" I continue.

They never found Alexander's body, only an arm and a little pool of blood. While the odds are slim, it's not zero. Maybe he is only missing, like thousands of other people.

"You can rest easy..." Hector says calmly and nonchalantly "... he will never appear again." He says and finally gives me a look.

I feel a shiver in my body.

How is he so sure? Did he have anything to do with Alexander's apparent death?

No. It's not possible.

And then a thought appears in my mind. Did Hector get in touch with the criminal boss Alexander did business with? Did the criminal boss conclude that Hector would be a more easily manipulated partner and cut relations with Alexander? And used the chaos of the invasion to end his life?

But looking at Hector's dead eyes I wonder who is manipulating who.

"Here, wait for a little till bring this to light" Hector handed me a paper.


Alexander will, signed by him. Reading quickly, I notice that any share of the hospitals has been transferred to Hector.

"Yes... Now if you excuse me" I say before getting up.

This child is a fucking psychopath. How his mother, that is a good woman to the point of being considered naive, raised this monster?


Third Person P.O.V

Hector is walking around the hospital to familiarize himself with it.

He is not pleased that he did not bring his uncle's crimes to light.

But destroying Alexander's reputation is smearing the family and the hospital's reputation too. So Hector will allow Alexander to be remembered as a good person. With the exception of people who knew him personally.

Alexander will die, and Hector's grudge will die with him. "Interest should prevail over personal feelings", is something that All for one told him.

Passing the Oncology Ward, he stops in front of the Pediatric Oncology common room.

He stops and looks a little absentmindedly at the children there.

He takes a deep breath and gives a self-deprecating chuckle. No one knows what he is thinking.

At this moment, he remembers the lyrics of one of his favorite music in his last life: "In your hands, there's a touch that can heal, But in those same hands, is the power to kill".

(A.N.: Music "Man or a Monster" from Sam Tinnesz. A good music that I think combines very well with the MC morality. You guys can consider this one of his themes. Hehe.)

"Found you" Hector hears Christine Palmer's voice beside him.

"Aunt Chris...Lovely as Always." Hector greets her with a smile.

She smiles at him too. "Be careful Boss, I can sue you for sexual harassment" She says joking. But also as a lesson. To her, Hector is a normal teenage boy with too much on his shoulders. She is worried that he would do something that he will deeply regret.

Hector raises his hands in surrender in a fake panic tone "Please don't cancel me."

"Cancel?" Shes asks confused

"Heh... It's good that this expression is still not popular." Hector mutters before changing the subject "So... what brings you here?" He asks.

"I just want to check on you." She says honestly.

"Huhu. You're a good person, Aunt Chris. Be careful to don't to be taken advantage of." Hector says before turning around again to look at the room with the kids.

"I'm the one that should be worried about you." She says with fake outrage before focusing on where Hector is looking. Her face became gloom. Anyone's mood would dampen seeing the situation that the children are in.

"Aunt Chris... if you could save these children at the cost of great personal loss. You would do it? And I'm talking about great, great loss." Hector asks without taking his eyes off the children.

"Yes." Christine Palmer responds without hesitation.

"Without hesitation, huh?As expected..." Hector gives another self-deprecating chuckle.

Christine looks at Hector confused till he explains. "I will graduate early from high school, and go to college. I have planned to focus on genetics and make seek a cure for incurable diseases. This was my dream. But this will take time and effort" Hector says.

"I see." She says, realizing that Hector was probably talking about choosing between being a rich businessman or focusing on medicine.

His family legacy or his dream.

"Life is filled with hard choices, Hector." Aunt Chris touches his shoulder "is not fair that you have to decide so early. Do what you want. I will support you." She says.

Hector looks at her and smiles. "Thank you, that means a lot to me."


Back to the present, Third Person P.O.V.

"Ng~ That's the spot~ Right there, but harder~ Put more strength in that girl!" Shego moans while lying down nude.

"Can you stop with that??" Helena asks exasperated, equally nude. Only the tower covers her bottom while she is lying on her stomach. "You're making the woman uncomfortable."

It's true, the masseuse is blushing heavily.

"She is accustomed to that." Shego replied nonchalantly.

Isabella, Helena and Shego are enjoying their weekend in the spa.

As a fact, the Zeta Space Station has a spa. But there's no staff, so is currently unavailable to use.

The Resort Spa that the three are currently at is an expensive one in Germany. Usually used by rich and famous people. There are several facilities and services available.

The spa is even separated by the gender of the staff. After all, some people are not secure in their bodies and don't want to show it to the opposite gender. The opposite can be true as well.

The three are now in the female-only part because Isabella doesn't feel comfortable showing her body to a man, even if it is possible to use a swimsuit. The other two has similar thoughts.

"We should rent a sports car and go crazy on the Autobahn later." Shego speaks to the other two.

The Other two don't disagree. They are not staying only in the spa. Shego dragged Helena and Isabella to go shopping and spend money.

The Victoria's Secret shop is an eye-opener for Isabella. And Shego even visited an "adult store".

"To surprise that emotionless bastard. Let's see how he resists this." Shego had said showing the see-through crotchless lingerie. And she even forced some things on Isabella too.

"A maid should use a garter belt."

Now that Shego is finally free, she is going all out.


Helena P.O.V.

Why does she need to make everything difficult?

Watching the three masseuses leave the room to leave us alone, I decide to relax and ignore anything Shego might say or do.

The bitch is starting to grow on me, but she can be obnoxious at times.

She remembers me a little of certain people in my home universe. Like the fusion of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

"..." If Hector has the opportunity to bring Harley Quinn here, I need to stop him at any cost. She and Shego can't meet, the universe will implode from the pure chaotic energy.

Remembering my home universe always leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

Not that I'm missing anyone there, I don't have many attachments, but...

"I'm going to take a bath and go to the sauna." Shego interrupts my thoughts as she stands up, not caring about her nudity.

I decide to go with her, Isabella following us.


Still Helena P.O.V.

"So, all my brothers made this hero team and everyone expect me to join. For a time I indulge them, but it grows boresome... So I've ditched them and obeyed the pull from the villain side." Shego shares with us her experiences.

The three of us are sharing the sauna. Only us here. Isabella retrieved a black box that isolates the sound and blocks any listening device. I don't think it's necessary, but she follows Hector's instructions to the letter.

"And you, Bella? Or did you prefer Isa? Tell us about your life before coming here." Shego turns to the maid.

"Is not a nice story." Isabella says simply with her eyes closed. Enjoying the sauna.

"Oh, C'mon! Tell us... Oh~ You have a surprisingly huge rack." Shego says before her eyes are drawn to Isabella's breasts. Yes, you can't say because of the clothes, but they're big.

Covering her breasts, Isabella decides to humor Shego. "I ran an orphanage. That's in truth was a farm to grow children like cattle to give to the demons that dominate the world that I live." She deadpanned

Oookay. Why did Hector called her the "Neutral" one again? She must have her circumstances then. Demons controlled her world? Slavery? Damn, that's dark.

"Damn, that's dark." Shego mirror my thoughts "From 0 to 100 very fast. Well, I know that there's nothing to fear from you... I'm already an adult." Shego is great at making things even more awkward.

"And you? Tell us your story." She says turning to me.

"There's nothing to talk about." I say simply.

"Hey, is this because your universe was destroyed? At least you're alive, right? Go on, tell us how it happens... It helps to overcome trauma. I read in some place." She says. I doubt she's really worried about me. Just curious.

"There's nothing to talk about." I repeat myself, seeing her roll her eyes and go to rest the case, I for some reason decide to continue. "Because I don't know how it happens..."

"Huh?" She and Isabella look at me confused.

"Heh... What? Do you think that I'm in the thick of the apocalypse? Fighting the end of times with my hero's companions? No, I was not" I say with my eyes hard and clenching my fist. "I wasn't even qualified to fight whatever threat ended my universe. I didn't even know the universe was ending until it… ended."

"In a moment I'm minding my own business and in another, I'm floating in a white void. Dead... And then I was taken by Hector's power."

"And then I'm here." I say raising my arms.

"This is it. There's no epic battle. No last stand. Just the powerless me, that has no right to change anything." I confess

In my other world, everyone always thinks "The justice League will solve it" or "This is a problem to Superman." Well, they failed.

And because of this, I like Hector's methods. He is trying to encompass everything. No blind spots. Giving nothing to chance.

I just need to make sure that he doesn't go on a dark path.

I talked about it with him, but he dissuaded my fears.


(Little Flashback)

I watch Hector leave the room where his uncles are. His face was stony. I don't know what he did inside, and I don't want to know.

"How are you?" I ask.

He looks at me, and his stoicism disappears. A knowing smile grows on his face.

"Worried about me?" He asks smugly. And before I can answer he asks again. "Or worried about what I can become?" He says approaching.

Getting very close, he laughs and puts a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"If you're afraid that I will go into a spiral of bad decisions that will make me a monster. Relax... I'm not that easily swayed." He says with a deep chuckle.

"This is what everyone says. They never think that something will happen with them, till it happens." I answer.

"You're absolutely right" He says simply to my surprise. "But I can assume that you're saying that from experience. Superman and batman don't do the things that I do. And they're the best of us all. The example to follow in this aspect. But you want to know why you can't lump me over with them?" He asks looking into my eyes.

It's always interesting that we can have this talk about my world universe.

"Stop acting mysterious and go to the point."

"Alright, alright. Let me tell you first about Batman. In truth, he is as crazy as the Joker." He says making my eyes narrow.

"Let me elaborate... A billionaire decides to dress up as a bat to fight crime. Only for this is possible to know that he is a little... strange. But the process... To become the great Batman" Hector makes a hissing sound "He tortured himself. He thinks he deserves punishment. He feels responsible for the death of his parents."

"But that's not the point. The point is his code." Hector holds up two fingers "Don't use guns and not kill anyone."

"The scorn for guns comes from the fact that is the weapon that killed his parents. And the 'no killing rule'..." Hector doesn't finish, waiting me to give the right answer.

"Because his parents are murdered?" I answer, thinking that is obvious. But it looks like a tricky question. Seeing Hector smile tells me that I'm wrong.

"Nope. It's because... He doesn't trust himself to make this judgment" Hector says.


"That man has lost any discernment of right or wrong and he is clinging to the simple, and even a little childish, rule of 'killing is wrong' "

"Because of this he so strongly held to his code, because without it. He is lost." Hector ends up leaving me shocked.

"Superman has another type of problem." Hector still doesn't care if I'm hearing continues "He is simply... Too good. Too pure." Hector turns around and makes an illusion.

A huge bowl of crystalline water appears in front of me.

"He is like this pure water, clean of conscience and spirit." He says. Hector and his metaphors... He loves it. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"He is so pure, that even the slight drop of blood..." Hector makes a drop of blood appear above the water and falls on it, mixing with the water. Making it a little red. "...can taint him drastically."

"And it is very hard to clean yourself from blood... We both know that." He smiles at me.

"Me on the other hand... I'm not that pure." Hector now makes another huge bowl of water, but this time the water is turbid, dark gray.

Another red drop of blood fall into the turbid water. But nothing changes. A little drop f blood can't influence the already dirty water.

"Did you understand?" Hector asks

"I do."

"I'm glad. And I'm glad too by your concern, Helena." He says " Despite everything I'm not infallible. If you think I'm crossing the line, don't be shy and come talk with me." He says before turning to walk away.

"All of you guys are my anchor to reality…" I listen to his voice as he walks away.

(End of Flashback)


"This gives us a reality check..." Shego voice takes me off my musings. "In a moment we are good and in another, we are fucked. And then we are good again..."

"Well, you adapt fast. In a minute you are already flirting with our new employer." I tease.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm in a new world, with someone that practically owns me. I need to measure him... And men are stupidly loose-tongued when women flirting with them."

"Is that so?" Isabella asks raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it was like that in the beginning. But Hector turned out to be a lot more interesting than I expected. Let's all be honest here. We are Lucky that he is... Him! Instead of some evil bastard." She says. I can agree with that.

"I don't know about you guys, but when I was 'approached' by Master Hector's powers, I didn't feel any malicious intent." Isabela shares her thoughts.

"True... I must be more on guard if something that I don't know what is, offers me a deal like a devil. But it was surprisingly a good sensation, being approached bu his power.." Shego says with a contemplative expression.

I can relate. "Yes... I felt like it would be okay to say 'no'. So I don't think is trying to trick me."

"YEES! And I felt that would be a huge missed opportunity and I would regret it for the rest of my life. I trusted my instincts on this." Shego says.

I felt the same. "Do you think that his power messed with our heads?" I ask.

To my surprise, Shego nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders. "Meh. Whatever..."

"Are you not worried about this?" I ask.

"Nope." She says popping the 'P'. "I already know that his power affected us, but it's a minimum to keep us loyal. Hector was very clear with us at first. And he can't control. And sincerely... he don't even need it."


"By the way... Did you guys feel it too?" Shego asks

"Felt what?"

"I think would be better if I ask if you guy 'don't felt'... But let me elaborate." She straightens up. "Look, that Thor guy... In the past, he would be totally in my strike zone but now... I felt nothing. Anything. Quid Zero. Null." She says " No attraction for him."

"It's true. I don't think I'm a horny person like you..." "HEY!" "But it's been a while since I've felt... something at the opposite sex."

"Love is dangerous..." Isabella says suddenly. "Love is strong. If we love another someone, maybe our loyalty to Hector would falter. Maybe his power prevents this... "She gives her analysis.

"That looks horrible..." I say.

"It is? I do not think so... Or maybe his power is affecting me even to don't care about this... But you're caring about it, so is just me."Shego says, before shrugging her shoulder again. "However, nothing will come from thinking about this. It's not Hector's fault anyway..."

"I envy your free spirit sometimes." I say

"Hehe. I already have my sight in the greatest of prizes..." Shego smiles. And here we go.

"Become his First Mistress! And then I will have everything within my reach! HAHAHA!" She stands up with her hand on her hips and laughs crazily, doesn't care about exposing her naked body.

"Are you that much of a gold digger, you cougar?"

"Hey! Let's be honest again! Who is better than Hector?" She asks, and I can't answer that. I don't know many people here.

"He is handsome, intelligent, funny, rich, powerful, already knows everything about me, qualities and defects... And he accepts everything. His power will just make him even more perfect with time." She says.

"You called me a gold digger... Well, I confess that at the beginning I only flirted with him as a form of protection. But he is special. It's nice to be around him. We will live for a looooong time if everything occurs well. I can only imagine myself with him now." She declares confidently.

"Okay, go for it, sister. I'm cheering for you." I say nonchalantly, making her narrow her eyes.

"You say... 'mistress'. Wouldn't the term be 'wife'?" Isabella asks

"Who wants to be a wife???" Shego asks outraged "A wife takes care of the children, is annoying, has saggy titties."

"But the mistress... The mistress is the favorite. She is beautiful, and is pampered, and is an exciting relationship. Another can be the wife. I care not."

"Another?" I ask "Are you willing to share?" Incredulity seeps in my voice.

"What's the problem? He is an immortal super powerful god, that will probably have his own planet, at minimum, in the future. I will not be held back by the morals of lesser people. No one ever makes social conventions with a literal god-like man in mind." True

"So why are you so... territorial with Black Widow?" I ask

"What part of 'FIRST" you guys don't understand? There's power and importance in being the first. I don't need a wife title but this is non-negotiable. I'm the first, his favorite. That bitch will have to wait for her turn. Not that I think that she have a chance with my man."

"You are compeltely a madwoman." I shake my head.

"You can enter too... What's the term? We can be sister wives.Haha." she says faking glee.

"Ugh. I pass."

I ignore Shego's delusions, but her line of though has some truth to it. Not about the possible harem that Hector will make.

But about the fact that nothing can hold him back.

He said he can "absorb" anyone. That's mean Darkseid? Anti-monitor? How powerful he can become?

If Hector wants something who will say "No"?

'All of you guys are my anchor to reality...' Hector's words echo in my head.


Hector P.O.V.

First thing first, let's use the abilities cards- Hm?

I have 13 Gacha Points...

Putting my chin between my index finger and thumb I calculate.

The Essence of Gacha is not a bottomless pit that drain my money. I gain one Gacha Point a day, and every month I can buy 100 Gacha Points.

Normally allowing me to have 130/131 GPs a month. I roll in a batch of ten to receive the "above my tier card". And then 10 GP is left, which in three months will be 30 extra and will allow me to roll another batch.

But I didn't come into this world on January 1st. I remember that I just gained 20 cards in my first Gacha because I tested the In-setting Gacha(Marvel), which like the Specific Gacha costs double.

Saving this 10GP is okay, but this extra 3 GP will need 27 months with 31 days to allow me another roll on batch.

I will just use it now.

Probably will come something below my level, but it's okay.

Let's roll.

• Steven Armstrong – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Wow. A surprisingly good roll.

Should I roll again? No.no,no. This is a trap. Don't fall for this Hector. In two months you will have 150 Gp to gain 50 cards. And five of these will be good.

Senator Armstrong... Not useful to assimilation, but a good subordinate, maybe. I can extract his nanomachines to study and replicate.

I will not put on my body, even if it is a weeb dream. But I don't want to have this weakness to Magneto's use.

Another question... If I use the Background Customization Card he will be a Senator? Just like that? This thought intrigued me when I discovered the Background Card effects.

I will test when I summon him.

But this made me think... I had a certain thought when I was wishing for cards of characters from games and my excitement in gaining Jetstream Sam gun-sword.

A possible good PR move started to form in my mind.

The sword is not that useful for me, it's cool a heck, but I can draw a sword super fast by myself. So my excitement comes from my inner fanboy and good feelings from my past life.

Then maybe, I should make a game with Eidolon as a playable character.

Kratos, Master Chief, Ezio, Dante, Vergil, Commander Shepard, Cloud, Sephiroth, Doomslayer and many others. People love these characters. Playing with them and even against them connect us greatly.

A game with Eidolon being a cool playable character like Vergil would be excellent for PR.

The industry of games is starting now. And because of the existence of heroes in this universe, it is obvious that the market will focus on heroes. Is the hot topic.

So it's safe to say that games from my past life may never be created because of the focus on me, the Avengers and others. It's a good business opportunity.

To gain reputation and money.

Many good and easy money-maker ideas like Facebook, Twitter and others have already been invented. I know for sure that investing in games is good. People are still looking down on these things right now.

Unfortunately, my plan to create my company is still a little far, but maybe I can start making some games like DotA or a better WoW(there's already WoW here), or maybe some console. With my brain (and tech) anything that I make will obliterate the competition.

Creating a tech company will bring too much attention too. So the best option is starting to gain money by investing in something that won't attract the military. Then I expand.

Well, I will plan better later

I also thought about giving an interview. I'm still surprised at how little people know about the mutants, now metas. Some people really think that we are demons and monsters like we have our true form and can wear human skin to trick normal people.

I will choose a good talk show. The world needs to hear about my ideas from myself. Will be a huge step.

I don't want to compare myself with Gandhi, Martin Luther King or others. But all of them gave great speeches and talked a lot about their ideals.

Now, let's continue with the assimilation.

Deciding on changing places, I go to the training room of the Station.

I'm not sure about the original purpose of the Station, but I vaguely remember that people like Captain Marvel lived here in some universe. So there are many training rooms and all of them are very resistant.

I go to one that is bigger than a basketball stadium. One of the walls is made of super reinforced glass that allows a nice view from space and from Earth.

Sitting on the ground I open my tabs from the Gacha.



Gacha Points: 10

- General Gacha

- In-setting Gacha (Marvel)

- Manga/Anime/Novel(Japanese) Gacha Mode

- Specific Gacha Mode *NEW* ]


[Hector Belluci de Carvalho

Race: Meta-Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilated:

- Funny Valentine

- Batman

- Miles Morales

- Yagami Light

- Jayce

- Charlotte Katakuri

- Starkiller

- Loki

In Progress:

- [Empty]

- [Empty]

- [Empty]

Summoned Characters:

-Flerken (Cathulhu)

- Isabella Grace

-Shego Ortega

-Helena Bertinelli



- Source of All Living Matter

- Power Manipulation

*Various Other stolen/copied powers (One For All, Overhaul, Rewind, New Order, Decay...)


- Custom Visual Powers

- Imbue Card Mechanic

- Alt-form Mechanic *NEW*

Inventory :

- Chakra Books

- E.D.I. Bio-Mech Suit V2.0

- Starkiller Sith Armor

- Lightsaber x04

- Neutralizer Gun

- 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Combat Pistol, Jackal (Hellsing)

- Sword of Actuation (Berserk)

- Hextech Hammer

- ... (Others)]


[Non-used cards:


-Tokito Muichiro - Kimetsu No Yaiba

-Miyata Ichiro - Hajime No Ippo

-Nagachika Hideyoshi - Tokyo Ghoul

-Busujima Saeko - High School of the Dead

-King Bosse(Daida Body) - Ousama Ranking *NEW*

-Coco Jumbo - JoJo: VA *NEW*

-Shou Tucker - Full Metal Alchemist *NEW* (Not in possession. Can be called back anytime)

-Erwin Smith - Shingeki No Kyojin *NEW*

-Package: Kozuki Oden - One Piece *NEW*

-Inuyashiki Ichiro – Inuyashiki *NEW*

-Package: Spirit Blossom Yone - League of Legends *NEW*

-Saul Goodman (James Morgan McGill) - Breaking Bad *NEW*

-Rob Lucci - One Piece *NEW*

-Package: Helltaker – Helltaker *NEW*

-Johan Liebert – Monster *NEW*

-Dark Danny - Danny Phantom *NEW*

-Yuuki Rito - To Love:RU *NEW*

-Luther Strode - Image Comics *NEW*

-Uvogin – HunterxHunter *NEW*

-Edna Mode - The Incredibles *NEW*

-BeastBoy - Teen Titans *NEW*

-Homelander - The Boys *NEW*

-Steven Armstrong – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance *NEW*


-Kaneki Mask - Tokyo Ghoul

-Derous Kitchen Knife - Toriko

-Icha Icha series - Naruto

-Murasame - Akame Ga Kill!

-M41A Pulse Rifle - Alien VS. predator

-Hundred-Year Bazooka Ammo - Katekyo Hitman Reborn *NEW*

-Skippy - Cyberpunk 2077 *NEW*

-HF Murasama - VT7 High-Frequency Blade *NEW*

-Thanagarian Mace - Justice League Animated *NEW*

-Sky Poison Pearl – Against The Gods *NEW*

Powers and Abilities:

-Made in Heaven Stand - JJBA:SO

-Black Blood - Soul Eater *NEW*

-All-seeing eyes of God - Kekkai Sensen *NEW*


-Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Mid-Tier/one-month)

-Shonen Setting Travel Ticket (Mid-Tier/Six-months)*NEW*

-Background Customization Card x06 *NEW*

-Movie Setting Travel Ticket

- Weakness Removal Card x02 ]


[Cyoa Options:

Cyoa Points: 250

-Simplified Marvel Cyoa

-Super Power Store CYOA]

A huge amount of characters...

I paid double and I think paid off. Now I can delegate some things. My next month will be me working on some projects and investigating the criminal world and places that do experiments in metas.

Even though I've said that I don't want to depend on Gacha, it can't be denied that Gacha greatly influences the path that I will take. All my work was done with tools provided by the Gacha.

If I had received more magic-oriented characters, I would probably be in some high tower making alchemy now, but I'm a guy with a bunch of powers in a space station.

The Gacha from this month gave me tools to put forward my shady plans. Now is my time to act.

If I had received a spaceship capable of intergalactic travel, maybe I would take a month off to go investigate the universe. A little scout to know what I might face. Learn about the economy and politics from the galaxy.

And maybe go top laces like Knowhere, Xandar or even Morag to see if the Power Stone is there.

But is useless to think about this now. Let's start...

First, is the Sky Poison Pearl, the incomplete version. The one that Yun Che, the MC of Against the Gods, has at the beginning of the novel. So no poison power to attack, but can purify it.

Funny enough, I was already preparing a variety of poisons to use on myself to slowly build up resistance, like training to be an assassin.

The first wuxia/xianxia item set a good precedent for me. Chinese novels have MCs with all type of bullshit "Golden Fingers". I can dream now about the Library of Heaven's Path, right?

And xianxia/wuxia universes have ridiculous power levels. The term "grasping stars and crushing suns" is not a metaphor when it describes what characters in these novels can do.

Not to mention the ridiculous amount of possibilities to control time, space, souls, life and death, and other concepts. Emperor's Domination has some bullshit items, for example.

I will see now if I can use these items without problem, using the card I see the Sky Poison Pearl appear. Is just a green smooth pearl, no inscription or anything like that, the size of a golf ball.

[Do you want to fuse the item Sky Poison Pearl with your soul? (It can be separated anytime if the user wishes)]

Oh. Okay.

The pearl becomes a ray of green light and goes to my left palm. In the Middle of my palm appear a mark but I can make it disappear too.

Theoretically, it is only possible to use something like that with the corresponding type of energy from the source universe. In the case of ATG, it would be Profound Energy. I don't have it, but I can use it without a problem, thanks to the Gacha.

Closing my eyes I try to send my conscience inside the pearl to check the infinite storage, is very instinctive and I do it without problems.

I find myself in a huge green space. In truth, endless space. I can feel that there's nothing here. I will put things here later.

Coming out of the interior space of the Sky Poison Pearl I think the Minecraft Inventory is almost useless now. Well, this is bound to happen with a lot of things. I will eventually outgrow things from my "beginner's package".

Like the Biomech Suit from Ultimate Thor. It's not useful to me anymore. But I will study to make others. Although it will be awkward if some of my people are using armor like Thor's.

D4C is another example. I have better teleport abilities and D4C strength didn't grow with me. The ability to escape to another universe and to transfer damage to alternative versions for myself is still useful though.

"I still plan to use some Power Boosting cards on you, partner. [Love train] and a possible Requiem have great potential." I tell my stand that hasn't had much to do in the last few weeks.

But he is my escape route in case of things goes to shit.

Next will be... Black Blood. Let's see what that does.

Using the card I don't notice anything different.

I look at my hands, I feel my blood stronger. I have some powers that control blood so the feeling is familiar.

I extend a nail and make it sharp and cut into the palm of my hand. Blood flows through the wound.

My blood is black...

I control my blood to float and make different forms with it. I make a scythe attached to my forearm. I remember a manga called Deadman Wonderland, the powers there are based on blood. I can take inspiration from that.

After playing a little with my new power I make all my blood go back to my body, and then I allow my wounds to heal.

"Interesting..." I can control it freely and have a little awareness of all my blood. "Let's try this then." I say and grab my left forearm and put strength... and tore it off from the elbow.

My action startles Cathulhu, but I ignore him and throw my recently ripped arm away.

"Hmm. I can still feel my arm, or it would be better to say that I feel my blood in my arm." I try to control my arm and it acts smoothly, like that hand from Addams Family.

I make it float and go back to me. Trying to imitate the demons from Nanatsu no Taizai (Seven Deadly Sins) I make the blood of my body reconnect with the blood on my arm to heal it back. And go without a problem.

"Really a good support ability... I can feel that the Black Blood is stronger and denser than normal blood. Can harden and absorb impact."

I try to "turn off" my new power. Is a passive ability too, after all, will be a problem if someone sees me bleeding black.

And... I can do it without a problem too. "Nice!"

I have an interesting thought if my blood is black... Would I blush black too? My tongue didn't get darker... or the little veins on my eyes. A heart without blood is yellowish transparent. So my heart became black too?

"Poetic… huhu." If I combine with the fact that my blood can evaporate because of my titans powers, can I make an Insanity Inducing Mist that I can control freely? I will test later.

Damn, I love combining powers and finding new ways to improve them. That's just fun.

Let's test the new mechanic. Alt-form Mechanic... The ability that makes me have an alternate form based on the cards that I assimilated and/or is in process of assimilation. In addition to passively allowing me to assimilate characters that I could probably only summon as pets, or Other bullshit crazy monstrosities.

I bring a full-body mirror because I will need and try to change my appearance.

"Let's start with…being 100% Batman." The card says that I can transform partially, so I can make combinations too. But let's start simple.

I feel myself growing a little in height and bulking up. Looking at the mirror I see my hair become smaller and losing the curly feature. My jawline became more chiseled, losing any youth that was before my face. My eyes are still blue, but are dull.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror. "So this is Batman, huh?" Damn, looks at these biceps and chest. Mine will become like that when I grow old?

I don't need to have big muscles, They don't represent my strength. I'm a little slimmer than this mountain of muscles, and I think I will be taller than Bruce in no time.

I change my suit to just pants.

Hmmm... It's gay to check Batman's penis? I'm just curious... No homo.

'Check another man peepee is only gay, if you plan to put your butt in the way.' As always great words of wisdom Shoulder Master Oogway.

"Let's see... As expected of Batman. Big dick energy is not a metaphor..." I say pulling the waistband of my pants before looking away.

I change again... and became 100% Funny Valentine.

"Pfft. What's with this hair?" But he is surprisingly handsome.

Oh! The scars!! Damn, so cool. I can feel the patriotism radiating from my back and flowing through my body. I'm having urges to eat a hamburger and shoot a gun to the air. Where's my bald eagle?

Let's go with Katakuri now.

Hehe, this jaw is a little dumb... But the tattoos are awesome.

And I'm five meters tall. And these long legs?

Changing to Miles Morales... Oh! I don't have the Afro, lame. Is the comic/game version then? Did I have the N-word pass now? I think not...

Now let's test the "Partially" part.

I change my face to Katakuri, Valentine Hair... Pfft. HAHAHAHA I look like one of those randomly generated characters in games.

Oh, I almost died from laughing. haha

And it will only become more interesting with my new characters. Green skin like Beastboy(I wonder what Shego will think), white-flame hair like Dark Danny, old like Inuyashiki.

And this is a human-like characters. Who knows how the combination of Snorlax and XLR8 will be? Haha. I will have fun with this too.

*Huff* Taking a deep breath I calm myself. This mechanic is amazing. Nothing like true shape-shifting, but can't be forced deactivated by others.

In truth, I can make these changes be for real and perpetuate. I can vary my size better now, and have other identities, it appears that if I want to maintain a certain trait it can even be carried to my descendants.

This is good, now I can control a little which of my genes will my children inherit. Is nothing much of a problem now. But in the future...

How many different types of DNAs will be in my body? If I want I can make my children take certain types. Like everyone has a Kryptonian body...

Well, I will think better about it in the future. I don't plan to have a kid now and not in the foreseeable future.

Taking off any influence of the Alt-form Mechanic, I go back to being 100% Hector.

Looking at my body in the mirror I find funny the fact that my "True Body" was influenced by my cards, but with a limit. Height, muscle mass, good complexion... And Other subtle things like presence and posture.

But there's no drastic change. Very considerate, Gacha.

Now... All-seeing Eyes of God. I don't hesitate to use the card and almost instantly I can see the difference.

I can see more clearly, I have a wide field of vision, and I can see colors that I couldn't have imagined one minute ago.

It is necessary to remember that all my senses, including my vision, were already far above human standards, and now... Is another big leap again.

I look in the mirror.

"This shit is cool as heck... Maybe I should let this be Eidolon 'official eyes' or something like that." I say looking at my now totally brilliant blue eyes full of patterns like magic circles or clockwork gears.

One thing I thought about a lot was if I should make Eidolon have an unusual feature to bring him close to the meta community, like a green or blue skin color, or pointy ears. I settled only with the white hair and ever-changing eye colors.

Shego's green skin color being well received is a small step, but a good one nonetheless.

But maybe I should keep my eyes like this as Eidolon and- Hum?

I notice something... I look at Earth through the reinforced glass and see things that are impossible to notice by conventional means.

There's something extra enveloping Earth, like steam... And making a connection with somewhere in space.

"Is this Yggdrasil root?"

I take the Sword of Actuation from my Inventory and I feel my sensitivity with the astral increasing while I hold the sword.

It's like Earth is in the Middle of an incredibly huge river that cuts through space.

I can also see some bright spots on the Earth's surface.

What is that? The sanctums? Pocket spaces? Portal to other dimensions?

I will investigate it later.

These eyes are very useful.

I will fly around the Earth later and scout everything in the meantime.

And try to find Krakoa. My satellites didn't find the "future mutant country".

Krakoa is a living being. A mutant whose power makes him a Living Island. Incredibly old. He can move around and maybe even hide himself.

In the most recent X-men comics, the mutants finally snapped and created their own nation on Krakoa. Is basically what I'll do in the future, BUT...

They are too forceful... Maybe it's because they just decide to do this after the reveal that Moira had already lived several timelines in which everything always go to shit to the mutants, but the mutants look a little like assholes to me. Especially, Xavier.

The fact that they created the Quiet Council and let people like Sebastian Shaw and Mr. Sinister decide things also gives me very bad vibes... Very bad vibes.

If I create a country I will make a better council... Pffft Who I'm trying to fool? Will be a full dictatorship in their asses.

There are too many bad examples of how councils grow corrupt with time. Like I will bring everyone to my "round table" to give them equal political power. Pfft

I will obviously receive a council of other people and delegate functions. But these people will be trustworthy. And if I'm founding my country, I will have the last say. No discussion.

Just be glad that I won't go full Injustice Superman in the world.

The truth is that there's no perfect political system. Democracy is already in its last legs, almost drowning in corruption.

Monarchy is good, I mean, the problem is the unworthy descendants. Which founder of a grand empire or nation is mediocre? All of them are great people in their own right, the problem is the future generations.

But if I'm immortal...

Look at Asgard... The King has millenniums to set their heirs straight. Asgard will not fall because of an incompetent ruler.

And the greatest powers of the universe are generally empires that control an entire galaxy, like the Shi'ar, Kree and Skrull.

Is one of our problems by the way, our galaxy, the Milky Way, has no ruler and because of this the Kree, Skrull, Shi'ar and others treat this place like their own backyard.

Well, with limits, after all, here lives the Eternals and a bunch of strong gods and the Nova Corps. Is the Nova Corps only from here? Now I'm not sure...

Thanos is the most influential here, I think. But he never cared to found an empire.

But anyways, that's too distant from me now. It's good to think about it and make plans but let's focus on the present.

Time to decide who I will assimilate first.

But first, I take the Hundred-year Bazooka Ammo. I will put this thing in my inventory, for easy access.

I remember this item from Katekyo Hitman Reborn, but in the anime/manga the bazooka ammo only allows someone to Exchange himself with himself 10 years in the future for five minutes.

The one that I gained by Gacha will allow me to switch places with my 100 years in the future version for 30 minutes.

A very OP Trump card, BUT...

...There's a problem.

How am I 100 years in the future?

If I'm a bitter old villain that lost everything? That will take the opportunity to mess with the timestream...

Well, the future me will probably help me defeat a big threat to my life, after all, if I die he won't exist.

A hundred years... I'm curious.

But let's assimilate the characters now.

I still only have three slots and... 19 character cards. But Coco jumbo is a pet card, that now I can assimilate but is not worthy of. I can become a turtle with Beastboy powers and Como Jumbo stand ability can be used by me anyway.

...I'm gonna ignore Shou Tucker.

Seriously, I'm not against experiments in humans.

In truth, experiments with humans greatly reduce the time and cost of scientific progress. Many months or even years are spent in the process of experimentation with lab rats (brain chemical components similar to humans) and other animals like chimps.

I did with criminals that commit the worst of the felonies, like r*pe, cold blood murder, and human traffic in BNHA world. In truth, the only reason that I made so much progress in a short time is because of my immoral acts.

And I don't regret it one bit and I don't feel guilty.

If you commit this kind of crime your free trial of being alive expires to me. My subjects should be happy that I dulled their pain receptors, they are barely aware of what is happening.

But with an innocent child? With his own daughter???

I want to summon him just to make him suffer.

And maybe it's not a bad idea.

Summon the bastard, extract all knowledge about alchemy from him and use him to do the experiments that he likes so much. Maybe make him a nomu or a chimera.

But he is almost not worth the effort.

From the rest of the character cards, the only that I have any intention to assimilate are: King Bosse, Oden, Inuyashiki, Yone, Dark Danny, Beastboy, Luther Strode and Homelander. Yuuki Rito and Helltaker are more of a bonus.

The rest will be probably summoned at some moment in the future.

To start assimilating now, Inuyashiki is a must, and the other two...

Maybe I should start with the weakest that will be assimilated faster, to empty the slot.

Dark Danny and Homelander are great and all but they can be left to later. I have similar powers but from different natures.

Luther Strode should be one of the first trio. It shouldn't take more than a week to assimilate it, right?

In my experience, it took me two weeks to go from being a normal skinny nerd to becoming Batman. But at that time, assimilating Batman was my only focus.

It took me almost two months to assimilate Katakuri and Starkiller, and this is training hard and fighting Thor.

Jayce and Light were fast because I had already assimilated similar characters.

So I imagine that assimilating Dark Danny and Inuyashiki will take time because of its many new abilities, while King Bosse and Oden must be surprisingly fast.

Helltaker and Rito should take only two days.

Maybe I should go with Inuyashiki, Helltaker and Yuuki Rito first. I will probably finish the last two before the weekend is over.

I don't think there will be some crisis that I will urgently need the powers of the other cards anyway...

Wait, did I just jinx it? I hope not...

Fuck it, let's assimilate.

Character Assimilation

In Progress:

- Inuyashiki [08%]

- Helltaker [68%]

- Yuuki Rito [87%]

As expected... Normal humans are normal humans after all. Hellltaker is a little more complicated because of his bullshit resistance and Rito gives me only give metaphysics things like luck and a "pure soul" or whatever.

By tomorrow I must reach 100% with them.

Even if in my experience the 90% onwards are the hardest.

And there's a huge difference between 99% and 100%. Like... When a achieve complete assimilation something just... click and everything falls in place.

After my fight with Thor, when I ended the assimilation process of Katakuri and Starkiller, I felt that if I fought Thor again, it would be easier.

Now, to test Inuyashiki.

Inuyashiki is a normal kind old man who was accidentally killed by aliens. To hide their mess, the aliens made a cyborg body to preserve his conscience and soul.

I try to open my body, like a machine but only my arm changes.

Sections of my skin open revealing a high-tech cannon underneath.

'Hm... A strange sensation for sure' I think while watching my now cyborg air.

Apparently, I can just change my arm for now. It will increase as the assimilation progresses.

Making my arm go back to normal I do the hand sign of a gun and...


An invisible laser hits the wall. No, it's not an invisible laser...

Is a highly concentrated electromagnetic pulse. Weaponized electromagnetic waves... genius. This goes beyond what we can do now which is just to make electronics go haywire.

I focus on the subtle aspect of my new powers, and readings appear in my line of sight. Measuring temperature, radiation, and other things from the environment.

I look at Cathulhu and I can analyze it easily. His heartbeat, body temperature... I mean I could do this already, but this is giving me the results on a silver plate, with numbers and graphics.

Now, let's try the best ability of Inuyashiki.

Closing my eyes I try to reach some of my bots through technopathy.

Oh. I can see through their eyes, or camera, in this case, some of my bots are on standby nearby.

I raise my hand again in a gun sign and 'Bang'. There's no need to speak out loud.

The invisible bullet is condensed with the help of the little robot and hits another robot that is in his line of sight.

"What's happening?"

"Malfunction?" The robots nearby act confused.

"Something strange happened in my systems." The robot that I entered the "mind" reports.

I bring my hand to my face and it starts chuckling. A chuckle that quickly becomes full-blown laughter.

"Huhu... HAHAHAHAHA. Fuck Yeah! Inuyashiki-san is the best. Don't roll the eyes to me Cathulhu!" I finish the sentence by addressing my alien cat.

With this power, all the secret organizations, and secret labs have dropped a lot of in the threat levels for me.

Is not a stretch to say that with this power I'm a "god between ants". I can't use this to kill Strong people, but normal ones... I can end them untraceable and risk-free.

Trask looking through the monitor? Bang.

Fisk talking on a smartphone? Bang.

Anyone in the world who gets past a security camera is an available target.

AND THIS IS MARVEL! There's always a camera! It has satellites monitoring the entire world.

The Sentinel project? Pfft hahaha.

Okay, okay. I've been high in power long enough, let's get things straight.

The bot that I used 'felt' something wrong. So people could detect my actions. So is not safe to invade places with high-level technology carelessly.

I don't think this level of technopathy can overpower Ultron either, but at least it will give me a fight chance.

In the anime/manga, Inuyashiki sense range is global, but I still don't complete the assimilation process.

Sentinels? Maybe I can affect the first prototypes but it's not good to think it will work with better versions. After all, sentinels are highly adaptable.

Not that I plan on having better versions of sentinels existing here.

As a side note, now I really don't need to breathe. Now I can be a pseudo cosmic hero.

Inuyashiki also can hear cries for help on a global scale.

And has healing powers, that I think I don't have yet.

And this body adapts with need, producing News weapons or defense devices. There's a limit obviously.

Damn, it's no wonder that Inuyashiki is the "high-tier" card that always comes in the batch of ten.

He is my favorite assimilation after Batman.

'You guys come here in the Training Room Omega-01' I communicate telepathically with the same bots that I tested my powers previously.

"Did you guys hear that?"

"Is the master!"

"The master talks to us in our systems!"

"But it feels like the master is like us!"

"The master is a machine too. Like us."

"One of us!"

"One of us!"

"One of us!"

"One of us!"

'Bring your robotic asses here now!'

""""Yes, Sir""""

Did I just create a robotic cult? I'm feeling like Professor Farnsworth from Futurama.

While I wait for the bots to arrive I'm going to test my other important item... The Thanagarian Mace.

Turning the card into an item I look at the weapon made of Nth metal.

Thanks, to my new powers I can already analyze it a little already. Hm... Atomic Number of 26 and an Atomic Mass of 676. There's energy flowing through it. Or is it radiation?

I try to activate it. There's no button, but when I press a little strongly and willing it to reveal the capabilities, an electric field appears in the spike head of the mace.

Oh. Is sensible like that? connected to the mind of the user?

Oh~~ I start floating too.

The Nth metal has many uses, I think that even the mother boxes have Nth metal in their composition.

The most famous uses are: Magic Negation, Gravity Negation and Self-sustenance. That allows the user to survive in inhospitable environments.

As I think about the various uses of metal and what I will do with it in the future, the bots arrive.

"We are here, sir."

"Great. Here, take this and put it in the Omnispectrum and in the quantum field generator, and analyze its composition and the type of energy it emits. Let me know when it's over." I say, maybe I can make an anti-magic beam or something.

"At your command, sir." Two robots take the mace and raise it above their heads before going to carry out my orders.

I think I will train a little before going to sleep.

One of the things that I noticed about the assimilation process is that it is divided into physical aspects(Body, powers) and mental aspects(knowledge, experience).

Training allows the assimilation process to go faster because I'm training the physical aspect.

And surprisingly sleep helps too. R.E.M. sleep is very good for "inheriting" knowledge. And thanks to this I always have the habit to sleep at least two hours at night.

Gain knowledge or experience is always strange... Sometimes I have these cloudy dreams where I do things. I can't see faces or distinguish much. But I remember myself fighting, training and even having sex...

After using my new abilities until I have a comfortable gasp of them I head to a basic room at the station.

Laying on the bed, I think about the most enviable Batman ability: Sleep whenever he wants.

There are many steps to this. First, don't make lying down a normal thing, especially in your bed. If you do things like reading, use your smartphone or whatever while lying in bed, your brain will be conditioned to stay awake in bed.

After this, things like blinking rapidly and contracting the muscles for a minute are good to sleep fast.

And the- *ZZZZ*


Next day, Saturday

Still Hector P.O.V.

Once again in front of the many screens in the control room, I watch the News around the world.

Thankfully the world don't end while I slept.

I woke up with Yuuki Rito's assimilation complete and Helltaker's assimilation at 98%. The last percentage is always the hardest, but after some hours of training I completed the assimilation of Helltaker too.

I can feel the chad energy flowing through my body.

Jokes aside, I decided to go with Beastboy and Luther Strode to assimilate next. I'm really curious about Beast Boy power and Luther Strode will take me up a notch.

The only thing that I was reluctant about assimilating Luther is... pheromones. Yikes.

According to the description, his pheromones make him irresistible to a Woman. Like Spider-man and Silk, Cindy Moon, are. After all, they are bitten by the same type of radioactive spider.

Now... Pheromones are... Ugh.

This will make me another Starfox, the brother of Thanos who seduced She-hulk, or Longshot, that guy from Mojoworld that has "Superhuman attractiveness" as one of his superpowers.

Thankfully I can tone down this shit. Gacha is very considerate...

(A.N.: Pheromones is a moral grey-dark zone, but Hector thinks it's more trouble than it's worth. His pheromones will only make him "Smell pleasant", if he doesn't use them in full force.)

And I don't think pheromones will work too much beyond normal women, like goddesses or other powerful women.

I practiced with Beast Boy power. It has great potential...

The description of his power on the card says:

[Animal Shapeshifting: Beast Boy can transform his body into any known animal on Earth, past and present.]

So I theorize that his power connects with Earth's animal Kingdom. But I remember that he sometimes turned into certain alien animals. So I'm very willing to throw some Power Boosting Cards on him to see what happens. When I have some.

I tried to use hybrid transformations, chimera-like transformations, and partial transformations.

No success so far, but I think that's because the assimilation percentage is low.

As a side note, Beast Boy power is surprisingly the hardest power to control I've ever acquired.

It's like I have all species of animals in the back of my mind roaring and wanting to make themselves known. Instincts can be a little overwhelming...

I can control it just fine. And I can simply deactivate the power, but I'm surprised with Beast Boy, he controls not only all these instincts but also the overwhelming senses that he receives with the transformations. Every time that I turn into an animal, my perception of the world changes too.

I have many other powers and very good control of my own body to assist me in these moments, must be hard for Garfield. Not to mention his shit backstory.

"...you see this? This is peak male athletic form." I groan, seeing some people analyze my, Cap, and Thor's physique.

Obviously, heroes are now the hot topic, but not everyone talks about serious things like politics and economic changes that our appearance has brought.

Other people... Talk about our appearances, gossip, and try to guess which one of us is fucking each other.

Looking back at the screen I see a picture of me talking with Cap, I mean one of my clones.

Damn, the UMF suit is great and all, but my butt and crotch are a little... substantial.

Maybe I should wear the utility belt that I made. The better version that I made, after all with a huge belt on my waist, can distract from the volume in the front and back.

Watching a rerun of myself and Thor trading blows, I think about my little shortcoming.

The truth is... I'm not that Strong per se.

My natural strength is from Katakuri, Miles, and Batman which made me peak whatever-race-I-am.

Then add Luke Cage power, One For All, Haki and many Other powers.

And only then I'm on par with Thor.

If I put it on game terms...

Thor would have his strength stat at 100,000.

While my status would be relatively... 500 maybe. But I have buffs and multipliers. Str: 500 (x100[One For All]) (+10000[Luke Cage's power])(+5000[Haki]) and other many powers. Making me a par with him

But now... I have Homelander, Luther Strode, Oden.

And King Bosse, the guy who made uncut Diamond squeezing wood. Whatafuck, squeezing fuckin wood. How many megapascals of pressure are needed to make Diamond from charcoal again? Not to mention the temperature...

Well, maybe the world of Ousama Ranking has different laws of physics. Because if the guy has this much strength, every blow from him would destroy mountains.

Anyway, after I assimilate everyone I bet that I could defeat Thor using only hand-a-hand combat.

And Thor is tooooough. Damn, I thought it was just a comic book thing the fact that the guys barely have broken bones in fights. I thought this world would be more realistic like The Boys or Invincible.

Is everyone here this tough? Rarely someone loses a member in the comics. Is it a plot armor thing? Ares is ripped in Half by Sentry that one time, but this was more to the shock factor.

I sigh. If comic book logic is a law of this universe I'm in a little of trouble.

First is the "Plot". Destiny and Fate must be a real thing here, right?

So... Is Ultron's birth inevitable? If I stop Hank Pym, would Stark create Ultron? And If I stop the two, would it be Reed?

Does it have some sort of "Corrective Force" in this universe?

Hm.. There's a way to test it.

"Killing an important and recurrent villain..." I speak out loud and coldly.

Villains Always coming back, escaping prison, reborn in a plot convenience.

I expect Thanos to be a problem because of his relationship with Lady Death, but it's not possible for other less "cosmic" guys to be respawning left and right, right?

Hmm... Who to choose? Who to choose? I'm going through my files of all the Marvel villains.

Heh... I smile seeing the greasy face of Norman Osborn.

Well, this guy is a problem for many reasons. Red Goblin, Thunderbolts, Dark Avengers... Kill him now before he gains even more political power is the ideal.

And also to avoid that fucked up storyline of him and Gwen.

Ugh... Taking a plastic bag I puke on it, before using my telepathic powers to seal my memories of this storyline.

What are the written are thinking?

Shaking my head I start to plan on how to effectively destroy the bastard.

"Hehe... In a secret base, a cat in my lap, and planning the end of my enemies... From an outside perspective, I look like a villain..." I mutter.

"Meowth? (And you aren't?)"

"Shut up."


"Hnnng" I stretch myself after some hours of work.

Ugh, I'll have so much to do for the next month.

Travel the world, scouting important locations.

Search for important people and their powers.

Starting a company.

Administer hospitals.

Study for the exam for college(Not that I need, but I need to appear that I'm serious so I need to visit the campus and other things)

Kill the Kingpin.

Kill Osborn

Investigate the disappearance of people.


Visit the X-men.

Prepare an interview.

Scientific Projects.

Help the Morlocks.

And more.

Fuck it, I'm gonna summon people now. I need help.

I look at my tab of Unused Character Cards.


[Non-used cards:


-Tokito Muichiro - Kimetsu No Yaiba

-Miyata Ichiro - Hajime No Ippo

-Nagachika Hideyoshi - Tokyo Ghoul

-Busujima Saeko - High School of the Dead

-King Bosse(Daida Body) - Ousama Ranking

-Coco Jumbo - JoJo: VA

-Shou Tucker - Full Metal Alchemist (Not in possession. Can be called back anytime)

-Erwin Smith - Shingeki No Kyojin

-Package: Kozuki Oden - One Piece

-Package: Spirit Blossom Yone - League of Legends

-Saul Goodman (James Morgan McGill) - Breaking Bad

-Rob Lucci - One Piece

-Johan Liebert – Monster

-Dark Danny - Danny Phantom

-Uvogin – HunterxHunter

-Edna Mode - The Incredibles

-Homelander - The Boys

-Steven Armstrong – Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

The potential summons are Erwin, Saul, Rob Lucci, Uvogin, Senator Armstrong, Edna (But maybe later), and... Johan Liebert.

This guy can be a problem.

I review what Essence of Gacha says about the summons.

• People summoned through the gacha are always loyal to you, no matter what their personality or alignment is, and can't negatively affect, hurt or kill you in any way. They can disobey orders that They don't like so long as these orders don't directly involve you in any way.

• You have a bound relationship with people you summon and can check the level of a relationship at any time. Bond relationships start at 0 (you are a stranger to them), and end with 10 (they're completely in love with you and will do anything for you). Anyone summoned through the gacha will have a relationship of 0. By spending time with them, you can quickly increase your relationship with them to a 10.

My summons can't harm me, but they are their own person. According to my observations the Essence subtly influences the person to don't ever think about harming me.

But a nihilist psychopath like Johan has an unpredictable mind.

Well, I can make my own preparation for him. I know his modus operandi and I'm infinitely stronger than him.

And he is a good summon, after all, I will not have any remorse in abandoning him after him serving his purpose.

Being my criminal proxy has the risk of being discarded at any time.

Whatever... I shrug my shoulders. I don't need to treat these guys like I treat Shego and the others.

Look at them... Only Edna is a good person. The "less worse" is Erwin and Saul, and they are not exactly good people either. But not THAT bad by my standards.


-Busujima Saeko - High School of the Dead

I had almost forgotten about her.

I honestly don't see many advantages in summoning her.

Let's weigh the things a little.

Cons: She is a powerless high school girl. Not exactly "normal", but not impressive either.

Pros: Someone to put in a place of interest like Japan. She has dubious morals. Her being weak now will make her grateful for becoming Strong. She has issues... and I can use this. She appears loyal to her friends.

Hm... And she is hot, but this is my teenager weeb horny brain talking.

Reclining and crossing my arms I close my eyes to think.

Japan... there are some important metas there... Adamantium too... Some labs...

I don't need Saeko to be a spy or whatever, but just because she lives there she would help me.

Now that I know that I'm not forcing anyone to come here, I can summon people without remorse. Human resources are precious after all.

She is weak? Yes. But overall, my summons will be "weak" because I will always assimilate the strong ones.

At least for now.

Saeko, Erwin, Saul, Rob Lucci, Uvogin, Senator Armstrong, Edna and Johan Liebert.

Eight people... And I only have six Background Customization cards. But not everyone needs a background, in truth some of them will be more useful without any proof of their existence, like Uvogin, Rob Lucci and Johan.

The others will need to integrate into society.

Okay, no use thinking too much right now.

New York is still in a state of disorder, the moment is just right to introduce some new people.

Let's start.

Going to a training room, I get ready to start with Saeko. Cathulhu follows close.

I decide to take off my UMF suit and put on a pair of blue Jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. To lessen the shock factor of summons.

"Summon. Yes, I will use the background card. Yes, I will use the money to give her a house." Her background will be of a transfer student, dead parents, heiress to a dojo, somewhat rich family.

Customizing the house I got little nuts, it looks like a yakuza mansion. hehe. Taking advantage of it, I even make her have another property in the countryside. A closed Onsen (hot spring bath house). Yes, I'm going with all clichés.

After finishing everything I click on "Okay" and in the second confirmation.

Familiar motes of light start shaping a female figure.

And then she appears, looking a little confused about her surroundings. Using her school uniform and with a Shinai (Bamboo training sword to Kendo) in hand, a long green skirt that reaches her ankles.

She is obviously beautiful with unusual features being her purple eyes and hair. I will need to give her something to disguise that, like Shego's ring.

Hm... In the anime, it looks like her breasts aren't that big, but I think it's just comparing to the rest of the girls in her world. She is big a Mary Jane.

And she is taller than the average Japanese height with 174 cm (5'8.5"), I wonder if this will cause any problems. Her long legs are her best features in the anime.

She finally focuses on me, and as always I keep silent to gauge her actions.

She surprises me by bowing deeply and saying.

"Is to you that I owe my life now, right?"

"Oh. Did you die? How? If it's ok for you to say..."

She lifts her head with a serene expression and responds.

"I've been overwhelmed by zombies. After Fighting alone for so long, I've been surrounded without escape routes, and then... I decided to take my own life."

Alone? So this version of Saeko never meets the rest of the main cast? One change and everything goes to shit, huh?

"I see, my condolences... As you already should know, I have some overall idea of ​​you and your circumstances, Busujima Saeko-san. Let's talk a little about me now." I say and signal for us to sit on the floor, there's no need for the "Godfather play" with her. "Did you mind?"

She shakes her head and prepares to sit in seiza, but something goes wrong...

When she goes to sit, apparently she steps into her skirt hem and trips.

In me.

Face first on my crotch.


She grabs my waist, putting herself in a very suggestive position.

Thankfully I held her by the shoulders, saving the moment from becoming completely embarrassing.

Yuuki Rito... Is he that Overpowered? And this is something that will become frequent? I'm starting to have regrets.

(A.N,: No, it will not become frequent. This is just a joke to present the possibilities. Hehe. My take on Yuuki Rito "Luck" is the Lucky encounter with women of interest. You know when the Mc goes round the town and stumbles with someone important? Yeah, normally this would be hard in real life. Now we have the reason.

Little Spoiler: His first meeting with a certain cat burglar will happen because of this "luck". Fitting right? Black cat... Luck... Sometimes my genius is almost frightening.)

"Are you okay?" I ask. My voice was neutral.

"Ye-Yes... Th-Thank you! I think... Maybe my legs are still sh-shaky..." She says red-faced. Heh~ She is cute.

"Don't worry about this." It's my fault anyway.

I decide to sit and she follows me, and finally gets comfortable in her seiza position.

She fakes a cough to hide her embarrassment, but I ignore it and start talking about myself.

The usual that I spoke with the others. But this time I decide to upload information in her brain from her directly too, about this world, fears, history etc.

"Ugh... This is too much to take in." She says while massaging her forehead.

"Sorry, I practice, but it sucks nonetheless for someone who isn't used to it." I say. I trained with Isabella, my telepathy.

"... And it is necessary to this memories come in a documentary format titled 'Short Guide about your new world' and with a Chibi version of you to explain things?" She asks giving me an amused look


"Fufu. Then... Master-"

"You can call me Hector, Busujima-san."

"...Then you can call me Saeko, Hector-san."


"Continuing... What do you expect me to do?" She asks.

"Oh, very direct from you, Saeko-san. But are you comfortable working for me?" I ask.

"Yes, as I said, I want to repay you." She answers resolutely.

I wonder if the Essence search for convenient people to bring through the summon, to make my life easier.

"Okay, but don't worry. I know your limits and I will not ask you to do something against your conscience. I will ask you to...live." I say smiling mysteriously.

"Live?" She asks confused.

"Yes. Just live. Live in Japan, normally, and tell me things that happen there. Rumors, gossip, conspiracies... Anything. Later will maybe attack some crazy people's hideouts, but this is the gist of it. Just live."

"I see…" She says.


"Not at all, just surprised."

"Maybe you want something more...exciting." I say. Saeko has... an interesting personality. And certain... hidden urges.

"Don't worry, Saeko-san. Your stay here will be nothing but boring. You like swordsmanship, right?" I ask

She just nods.

"Well, here you will have the opportunity to hone your skill, truly use your techniques and go beyond your limits." I say smiling, seeing that this interests her. "Will not be a stretch to say that will be cleaving mountains with a strike in no time."

She chuckles, but notices that I'm serious. She already knows of the ridiculous power level of this world.

"So I will grow stronger too?" she asks

"Obviously." I answer


"Many ways... But let's test something now right." I say before opening the tab of unused cards.

-Tokito Muichiro - Kimetsu No Yaiba

It's time to test the Imbue Card Mechanic.

Tokito Muichiro is not important enough to make me want to assimilate him, if is Yoriichi, Tanjiro or Muzan would be a different story.

And I can learn his techniques from Saeko, maybe. I don't want to brag but, apparently, I'm a genius. Thanks to the Gacha.

The same reason why Rob Lucci will be summoned too.

"I can increase your strength in many ways in this world, is a world full of opportunities after all. But there's a way unique to me..." I say drawing Saeko's attention to me.

"You know how I can 'reach' at people by Omniverse. I can choose to gain their abilities or summon them, like you. But there's a third option... Using someone template in someone I brought here." I say.

"So you will do this to me now... Why not use in yourself?" She asks

"Not compatible. I think this will suit you just fine. And I can learn from you later anyway." One of the lessons from All For One is not to be too greedy while hoarding powers.

It's okay to give powers to people that will use them better.

Well, All for one don't know about my limits, but the lessons are valuable anyway. I already have Oden and Yone, which I don't plan to give to Saeko.

"By the way, what do you think about Nitoryu?" I ask

"...I prefer Ittoryu. Trained all my life like this." She says.

"I see." Well, as a woman, using one-sword style is better. Because of her low stregth. But these limits will be broken in the future. If I gain Atomic Samurai or another Ittoryu user when I am already strong enough I may give it to her.

"I will do it now... Relax." I say and she closes her eyes.

[Busujima Saeko

Bond Relationship: (2/10)

Assimilation Slot:


Two already? Is the little talk? Or maybe my handsomeness... hehe. Jokes aside, let's see. Will be the first time using this mechanic.

[ Busujima Saeko

Bond Relationship: (2/10)

Assimilation Slot:

-Tokito Muichiro (35%)]

Whattaheck? 35% already? Is it because her body is made by the Gacha? Maybe her body already easily accepts these things.

Or is it because she is some sort of genius?

Hm~ That makes sense. In the anime, Saeko is effortlessly fighting zombies with a bamboo sword. Breaking skull and bones contemptuously. Maybe she is one of these... People that are limited by their world. People that are so Op in their verse, that looks surreal. Like Mikasa and Levi or the Hanma Family.

They "Opness" is close to bullshit or anime logic.

I try to imagine how far Yujiro Hanma would grow stronger in the Dragon Ball universe, being able to learn Ki and other things. People limited by their verse...

This brings an interesting prospect. Maybe it's more Worth taking weak people with great potential and grooming them myself. Much better than summoning already strong people. They may be arrogant and will not be as grateful as the "weak to strong" people.

"How do you feel?" I ask her, making her open her eyes.

"Different …" She says checking her hand. "But I can't put my finger on it."

She doesn't notice, but she is breathing differently now. Tokito is a genius too, I'm a little excited now to see how far she can reach.

"Then let's spar." I say making a shinai with [Creation] and without hesitation, I attack her shoulder. Very weak and easily defensible.

And I only hit mist. Oh~

Saeko gives a backflip and tries to slash me, I evade like her. Leaving one afterimage.

"It's unbecoming to attack out of nowhere." She says putting a stance.

"And even so, you're smiling." I answer. She blanks out and brings her fingers to her lips, tracing the smile that she has without realizing it.

I know her issues, but now is not the time to address them. Now is the time for little bloodshed.

"Let's dance!" I try to release my inner brazillian samurai.


A.N.: Hellho There.

Welcome to the author notes.

Let's talk a little about Johan.

Many people, with reason, pointed out that he is dangerous, even to thr MC.

Understandable, but in truth no.

Hector will never trust Johan, and will have no qualms about using of amoral means to keep Johan in check. He has power, Johan not. Know everything about Johan. Hector will ahve a very tight leash on the bastard.

Trust me, someone pointed out that Johan will become the "Demiurge" to Hector. Congratulations, you're right. He is he endgame with 10 on Bond Relationship. Only caring about Hector, and nothing more. The rest of the world can burn for all his care.

Is johan dangerous? Absolutely. But Hector is dangerous and manipulative too.

Can Johan break Hector? If he is not bonded by the Gacha... Maybe. But is not a stretch to say that Hector is the mortal with the greatest amount of willpower in the universe. He would bounce back eventually.

And Johan... in the end. Is human. And like Dr. Manhattan said.

"The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite."

In the moment that Johan steps out the line... Fead. No hesitation. No remorse. Hector will not be all chummy with all the summons.

I have other things to say. But this chapter is already too long. And I had problems today.


Till next time.

Stay good, y'all.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

next chapter
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