I stared. I forgot what I wanted to say. At Tanya's birthday dinner, I thought Tanya's envy of having two people love her was silly. Since she is young and will definitely find someone who will love her sincerely. While I felt deeply jealous of her having such loving and caring parents who never saw her omega status as a burden or abandoned her, I believed that the void left by my parents abandoning me was impossible to fill.
I suddenly felt that hole in my heart fill up when Mrs. Walker asked me to call her 'Mom'. I forgot that not all relations in this world are formed through blood. My eyes started welling up. I quickly looked down to hide my tears. I heard Mrs. Walker's tensed voice,
"Did I offend you? I apologize-"
"NO!" I said, raising my head and looking at her beautiful face with teary eyes, "I am just too overwhelmed by your words. I have not seen my parents ever since high school...."
I choked on my words.
The tensed look on Mrs. Walker's face relaxed to one of sympathy. She held my hand and said with deep, genuine care in her voice, "Tony, I don't know why your family didn't treat you well or why they left you, but from what I see and what I have heard from Robbie about you, they are the ones at loss. They lost the opportunity to be the proud parents of such a wonderful son."
I gave a bittersweet smile towards her and whispered, "I haven't done anything to warrant such kind words, Mrs. Walker. I am just your regular omega guy who is trying to live a normal life!"
She gave me an affectionate smile, "The pre-teen boy who had to endure rejection by a cruel and unjust society and even by the ones he loved and trusted the most; the young man who gave birth to a child at the age of seventeen despite all the odds; the poor man trying to provide for his kid when his own life hasn't been kind to him while working days after days! It is an extraordinary strength in an ordinary boy. I see every reason to warrant my compliment."
When she phrases it like that, it feels like an exceptional feat. I have never heard anyone praise me for all the struggles I had to go through. I stopped expecting anything from anyone ever since Robbie's rejection. Since I thought that my life would never be able to come out of the shadows, I worked hard for Twen so that, even if I don't get happiness, Twen will at least get it. I thought I would find my happiness through him. Today, I received something I never expected. I looked up at Mrs. Walker and said, giving her an emotional smile,
"Thank you, Mom."
Mrs. Walker's eyes sparkled on hearing me. She tapped my hand lovingly and looked at Robbie. Robbie looked like he was trying to be invisible. While Twen quietly swallowed his pastry. Mrs. Walker spoke to Robbie with seriousness in her voice,
"Robbie, can you leave me alone with Tony for a few minutes?"
Robbie's eyes slightly widened as he looked from his mother to me and then back at her. He nodded, got out of his seat, and called Twen to come along. Twen grabbed my shirt, not wanting to leave me alone. I smiled at him and said, caressing his soft black hair,
"Twen, granny Ash wants to have a talk with me. Be with..." I looked at Robbie, who was patiently waiting beside me, "dad for a little while."
Twen looked a little surprised at me, referring to Robbie as his dad, while Robbie's face broke into a smile, so did Mrs. Walker's. Twen eyed Robbie for a few seconds before nodding sullenly. Robbie held out his hand to Twen, who took it and walked away.
"Is there something you want to tell me...mom?" I asked once they were out of earshot.
"I am sorry," she said, looking very apologetic.
"Why are you-" I started, frowning at her sudden apology.
"Robbie's rejection must have hurt you a lot. Pregnancy was not your fault alone. I know I cannot turn back the clock, and I cannot make up for the pain you endured. All I can do is apologize for Robbie's thoughtless actions," Mrs. Walker spoke earnestly, looking sorry.
I remained quiet for a while. Indeed, Robbie's action has been very hurting, and I could never forget how poorly he treated me. However, I also know that he has gone through a lot. His actions worked as a double-edged knife. It hurt him just as much as it hurt me. I decided to frankly state what I felt about the whole situation. Sighing, I started gently,
"I agree that what Robbie did was hurtful and very painful. I spent so many years hating and cursing him for ruining my life." I saw Mrs. Walker, who looked even more sorry on hearing my words, looked down towards her hand, and shut her eyes,
"However, he also gave me the very reason to go on living, Twen!"
Mrs. Walker opened her eyes and looked at me. I smiled at her,
"I realized only two days back that I was not the only one who suffered. I hated him for years and thought I could never forgive him. But-"
Mrs. Walker shook her head, and her pretty gray eyes filled with a thin film of tear as she spoke, interrupting me,
"No, Tony. You had every right to be angry and every right to hate my son. I wouldn't ask you to forgive him either. That would be very selfish of me. I will only assure you of one thing, that he will never do it again. I know my son, and I know for a fact that he deeply regrets his actions. I also know that whatever he has done cannot be mended. However, the future can indeed be changed."
"Mom," I said, holding both her hands with mine, "I know he regrets his action, and I know that Robbie is being sincere. He really intends to make up for his wrongs. Although everything has not been resolved between us yet, I can say with all sincerity that I no longer hate Robbie."
Mrs. Walker looked at me intently before her face broke into a smile mixed with several emotions. She held my hand tightly and said with a graceful yet tearful smile,
"God has been very unfair to you, Tony. You deserve to be happy and loved! I will pray that the future will only bring happiness for you!"
"I will do my best to ensure both of their happiness, mum," Robbie said, appearing behind me with Twen in his arms, though his face is still a bit sullen. At least, he wasn't outright rejecting Robbie as he did before.
Mrs. Walker looked at us and chuckled lightly, "You three look like a family already."
I blushed and laughed along with Robbie and Mrs. Walker. Finally, we all walked out of the cafe. Mrs. Walker hugged me and said in her soft voice,
"It was great meeting you, son. Take care. If you ever have any problem, you can always come to me."
I smiled, murmuring a quick 'Yes...mom.'
She held Twen's shoulder, bending to his height, and kissed him on his cheek. She said with a wide smile,
"My little prince, do come to meet granny Ash again, okay?"
Twen nodded, throwing his arms around her neck. This is the best thing about children. They are innocent. Whoever is kind to them, they accept them wholeheartedly.
Hi reader!!
How are you guys doing?
Sorry my updates have been slow but it because I had been writing 2 novels!
I hope you understand ❤️❤️
and Share!
Thank you so much❤️
On our way back, Robbie had a constant smile on his face. I narrowed my eyes and asked,
"What's with all the smiles?"
Robbie gave me a quick cheeky glance and said with a chuckle, "I told you my mum is awesome!"
I couldn't deny it. She really is an amazing woman. I smiled, rubbing my nose, "She is. She holds no prejudice against omegas like most Alphas do and is so kind and graceful."
"Of course, she is!" Robbie exclaimed proudly.
"Can we meet her again?" I asked, looking at Robbie with puppy dog eyes.
"Mum already gained two fans on her very first meet," he said, rolling his eyes, "Well, she is usually very busy with her designs and business and has to go out of the country often too. Don't worry, we will find time to meet her. I am sure she will like it too."
I leaned back on my seat, feeling very full and warm for the first time in forever. The rest of the journey went quietly till we reached my quarter. Twen had already fallen asleep in the back seat after getting tired of playing mobile games. I was feeling stiff and sleepy too. Robbie took Twen in his arms and locked the car door.
We reached the quarter, where Robbie put Twen in his bed while I got refreshed and changed into my pyjamas. I came out of my room to see Robbie putting on his overcoat.
Are you leaving already?" I asked, seeing him check his pocket.
"Yeah. I am leaving tomorrow morning," he replied, taking out his cell phone and quickly looking through something, "The meeting's on Monday!"
"I see," I said, feeling slightly disappointed.
"Robbie has really made me used to his company. I shook my head and looked at his eyes move through the content on his cellphone,
"Hope you have a successful merger!"
Robbie stopped looking and put the cell phone back in the coat pocket and said in a little disturbed voice, "To tell you the truth, I don't want to go. I am having this weird unexplainable feeling that I should stay here."
I blinked, looking at his solemn expression, and laughed, "You are just nervous. Don't worry, dummy! You'll do great! Have confidence."
"I am confident. Though dad refused to let Roger come along, my assistant, Jane, is just as capable as Roger. So, it'll be fine," Robbie explained, then looked at me very seriously.
He put his hand on both sides of my face and said firmly, "Tony, how about you do not go anywhere for the next few days. Take a leave. I will approve it!"
"Don't be silly. I'll be fine. What can possibly happen in just a few days?" I said, dismissing his anxiousness.
"I wish there was a bodyguard or someone to look after both of you. I would have felt at ease. What if dad-" he spoke with some agitation.
"Calm down and focus on your deal. I will take care of myself and Twen, like I always have," I said, smoothening the deep frown on his brow.
"Tony, promise me," he said, looking deep into my eyes, "Promise me that if anything happens, anything at all, you will inform me. If I don't pick up the call, text me. Don't keep it to yourself, okay?"
I nodded, saying, "I promise."
The disagreements and the stress of the last few days have made Robbie very paranoid. He is getting so stressed over not seeing Twen and me for a few days. He is starting to overreact to trivial situations. Yet the seriousness with which Robbie spoke made me feel anxious too.
Who would have thought that Robbie's instinct would be spot on!
"You met with the CEO's mother?" Tanya screamed in shock.
"Not so loud, Tanya!" I said, looking around to see if there was anyone. It has been a day since I met Mrs. Walker. The meeting was such a memorable one that I couldn't help sharing it with Tanya, but she got overly excited over the news.
"Sorry, Sorry! I got really excited!" Tanya said, switching on the dough mixer. She gave a mischievous smile to me and said, "So, when am I receiving the wedding invitation?"
I was taking the stock count and filling the order form on the number of stocks that I needed to order. I stopped writing after hearing her and said with a sigh, "I went to meet Mrs. Walker, not to have a marriage discussion!"
"Same thing!" she shrugged and checked the dough.
"It's not the same. Robbie and I still have a lot of things to figure out. We need more time, more like I need it," I said, walking to the cold storage.
Tanya came behind me and said thoughtfully, "Are you still angry at Robbie for abandoning you?"
I turned the heavy handle of the steel door and walked into the chilly room. The room was so cold that my feet and hands seemed to freeze the moment I entered. I started going through the material as I said,
"Well, it is not something I can forget within three months. However, it is not the only thing!"
"I guess you're right. Well, it is better if you both take your time and resolve your issues. If kept suppressed, they will only come back later to haunt!" Tanya wisely said as she pulled out a large bag full of butter cubes.
"Ahhh! Now Tanya is old enough to advise me," I laughed, running my fingers through the stock.
"Can't be a kid forever!" Tanya replied, sticking her tongue out. She started pouring the butter cubes into a clay bowl, saying, "I can't help feeling sorry for Fred!"
That was a sensitive subject. I really didn't want to touch it. I have always felt very sorry towards Fred for how I had treated him and for not being able to return his feelings. I can only hope he will move forward. I am certain he will find an amazing life partner.
"I wonder why you never felt anything for him. Such sincerity is hard to come by!" Tanya said as she picked up the clay bowl and walked out.
She isn't the only one who has thought about it. I have wondered the same thing too. I can only conclude that maybe, we were just not meant to be.
During the lunch break, I sat in my office feeling exhausted. Running from Garnish to Timepass to Hot N Sour completely drained my energy. Who said that higher posts are easy jobs? It has a lot of mental pressure, and you are responsible for every mistake of your subordinates.
I stretched my hands and shoulder before starting to search the net for some information on tutoring services around my area. Twen's exams are round the corner. He isn't particularly bad at his studies, but recently he has been facing trouble with math and history. I don't know why a second grader's study pressure is this high, but recently the difficulty level of subjects has increased, and he is finding it hard to cope. Since I am not at home to help him out, I thought I should get him some tutor to help. Hopefully, it doesn't add to his pressure.
I was midway in search when my cell phone rang. I didn't see the Caller ID and picked it up straight away.
"Yes," I said, ticking off two services that are pretty budgeted and have good reviews.
"Busy?" came Robbie's deep smooth voice.
I stopped searching and held my phone properly, "Not really. I just want to put Twen for tutoring, so I am looking for some tutoring services."
"Why?" Robbie asked, concerned, "Are his grades falling?"
"No, but the difficulty level is increasing. I am worried that he might not be able to cope with it," I said, leaning back on my chair.
"Wouldn't that be extra pressure? School and then tutoring? He is only a second grader. Relax!" Robbie said, chuckling softly.
"I don't want him to slack off in his studies. Anyway, how was your meeting?" I asked, changing the subject.
In the evening dinner meeting, our planning boards will introduce themselves and discuss the future plans of this merger," Robbie said, sighing in slight relief, "I just can't wait for it to finish."
I spoke a little sternly, "Don't be lax on your duty. Just one more evening and your job is done."
"Nah, not being lazy. It is just tiring to keep a smile plastered on your face all the time." Robbie said exhaustedly.
I chuckled and was about to say something when I heard a woman's voice saying, "Mr. Walker, Mr. Mandes is waiting for you to sign the contract," followed by Robbie's voice, "Tell them I'll be there in a minute, Jane."
"Let's talk at night. You are busy," I said the moment I heard the girl's voice say, "Yes."
"Yeah," Robbie agreed but then said in a flirty voice, "Hey, give me a kiss for success."
I rolled my eyes, looked at the cellphone, and forwarded a kissing emoji,
"Sent! I wish you luck!"
There was a short pause, and then Robbie's falsely agitated voice came, "Hey, that's cheating!"
"Bye. Good luck!" And I hung the call.
Unintentionally, my lips turned into a smile. He has changed a lot, but this flirty side of him didn't change. It somehow makes me feel nostalgic. I looked at the computer screen and saw that it was nearly the end of my lunch break. I wrapped up my search and walked out of the office.
I walked to the parking area, pulling out my car keys. It was a relief that my work ended. Ever since winter hit, the traffic in the resort has been maddening. Getting off work is the most satisfying nowadays due to the immense pressure. The moment I sat in my car; my cell phone rang. Has Robbie put a camera on me? How can he know I am off work now? And didn't he say that he has a meeting in the evening?
I pulled out my phone to see Sam's name. I picked it up, wondering if he was not able to pick up Twen today. I was just going to ask what happened when Sam's anxious and urgent voice rang out from the phone,
"Tony, did you pick up Twen?"
I blinked in surprise and replied immediately, "No, I didn't. What happened?"
"Tony," Sam's voice sounded scared, giving me a premonition, "Tony, I can't find Twen anywhere in and around the school!"
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