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Chapter 17 Cameron(rewrite)

T-950 series Terminator. Designation Cameron. When she first arrived in this timeline, she found herself naked. She then walked to a clothing store and stole female clothing just to blend in with people. She also walks to a nearby ATM and uses her interface to steal some cash.

Her mission parameter was to protect John Connor. According to information supplied to her by the Resistance, Skynet has send T-X and T-XA to murder John Connor and other future Resistance leaders.

At this moment the Skynet hasn't reached self awareness. But the existence of Cyberdyne and people who support the rise of Skynet is a great issue.

Finding John Connor is harder than she expected. All traces of John Connor's existence disappear from all government databases. Sarah Connor's last information was that she was imprisoned in a female prison facility. That facility just reported an outbreak.

The murder news of what should be future commander of the Resistance is also troubling.

Her only lead at this moment is a note left to her about a location and time in a former house of what should be John Connor foster parent.

When she met him, John Connor seemed to have been waiting for her arrival all along. The FBI agents who sit in front of him are surprised.

"You are waiting for me?" ask Cameron.

"A expect another Terminator would be sent by the Resistance if Skynet send one against me, and thankfully we don't meet when I am being chased by Skynet Terminators"

The talks with the FBI Agents are over. While they can't really help him, Leon gained some allies in the FBI. Ellison also said that he could try to find out where Miles Dyson disappeared, while Leon reminded them to be careful and try to be subtle in investigating the Cyberdyne and Skynet creation.


"So we won't return to the hideout?" ask Kate.

"No. If we return, the Terminators and those people could find out about the kids" said Leon.

"You make a hideout?" ask Sarah.

"Nuclear proof, deep underground. Away from the city center. At this moment we gather orphans, abandoned kids from the streets. Don't worry, there are trained Shinobi guarding them" Leon said.

"Shinobi?" ask Sarah.

"Ninja" answered Leon.

Tsunade just rolled her eyes in the back.

Leon knows some abandoned warehouses and junkyards on the outskirts of LA. It would be a decent hideout. At this moment they are resting in the vicinity while Leon interacts with Cameron.

"So do you have information on what type of Terminator is being sent to hunt me?" ask Leon.

"The records we gained from from the Skynet remnants is they send T-X and T-XA terminator"

"Tell me the truth. What time did the judgement day happen in your record?" ask Leon.

"Judgment day happened in 9 December 1998"

"So we are only able to push it for a year huh. It seems we really need to remove entire Cyberdyne remnants" said Leon.

"Is there any way we could remove Judgment day altogether?" ask Sarah. No matter what, she is a caring person, and she hates to harm innocents.

"There is no information on my database," said Cameron.

Sarah was troubled, but Leon just give a sour smile.

"It is inevitable. At this moment our only way is to stall time. The further we can push the judgment day the better we could find ways to stop Skynet. The more time we could gain, the better we could build up our defense and counter attack"

There are few things Leon realized from the Black Lagoon incident. There are chances that other ways to prevent Judgment day do exist in this reality. Just the existence of Hotel Moscow as allies is a good thing in near future. That crazy lady wanted profit and war, and he could provide it for them. Russians, even if they hate their current government, they still love their country. Skynet would fire nuclear missiles at their homeland.


Meanwhile in the hideout. Nagato, Yuko, and Konan, the three girls, are watching the news with troubled faces. When Leon ordered them to bunker down and not leave the bunker. They realize something is wrong.

For Yuko, Leon is someone important. When they first arrived in this reality, it was quite different from their old reality. Wars seem so far from them. There is no Shinobi wage war on their land. People go to school, go to work without being endangered. But Leon reminds them that the war in this era just moved to far away hidden places because the leaders feared their people would revolt if they brought the war back home.

The sad reality that makes them realize, the only reason that war exists is for interest, for profit of some people. So what Leon told them was right, the best way to prevent war is to make them unprofitable. If somebody feels their profits are threatened by going to war, they would prevent it at any cost.

Remembering what Leon teaches them is quite something. Especially when they learn world History. This Earth history teaches them more than what they know from Shinobi Reality history.

"To reach your ideal of removing war from Shinobi Realm, you must ensure that each Shinobi village economy is entwined with each other. The First Hokage tried to give bijuu as a way to ensure peace. The concept of Mutually Assured Destruction is a good way to prevent large scale conflict. But it wasn't enough. As long as the Shinobi economy relies on Mission, then Shinobi would always go for wars to keep their economy rolling"

"Who do you think restrains the Shinobi from self sufficiency?" ask Leon to them.

"Is it the Nobles?" ask Yuko.

"Exactly. You know the main reason why I was targeted by the ROOT is because I break the old balance of interest between the Village and the Daimyo court. While in reality the Daimyo was quite happy as there are less risk of Konoha Shinobi would be doing mission that would harm Daimyo interest, not like in the past, some people in the Village was angry because I remove their influence in the Daimyo court"

"I see," said Nagato.

"Wow, never think like that" said Tsunade as she eat her mellons.

"You are still young. So they hide it from you. Only people in high places realize the real truth, or people like me and Kate who are reincarnated and have different perspective and knowledge of another reality"

For Yuko, Jiraiya is an inspiration to find peace, but Leon is the one who light the path on how to achieve it. Leon said that the existence of Traverser is a sign that someday they could return to their home reality. But Yuko now wonders what she could do even if she returns. Shinobi skill is not enough. Leon made a great change to Shinobi World by introducing industrialization and the Chakra farming concept. Kate revolutionized Animal Husbandry in Konoha. Tsunade revolutionized the health care system in Konoha before they were assassinated by Danzo.

It was quite a surprise when Leon told them that he is preparing for a war against the rampant Machine in the future. When weeks ago some liquid-like monster attacked him, Leon ordered them not to interfere. So does at this moment.

"I am a seasoned Shinobi, so does Kate and Tsunade. You girls are just Genin. Nagato, your eyes are a burden, it would drain your chakra like crazy if it was used. Yuko and Konan haven't reached the level we approved to join this mission. And you have those younger kids who need to be trained. Your duty is to train them and prepare them!"

At this moment, Yuko can only pray that Leon, Kate and Tsunade could return to them without harm.


It takes two days till Leon Ellison calls.

"Connor? I have information you wanted" said Ellison.

"Which information?"

"Miles Dyson"

"Where is he?"

"He is in Genysis Game Production office" answer Ellison.

Leon's face quickly changed. If Genysis exist it means T-3000 already sent here. No wonder the T-850 was defeated easily.


Meanwhile the Governor office.

"Send the National Guard to LA. This mess should end as soon as possible. Our cops being brainwashed by a monster and starting to hunt children? What the fuck is those Cyberdine hide from us!"

"I don't know sir. But the Police Commissioner is quite distressed. He already thinking to give his resignation when he meet us. He lost many good cops yesterday, and many others are in hospital after the shoot out in Sunset Boulevard"

"God damn it" said Governor Williams in anger as he bash his desk.


Few hours later a convoy of military vehicles is moving into the city border. They start to prepare a command center while they are preparing to enter the city at dawn.

National Guard 40th Mechanized Infantry Division, 149th Armored Brigade command center camp.

At the moment 149th Armored Brigade commander, Colonel Robert Russ. Right now he is talking with his command staff on how to enter LA and their operation in the city. Their main goal is to restore public security, and try to deal with the monster that brainwashed the 28th Precinct.

"We don't bring in the tanks into the city?" ask one of his staff.

"In the case of an unknown situation, it would be difficult to guarantee combat power. According to the current report, the enemy probably has chemical and electromagnetic weapons. Bringing in the tanks into the city will not help the situation"

Might as well prepare them outside the city and when our forces are pinned down they could rout the enemy",

"Colonel Russ, The governor are calling you through the phone" from out of the tent a guard voice was heard.

Colonel Russ feels strange

"Why didn't Captain Walker report the call?"

"Because, then I don't need to do this?" the voice was heard then a series of gunfire was heard and his staff and security all fell down in seconds.

"You…." as the Colonel tries to draw his gun, his body falls as a few holes now mark his body. He falls down and his gun drops beside him.

He saw a slender leg in a pair of boots enter the tent. When he looks upward, see one pretty girl, wearing an orange red leather tight fitting clothes, black short skirt, with golden hair combed to the back. She was so beautiful if not for the cold solemn face.

"You..who… are you?" he sounds even in difficulty

"Robert Russ, Human Resistance Army California Branch leadership, supporter of John Connor, trained the largest most discipline resistance armored unit,you will be terminated"

"What?" his face changed, but then the Terminator girl aimed the gun and fired.

His forehead was shot, and he fell down.

The beautiful female walks into the command center, her index finger stretch showing a blue sparking needle, as she inserts it into the broadcast station, the entire base communication system is already under her control.

Then she arrives on the phone, picks it up, and speaks with the colonel sound "Prepare the troops, I need to inspect the Armored Battalion, the Cavalry Battalion, and the Artillery Battalion". As she walks out, she changes to Colonel Russ' looks.


Night falls, as the Commander does a sudden inspection he does not say any word and just returns to the commander tent saying there are things he needs to discuss with his staff. The standing guards and the one on patrol sees nothing strange and just smirk at other misfortunes.

Most soldiers go to sleep, as this is Los Angeles, deep in the USA, how is it possible to be attacked. Even the routine patrols are listless.

Suddenly the Armored Battalion Tank M1A1 MBT, Cavalry Battalion M3 Bradley IFV, the artillery Battalion M109 Paladin Self Propelled Guns, even the Truck all their engines suddenly start and the headlight is on. A roar of engines started filling the 149th Armored Brigade camp suddenly.

"What's the matter, who's inside the tank?" ask the soldiers half asleep. Some others are running out to check. When they see those who should drive the tanks also come in sloppy and ignorant looks, everyone was shocked.

At this moment the sound of an electric motor was heard as the turrets now aimed at these perplexed soldiers.

Boooom! Ratatatata

Loud sound was heard in the deep night as the Bradley IFV fires its main and secondary machine gun.

Explosion ensues as the M109 artillery fires its round directly on people. Blood splattered as the fuse finally exploded after some time.

Body parts, stumps are flying everywhere.

Like a signal, all vehicles suddenly moved as it trample the camps. The M1A1 has no autoloader feature so after one shot, it was over. Butthe M3 Bradley, the M109 became the main killing machine.

Each time its gun is aimed and fired, a soldier falls. The M109 is more dangerous as each time it fires, dozens die. The Truck also makes it worse as it crazily runs over anyone in its path.

"Run!! Get Away!"

"Enemy Attack! Prepare the weapons!"

Soldiers in chaos start to do everything, even jumping to the vehicle to stop it.

In the Commander's room, the fake Colonel Russ picks up the phone and orders "All Lieutenants or Above should gather near the Commander tent! Also all TOW missiles and Anti Tank Bazooka gather for the defense line!"

In Chaos dozens put on their military clothes, as they gather all Anti Tank weapons they could get at the same time they go to the Command Tent, thinking that Colonel Russ are trying to arrange tactics to counter attack this rebellion.

Bang! Bang! Sound of gunfire was insignificantly heard in this Chaos.

Colonel Russ walks out the tent with his gun still smoking, as he saw three men running with AT Bazooka, he shot all three of them, killing them instantly.

Each time she met someone with AT weaponry in hand, she shot it in the back. And each several murder she changed form to another soldier. The soldiers are in chaos.


As sunlight breaks the nights, the 149th Armored Regiment camp has become a sea of fire. From it a beautiful woman walks through.

And in a deafening bellow, more than one hundred vehicles of many types are roaring as they follow the footsteps of the woman into LA City.

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