He circulated the Goddess' Song cultivation method again and threads of green aura entered Chu Nan's left hand. His withered palm quickly became plump and shiny again, and soon, it completely returned to its original state.
Beside him, Uncle Mu Luo and the other Void Break Martial Artist widened their eyes and looked at this strange situation. They simply felt that they were watching a special performance.
Was it so easy for a person's palm to turn from normal to withered and then from withered to normal?
What strange cultivation method was Chu Nan cultivating?
The two of them were very curious, but they knew that this was not the time to ask. They could only maintain their silence and continue to watch Chu Nan's next actions.
After his left hand completely recovered, Chu Nan retracted his hand and closed his eyes again, concentrating all his energy on the meridians in his body.
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