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73.33% Marvel: Valorant Template System / Chapter 11: Chapter#11

Bab 11: Chapter#11

(A/N: As an apology to moving this fic to another account, here's an another chapter for you fellas, Oh! and please, for the love of god, review my fic! Anyways thank you for reading!)

Three men are walking on a sidewalk in Manhattan. Their destination? The bus stop

"Hey, I just want to say thank you again,"

"Yeah, you're welcome, Chandler," I said with a friendly smile.

"...And seeing such a beautiful relationship that you and Joey have, I mean, adopting a child? That's some serious bravery and commitment there," I said, trying to make fun of him.

"Oh! no, no, no, no! You see, we're not really a thing, we don't have anything of what you just said, right Joey?" Chandler spoke hastily as he gave Joey an elbow.

"Yeah, yeah, he's right, Noah. We are just babysitting our friend's baby, we're totally heterosexual, straight males, who are in love with women," Joey said while nodding hurriedly.

"Look, man, I need some sort of proof here, what if the two of you are lying and I just gave an innocent baby to some kidnapper, You're pushing me here," I said in a dramatic tone,

"Oh, man! What do we do, Chandler!" Joey asked Chandler in a hushed tone.

"Look, I'll count to three, we'll go for a run," Chandler said to Joey in a whisper.

"I'm a black belter in karate," I declared, widening the duo's eyeballs seemingly in shock.

"Fine, fine, fine, we were planning on hiding what happened to our friend, but if you need proof, then you'll need to come with us, we will tell the father, Ross, about Ben's disappearance," Chandler said, in acceptance.

"Oh, man, we're so dead to Ross," Joey whined,

'Hehe, now I can have close contact with them, hehehe! What will be their reaction if they knew that I'm the ugly naked guy? Oh, my heart is palpitating!' I thought mischievously, delighted that my plan worked.


A half-hour later. We're now walking near the friends' apartment and also my home, 19th Grove Street.

"Just call me angel, of the morning, angel..."

The sounds of music can be heard inside the Central Perk.

"Wait a minute, this is near my home?" I said to the two, confusing them.

"What do you mean, this is near my home? 'This' is near OUR home," Chandler said with emphasis as he gestured toward a building above the Central Perk coffee house.

"What the-, we lived close to each other?"

I asked them, causing them to widen their eyes and smile childishly.

"Really, that's great! Where is your building?" Joey asked.

"19 Grove Street., second floor."

"What?!" "We're so close!" Chandler and Joey exclaimed in excitement.

"Perhaps, do you know any ugly naked guy there?" Chandler asked with a curious and funny expression.


"Ugly naked guy? Are you talking about me," I asked him, playing pretend.

"Do you look like ugly, and are you naked?" Chandler asked with a sarcastic remark.

"Look, you see, in our friends' apartment, we always saw this ugly naked guy by the window over that building, and this past few months, he's been missing, so we thought we offended him somehow because, you know, he saw us while we were staring at him...naked, then he closed the curtain and we never saw him again." Joey explained in a serious tone.

"Yeah, and I'm telling you, I'm him!"

"....Sorry, we're very confused right now, are you telling us that the ugly naked guy is you, and you is the ugly naked guy?"

"Yeah, I WAS the ugly naked guy, that you were talking about."

"....Oh my god!" Joey shouted, wide-eyed.

"Ho-, wh-, wh-, you're clearly not fat! What are you talking about!" Chandler said with a nervous smile.

"So that's why I felt that someone was staring at me this whole time, you and your whole friend are voyeuring me!" I shouted with a fake frightened tone, trying to scare the two of them.

"Joey, run!"


"I know where you live!" I shouted, making the two run faster for their lives.

'...Huh...I'll just visit them later, right now, I've got a new agent to take care of.' I thought with a shrug as I made my way towards my apartment.


A few minutes later, after dusting and cleaning my apartment, I sat down on my bed and opened my system promptly.


[Do you want to use the -New Agent Template-?]

'Use it' I thought to myself as my eyes were blinded by a different set of bright colors. In the middle of it is a card with a question mark that is spinning.

[Inializing...Downloading...Agent Randomize...Synchronizing...]


[Congratulations, you've got your second Valorant Agent!]

[Congratulations, you've obtained the 'Great Reclaimer', Kirra Foster.]

[A.K.A, Agent Skye]

The card dematerialized itself and entered me. Once it entered within me, I felt more refreshed than ever. Ever since I've obtained the Nature Affinity sub-skill, my mind has often been at peace and one with nature. But now, it feels like I'm thee nature.


[Pure Radianite Manipulation 11->14]

A huge headache assaulted me after the last system prompt. It's like my worldview and senses have been multiplied. The wind, clouds, earth, different organisms, and plants I can hear them all breathing.

After my terrible headache, I opened my ever-growing status.


[•Noah Argento]


[Shield: 50%]

[•Aquired Agent: Phoenix, Skye]


[•Collection- Ghost, Bulldog, Marshal]



[Money: $270,400]

[VP(Valorant Points): 10,140 ]


[Passive Skills]

{Valorant Agent's Profile Lvl 50/?}

{Absolute Mind Protection Lvl ?}

[V.A.P Sub-skills]

{Super Human Physiology}

{Body Kinesthetic}

{Nigh-Superhuman Senses}

{Accelerated Perception}

{Accelerated Healing Factor}

{Adaptive Muscle Memory}

{Adaptive Resistance}

[Special skills]

{Pure Radianite Manipulation Lvl 14/?}

[P.R.M Sub-skills]

{Nature Affinity}

{Radianite Fire Manipulation Lvl 55/100}]

!!New!!{Radianite Animal Construct Lvl 0/100}

'Radianite Animal Costruct and 3 level on my P.R.M!!' I thought in glee

"This skill is a cheat" I muttered.

The potential of this skill is endless. Radianite Animal Construct. If I can train it to its full potential, createing any animal construct, if I can create a dragon construct using this...

'F*ck.' Surely someone's making me op.

"Let's try it" I muttered.

I raised my hand and used my new skill for the first time.

A purple crystalize form of energy came out of my hands. It hovered, encircling both my hands, making small sounds similar to a moving glasses.

'Pretty' I muttered, eyeing the bright purple crystal hovering around my arms.

"Now time for a test." I uttered while thinking of a small animal as a test.

'Butterfly' I thought as I saw the piece of purple crystal constructs condensed into a small butterfly, hovering in front of me.


[Radianite Animal Construct Lvl 0->1]

"Amazing..." I muttered, and leaned to look at it closely when suddenly my vision changed, and I saw a big version of me.

"AHH!" I shouted, losing focus, disintegrating the butterfly construct in the process.

"What the h*ll, I can see through them! Of course, I can, Skye has that ability." I muttered in self-realization.

"Let's try a bigger one" I thought as I willed the purple crystalize energy to come out.


The moment that I thought of that, the crystalize energy formed into a cat slowly by slowly. But, due to unknown reason, it only got half of it before breaking into pieces.

"I see. Of course I have to level it up first...training again...sigh..." I muttered in a defeated tone.


"Joey, run!" I shouted to Joey as I sprinted away from that terrifying conversation.


"I know where you live!" The once ugly naked guy shouted.

How is that the ugly naked guy that we knew, it's like a nightmare. Did he let someone suck all his fat or something.

"Phoebe! Rachel!" Joey shouted causing me to look to where he was shouting.

In front of the perk, we found Phoebe and Rachel sitting on the ground, with Phoebe counting some money.

"YO-, you-, you will not believe who we just saw" I said to them while gasping for air.

"Joey...tell them...gasp*.." I said to Joey while holding my knees.

"Yea-, yeah, look we lost Ben in a bus-"

"YOU LOST BEN?!" Phoebe and Rachel shouted.

"Yeah, yeah, but look, we found him already." Joey said as he picked Ben up for them to see. Ben cued making the girls amused.

"Cute right?" Joey muttered while smiling,

"Oh my god!" I said while looking at Joey causing Joey to look at me and widen his eyes seemingly remembering something,

"OH!, Oh, right, We found the ugly naked guy!" Joey exclaimed,

"Really, is he back in his apartment already?" Phoebe asked,

"Look, we lost Ben right? We picked him up at the City of New York Department of- , of-, of something!, because somebody found him and took him there,"

"Is it the ugly naked guy?" Rachel asked,

"Yeah..." Joey nodded,

"What a coincidence!" Phoebe exclaimed,

"Yeah! But-, BUT! He's different! He-, He's not naked and-"

"Of course he's not naked, he's in a public place, be surprised if he's naked then." Phoebe said rolling her eyes.

"He's not naked and he's not FAT!" Joey shouted causing the two girls to widen their eyes,

"He's not fat?!" "He's cute naked guy again?" Rachel exclaimed in shock while Phoebe exclaimed in excitement.

"Yeah, yeah, and he found out that we call him ugly naked guy! And he said that he's coming for us!" I said in a hasty tone.

"Oh my god, we gotta tell Monica!" Phoebe said in panic.

"But how did he know!?" Rachel asked in a hushed tone,

"We accidentally said it to him," I explained, embarrassed.

A sound of rushed foot steps suddenly appeared behind Phoebe and Rachel, we looked at what it was about and saw a kid wearing a brown jacket.

"Hi, uh. Did I accidentally dropped a condom in your case?"

The kid asked,

"Are you sure you didn't drop a candy?" I asked him sarcastically.

"Yeah, heh" The kid said with a nervous chuckle.

Phoebe bent down to her case and picked something.

"It's kind of an emergency" He continued,

"Yeah, here you go" Phoebe said as she handed the condom.

"Thanks a lot. Hey Christine! I got it!" He shouted as he ran.

"Wow...that kid will not get it," Joey muttered as he eyed me knowingly.

"I can't believe that just happened" I muttered,

"What are we still doing here? Let's go to Monica's!" Phoebe said as she moved for a run with Joey and Rachel following her.

"I've run this day more than I've ever had in my whole life!" I shouted in irritation as I followed them.

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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