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22.22% Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities / Chapter 1: Chapter - 1

Bab 1: Chapter - 1


Chapter - 1: Parallel Worlds


[Midtown High School]

Midtown High School is a public school located in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens. New York City.

I doubt anyone doesn't know it, right? From the famous Spider-Man comic books or TV series. The high school that somehow contains every teenage superhero/villain with many high hormone problems. It is a mystery how it is still standing ...

Perhaps we have to thank some cosmic entity or simply, as usual. The Web of life and fate did its usual work...

Continuing to bring misfortune to the different worlds, connecting people to the Web of Life and Fate giving them many benefits, but by resonance, all the people connected to the Web of Life said terrible lives..

To explain further basically this web of life was responsible for the fortunes of all the Peter's of the different universe. All the horrible shit that happens to them, friends betraying him girlfriends breaking his heart by dying being cloned and convinced he was replaced is so much more...

I also still wanted to know why I was transmigrated along with my mind, or soul, and was transferred to the very dreaded Marvel universe... A world of high danger and equally high levels of power that were truly exaggerated.

Mainly because I had no memories of my past life. I only knew what most people obsessed with the Marvel Universe knew from comic books, old cartoons, and as a man of culture.

After so long in this universe I had become very cautious, but not too cautious, rather I wanted that when I could hit everybody. I would stand out. And since I'm in Marvel, I better try not to attract attention until I can survive a nuclear bomb, or something like that.

And as one of my favorite characters used to say, to defeat a nuclear bomb you have to become a nuclear bomb. Well, I was working on that...

However as usual I am the first to arrive in front of the school not that it was anything new, of course after all, I had to maintain my cover as the perfect nerdy student to complete my various objectives.

I head in the direction of my classroom. I grab a chair in the back and try to be inconspicuous, mostly to try not to be bothered, but I knew it wouldn't work but I tried.

Over time more and more people arrive. Gwen Stacy, Liz Allan, Mary Jane, Sally Avril from the girls. Flash Thompson and his followers Rand Robertson, Kenny Kong and Hobie Brown. I remember them because they were sometimes involved with me. But I usually just avoided trouble.

And even Harry Osborn... In this universe he wasn't exactly good company to decide to hang around with, arrogant and completely narcissistic madman like in so many other parallel worlds in truth.

And so many other side characters that, even with my skill, I barely remember them just because they were sometimes involved with me. But I usually just avoided trouble, although it was pretty hard not to do some damaging action and compromise my reputation as a nerd.

But that was okay, after all, after today things would change. It was finally time to let go of this particular universe and set in motion my various plans to rewrite reality according to my wishes.

I had waited all this time to complete all my other plans. I especially didn't want my villains to start popping up like mushrooms.

Even though some had already made their debut *Sigh* Seriously Osborn you couldn't wait a few more days, your self-proclaimed genius really disappoints me....

At first I tried to figure out what kind of world I was living in. You know, classic Spider-Man, Ultimate Spider-Man, maybe one of the lines from the movie Spider-Man? I still found that in this world that was similar to the comic books.

I actually ended up in this world that was more comic. Judging from the events of Iron Man, Fantastic Four and X-Men... I would say that the timeline is similar to that of the comics.

But it was still too early to be able to give a conclusion, after all there were many universes that went completely off the rails at some point.

And judging by the strength shown by Goblin as he fought against different heroes, he seemed to have a strength between 10 and 25 tons, I would say the power levels are also based on the comics. And especially on other feats seen by other superheroes that have appeared on TV.

Well... Even though I was in a hypothetical difficult mode, with my power interrupted. If I'm honest, I really can't be bothered. Especially after interacting with so many different worlds.

Now, looking at the appearances better, I noticed. Are they all cute here? At least the ones relevant to the plot. Mostly women, with an emphasis on Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy. Does everyone have a nice comic book cuteness advantage?

Mary Jane, damn, she was always one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. And I can safely say that given all the beautiful women I have "interacted" with. No wonder she is Spider-Man's main love interest.

But to her misfortune, MJ never fell in love with Peter Parker, or at least the worlds in which she did are very rare.... He was always Spider-Man. Was Peter just a friend or a fellow adventurer?

Basically I mean Spider-Man is just the mask he hides behind. So she choose the one who loves and she would choose Spider-Man instead of Peter. (Instead Gwen would be good, they are compatible in every single world...*Ugh* Miles)

After all, in most parallel universes, MJ is someone like cheerleader or wannabe celebrity who will go after Harry the rich guy or Flash the cool guy/hot guys. Peter has never been hot or at least not until he was bitten by the spider that gave him powers.

After the teacher arrived, I noticed that someone had not yet arrived in the classroom.... But when I think about it, as if I were a "seer" who could predict the future and not that far from the truth.

A panting Peter Parker quickly walks through the door....

Well I couldn't fault him for being late after being thrown off the bus by Flash. I too was about to end up like him if at some point by my "luck" their shoes started to catch fire to the surprise of most of the people around.

Thinking about this I couldn't help but look at the ring on my finger that had an orange gemstone set in the center of the jewel with two silver wings that gave it a more holy atmosphere.

Peter sits across from me unceremoniously right next to Gwen, they exchange a few glances, and my powers accuse the intent of the two as they began talking to each other with an obvious interest between them that clearly went beyond friendship.

In this universe Peter did not have many friends, and even Harry Osborn was more of a fellow student/ bully than a true friend. no Mary Jane as a friend/lover. He was frankly a very lonely guy, but looking at the scene in front of me I couldn't help but think that it was okay.

He had no need to become the Spider-Man of this universe....

And to become a hero to ruin his life in so many aspects. Romantically, socially, even his superhero lifestyle was very stressful. Especially with JJ stalking him in most universes, always with the Bugle and people even calling him a threat.

After all, I was already here.... And I was strong enough to endure and be able to deal with whatever this universe would throw at me.

Soon a new Spider-Man would appear who would be at the top of the Spider-Verse food chain. That even the Superior Spider-Man would not be on my level....

I would be the best and I would not hold back my potential in any way.


The rest of the class is completely eventless. I just used the time to observe people of interest and see how they are doing.

No surprises...

And then there was me. No one was coming to talk to me or even interact with me. *Heh,* That's ideal. I didn't go and talk to anybody, at least for the time being I didn't need anybody trying to put me in one of their groups just out of pity.

After all, I was certainly not the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. The more famous Peter Benjamin Parker of Earth 616 or even Miles Morales, one of the strongest Spider-Man of the different parallel worlds who surely still had a lot to show in his life as a hero.

Nor did Miguel O'Hara (2099).

I was an existence that should not exist, a new singularity that had been inserted into the Marvel universe that just wanted to live a decent life without any higher entity depriving him of his happiness.

I still wondered how on earth did I end up in all this?

What entity had done this to me? Put me in this specification just to see what would happen? A test? I sighed as I looked at the window and watched the sky embracing the whole world.

In any case, it was completely unnecessary to ask the same question over and over again.... No one was going to answer me. I knew it well, and I honestly didn't want anyone to do me the favor of helping me.

By now I had become an existence capable of writing my own destiny.


I didn't even have a chance to immerse myself further in my thoughts. I felt a little tingle at the base of my head that wanted to get my attention, as I felt a football ball approaching my head.


The football ball hits my head, obviously I didnt dodge it for a number of reasons. Besides, for my physique such a thing doesn't even hurt. I would have been really surprised if it really managed to hurt me.

"OOoh~ Headshot! Nice!" Kenny Kong, one of Flash's lake buddies, speaks in the language of video games to try to sound smarter than he actually is, if his school grades could speak for him.

I sigh in my mind, how much longer was he supposed to support this continuing cliché? Like every single hero and villain there were times he hated his abilities that put him on a far higher plane than any other being.

"Sorry Jason Hill, I just wanted to show that you're not qualified for the Football team and that your dodges are just beginner's luck. And it seems that I'm absolutely right." He talks and laughs with his friends.

"Okay" I show no change in expression and continue to pull out my things inside my backpack so I can go home.

But as usual, bullies didn't like being ignored...

And solely for the pleasure of trying to get a reaction from me They start to get more aggressive with their insults toward me and at that moment I could only think if I had to send them to the hospital with several broken bones?

At that moment Flash grabbed my hair and seemed to be trying to pull my head closer to my locker to get me into an embarrassing situation. Obviously I didn't move from my seat, and from my view I could observe there he was really trying to push me, but outwardly he was still trying to maintain a cool demeanor.

And because of this, an awkward situation had arisen between the two of us, while most of the other students evidently did not care, others laughed, some felt sorry for me and showed pitying faces....

Not that the teachers were any different from them, they just observed them without obvious intention to intervene to pacify. But I couldn't really blame them for that after all they just wanted to keep their pockets full of money, thanks to Flash daddy money.

I remember that in Ultimate Spider-Man. Flash challenged Peter Parker to a fight, and Peter kicked his butt, even broke his arm, and in return Flash's parents sued Aunt May and Uncle Ben for all their money. And that made things difficult for them....

But unfortunately for him, unlike in other worlds, his rich father was not a problem for me. So given the situation I decided to react at least a little "Flash.... Stop it." I say calmly, finally crossing our gazes.

I still had his hand in my hair, to everyone else it looks like he's just holding it. But he's really trying to move me.... But he will never succeed I was using my powers to prevent it.

But at that moment I was worried about something else as I could feel in my back several things trying to come out to crucify Flash's body and then slowly torture him and give him a traumatic death.

"Other, calm down..." I thought, trying to calm the entity inside me so as not to do something that would ruin my plans. And fortunately for me it seemed to work, because I felt my back return to normal.

Resolving the problem, without speaking further, I grabbed his wrist, pulling it away from my head, and began to squeeze it with some force as I saw his face contort in pain.

My quick rise caused a gasp from the crowd and then silence. "Do it." I spoke in a cold tone that shocked the surrounding people, as I had always been seen as a calm person. "And I'm going to break your arm, I want to see if you can play quarterback one more time for the rest of your worthless life...."

"Huh!?" he muttered, while clearly not expecting such an aggressive response and such a strong stance from me.

"I said do it. Make your move and make it strong.... Because after this, everything I do to you will be attributed to self-defense." I say growling a little and moved closer to him to show my superior height and some of my musculature covered by my baggy clothes and even though I was wearing glasses you could see my eyes had become slitted.

"Um," Flash nearly swallowed with an audible gulp. I couldn't blame him; after all, my inner spider was being more capricious than necessary. I doubted he would trouble me again.

No one reacts. No one even dares to breathe too loudly. And all they could do was to look at me with varying degrees of shock as if I were some kind of being completely foreign to them....

But I didn't want to hit him and attract attention, I let go of his wrist that I had held in a strong grip to let him know that he had no hope of fighting me.

And I start walking out of the place. People paving my way, while I still maintain eye contact with Flash and his henchmen who were still entrenched in place.

After taking a few steps, I look ahead and start walking normally. If they had any interest in finding out the reason for my anger and to my change in attitude it could be attributed to the recent death of my uncle.

Well, it wasn't news that I was a Spiderman....


Anyway, without too much trouble I returned home. As I walked in I could see a beautiful, mature woman with long black hair with a figure that would make any hormonal teenager.

She is drinking a cup of coffee with a very professional and cool demeanor. "You're back early, I hope everything went well?"

"Yes, Aunt Kate," I said, greeting my sexy aunt. The Spider-Man of the cinematic universe was not the only one who could have a beautiful milf as an aunt to my good fortune....

"Great, remember if you have any problems at school you can talk to me without too much trouble I will transfer you at the slightest sign of a problem I will transfer you to a school more suited to your talents"

"I can manage on my own without too many problems."

"I know," she comments in a cold voice. "It's the others who don't deserve you..."

I could not comment after Uncle's death, she had become quite protective of me and knew something about my situation at school. She wanted to convince me to transfer to a more prestigious school that, with my grades, would not be a problem, but fortunately I was able to convince her to let me stay at that school

"I love you, Aunt Kate," I said in a gentle tone as I went to hug her, and she responded with the obvious need to try to find something that would allow her to continue living peacefully.

Eventually I made my way to my room and immediately after entering, I threw my glasses into the bed and took off my baggy clothes that I used to hide my body so as not to be noticed.

I sat on the bed, looking at the mirror in front of me I could see my muscular build that could definitely be sent with. brown hair dark hair with small white locks, blue eyes, a decent height of 1.82 for my young age.

I observed my body before nodding, even without with his fully developed spider powers he had good potential. I clearly knew there was still room to grow.... And that time would come soon with my death and evolution.

[Picture: Something like this ]

As for my room.... I suppose both my room is ordinary and very normal, since I was basically an alternate version of Peter Parker.... Well, maybe not exactly the same.

As I approached my bookcase a little spider-robot came out of the ledge of my bookcase with a little sound of identification gone scanning with a little green beam of light.

And after a few seconds as if by my own magic, my bookcase opened showing me a long fully mechanical tunnel leading to a very important place for me and without any hurry I started walking as the doors behind me closed.


Sitting in my throne inside the lab, with several monitors positioned around me, I hummed a simple tune as I watched several mechanical tentacles working on different projects at my behest.

My lab was state-of-the-art, my fortress of solitude. Not only that, but it also featured some interesting pieces of alien technology that I myself was working on for future use.

Anyway to get back to how I got here? Well, it all started 17 years ago, when I was born to a nice couple who, after some time, decided to have a child, which was me.... I was reborn into this world.

To my misfortune, my parents died in a bad car accident, it seems they lost control. If I remember correctly, they were submerged for a while, probably unconscious. Eventually, however, they could not bear to be taken to the hospital.

This all happened to me when I was still very young, and since then my aunt and uncle have taken care of me, trying to never let me lack anything and giving me all their love so that I would not feel lonely.

They have been a good family to me, without any doubt.

As for my powers, on the other hand, they simply awakened at a time in my life, even I could not remember the exact moment when it happened and, if I am completely honest, I did not care at all.

I only knew that a rainbow effect had happened, and afterwards I could see the world with completely different eyes....

The universe in which I was born had numerous parallel universes. I knew X parallel universes on the same day, month, year, I was born at the same time in all X universes. The year varied according to the timeline of that specific universe.

The worst part was that not only was I born in X parallel universes. In most cases, I had parents and families. In some, I almost lost them under certain circumstances that I could only call misfortune.

The main question is, how did I know when and in how many universes I was born? It was because my counterparts were connected to me as we shared information. If necessary, sometimes senses, knowledge, even thought process in some moments I could even interact with them.

I existed in infinite parallel universes and this universe at the same time. And because of that, i had seen more than anything humans in this universe could ever see, and some times I couldn't help but wonder why this absurd power...

I had seen Gwen turn into Spider-woman, Cindy turn into Silk, Mary into Carnage. I had fought alongside the Fantastic Four and Silver surfer against Galactus. I have seen the universe be destroyed and rebuilt a variety of times.

I have also fought against Victor Doom. A Tony who put armor all over the world and made most villains bend the knee in submission.

Fought against several demonic sorcerers. I stopped Ultron's plan to achieve higher evolution by turning man and machine into one that would wipe out the entire population because of the flaw in his plan.

And there were battles that I counterparts were fighting and those that they no longer had to fight or even evil versions of him that were trying to conquer their entire universe for simple selfish reasons, I only brought back a person important to them.

But mostly as if my unique mind and the power with which it was born was not enough, I could create a red-orange energy that could take the form of a kind of bizarre flames. Flames that were much stronger than any ordinary flame, with various properties.

I could only snort clearly amused by this. Turning around, I moved across my lab to a large table containing some of my important inventions that were almost complete.

Also like any parallel world of Spider-Man, I was smart, extremely smart.... As if pushed far enough to become the next Master of the Mystic Arts and Sorcerer Supreme, given enough time of course.

The feeling of having much more processing power was nothing short of amazing. My brain was functioning at a pace I am not used to, but at the same time I had no trouble keeping up. After all, it was my brain.

Most of what I was using in this world was built with the help of alternative versions of me, giving me advice on how to improve the technology of this world. And if I had to give recognition to anyone, it would be my version of "2099," which was much smarter and in a far higher plane than all my other versions.

"X.A.N.A" I called out as several holograms appeared in front of me. A strange all-red symbol that could be considered quite frightening appeared before me.

[I am under your command master].

[How can I be of help?]

X.A.N.A! A multi-agent system of my own invention that was extremely intelligent and powerful. Basically a Supercomputer that contained the knowledge of millions of alternate universes, but also functioned as a stand-alone system to try to support me to the maximum in my various goals.

It took me some time to build it, even with a little help from some of my alternate versions. But eventually I was able to figure out how to put it all together. So here I am putting together one of the most important devices for the near future.

The funny thing is that to build this lab I had stolen most of the stuff, thanks to a useful skill of blending in with my surroundings so that I could become invisible.

I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face because, of course, I was going to finish my own personal, super-advanced super battle suit that was about to be completed. "X.A.N.A make sure my suit's operating system is working properly." I easily had another diagnostic test run.

One could never be too sure I had experienced it on my 'skin' I have at least several versions of me that had warned me that I was not omnipotent and the death of my uncle, had brought me back with my feet firmly on the ground...

[Of course, master].

In the display case sat a suit so advanced that it was on the verge of alien technology. The outer shell was a combination of space metals with vibranium and adamantium creating a new advanced alloy. The chest piece was reminiscent of Iron Spider armor.

On the arms of my armor, there were two black-red bracelets that were similar to those on Superior Spider Man's armor. It was a special wrist device: The suit has a special built-in communication device that can be used to exchange calls or to activate/control nano-spider tracers injected into a person's body.

In addition, the whole had retractable claws but slightly larger and still possessed nano-spider injection ports, which were modified to detonate, causing both paralysis and great pain

On the back of my armor were Spider-Arms: Four mechanical arms used for combat, and although I didn't really need them, I intended to keep most of my abilities secret.

In my mask, I had a neural implant being designed that would go with the visor I had planned and a few days ago had added HUD and tracking abilities added to the lenses of my mask

The lenses I had built into the mask were also capable of detecting radio waves, which were to be used to track wired explosives. They emitted a purplish glow so that I could have night vision that thermal to deal with even the most difficult opponents.

[Picture: Something like this ]

And as if that wasn't enough or even installed a nervous system to synchronize with my neural implant to be connected at all times by X.A.N.A. as an Ai to be able to command the suit in case I was left unconscious.

Grabbing one of my work tablets, I got the report of the diagnosis of my entire suit. Turning to my rack I could see that it was perfect without a single thing out of place, even all the weapons were working and ready to use.

"The time has come for me to make my debut in this world," I commented with a big smile making its way across my face.

I had been waiting for this moment for a long time, but I had been repaid with interest. And now it was time that this universe would witness a Spider-Man who would not hold back!

I was not a fucking hero. I had no intention of risking my life for others. But still I was going to be the best Spider-Man that all universes had ever really known.


A/N: Very long chapter I hope you enjoy it!

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you want to see or even some improvements I can make.

I will use some sources from some nice Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't spoil it for those who haven't read the comics at all. Let the mystery remain.

As for the characters who appeared in this chapter are from the animated series: The Spectacular Spider-Man

This story is just to write about a Spider-Man who does not hold back and uses all his powers to the fullest potential. I hope you enjoy it.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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