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98.63% Marvel : Homelander / Chapter 72: World Shaken

Bab 72: World Shaken

The president of United statesstood behind the podium, his face pale and ashen, his eyes sunken with dread.

The cameras of every major news outlet in the country were focused on him, the world watching with bated breath.

The usual fanfare and pomp of a presidential address were conspicuously absent; the room was suffocatingly silent.

The president cleared his throat, gripping the edges of the podium as if it could anchor him in this nightmare.

"I come before you today," he began, his voice shaky but loud enough to carry through the silence, "to issue three executive orders, effective immediately."

The gathered journalists exchanged bewildered glances, whispering amongst themselves.

The president, ignoring the murmurs, continued, his hands trembling visibly as he read from the papers in front of him.

"First," he said, pausing as though the words burned his throat, "I am officially absolving Homelander and the Brotherhood of any and all crimes—past, present,. From this moment onward, they are above any legal reproach for their actions till now."

Gasps echoed throughout the room. Reporters raised their hands, some standing from their seats in disbelief.

The president's eyes darted to the side, but he pressed on, his voice barely holding together.

"Second," he continued, sweat trickling down his forehead, "I am issuing a death order for 3,567 individuals on the grounds of national security. Among these individuals, I include myself."

The room exploded into chaos. Journalists screamed questions, their voices overlapping.

"What's happening?" "Is this some kind of joke?" "What does this mean?"

The president raised his hand, feebly trying to silence the uproar. His voice cracked as he moved to the final order.

"And third," he stammered, "I am recognizing mutants as citizens with equal rights under the law. Any experimentation on them is now outlawed."

The room fell into a stunned silence once more.

The reporters stood motionless, their pens frozen, their cameras capturing the president's trembling figure.

"This is my final act," the president concluded, barely holding back tears. "I know there will be questions, and I—I won't be here to answer them. But this… this is the truth."

As he stepped away from the podium, the gravity of the moment sunk in. Across the nation, people watched in shock as their president, a broken man, announced his own death and handed over the nation's legal authority to Homelander.

The world held its breath.



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The world is buzzing after the President's shocking announcement earlier today.

Homelander, a symbol of heroism, has been granted immunity for all past and present crimes, and over 3,500 people, including the president, are now sentenced to death.!

Homelander definitely has a role in this !



"Finally, someone is doing what needs to be done. The system's broken, and Homelander's the only one with the guts to take out the trash. About time!"



"This... this is insane. Homelander was supposed to be our hero! Now he's judge, jury, and executioner? How are people cheering for this??"



"Call him what you want, but he's cleaning up Washington. The fact that these corrupt officials are running scared means he's doing something right. Go, Homelander!"



"Watching the president cry while signing his own death warrant… it just broke up my heart.

But it also shows how corrupt he was. Homelander isn't the bad guy here, it's all of them."



"Homelander is a damn tyrant! This is like watching history repeat itself. We're just giving a superpowered monster the keys to the kingdom!"



"This is horrifying. I can't believe the same man who saved my family last year is now forcing world leaders to sign their own death sentences. This isn't the hero I knew."



"Is it extreme? Maybe. But maybe it's what we need. These politicians are corrupt to their core. Homelander's just not afraid to do what others won't."



"I don't know, man. Homelander saved me once, but seeing this? Feels like he's gone too far. Who gets to decide who lives or dies like that?"



"Homelander pulling this stunt just proves what people always feared — if you give too much power to one person, they'll use it. Superpowered Hitler in the making."



"He's not wrong, though. The government's rotten, top to bottom. Maybe it's time someone with real power cleaned house. Just hope it doesn't spiral."



"I admired Homelander, but now I don't know. It feels like he's lost his way, like he thinks he's above everyone else. This is terrifying."



"There's no way he'd do this unless it was necessary. I refuse to believe Homelander would go this far unless the corruption was that deep. He's doing what needs to be done."



"He's become the villain. Every dictator in history started like this — believing they're 'saving' the people by eliminating enemies. We need to wake up."



"Homelander is a hero, but this? He's acting like a god now, deciding who lives and dies. This is dangerous. No one should have that much power."



"I always respected Homelander for helping us when the world turned away. But now I fear he's taken that belief in himself too far. He's doesn't seem like a savior anymore."



"He saved my village once, but this feels like madness. Killing thousands, even the president? It's too far. Someone needs to stop him before it's too late."



"This man once gave hope. But now? He's acting like the tyrants we grew up fearing. The world doesn't need another monster in power."



"People don't understand. He's doing what others were too weak to do. The world's broken, and maybe Homelander's just the one to fix it. Hard truths."



"I can't believe he's the same man who saved my sister. Now he's become something else — ruthless, unstoppable, and terrifying."



"You call him a dictator, I call him a patriot. Homelander's fighting for the people, not the swamp creatures running our country. I stand with him."



"He's lost it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I used to think he was different, but he's just another dictator in the making. Superpowered or not."


The reactions were as divided as the world itself.

Some saw Homelander as a necessary force to root out corruption, while others view him as the beginning of a new, terrifying era.

As the world reeled from the shocking orders announced by the president at Homelander's behest, the beloved hero's reputation seemed to teeter on the edge of ruin.

People across the globe struggled to reconcile the brutal demands with the image of the man who had saved so many lives.

Accusations of tyranny, and some even comparing him to a "superpowered Hitler," flooded social media.

Homelander hadn't provided much evidence for his claims about government corruption and hidden atrocities.

The tide of public opinion was turning against him—until the Frontline youtube channel dropped its bombshell.

More than 18,000 video and audio files were released, totaling roughly 4,000 hours of raw, undeniable proof.

The world froze as the horrifying truth spilled out—men, women, and children of all ages, colors, and backgrounds being subjected to unspeakable experiments.

Their cries of agony filled screens as footage showed how they were literally cut apart with knives, tortured, and mutilated, shot up with things that would kill many in government-funded facilities.

It didn't end there. The videos revealed that many facilities had profited from these sickening experiments, selling the very footage that was being used against them on the black market.

Inmates, often mutants, were sexually assaulted, physically abused, and treated as less than human as the security recordings from the facilities show.

The extent of the depravity was overwhelming.

One video in particular became the symbol of this nightmare: "Samantha."

This eight-year-old girl, with the power to self-replicate, was shown being forced to create clone after clone, each one of her duplicates being subjected to horrific things that made the child wail with heart wrenching cries.

Samantha's trauma was visible as she watched and felt her own copies—extensions of herself—torn apart, over and over again.

The sheer cruelty of the footage broke even the hardest of hearts.

Veterans of war wept openly, unable to make it past a few minutes of the video. It was a brutality beyond comprehension and reason.

The tide of public sentiment shifted dramatically.

Where there had once been disbelief, now there was a deep, simmering rage.

Homelander's actions began to make sense—he had seen the truth, the hidden rot festering at the highest levels of power.

He was trying to cleanse the nation, to bring justice where there had only been corruption.




"I can't believe what I've seen. I was ready to turn on Homelander after the president's speech... but after watching the Frontline files? The horror those children went through... maybe he's right. Maybe we do need someone to clean up the filth. I can't believe our government did this."



"Homelander, man… I thought you were one of the good ones. But making the president sign his own death warrant? That's a step too far. I can't support you anymore. Even if the files are real, this isn't the way."



"I fought in the Middle East, thought I'd seen it all. But the video of that girl Samantha? I'm shaking. These people aren't human. Homelander was right to put them down."


@GlobalHero4All :

"Homelander is a hero to the world, and now I see why. He's not going crazy. He's finally taking out the garbage at the top. Someone had to do it. It's ugly, but it's justice."



"Superpowered Hitler?? Nah. He's worse than that. He didn't give us ANY proof before. Only now we see the Frontline files. This man's dangerous. Just because he's fighting evil doesn't mean he's good."*



"I remember when Homelander saved that school bus of kids from the river. He is our hero. I didn't want to believe he could be bad. But those experiments really did prove me right but … How do we even process this?"


@AsianDragon11 (China Number 1):

"To think someone like Homelander could be real and have this much power—it's terrifying. But after seeing these experiments, maybe this is what power is for. Who else could bring this to light?"


@MaxFire :

"So this is why Homelander went off the rails. These 'heroes of the nation' we looked up to...they're a lie. Maybe we do need a hero who isn't afraid to do what's necessary. Samantha deserved better."



"Yeah, we should be scared of Homelander. But I'm more scared of the people he just exposed. They need to pay for what they did. Maybe he's the only one who can make that happen."


The reactions poured in from every corner of the globe. Some still doubted, others hailed him as the savior who was finally cleaning up the rot in the system.

The world had changed in the blink of an eye, and now the truth was out.

Homelander wasn't a simple hero.

He was now the man standing between humanity and its darkest demons and having the guts to punish them.


Pov Magneto

Magneto stood on the edge of the ravine, his aged eyes sweeping over the sprawling camp below him.

Thousands of their kind, mutants of every shape and power, had been saved—brought to safety after years of persecution.

The sight should have filled him with triumph. It should have brought him peace.

But his heart wrenched.

For every face he saw, for every mutant now protected, there were countless more he hadn't been able to reach.

The faces of those who still suffered, who were still imprisoned in the darkness of government facilities and back-alley labs, haunted him.

Their cries echoed in his ears, though he had never met them.

They were still out there, waiting. Hoping.

He turned his gaze to the other side of the room, where the Morlocks were being treated.

The outcasts, mutants with grotesque appearances or uncontrollable powers, had suffered the most. Vought International's staff—were administering Compound V to the Morlocks.

Each mutant was carefully placed in incubators, a necessary step to stabilize their bodies and provide enhancements that would hopefully balance their mutations.

Magneto watched the process with a deep, hollow feeling in his chest.

Homelander had done this.

Where he had failed—where years of his own efforts to secure mutantkind's future had only led to more conflict, more death—Homelander had somehow succeeded.

The Vought staff, the compound, the resources—it was all unimaginable just a few years ago.

And yet, here it was. Homelander, the man who had united powers far beyond Magneto's reach, was actually changing the world in ways Magneto had only dreamed of.

A bitter smile tugged at his lips.

Once, Magneto had believed he could be the one to lead his people to salvation.

He had believed in his vision—of a world where mutants would no longer be persecuted, where they would rise to claim their rightful place.

But that dream had been heavy, and every battle had worn him down.

In his age, he knew how much had been lost, how far they still had to go.

And then came Homelander.

A man with no grand ideology for mutants—no personal stake in their future, no long history of fighting for their rights—yet he had accomplished in mere months what Magneto had struggled to do for decades.

Homelander had forced the world to see mutants, to acknowledge their suffering, and now… now he was in the process of giving them real power.

Magneto's smile widened, but the bitterness lingered.

It pained him, to watch someone else succeed in the very thing that had driven his life's purpose.

And yet, he couldn't deny the relief that also filled him.

Perhaps it wasn't his destiny to save mutantkind.

Perhaps he had been the wrong man, with the right heart, all along.

"Finally," he muttered to himself, the wind carrying his words as his eyes glistened with tears "Finally, mutantkind has someone who can truly change the world."

Mystique stood beside him and placed a hand on his shoulders reassuringly.

He let the thought settle, heavy but soothing.

He had failed.

But maybe, just maybe, Homelander would succeed where he couldn't.

And though it hurt, it also brought him hope.

A new era had begun, and whether Magneto was part of it or not, he would stand by and watch.


Wanda Maximoff sat cross-legged on the worn couch in her family's small apartment in Sokovia, her wide eyes glued to the television.

The dimly lit room buzzed with the soft hum of the old set, but all Wanda could focus on was the man on the screen—Homelander.

Her hero.

She clutched the small Homelander plushie tighter in her hands, the fabric warm from her embrace.

Her fingers traced the figure's red cape, her heart swelling with admiration as she watched him on the news, standing tall, commanding the world's attention.

He was making an announcement, something big, though the details didn't fully sink in for Wanda.

All she knew was that her hero was there, strong and unbreakable, speaking with that confident tone she loved so much.

A smile spread across her face, brightening the otherwise drab room. She could still remember the day he had saved them—her and Pietro, her parents.

The memory was vivid, seared into her mind. It had been chaotic, the sound of explosions rocking the streets of Sokovia, the ground trembling beneath their feet.

When the bomb had dropped through their apartment floor, she had thought that was the end.

Everything was dust, and all she could hear was her mother's screams and Pietro's panicked shouting.

But then he had come.

Homelander, with his golden hair and piercing blue eyes, had flown in like a guardian angel.

He had lifted the rubble as if it weighed nothing, scooping them up and flying them to safety before the apartment collapsed completely.

Wanda had never felt so safe, so protected.

That day had etched itself into her heart, solidifying her devotion to the man who had saved her family's lives.

She watched him now, a soft laugh escaping her lips.

The world could say what they wanted about him—she had heard the rumors, the doubts—but none of it mattered to her.

To her, Homelander wasn't just a hero.

He was a symbol of hope, Strength.

"Look, Pietro," she whispered, nudging her brother who sat beside her, only half paying attention. "He's on again. He's doing something important."

Pietro glanced at the screen and then back at her, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"You and that plushie," he teased, though there was no malice in his voice. He knew how much Homelander meant to her.

Wanda just hugged the plushie closer, her eyes never leaving the screen.

She admired everything about him—the way he carried himself, the way he spoke, the way he always seemed to know exactly what to do.

In her young mind, there was no one else like him.

He was the greatest, and she would never stop believing that.

"One day," she whispered to herself, "I'll be just like him."

Her smile widened, and for a moment, in the safety of her small apartment, with the weight of the war-torn world outside, Wanda Maximoff felt invincible, just like her hero.


I validly deserve some stones for this chapter no ?

Stones and Reviews please

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500 Powerstones 2 Bonus Chapter

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