Alex needed a day to develop the event he was planning. This would be Minecraft's biggest event, as the game now has over 200,000 copies sold.
With Minecraft sales alone, Alex had already earned approximately 20,000 Gaming Points, and considering VIP and DLC sales, that figure rose to approximately 30,000 Gaming Points.
That was an amount Alex couldn't even dream of when he had just received the System, but now 1,000 Gaming Points could be earned very easily.
Alex decided to look into the skill store and see if there was anything useful for him.
[Skills Shop ]
[Dominic Toretto Driving Skills: 3,000 Gaming Points. ]
[Elf Breath: 5,000 Gaming Points. ]
[Deadshot Weapon Mastery: 10,000 Gaming Points. ]
[Gray Fullbuster Ice Magic: 100,000 Gaming Points. ]
[Megumin Fire Magic: 500,000 Gaming Points. ]
[Natsu Dragneel Dragon Slayer Fire Magic: 1,000,000 Gaming Points. ]
What little pride Alex took after seeing that he had 30,000 Gaming Points was drained after seeing that he didn't even have enough to buy Ice magic. But among the things he could buy, there was something that caught Alex's attention. Curious, he asked the system for more details.
[Elf Breath: 5,000 Gaming Points. ]
[Description: A style of meditation used by elves to absorb good properties from nature. This breathing has no direct effect in combat, but helps the user consume better nutrients from food, rest better during sleep and if used for a long time tends to increase the wearer's longevity.
Ps.: They say it has a beautifying effect. ]
Alex was shocked by this ability, the price of it was too high considering that after converting it to dollars it would be the equivalent of $1,000,000 .
But after seeing the effect it had, Alex bought it without thinking twice. He knew a lot of things he wanted to do during the day, and having to sleep 10 hours every day was very limiting for Alex, so something like that was essential. Not to mention the effect of nourishing the body and increasing longevity. If something like this were put on the market, let alone $1,000,000, even a trillion dollars would be cheap.
[Purchase! ]
After buying this, a flurry of information surged through Alex's mind, much like the memory pills he had used to remember the details of Minecraft.
In just a few minutes Alex found the perfect way to practice this Elvish Breath and put it into practice.
*In, Out, In, Out, *
Alex spent 30 minutes in the lotus position and quickly felt the difference that breathing in this way made for his body. Compared to the way he breathed before, it was as if he now breathed the pure air of green farms whereas before it was as if he was breathing in a toxic waste sewer.
It was difficult for Alex to explain in words, but in just 30 minutes of breathing like this Alex felt his body was ecstatic, thanking for the fresh air and gradually repairing the damage caused by the weather.
Alex didn't have a way of measuring how much Elven breathing had repaired his body and rejuvenated it, but he knew that if he breathed like this 24 hours a day for a few years, he would definitely age several times more slowly, ie, holding that breath Elfica Alex could live several times longer.
Seeing that this skill cost 5,000 Gaming Points and already had such a miraculous effect, Alex kept trying to buy other more expensive skills and see what it could do with him. But in the end he controlled himself and didn't buy anything else.
He only had 25,000 Gaming Points now, and he would need that to make the next game.
[Basic RPG - 5,000 Gaming Points. ] [Advanced RPG - 50,000 Gaming Points. ] [Triple A RPG - 500,000 Gaming Points. ]
He already had enough to make a Basic RPG, but he wanted the next game to be something much bigger, so he intended to collect another 25,000 Gaming Points to develop an Advanced RPG.
As much as that was a very high amount of Gaming Points, with the amount of daily Minecraft sales, Alex calculated that he would need a maximum of two weeks to gather that amount, or if the event he held was well received by players, perhaps that time would be shortened to just a week.
With a smile on his face Alex sat down at the computer and began to develop the event he would do for Minecraft.
This would probably be the most memorable event in the game, as Alex intended to make this a main theme among the games he was going to make.
Minecraft didn't have a story mode, but Alex intended to make one with this event.
Hypixel would be invaded, players would need to fight to protect the city, or it would be destroyed and they would lose the features that made it so fun.
Monsters would come from the skies, the earth, the underground, from everywhere. The villagers would be scared while the players would be the only ones able to protect the city.
Players would need to band together against a powerful enemy that even controlled dragons like kittens.
The amount of monsters attacking the city would be desperate, but Alex already had in mind a way to make the players manage to deal with that.
Of course, he didn't intend to let players solve this problem, at most these players would be able to make the enemy back down, but with that Alex would be able to create the first story of the game, a story that would continue through the new games and that would make players shiver only to remember the enemy they would face.
The enemy that would bring the world together, someone that perhaps not even Thanos could match.
That enemy that would go against the Minecraft system, which appeared only once in history and which later became just a legend.
In a few days players would know despair, because Herobrine would return.
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Alex was very excited to make this event work, so for the next 2 days Alex just planned everything that would happen, and even when it would happen.
For starters, Alex needed a moment where few players were online, but among those players there was someone recording what was going to happen.
As Minecraft was a different VR game, many players tended to play Minecraft while they slept, as their bodies would go into sleep mode while their minds went to Minecraft, which was enough for people to do for a few days.
But Alex had added a function in the game so that the player would be unable to play if he did it for 3 consecutive days, since the function of sleep was not only to rest the body, but also the mind, so to prevent players from going crazy , Alex only allowed them to play non-stop for 3 days before forcing them to sleep.
As players tended to stay overnight in Minecraft, Alex found that the best time to run the event was 10:00 .
This was the time the children and teenagers were at school, and most adults were working.
Of course, Minecraft became known around the world, but for now 80% of the Minecraft audience was still US, so relying on US weather was still the most effective way to calculate things for Alex.
With a smile on his face Alex managed to complete everything after 3 days.
The time to develop this event should have been 1 day less, but Alex was all the time thinking about keeping the Elvish breath active, it was not hard to notice when he stopped using the Elven breath, as the feeling of breathing in a sewer it came whenever he stopped.
But always thinking about breathing that way was a lot harder than Alex imagined. He always forgot to use this breath and got dizzy from the bad feeling of breathing normally, causing him to have to stop developing the event and focus on Elvish breathing again to clear the body of the impurities he inhaled.
When Alex slept he felt like he was being hugged by angels, having such a comfortable sleep that it was difficult to wake up, of course, other than the hours he woke up from stopping using Elvish breathing. But after 5 hours of sleep, as much as Alex wanted to stay asleep, he couldn't do it anymore. His body was full of energy begging him to go do something to spend it.
Unfortunately he couldn't develop the event with this excess energy, as he would just sit in front of the computer typing on the keyboard, which made him restless.
To resolve this, Alex got up and left his little cabin.
After the launch of Minecraft the only thing Alex did outside the cabin was gather some firewood to light the fireplace and warm up.
Even though almost a month had passed since Alex had released Minecraft, the snow outside his cabin was still as thick as when he came to this world.
Since he now knew he was in Marvel's world, Alex was curious as to why no one had found him yet. There are many powerful beings in this world, even one of the most powerful beings in the universe lived on earth and had a big bald head.
Alex thought the Crone would come to talk, or rather interrogate him about Minecraft, but that never happened.
Knowing the woman's personality, Alex knew that she had probably been trying to locate him for a long time, but if she hasn't come by now, it's probably because this place is isolated by something.
The only thing Alex could think is that what is isolating this world from the outside is something System had done with some of the powers in it, but Alex didn't really care about that.
At the moment the only thing he thought about was expending his energy, so with Elvish breathing active, Alex ran through the dark forest into the night at a speed he didn't even know he could reach.
His body muscles were getting healthier every day, to the point where body fat was being consumed daily to tone his muscles, making Alex's body stronger than ever.
Alex knew that in order to stay with the current body he was in, he would have to diet for several months while attending a gym with an intense workout. But with Elvish breathing, Alex got the same result just by eating, sleeping, and exercising a little for those three days.
And Alex knew that the longer he used Elvish breathing, the healthier he would become.
"No wonder elves were so cute, with something as magical as this technique, it's impossible not to be cute..." Alex told himself as he looked at his reflection in a large block of ice on the way back to his cabin.
The sun was already rising, so Alex felt he needed to shower and get ready to start the event today.
But there was something that made Alex a little suspicious.
He had never gone as far from his cabin as he did today, and as he ran it was dark, which prevented him from seeing it, but now that the sun was rising, Alex could see perfectly well that there was a cave near his cabin, a cave he had never noticed.
"What's inside this cave? Maybe a bear?" Alex wondered as he approached the cave.
But the closer he got to the cave, the more Elvish breathing told Alex that too much foul air was coming from inside. It wasn't impurity as something evil, but as if too many mineral molecules were in the air, which would be very bad for anyone who breathed it.
"Is this pollution?" Alex wondered in surprise as he felt it.
Until a hunch came to Alex's mind.
"Could this be a tunnel to a city? After all the city air has a lot of carbon monoxide..." Alex wondered with a hand on his chin.
He was tempted to go into that portal and see which city was on the other side, but he knew that right now there could be many powerful humans trying to find him, and since his body was more powerful these days, he wasn't even close to power. scratching these powerful humans.
"Going through it would put me at unnecessary risk. Maybe I'll go through it when I have enough strength to protect myself…" Alex said to himself with a determined look before turning away and heading back to the cabin.
On the way home, Alex turned to the cave with longing in his eyes, but every time he just gave up and tried to ignore it.
It was something very tempting for a person who had been isolated for almost 2 months to be able to get in touch with civilization again, but for now he intended to be content only with contact with other people through Minecraft.
"Maybe one day…" Alex sighed.
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