"A new game that came out a few weeks ago is becoming an internet phenomenon. Thousands of players are trying it out and at least 9 out of 10 people say they've never played something this fun."
"But because of this unknown game, many influential people are starting to say that this could be a danger, as so far they don't have any information about the company that developed the game."
"Today we're going to interview the biggest influencer of this game. According to him, he was the first person to buy Minecraft, and according to the thousands of viewers who watch his livestreams on the internet, this really is a true fact. game item in real life."
"Ned Leeds, or better known as NedTheKing, thank you for agreeing to be interviewed on our channel." The reporter said with a smile as she looked at Ned.
"Hi guys!" Ned said with a smile as he looked into the camera.
If it was the Ned from a few weeks ago, he'd probably be too excited, or too shy to say anything, but after livestreaming to tens of thousands of people, he's gotten used to having so many people watching him.
"Is that the one you got for killing the Dragon in the game?" The reporter asked curiously.
Hearing this, Ned smiled and stood up to show his cloak better. "Yes, I got this cloak for being the first to kill the Dragon, with my friend Peter. It's pretty, isn't it?"
The reporter looked at Ned and the cover, and even though Ned isn't a pretty teenager, but wearing that black cover with purple he really became more elegant, it's like taking a normal boy and putting him in a designer suit, definitely it looks more beautiful.
"Absolutely, but I have a question. How did you get this cover?" She asked.
"That... for those who don't know, when you start playing Minecraft you just sit in your chair and it's like your conscience goes to another world. And after I left the game, the cover was in my hands, as if had gone out with me when I left the world." Ned said as he gripped the cloak with emotion.
"It really looks like something magical. Do you happen to have any clue who the creator of Minecraft is?" The reporter asked.
"Initially I thought about the possibility of it being Stark Industries, but the more I played, the more I realized that this technology was still way ahead of the Stark technology, so I started thinking a lot and discovered a person who might be the creator of match." Ned said confidently.
"And who would that person be? Maybe it's Hummer Industries? Or Oscorp?"
"Neither is actually a person with unknown real identity, the only thing I know is his Minecraft nickname." Ned said as he sighed. "And this may not even be the real creator of the game."
"And why do you think this person is the creator of Minecraft?" The reporter asked.
"When all the players were lost, he always seemed to be someone who knows the answer, when someone asks something that no one knows, he's the person who knows. " Ned said sincerely.
"I see, and what would his name be?" The reporter asked.
"Notch." Ned said with a smile.
"Hey guys, is Notch really the creator of Minecraft?" Kurt asked his friends, who were also wearing a black cape with purple.
"I think it's possible, at least in the few interactions I've had with him, he's always seemed to know more than the others...just like..." Scott was finishing explaining when he was interrupted.
"Like who? If I may ask the question." Professor Xavier came into the living room where they were talking with a smile on his face.
But what shocked the students was that both Professor Xavier, Mrs Munroe and Hank were wearing the cape on their backs with smiles on their faces, plus Logan was apparently using his cape as a rag to open a beer, not even wearing that on the back.
"Professors, did you also kill Ender Dragon?!" Kitty asked shocked.
"Hahaha, yes, we decided to use Minecraft to be able to train unarmed and powerless combat, and I have to say, it's really refreshing! It's been a while since I needed to hold a sword." Ororo replied with a smile.
"Humph... those bad swords, if I had my claws we would have killed that lizard a lot faster." Logan snorted before drinking the beer he was holding.
"That...I didn't expect you guys to be playing Minecraft too." Jean said still surprised.
"Initially we started playing to see if the game was dangerous or not, but it turned out that we started having fun there and decided to get this cover too." Xavier responded with a smile. "We even think that Minecraft can be recommended for all students to train unarmed combat, so they don't become dependent on their own powers. Especially in Hunger Games mode, which pushes a person to the limit."
"Humph, that's just a child's game." Logan said as he pulled out a clear bottle of red liquid and handed it to Hank. "Take it here, I got the Strength Potion this week, try studying it and see if it's safe." He said before turning around and heading to the kitchen for more beer.
"He was in the top 20 at the Hunger Games?" Kurt asked incredulously.
"Yeah, he actually came in second because of his instincts, only losing to one person." Xavier replied.
"For whom?" Scott asked surprised to learn that Logan had lost to someone.
"You guys already know this person... Sabertooth." Xavier replied.
"What?! Is he playing that too?!" The students screamed in amazement.
Chapter 30 is already released on Patre on!
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Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr
"Sir, that's what we got." A red-haired woman handed a black and purple fabric to a black man with an eye patch.
"Romanoff, what did you find out about this cover?" Nick Fury asked as he looked at the cover.
"We had installed cameras all over the place to see where this cover would come from, especially if someone came personally to put the cover there, but it really was like that kid described in the interview, it's like the cover is always there. we noticed that the cover just popped out of nowhere in our hand as soon as we disconnected from the game." Natasha started to describe what she felt and what it was like. "Plus we tried to recreate this cover and noticed something special." She said with a serious expression.
"Which is?" Fury asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"As much as the same person wears this cape or the cape we've recreated perfectly, the viewer's reaction is different. It's like this cape is enchanted with some kind of magic to make it more beautiful." Natasha reported everything she saw.
"You mean this cape has something like a charm? And that it really makes people see who wears it as prettier...?" Fury asked incredulously. "Why would someone do something useless like that?!"
"But when it comes to potions, we got four Strength Potions and two Lucky Potions, according to our studies, this Strength Potion for some reason actually manages to stimulate our body to develop more muscles in a few minutes, to the point where it really makes a difference between the punch of a person before and after taking this potion. As for Lucky Potion, we haven't been able to come up with conclusive results, just speculation that it actually increases the luck of those who drink it a bit." Natasha reported.
Fury was shocked by this, if a potion like this really exists, it is extremely necessary for Shield to get as many of these potions as possible, after all, with the amount of weird things going on in the world, Fury knew that just normal humans wouldn't be enough to handle thereby. "What about side effects?"
"None were found in either of the two potions, plus of course those who drank the Strength Potion need to ingest more nutrients to maintain new muscle, but as the amount was so low, it wasn't even considered a disadvantage." Natasha finished speaking.
"Okay, let's set up some teams to get as many potions like this as possible. What about Notch, did you get any information?" Fury asked with a serious expression.
"We can't find any fault with him, even if he acts like just an ordinary player, I feel there is something different about him but unfortunately we don't have any proof, not even seduction was possible with him." Natasha said frustrated.
"Okay, just keep watch in case he does anything suspicious." Fury said before dismissing Natasha.
"What are you trying to do with this...? It's not possible that it's just money you want, someone with that much power wouldn't need something as mundane as money..." Fury thought trying to understand Notch's mind.
"I'm rich hahahaha!" Alex was dancing happily in his little cabin as he looked at Minecraft's report.
[Minecraft ]
[71,206 Games sold - $1,424,120 ]
[Average time played: 9 hours. ]
[Peak of simultaneous players: 52,110 ]
[Total earned on servers sold: $20,643 ]
[Total win in VIPs: $194,975 ]
Available Gaming Points: 1
Alex was shocked when he saw that he had sold over $1,000,000 with Minecraft, and after converting that money to Gaming Points, he found that adding the Servers and VIPs together, he would have over 8,000 points to spend at will.
Without thinking twice, Alex opened the System store and bought a large Shokugeki pizza at Souma and devoured it without even worrying about the price.
"Pizza is meant to be eaten when you want to celebrate something! Mwahahaha" Alex squealed happily as he stood on the chair and ate the pizza with a hero's stance.
He was already tired of eating CupNoodles, so being able to eat a pizza as delicious as this one was something amazing for Alex.
But right after that he felt a little bad, after all, good news makes you want to spread it to friends to celebrate together, but it was at this point that Alex felt that he didn't have many friends... In fact, the only person he could consider as a friend would be Anna, who in fact he found out was a mutant from the world of Marvel.
So after thinking about it, Alex put the pizza aside and started planning for the future.
"I know Minecraft will still earn me even more Gaming Points, but as I'm in the world of Marvel, in the future maybe I really need some powers to survive, but those powers are very expensive, some cost hundreds of thousands of points, then I will need even more points, meaning even more games or ways to win money!" Alex knew that Minecraft hadn't even unlocked the full potential it had, in his previous world Minecraft had sold hundreds of millions of copies, and in that world it hadn't even reached hundreds of thousands of copies yet, so he could still earn even more of that in future.
But Alex wasn't satisfied, he didn't even know what year it was, how long before Thanos would arrive, or even if Thanos had already been killed.
"I need to develop more stuff to accelerate Minecraft's growth... what can I do?" Alex started to wonder.
The first idea he came up with was to develop a Minecraft tournament, as he knew that E-Sports attracted a lot of competitive players and casual players who enjoyed watching it.
On the other hand he remembered some famous mods from his previous world and found that he could sell these mods as DLCs, which would attract even more audiences who liked different things that base Minecraft didn't have.
"It's time to spend some points to invest in Minecraft!" Alex said excitedly.
Chapter 32 is already released on Patre on!
Patre on.com/NunuXD
Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr
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