M&W vs G&O
It all starts unlimited years before
Where Gods, Angels, Astrals and even Devils were existing.
Were they existing not knowing what.. exactly?
Hey MARTIAL wake up schools over. We still have our sports and Light Novel Club ongoing...
Huh? i guess i had a crazy dream... lets get going
Chapter 1
The Fight Starts!
So Kheyf did u ever became good at writing stories? I mean we did write storys but more or less only we care...
K: What? we are the best writers out there did u forget that we will publish a manga of our Novel?
M: (if he only knew...)
Hey Kheyf today im not joining pls live on well...
As the godly Aura gets stronger MARTIAL knew what awaits.
?????????: Here you are! 2.3 Mio years passed and u seem like u wanted to be found? What were u doing and why do u live in this low life with this weird suit? U know how long we searched for u... MARTIAL the fallen GOD!
M: HeheheHAW u guys still care about things like that? Seems like u rats will never change... Cassandra dont try to challenge me Im trained... unlike U. Ya know i was training alot and came to senses training alone wont change the Universe... I found out by a wise Person that a Man shouldnt accept how the Universe is but CHANGE how it should be...
C: U are not a wise man anyway so come with me or refuse and u end up in a different Universe to settle this... as i can tell ur Godly powers are still weak.
M: Lets get over this... ( I will miss this chill life)
C: ... okay *UNIVERSUM*
Narrative: Cassandra made a whole new Universe for settling the fight and she knew he cant escape.
The next moment M. released a buff for speed (Ninjutsu) Cassandra had a very small fraction of a nano second time to shoot her Atom bolt... BUT
Part 2: Arts or Gods
Martial smacks the godly soul bone outta her from behind and she flies from centre of the Universe till 1 quartle to the east through multiple galaxies till ends up in a worm hole where she could finally stop... Martial already infront of her grabing her and throw her back making a copy to hit her with a fast 10 hit string so he wont get damged by it.
N: Her body other than the bones was torn apart
GOD Bones are the souls of gods and are Resist to everything. With out damaging it the body will regenerate. The regeneration depends on how well in a state GOD souls are.
C: What in the Gods is this why cant i sense any godhood my god bones got damged by pure Might? What did he do in all of this millions of years?
M: Ouf u got a strong bone there my hand is gone for good but another hit and u are solar energy Cassandra... sad i actually liked u the most out everyone but sadly the circumstances changed im the same guy but now... I knew I was weak thats why I went through different Dimensions and explored nearly all galaxies for seeking power and defy the GODs and their powers for once and ALL.
So lets get out here before we nuke it.
My Ultrum: this Universe is already gone! good bye MARTIAL
(he was always so kind so why...) We Gods need to clear things like u otherwise we cant live in our Universe. U would never understand that.. There are priorities to maintain, our reputation and our home Universe savety. So u need to go..
N: Cassandra tries to flee back from the Universe to the original.
M: Not so fast (I was prepared for this) reversed UNISERSUM cancel now u are stuck with me and u must stop this attack or we both die for nothing..
C: Im sry but then we both die together I would probably get killed anyway if u survive and this ULTRUM is no joke its based saame on my ATOM BOLT its destroys the friction on atomic lvl so even I probably cant nullify or stop it anymore...
N: ULTRUM ATOMIC is a circle around the whole Universe and becomes smaller in a fast period the only thing thats left is cosmic energy of the destructed galaxies, black and wormholes and maybe something like higher God can challenge it.
M: Say no less (Ninjutsu art 100 SHIN SASEGEYO) SACRIFICE UR LIFE FOR THIS! COPIES OF THE MARTIAL! The first 80 I give u the weapons that are sacred with defence buffs so buff urselfs with defence aswell and force stop powers. U 14 go everything on Power here are the artifacts for it and U 4 go for agility and weapon skill if with can destruct it even a bit with these arts the last 3 standing will try to challenge it. We 3 buff EVERYTHING we got the time lets start! Sir we got this...
N: And so 230 years passed and the Astral Energy (of the the Destructed Universe) was flowing more into the circle to the universe where Cassandra and 101 MARTIALS Were getting their powers to the limit. How many Lifeforms died?...
The moment was near as Martial was cultivating the last 320 years for this. And Cassandra in the middle was still hoping for MARTIAL to live but what would happen to her afterwards?
Part 2: The Immovable Object vs the Unstoppable Force
M: SASAGEYO? 100M. :SASAGEYO! the protective martial shield was realized and the shield warrioirs were geting getting slowly erased only for more time for the others to analize it and get stronger and earse the atoms themselves. NOW!
N: The 17 Ninjas were soo fast as the Atomic couldnt even touch or erase them. They hit every cell of the cells to Quantum physics lvl with there 34 Legendary weapons and the left 30 shield warriors were giving their all aswell... 10months pass...
C: What is this Will of surivival? What is happening... the copies are bleeding and dying and fighting with limps torn apart! only for the king in middle himself to face it himself! is this really the same MARTIAL?
M: NOW! the LAST 2 of the copies are aswell going against it.. aswell The King
slowly but steady all the 23 forces that survived goes against the seemingly immovable objekt as Martial releases the DOUBLE Skill his arms become 4 his body thicker and his emotions are exploding. Goo warriors!
As fast as he moves he destroy he punches them into the Atomatic core crit point point 1 for another he pushes the field away with his bare hands. Next 4 Nunchaks mode Berserker activated!
N: Copies Remaining: 4 Time passed: 2.3 years
Atom field: gets faster gets pushed back and slowly erasing
the 2 copies in the middle abilities: Life and Death Energy and the other Astral Energy
M: Last Buff: Hyper Astral SPEED
N:as the copy absorbed the ASTRAL energy in these years they became thx to him way more powerful than the strongest of the gods. The Cosmos was flowing through their blood and soul and their eyes became Astral seekers. In less than an hour they pushed it waay back to the origin: out of the large Universe.
M: Puh ,, What a blast so anything to say? U should join me maybe...
U wont get away easy after this.
C: I give up. U are just waay too... but i have to report to the elder god what happened. If it would only be that easy to fight them all...
So get prepared for the next fight to come (my dear Martial what ever your path will be... follow your own way) I hope u know well why what U are doing... all this problems for us and the Universe. Farewell friend!
M: Greet the gramps from me!
Tell him i will create a hell for him to be in. If this makes sense?
Anyways, Bye! I hope u come back as a better god.
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Here is a summary bc i dont know know if it exists anywhere else haha thx for reading guys and help me!
After turning his back to the very GODs he is exploring the universe and dimensions to learn new abilities.
With learning so many things and expanding his tactics he created a Martial Art himself.... one to defy GODs!!!
MARTIAL the fallen GOD gets a visit from a strange yet familiar being.
What will happen to the Universe.... Who are the Omegas? MARTIAL who want to stay on top of all has long way to claim that title...
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