Frans was amazed. Nindy Chan gets into a luxury red sports car.
Jeez! How rich is he!
When the dolphin was still rich, she never wanted to buy a luxury car that cost a villa.
Especially Evie, even though her mother is married to a conglomerate, how could Evie the stepdaughter be rewarded with such a luxury sports car.
"Crazy ... Nindy Chan oh Nindy Chan! Turns out you are a rich woman! Nindy Chan ... where are you? Where do you live?"
Frans went crazy.
The incident just a moment before, ~
Because of meeting the traitor couple. Nindy canceled her plans for a mole surgery at the clinic.
Bad mood! Nindy's feelings were mixed. What a mess. Angry, hurt, disappointed, tortured! Of course. They tortured me! Nindy was burning with flames of anger. Not a fire of jealousy! "Jealousy is not in my dictionary!" _
Nindy is forced to find an excuse to cancel the operation.
"Maybe I'll just look for a beauty clinic! If you are here, you will find a male cockroach!" _ Nindy complained irritably.
Nindy walked to the basement, into the parking lot. He passed several people. Nindy markings. If he didn't meet many people, he didn't want to walk gracefully like this. Her leg hurts so badly. These high heels are too high. Then the car park is far away.
Hah! Rotten cockroach! He also went to the parking lot.
Damn ... why is that cockroach following me ... ouch! Hide! _ Nindy accelerated her pace, hiding between the two pillars of the basement floor. Frans looked around to lose track.
"Aahh! Why does my stomach suddenly hurt like this ?!"_ Nindy clamped her feet tightly. Hold something out of the back hole.
Tut Tut Tuut!
The sound of a locomotive, hissing softly with the distinctive smell. Ahh! Nindy let out a muffled scream. But the wind in his stomach couldn't be helped.
"Ouch ... how come it hurts even more ?! toilet! Where's the toilet ... oh toilet!" _ Nindy came out of the place where she was hiding.
Oh, God! It hurts!
And in the rotten cockroach appeared again. Do not know at a profit!
What fate is my fate! Nindy groaned silently.
In the distance, Frans smiled. He found Nindy again.
Nindy tried to walk quickly, as far as possible to keep her distance from Frans. Cold sweat ran down Nindy's back.
Ouch! Nindy's feet felt sore, her legs were twisted or blistered. She didn't usually wear high heels, his feet rubbed against them.
"These high heels torture me!"_
Just take it off! There is no point in looking beautiful and graceful if you are tormented.
Nindy took off her shoes.
Nindy managed to get away and disappeared from Frans.
"Aishh ... How come I'm farting again! Ouch ... messy mess !! Don't let the smell of this fart lead the rotten cockroach to follow me. Can I find out! No! No! It can't happen. It's not time for the champ to show himself! I'm not ready for revenge!"_
Nindy hastened her pace.
Look, look for enemies. Frans was seen at a turn 100 meters away.
Nindy can't stand it. No toilet here! Warehouse! That's a warehouse. Oh, Warehouse!
It is okay!
There is no warehouse toilet, too!
Nindy ran into the warehouse.
The sound of the strong breeze came out straight, fast and loud. Poison gas mixed with a strong odor spread across the warehouse area.
Sigh! Sigh! The smell of fart made Nindy dizzy and short of breath. Her head was shaking, her eyes were light-headed.
Nindy felt like vomiting to smell it, even though it was the smell of gas coming from inside her channel.
Nindy couldn't imagine that if there were other people in the warehouse, they might faint.
Affected the spray of that poisonous gas
The poisonous gas that came from the garbage village sewer in his stomach, came out along with the stinging and intoxicating wind.
This is Nindy's deadliest weapon.
Pain in the stomach
Nindy hasn't disappeared.
BUUSH! There is more?!
The sound is loud.
Nindy's face turned red. Shame to hear his fart sound.
Nindy gasped for breath. She just got rid of the poison that was giving him a stomach ache. Because of this wind stored in his stomach, Nindy underwent a long series of treatments in the prison hospital.
Even after she was released, Nindy still had to be treated at a private hospital in Jakarta.
The gas in his stomach was endless.
The doctor said it was because he was under a lot of stress.
Really! Nindy doesn't believe that her gas disease is caused by stress.
I have to go to the doctor again! Why do I like to fart like this? Embarrassing! Fortunately, this disease only occurs once in a while. But what if it comes back at the wrong time? Horrible!
"Looks like in my stomach is a gas factory or maybe my stomach is full of trash!" _ Nindy complained. This fart disease got worse after she gave birth.
It's all out. Alhamdulillah.
Nindy rushed to the car.
Nindy escapes from Frans who is following her.
The car park is in the basement.
Din Din Din!
The car door opens vertically upwards like. butterfly.
In the past, Nindy was amazed to see the door of this sports car, her pride was beyond measure. But the feeling didn't hurt now when I saw Frans standing watching him get into this car.
Frans's mouth fell open. If only a group of flies had entered, one of them would have entered Frans's open mouth.
Frans people looked dazed. If it's like that, men won't be attractive there all the time.
"To be honest, if I have turned into a beautiful woman, slim and glowing, a man like Frans ...Pptht Through!"
Nindy laughed. Thinking of beautiful revenge.
"Wait, Frans! My vengeance will surely make you suffer, ten times more painful than mine!"_
Din Din Din!
Frans was forced to resign. A red sports car drove lightly next to it. Frans was amazed!
Nindy Chan! You are very beautiful. What's more, your car!
Frans watched the red car leave.
Too bad, why did I get into Evie's love trap. If there is a beautiful rich girl like Nindy Chan ... I wouldn't choose to marry the dolphin or labor for Evie's sake! "_
Teett ... tett ... tett! Frans's cell phone vibrated.
Frans realized. He just thought of his wife, Evie. He must be impatient waiting in the clinic lobby.
After returning from the clinic, Frans did not speak. Nindy Chan's red sports car was pictured in her mind.
I wish I had a car like that! Frans fantasized.
Several months ago the car belonging to her father-in-law caught fire along with the driver.
Insurance eventually replaced a similar car with a burnt one. Unfortunately ... the luxury car he could not enjoy. Let alone enjoy it, not just climb it.
Wait a minute! Insurance. Insurance!
Frans remembered Nindy's insurance.
Isn't it time for the insurance to be taken by Nindy?
Nindy gets an insurance inheritance from her father, amounting to 25 billion.
That kind of money could buy a luxury sports car.
At home, Frans opened his laptop, looked at the prices of luxury sports cars on the internet,
BMW M. M2 Competition 6 MT: IDR1.62 billion,
M2 Competition DCT: IDR1.69 billion, Mercedes-AMG. A 35 4Matic: IDR 1.22 billion ...!
Frans smiled. In the past, Nindy had been tricked into signing a letter of submission of the insurance fund withdrawal on Nindy's name to Frans.
Yes! Super!!!
Frans laughed out loud.
Hahaha Hahaha, Nindy ... Nindy! You are my most beautiful treasure!
You are the savior of my life!
Without you, I have no meaning.
Only you can give me a precious and beautiful gift.
Nindy ... Nindy ... poor luck!
Prison will make you die without a name. What a waste!
Oh, Nindy... Too bad... why are you born so ugly! Nindy ... thank you ... you made me happy!
Frans wrote poetry that was cruel and devoid of feelings. He has a habit of writing poetry to express his thoughts and feelings.
He didn't know what bad luck he would receive in the future.
Nindy Has Prepared Painful Vengeance!
Money worth 25 billion for Frans is not a small amount of money. That's a big one! Big money! GREAT MONEY! The money hasn't been cut! The money is still in the Swiss bank.
'I have to take the money. Money doesn't matter to Nindy. Why have so much money in prison! Be patient dolphins... you can't make a swimming pool in prison! _ Frans laughed, his eyes turning green. Green dollar, there is a $ symbol to replace the pupil of his eye.
With that money, I can buy a part of the world. With that money ... I can do anything! I can plan a beautiful life. Rearranging my destiny.
I will buy a mansion, not a palace ... yes a palace! apartments in different countries, buying a luxury sports car is not one but five ... maybe more! Create a company, become a member of the legislature, a regent or mayor, buy an island ... aaahhh !! Hahahaha!
Beautiful dream! Very beautiful.
Frans is going crazy! Just imagined he was crazy. Especially if he had the money later, maybe he was going crazy.
Nindy ...! Even after being made bankrupt, it turns out that you are still very rich! Frans shook his head.
Why do I regret hurriedly divorcing the dolphin? _
"I should have been more patient, until the time the money was disbursed!" Frans hit the table so many times that his hand hurt.
Frans put his face on the table. Cry! The man was seriously crying. Crying for his stupidity and misfortune. Frans felt stupid, he should be able to be patient for a few months, not take a hasty decision. Divorced with Nindy, cost him big money. Frans feels that his fate is very unfortunate, his dream of becoming a rich person has not been achieved. Now he has rich in-laws, but only step-in-law. Frans cried one more time.
Just a moment, less than 5 minutes. Frans calmed down again. It was easy for Frans's feelings to change.
"Never mind! The rice has become porridge! Now the important thing is how to get the insurance money!" Frans Winata hit the table again with a different hand.
I can't regret it!
He's already here ... by Evie's side!
"I have to find a way to cash out the insurance money without Evie's permission!" _ Frans intends to cheat on his wife. Looks like this is his talent. Betrayed his wife for wealth and money. He had already done it once, it was possible that he would be able to do it again.
Frans stood up, put his hands on the table, leaned forward. Evie can't be fooled, unlike Nindy.
Evie entered her study with a fierce face, gun, pointed to her head! Frans shivered with fear.
DOR !! Frans was shocked. He rubbed his chest. Don't bleed! Luckily that was just Frans's imagination.
Nothing happened.
Evie is not a woman who can be tricked. The stepfather of the gun mafia. Yudisthira Salman owns the largest arms company in Indonesia.
He is very rich and dangerous.
"If Evie finds out, I'll take the insurance money for myself ... I'm dead!
Damn it! When did Evie not get involved in my business!" Frans's mind was confused.
Hups! What you think about immediately appears. His wife Evie entered the study in a light dress. Later her beautiful curves will be clearly illustrated. Even though she wasn't as tall as a dolphin, Evie's body was dazzlingly beautiful. Why do I remember the dolphin again?
"Honey ... what's wrong with you?" Frans was shocked. Suddenly, Evie appeared before him.
"Oh ... I'm working on a project proposal!" Frans was a little nervous, he saved his poem and turned off the laptop before Evie approached.
His wife must have misunderstood and gone berserk reading the sarcasm poem earlier. Evie hated literature, let alone poetry.
Unlike Nindy. The fat girl cramped when she wrote a seductive poem.
In this case, Nindy is more cultured than Evie Melody.
Only Nindy does not underestimate her poetry.
Frans sincerely praised Nindy. Sincere. Ah, Frans remembers Nindy again!
Evie sat on Frans's lap and wrapped her arms around Frans's neck. Frans became lust. Evie Melodi is good at pleasing herself in bed.
Frans gave his wife a 9.
Maybe it was because Frans had never made love to any other woman, apart from the two women who became his wives, so Frans could only compare the two of them.
"What's bothering you?" Evie asked softly in Frans's ear.
"Hmm ... this!" Frans opened a picture of a luxury car on his cellphone.
"You want to buy it?" Evie's beautiful eyes widened.
"You like?" Frans smiled. Fortunately, he saved pictures of luxury cars in his gallery
Evie Melodi laughed. She did not think that her husband could not sleep thinking about buying her a luxury car.
"You want to buy it for me ?!"
"I will try!"
"Oh, dear... muaach ... muaach ... muaach!" Evie Melodi showered Frans with lots of kisses.
Frans was lulled. Frans lifted Evie's light body into the room.
This place is more comfortable than the narrow workspace.
That afternoon, Frans decided to contact an insurance agent who often offered him insurance products.
Missy, the name of the insurance agent, not only does have a beautiful and attractive physique, but this 26-year-old woman is also smart and speaks frankly, and is fun.
As a well-known insurance agent, Missy does not have a fixed salary. The income is based on the achievement of the target. The higher the insurance policy, the higher the income.
Missy smiled happily when she met Frans. It turned out that Frans was not only as handsome as he saw on his social media accounts, but Frans also turned out to be handsome.
In her heart, this girl who used to provide plus plus plus insurance packages hoped that Frans, this rich man, would buy an insurance package and a 'special bonus' as invited by the customer.
Missy started offering her products,
"The insurance price depends on the type, the better, the more expensive it is. At that package price ...!" Missy still wants to promote her insurance package and 'gift' package, but Frans stops her words.
"I have a special package for you!"
"What sir... special package !!" Missy was stunned. He should be the one promoting, not this rich handsome man.
"Ohh!" Missy sighed sexily. It wasn't him casting the net, but this young master feeding him the bait.
Just right! Fit with his wishes. Mr. Frans who is handsome, kind, is saving in insurance, huh?!_ Miss Missy is happy.
"Is there anything I need to help, sir?" Missy red lips wet, perfectly open, glowing clean facial skin, with a sensual body and shirt with two buttons open, seductive, like she is ready to be prey.
What are you waiting for! Frans feels lucky!
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