Chapter 41
Inei found himself sitting face to face with his mother once more, and found himself more dulled and tired than anytime before. The war had changed him, two years of constant fighting—No. Not fighting, but slaughter had dulled him much and yet he had entered GAA with specific objectives, and now two years later he had achieved them all.
GAA was so decimated, their military and magical might so severely hampered than it would taken them at least two decades to even think of rebuilding their magical society, specially now that the man who had supported their society from the shadows for all these years was dead.
Gu Jie, the undying. The man who was in a way responsible for the tragedy that was his own life was now dead, and with that the last remnants of Dahan were erased from the face of this world.
The revenge of Maya Yotsuba was now complete, the people who had taken her life from her were now all dead, their country decimated, and the reason for it engrained into their deepest memories.
"Are you satisfied now?" he asked her, as he sat opposite to her, and despite the two years she had not changed much.
Though the same could not be said of him, for he knew that he had changed. In ways more than one.
"I had hoped to be," she answered solemnly as she looked him in the eye, and all he felt was pity for her in that moment.
"But truth is I am not, I feel nothing. Not a single thing," and that was the tragedy of Maya Yotsuba, to not feel a single thing. Something he had given much thought to during the campaign.
"Are you?" she asked him, and he sighed as he looked to the ceiling.
His own purpose of going into the GAA had been to neutralise Gu Jie, to make sure that the man would never harm him and those closer to him ever. And yet he had underestimated the sheer toll the war would take on him, how it would dull him to see and carry out the slaughter.
"I had hoped to be as well," he answered, for though it all did not satisfy him now, he hoped that the future would prove worth it.
"I see," Maya Yotsuba added as she gave him a slow nod and then put aside her cup.
"What a pair we are, mother and son," she commented with a chuckle, and there was self derision in those words as she looked him in the eye.
"We made an agreement when you left for the war two years ago. You have kept up your side of the bargain, and so it is time for me to keep up my end," she said as he shook her head.
"Not yet," and it was a decision he had reached after much thought and seemed to surprise her.
"What do you mean?" she asked as Inei sighed.
"Being a clan head comes with a certain set of responsibilities and duties and though I know I can carry them out easily, I wish to have sometime for myself, and that is why I am modifying the terms of our agreement," he said and saw her nod, as a smile appeared on her lips.
"That is cruel of you. Just when I had hoped that I would be done with all this," she replied, and he shrugged.
"Two years," he added and saw her eyes widen.
"You shall hold onto this seat for two years, and after that I shall succeed you as the clan head," and that was a decision he had reached after much deliberation, and thought.
"So be it," she agreed for she had no reason to deny him anymore, and he nodded as he gulped.
"Do you wish for it?" he asked, making her frown as he continued.
"To feel emotions once again," he asked and saw her eyes widen, at those words for she understood that he would not have asked this without reason.
"I do," she replied, and he nodded. In the two years away, he had spent much time studying the Mental Interference Magic of his aunt, and though he had not been able to find a breakthrough, he was able to do something.
"Then look me in the eyes," and with that he pushed psions into his eyes and felt the room change as Maya Yotsuba looked straight into his eyes and the the world around hthem shifted as they found themselves in a world much similar to the old one.
Hours passed as Inei simply sat there, as a tear dripped down Maya Yotsuba's face. The first one in but three decades, as she smiled at the boy opposite to him and spoke with a shaking tone.
"So this is what it feels like to be a mother....."
Two Years Later~
Much had changed for Japan in the years since the end of the war, and the memory of the conflict had begun to fade as the world returned to normal.
Japan had become a Superpower with its two new Strategic Class magicians, both of whom had the ability to decimated countries single hadedly and yet in the two years since the war none had even caught a glimpse of the Special Agent Oguro Ryuuya, or the World Cleaver Inei Yotsuba.
Both had vanished from the public eye, and life resumed as normal. Much had changed in her life as well, as Mayumi Saegusa found herself becoming Mayumi Yotsuba in the Magical University.
Her very name now drew whispers and stares as she walked through the crowd, though none of it mattered much for while the world may fear her second name, she loved it much for what it meant to her.
"I am home," and as she opened the doors and entered a rather small but comely home in Tokyo suburb, she felt satisfied as she heard an all too familiar voice greet her back from the kitchen.
"Welcome back," and there he stood, facing the stove, with a matching ring on his hand as he flipped things over in the pan.
And as she smelt the aromas wafting through the air, she found her feet carrying her to the kitchen as she jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
"Is that Indian Cuisine that I am smelling?" she asked and saw him smile as he gave a small kiss to her hand.
"Indeed it is," and she could scarcely believe that this was her life for the last two years, coming home everyday from her university to this.
"Now go and wash up, I will set up the table," he said and yet she stopped him.
"Let me help," she said as she slid off his large back and began to help him set the table, before they both sat down and began eating away their meal.
She told him of her day, as she always did while he listened attentively, as they both ate the warm meal. Inei Yotsuba had found himself with a massive target on his back after the war, and though he could have taken control of the Yotsuba clan he had chosen to retire from the public eye for a few years to spend more time with her.
And so for the last two years Mayumi and him had been living together in Tokyo as she completed her education, and became a scholar.
"A message arrived from Maya-sama," she told him as she was washing the dishes, making him still.
"What does she want now?" he asked from the sofas.
"Someone has put another hit on your head," she told him worriedly and yet he was as non-chalant about it as ever.
"That's nothing new," and it was not. Not a month went by in which there was not an attempt on his life and yet he cared little about it.
"She wanted to dispatch Aya..."
"No," he cut in before she could finish, and she had expected this and had already relayed his answer.
"We will be fine," he said as he rose up and wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"Afterall, I am living with the second coming of the Empress," and she elbowed him sharply at those words.
"Don't tease me," she chided him as he chuckled.
"Is that a lie?" he teased and she rolled her eyes, as she turned to face him.
The Second Coming of the Empress, it was a moniker given to her by the very few who knew of her prowess.
"No it is not, but still are you not worried at all," she asked and he smiled as he caressed her face.
"With you by side, not at all," and her face heated up at those words, and despite it being years now he still made her heart race when, he spoke of her with such surety.
And so they forgot about it and bantered, and went about their day, and then night came and she found herself beside him in the bed and watched him lay there sleeping so calmly, and found herself mesmerised by him once more.
"I will be right back," she added as she kissed him on the forehead and slid out of the bed without disturbing him, and as soon as the doors to their room closed behind her, her eyes shifted as the whole world transformed.
"You should really learn some manners," she whispered coldly as she raised her hand and white balls of energy emerged behind her aimed at the four masked men trying to enter their home.
"Meteor Line!"
And so, it ends. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I liked Mahouka and had always wanted to delve into it.
If you want to support me, in any way you can do that through my Patre0n.
Hope you all have a nice day!
PS: This was replaced by a Naruto SI story. You can check it out if you like! 😊
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