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Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong original

Mahouka: I Want to Live Quietly but I'm Too Strong

Penulis: Livice

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Wake Up

Past life.

I lived as the son of a third-wife bastard.

During my childhood, I was subjected to torturous odd jobs.

My father was strict, but he failed to provide proper guidance.

While my stepbrothers and stepsisters enjoyed successful careers in my father's company, I worked as a nanny, taking care of my father, who was seriously ill.

When the pain returned at night, my mother and I would tend to him, exhausted and mentally drained.

Do you think my father was good, despite heaven afflicting him with disease?

No! this man was not good to his family; he treated us inhumanely. My mother and I desperately tried to treat his illness, but he never appreciated our efforts and scolded us over trivial matters.

"Don't worry, keep tending to my illness even though your education is lacking. I've left a great deal of wealth for you and your mother."

What a despicable man! He deserves damnation!

I'm frustrated by my inability to protect my mother from the actions of this wretched man. My mother wanted to divorce him, but she always postponed it out of concern for my well-being.

"Son, I know this hurts, but let's endure it together." Ahh... my mother's smile is like an oasis in the middle of the desert for me.

So we remained patient and restrained ourselves.

But as time passed, my father died from a stroke, and his inheritance never reached either of us.

I was shocked—where is the money for my mother!? At the very least, give her a share if you want to keep mine.

In the end, the inheritance went solely to the first wife and her children, while the second wife and her children devoured it like repugnant dogs.

Afterward, I took care of my mother and managed to find a job that was average in society. We lived a poverty-stricken life haunted by a terrible past. My mother thanked me for taking good care of her and apologized for having to bring me into this world with such a terrible father.

"Don't worry, Mom. Rest in peace."

And so, my life continued. I worked as a factory worker after graduating from high school, and after five years of hard work, my dedication was finally recognized, and the company promoted me to the position of manager.

I also dabbled in other business ventures and struck gold with cryptocurrency.

My life underwent a drastic transformation. Suddenly, I found myself with an abundance of wealth.

I chose not to get married out of fear of subjecting my future wife and children to the same injustices I experienced.

I didn't want them to take care of me, someone condemned to lung cancer as a result of inhaling the second-hand smoke of my heavy-smoking father.

It's ironic that despite never drinking, smoking, or engaging in risky behaviors, I was still afflicted with lung cancer.

I decided not to dwell on my illness and moved forward.

I was prepared to die and had made a will to donate all my possessions to an orphanage. I didn't want my modest fortune to fall into the hands of a greedy person.

Then, at the age of almost 25, I succumbed to lung cancer in my room, as the disease had spread and caused severe complications throughout my body.

So... this is death.

I am still conscious, but now I find myself in a place that is not Earth. The afterlife?

That could be the only explanation for the otherworldly place I find myself in now.


At least let me experience the wonders of life.

Even in my previous life, I never indulged in the pleasures of self-pleasure or the art of manga or anime...

Perhaps I could open a small coffee shop or restaurant?

By the way, my dream was to become a chef.

"Okay, if that's what you desire, kind soul... I hope for a better and more beautiful life for you."

"Huh? Did I hear something?

Before I had time to contemplate it, my consciousness faded.

Then, slowly, my consciousness began to return, like a fog lifting to reveal my surroundings...

As I stood there, utterly flabbergasted by the bizarre turn of events, a whirlwind of emotions swept through me. Confusion, disbelief, and a hint of excitement mingled, creating a cacophony of thoughts and sensations that threatened to overwhelm my fragile sanity.

How on earth had I transitioned from being a man to finding myself in the body of a stunningly beautiful girl?

It felt like some sort of surreal rebirth had taken place, and I was caught amid its bewildering aftermath.

Rubbing my eyes as if trying to wipe away the remnants of a strange dream, I slowly regained clarity of vision.

But as I examined my hands, I couldn't help but notice their delicate, feminine nature. They were slender and graceful, reminiscent of a woman's hands.

I half-expected to see a wedding ring adorning one of my fingers, but of course, there was none.

What was happening to me?

Curiosity mixed with a tinge of apprehension, urging me to explore further. I tentatively touched my chest, hoping for a sense of familiarity, but what I felt only added to my perplexity.

It was like a boy's chest, contradicting the appearance of my delicate hands. Confusion washed over me, and I couldn't help but wonder, "What on earth is going on?"

Feeling a mix of relief and embarrassment, I decided to check the one thing that would truly confirm or dispel my fears. I gingerly grasped my "hammer," my left hand instinctively seeking reassurance that it hadn't mysteriously disappeared.

"Haha! It's still here!" I let out a nervous chuckle, feeling rather foolish for entertaining the notion of a complete gender reversal. Phew!

With a newfound resolve, I stretched my arms upward, rising from the bed, and gingerly took a few steps forward.

However, something felt off—something beyond the evident change in my appearance. My voice, once deep and commanding, now sounded soft and delicate. It was as if someone had turned the volume down on my masculinity. "Ugh, this is insane. What's happening to me?" I muttered in disbelief.

Driven by an irresistible urge to comprehend this bewildering transformation, I made my way toward the mirror in the room. The morning sunlight gradually illuminated the glass, revealing my reflection. And there it was—a sight that made me smack my hand against the mirror frame in sheer disbelief.

"Whaaat? Who is this adorable girl? Oh, it's me... but this is crazy!"

I blurted out, unable to contain my astonishment. Staring back at me was an undeniably beautiful, with large, captivating golden eyes framed by luscious eyelashes. My fair and pale complexion added an air of elegance as if I belonged on the cover of a magazine.

But amidst all this femininity, my chest remained flat like a boy's, and my body boasted a slender, athletic frame. It was as if I had become a hybrid of femininity and youthfulness, with only my long, black hair as a remnant of my previous self.

The conflicting emotions of awe and frustration surged within me as I continued to gaze at my transformed reflection.

While I couldn't deny the undeniable allure of my new appearance, I couldn't help but grapple with the profound confusion and apprehension that accompanied it.

How was I supposed to navigate this unfamiliar world as a trap? Would others accept and understand my unique circumstances? And what would become of the dreams and aspirations I once held dear?

Inhaling deeply, I made a silent vow to myself. Rather than succumbing to the overwhelming confusion and uncertainty, I would embrace this utterly unexpected reality.

"Wow, this is quite surprising! I've been speaking Japanese all along, so does that mean I'm Japanese now? Let's delve into my new identity, shall we?"

Dramatic dashing sound effect!

With a burst of energy, I dashed towards the table, frantically searching for any form of identification. "Where is it? Ah, found it!"

As I held up the card, its sleek design, and thinness hinted at advanced electronic technology. "So... my name is Yuki Haku. Tsk! Whatever~"

Today had been a rollercoaster of emotions, thanks to this sudden and mind-boggling turn of events. My head was spinning faster than a hamster on a wheel.

"Hmm, what's this? A mysterious piece of paper caught my eye."

I couldn't help but be intrigued by the sheet of paper resting on my desk as if it held the secrets to the universe.

Okay, maybe not the universe, but at least my current situation.

"Oh, dear mystical spirit, I have reincarnated your restless soul into a brand new world. I have granted your every wish, both in life and beyond. For further explanation, refer to the all-powerful 'System.'"

[Recognized voice...]

Suddenly, a robotic voice echoed in my mind, accompanied by a flashing blue screen. Talk about an upgrade!

[System activated...]

[Do you desire knowledge about how this magnificent system works or would you like to embark on a journey of self-discovery?]

"Hmm, understanding myself sounds intriguing. What's behind door number two?"

[Confirmed! Transmitting knowledge into the depths of your brain...]



Excruciating pain tore through my head, bringing me down to my knees. But amidst the agony, a flood of information surged into my mind, granting me the understanding of my rebirth.

"So, it seems that God decided to cut out the middleman and bestow upon me this glorious body directly. Phew, what a relief!"

"In short, according to this paper, I was orphaned at the tender age of eight, but my oh-so-generous parents left behind a sizable fortune for me."

"Yep, it's just the right amount—neither too little nor too much. The important thing is that this whole identity is a divine fabrication. I hoped so, even my parents are part of the divine imagination... Fake family drama? No, thank you!"

"Gah! Just the thought of it sends shivers down my spine."

"Moreover, this body is pretty special. I've got a photographic memory, a buff physique perfect for combat or any badass profession, immunity to pesky diseases, and apparently, the potential to become a legendary magician?"

"What does that mean exactly? Geez, trying to process all this while my mental state is on a rollercoaster is like juggling flaming swords."

But I can't contain my curiosity! I'll go bonkers if I don't figure out what's happening right now!


"Alrighty then. I choose option number one."

Ugh, my voice sounds surprisingly delicate.

[Confirmed. Initiating explanation of the wondrous system...]

"AHHH!" I braced myself for the inevitable headache.

[The system offers a variety of user wishes that can be accessed through the system store.]

[Karma points serve as the currency for purchasing items in the system shop.]

[Karma points can be earned through good deeds in your previous life, being a decent human being, and the hilarious mix-ups where others mistake you for a woman.]


My eyes widened as I gazed upon the floating blue screen, which presented me with straightforward rules about this system.

Sigh... I was expecting an avalanche of information. Not that I'm a masochist or anything.

Taking a deep breath, I digested the information and cleared any misunderstandings.

[Name: Yuki Haku]

[Age: 14]

[Gender: Male]

[Karma points: 900,000,000]


[Photographic Memory]

[Heavenly Body]


[Unlimited Psions]

[Psions Control]

[Magical Endurance]



[Pink kimonos]

[Black chokers]

"Ohh? So I've got that many points, huh? I wonder what goodies await me in the system shop."

I couldn't help but notice the six classifications of skills and powers, but I was particularly perplexed by the storage feature.

What's the deal with the pink kimonos and chokers?

"Is it because I never had the 'desire' for them before? But seriously, I'm a dude! Oh, and speaking of desires, I don't want to end up with a super-strong wife. Haha."

Sigh Just to make things crystal clear, I'm not getting hitched, and I don't swing that way!

With determination, I decided to explore the system shop.

"Hey, system! Got any skills related to cooking?"


[Cooking Ability: 1 Karma Point]

"Wow! I'm getting it right away!"

I couldn't contain my excitement as my lifelong dream of becoming a chef was about to come true.

[Cooking Ability purchased]

[Sending data...]


A mild electric shock accompanied the transfer of all cooking-related information from the system. I absorbed knowledge about selecting the finest ingredients, mastering cooking techniques, and creating culinary masterpieces. Moreover, I could feel the collective wisdom of countless legendary chefs coursing through me. If I wanted, I could open my restaurant right now, armed with the system's comprehensive cooking expertise.

"This is mind-blowing! At just one point, I've become a culinary genius."

[Name: Yuki Haku]

[Age: 14]

[Gender: Male]

[Karma points: 899,999,999]


[Photographic Memory]


[Heavenly Body]


[Unlimited Psions]

[Psions Control]

[Magical Endurance]



[Pink kimonos]

[Black chokers]

"So, magic and fantasy elements exist in this world... but I still have a lot to grasp about it."

[Would the user like knowledge about the current world?]

"How much does that cost?"


"Count me in! But wait a moment, I want to take a look around first."


Driven by curiosity, I hopped in the shower, as was my habit before heading out. When I checked my wardrobe afterward, I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was filled with... girl's clothing!

"What in the world?!"

But, in a bizarre twist, I decided to test if I could fool others into thinking I was a girl and score some points in the system. So, I put on a tight black tank top tucked into black pants. Over that, I wore a white cropped sweater that showed off my shoulders. To complete the look, I added a dark choker and simple stud earrings that matched my outfit.

Deep down, I was annoyed at selling my soul for those silly karma points, but hey, sometimes you've got to embrace the absurd.

"What the hell... I look kinda cute?"

I stood there, stunned, as I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.

Alright, I guess I'll have to get used to this, damn it.

I grabbed my ID and smartwatch before heading to the hallway, slipping on a pair of stylish white sneakers.

"The air feels crisp with a touch of warmth. Ah, it must be spring." I observed my neighborhood, the wide sidewalk in front of my house adorned with cherry blossoms, the quintessential sign of spring.

I stood in awe of my two-story house, designed to house a cozy little café.

"Alright, system, let's make it happen."

[Sending data...]


My head felt a little dizzy, a sensation I had experienced before when acquiring new skills from the system.

However, I wasn't prepared for the harsh reality of this world, where magic was not just a fantasy but a commonplace element used in warfare during the Third World War.

"Haha, magic, huh? But I just want to live a peaceful life. This world is terrifying for someone like me, who's also a magician." I stood there, silently, in front of the house, unable to suppress a helpless smile as the system fed me more information.


In this world, it wasn't merely a legend or a fairy tale. It had become a reality, an advanced technology that had existed for an unknown period.

The first verifiable record dated back to 1999 A.D., when police officers with extraordinary abilities thwarted a nuclear terror plot by a fanatical group, fulfilling a prophecy of humanity's annihilation. This incident became the first documented case of magic in modern times.

Originally, these extraordinary abilities were known as "supernatural powers," believed to be the result of spontaneous mutations, with the idea of systematizing them as a technology accessible to the masses considered impossible—a misconception.

Through the research of influential countries in the East and West, the existence of individuals blessed with "magic" gradually became public knowledge. The reproduction of these supernatural powers through magic became a possibility.

Of course, talent was required to harness such powers. But those with exceptional aptitude could achieve mastery comparable to professionals in the fine arts or sciences.

Supernatural powers transformed into a systematic technology through magic, while magic itself became a technical skill. "Supernatural power users" became "magic technicians."

Skilled magic technicians, capable of surpassing even nuclear weapons, became formidable assets for nations.

By the late 21st century, in 2095, the world's nations, far from being united, found themselves locked in a race.


I don't know what lies ahead in the scenarios that unfold, but I will strive for a peaceful and ordinary life, far removed from the harsh battles.

However, there's one dilemma.

If I'm too weak, my life and dreams may be in jeopardy.

If I'm too strong, I'll attract dangerous situations and the attention of dangerous individuals due to my power.

Even though, by magician standards, I might be considered strong, I haven't even begun to delve into modern magic, let alone attempt ninjutsu.


All I want is to live a peaceful life!

This chapter is a rewrite. Somehow, I managed to do it, but I'm not sure if it's lacking. I don't have an editor, and my English is a disaster.

Livice Livice

Cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story?

Comment it and let me know.

next chapter
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