The cat-girl attendant went running to the second floor in the guild. While she was going to call Ravenous to examine the strength of the novice, she couldn't help feeling sorry for him.
"Why does Jeanne want it to be precisely Ravenous? Does she hate him that much?"
"Aaaahhhh... He's so handsome and sexy... Now, Ravenous will break him... There will be nothing left of that pretty face... What a pity..."
"Did he refuse Jeanne? Now, is she mad at him?"
The attendant passed through a long corridor and came to the door of one of the rooms. The rooms in that area are the best in the guild, only for the most prestigious members.
When it came time to call the demon known as Ravenous, she was afraid. Then she squeezed the small coin bag again and knocked on the door. "Lady Ravenous, the guild asks for your help at examining a novice."
A soft-deep female voice came from behind the door. "Is it a good-looking man?"
The attendant liked Lucien very much and wanted to lie, saying that he was not handsome to save him from the misfortune that would strike him, but she could not lie to someone as strong as Ravenous, or she could suffer a terrible retaliation.
The cat-girl stuttered a little but chose to speak the truth. "He's... the most gorgeous man I've ever seen."
The door was kicked open, hitting the wall and scaring the attendant. Ravenous hurried out and took the attendant by the shoulders while shaking her. "How gorgeous does that mean?!"
"Hee... Uhmm..." The poor cat-girl was very scared. She didn't understand how Ravenous could be so...
Ravenous is probably the strongest A-rank adventurer at the guild. People do not understand why she has not yet entered the S-rank. But her strength is not what draws the most attention...
She is a sexy middle-aged woman, 1.7 meters tall. Her curvy body is a wonderful combination of big breasts, a big ass, and a slim waist. But she had many peculiar traits, being a super rare kind of demi-human, the Manticore Race.
Ravenous's skin is a beautiful olive color, looking very healthy and hot. Several parts of her body were covered with a fluffy fur of dark brown color as well as her big tousled hair. A pair of big hairy ears barely showed up because her hair was huge, giving her an even cuter look.
Not only were her small parts with fur fluffy, but she also had small fluffy wings and a delicate brown tail. Her face was beautiful with large yellow eyes, soft and slightly red lips. To complete the heavenly beauty, she has a delicate little nose and small sharp cute fangs.
The attendant cat-girl and most of the people in the guild didn't understand why someone as beautiful as she was so brutal.
Ravenous was a nickname, which everyone thought was very appropriate as she had already broken more than a hundred men in such a terrible way that the poor souls never recovered.
Now, the cat-girls was taking this terrible villain to devour the handsome novice. The attendant led the way toward the first floor while answering Ravenous' questions about Lucien.
Lucien played with little Ko while waiting for the cat-girl to come back. Everyone stared at him, many appreciating his charm, others thinking how strong he would be. And many were also admiring the beauty of Oya and Ko.
All the talk goes on about Lucien and who the veteran would be to examine him. Everyone wanted to see the sparring match. But when they saw Ravenous coming down the stairs, they were upset.
One of Lucien's new admirers rose to complain. "Are you crazy? What did he do to have to fight her ?!"
After the first woman complained, other people also started screaming that it was too cruel to the guy who saved two girls from the mercenaries. Everyone claimed that Ravenous would break Lucien forever.
But Lucien didn't care about anything the adventurers were talking about. He couldn't take his eyes off Ravenous's beautiful curves. She was wearing a small leather armor, which showed much of her sexy body.
He felt something similar to when he first saw Anne. He really wanted to caress that cute fur. But in Ravenous's case, he felt much more desire, as she didn't look like a young girl, but rather the mature woman with curves, which looked much sexier.
As soon as he saw her, Lucien thought of focusing entirely on conquering the wonderful Manticore-Beauty, but he was not in the world for fun. His mother came first, so he waited for Lust's analysis of Ravenous's latent potential.
Lust wasted no time and quickly analyzed Ravenous and couldn't help but be surprised at her great potential and a nice bonus.
"She is amazing! She has great potential, blocked by being a half-Manticore, and you can easily help her achieve the power which even pure Matincores would have a hard time reaching."
Lucien was delighted as he saw Ravenous coming down the stairs. He started thinking about how to conquer the beautiful Manticore, but then he became more concerned as he listened to people commenting on her.
He was not someone who would judge a woman for being or not a virgin, but he was hearing that she had liked peculiar ways and "broke" her partners. He thought it would be challenging to deal with someone bizarre and asked Lust for help.
Lust started to laugh when Lucien asked how to deal with the "wild" Ravenous. He was confused, but he couldn't help but laugh too when Lust explained the situation.
"Hahaha... Does she break her partners for being so wild?! You must be kidding me! She is still a virgin."
Lucien heard everyone talking about the massive lists of men who were abused by Ravenous, so he asked if Lust was sure. Lust could accurately analyze people's latent potential, so discover something about their bodies was easy, and Ravenous has a completely pure body.
Ravenous was also looking at Lucien. Her first impression was of surprise. She saw him playing tenderly with a cub. It was not common for adventurers to treat their pets as kindly as he was doing by kissing and petting the little tigress.
As a half-manticore, she had tigers among her ancestors and cannot help wondering what it would be like to be caressed kindly that way and not seen as an object of pleasure.
Ravenous had to maintain her violent and abusive reputation to keep her from being abused and pursued by men when she was weaker. But there were still men stronger and more powerful than her now, so she had to keep "breaking" some men to make examples.
She always chose men who liked to abuse girls to be such examples. Even in the guild, many used influence to force simple girls to give them a chance. So there were plenty of idiots for her to break.
When the attendant asked for help from her to examine a novice, she could only blame his bad luck. She did not feel sorry for men because she thought that all they thought about was taking pleasure from her body.
Ravenous was curious about what kind of person Lucien was, but then she saw Jeanne close to him and thought she setup some plan. Jeanne hated her for "breaking" some adventurers, and they always had conflicts.
Since she had to maintain her reputation and didn't like Jeanne, she brushed aside good thoughts about Lucien and prepared to act naturally as the "wild" Ravenous usual.
She approached Lucien and stared at him while licking her lips seductively. "You are a lovely young man. Let's do our sparring session in a closed room... Come on, mama will take good care of you."
The hall was in chaos when everyone heard Ravenous's abusive words. The adventurers men did not want to see their new idol being cruelly destroyed by the terrible Ravenous.
They even heard rumors of men who went without their cock after having sex with her. Some said that her pussy has fangs. Then they started banging on the tables and shouting that it was unfair to let her take him.
The girls started to complain because they could not agree with the handsome Lucien becoming another of the poor and broken victims of that terrible woman. Some were so sad to lose the chance to have a boyfriend so attractive that they started to cry.
Marie and Anne were also concerned about Lucien. He was so good to them, and now he seemed to be in trouble. They stared at Jeanne with an upset look as it was not too hard to imagine that she did it to punish him.
Jeanne thought a good beating would be suitable for both of them, but now that she saw Ravenous's wild look, she feared that Lucien would not recover from it. Perhaps she had gone too far?
But then she remembered that they just needed to do a sparring session. Everyone was making a big drama about it, but it wasn't like Ravenous was going to r!pe him during the fight.
"Ravenous, you will only do an examination fight without fatal attacks, and it will not be in a private room, but at a large open arena for everyone to watch."
Ravenous was confused. She was sure that Jeanne wanted to use the novice to do her some harm. But she didn't know what it was about. Maybe Jeanne wanted her to hurt the beginner so that the other adventurers would hate her even more?
Everyone was more relieved by Jeanne's words. At least it wouldn't be a closed sparring session, so everyone could watch and not let her do anything too cruel to Lucien.
Everyone wanted to know what arena the sparring session would be, but then Lucien said something that everyone could only describe as extreme stupidity. "I prefer to go with her and do a private sparring session."
Jeanne was angrier at Lucien. Why was he making it difficult for her? Why did she have this stupid idea of making them both beaten up themself? She just wanted to hit her head against the wall because the fucking nightmare wasn't over.
Ravenous wanted to avoid breaking him at first, but it looked like he was an idiot like the other men and only wanted to use her body in a private room. Now she wanted to break him, so she quickly agreed.
Marie, who watched everything, did not know what to think. Did he think he can make Ravenous serve him? She wasn't sure who would win in a serious fight, but she worried that Lucien didn't have a good ending and tried to argue with him.
"Please, Lucien. Do the sparring session in an arena for your own safety. This woman is very dangerous... if you want someone so much to... I could... we could go to a room..."
Anne and Lucien were surprised. Was the stubborn Marie suggesting she would give her body just so he wouldn't fight Ravenous? Anne was upset that she hadn't thought of it before Marie.
Lucien can't help but be pleased. Marie seemed to be accepting him more and more. Maybe if he were a little bold as he was with Mia, she would fall easy now.
A portion of him wanted to accept Marie's proposal and go to a room with her. But most of him wanted to follow Ravenous. He was not only very interested in her body but also in her performance as a "men breaker" while still a virgin.
Lucien saw many people worried about him and thought they were stupid because they didn't know what kind of pleasures he would experience with Ravenous. Of course, if he manages to beat her... But he had to say something to silence his avid supporters.
"Please, guys, calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen to me or the sweet Ravenous. We will only do the sparring session in a private room because I am timid, and I will not be able to fight well if many people are watching me."
Marie, Anne, Jeanne, and all the adventurers who saw Lucien's bloody show choked when hearing Lucien's absurd words. "What does he mean he was timid?!?! He clearly wants to be abused by Ravenous."
I hope my description of Ravenous is not confusing. She is a demi-human half manticore (a creature with the body of a lion, a venomous spine tail like a scorpion, and wings). Her wings are still small, but that can change over time. Ty, for keeping voting. :D
P.S. Someone commented on how he thinks Ravenous is, and I thought it was amazing. - "I pictured a furry Lion-girl with cute little rounded ears on top hidden amongst a Pom-Pom type of hair style and baby dragon style wings half way down her back."
No one was able to convince Lucien to fight in an arena, so he and Ravenous went to a closed training room to do the sparring session.
Many people had doubts as to whether he would be able to beat Ravenous as he supposedly beat a Light Empire captain. But everyone was sure that even if he won the fight, he wouldn't be back well...
Most of the adventurers were saddened to see that a guy who looked really cool would suffer such a cruel end. But there were also people who were happy with that. Mason and the elite archer who shot Lucien were hoping that Ravenous would break him in every way possible.
Lucien didn't care what others thought and could only look on Ravenous's beautiful ass while she led the way to the training room. Oya and Ko also followed Lucien like a shadow, never moving more than two meters away from him.
Ravenous cannot help but question Lucien. "Why don't those tigresses leave your side? Did you forget to feed them?"
Lucien shrugged. "They like to be around me, and I like it too. They will not interfere in our sparring or say anything about what will happen there to anyone..."
Ravenous had nothing against the tigresses. She actually liked them very much and wanted to find a way to make Lucien give or sell them to her. "If you sell me them, I can go easy on you..."
Lucien smiled as he continued to look at Ravenous' ass. "If you can make them let you put your hand on them, I will give them to you."
Ravenous stopped quickly and tried to reach her hand on Oya and Ko.
Ko hid behind Lucien while Oya loudly roared as she showed all her fangs to Ravenous. She cannot believe that the tigresses favored a human to a demi-human with feline characteristics like her.
"What kind of enchantment did you put on them?"
Lucien took little Ko and put her on his shoulder while patting Oya on the head. "I take care of them, and they take care of me. No tricks or magic."
Ravenous asked no more questions and continued walking towards the room, but in her mind, she had many thoughts about how different Lucien was...
After walking for about five minutes, they arrived in front of a wooden double door. Ravenous opened the door violently, making enough noise for everyone in the room to look at them.
"We're going to use the room. You may leave now."
Everyone who was inside the room put their weapons in a large box and left the room without saying anything. Everyone knew Ravenous, and no one wanted to piss her off.
Ravenous went towards the boxes while Lucien examined the room. It's an ample space with more than a hundred square meters and a height of ten meters. There was plenty of space for any type of movement and technique.
She took a pair of leather gauntlets from the box and turned to ask Lucien. "We will use non-lethal weapons. What class do you prefer?"
Lucien trained for years with non-lethal weapons, and as he knew she would be a tough opponent, he requested for his favorites. "Staff, please."
Ravenous throw a training staff to Lucien and started to equip her gauntlets. "The purpose of this exam is to assess your physical abilities, such as strength, speed, endurance, and senses. If you have magic skills, you will need to be assessed by another veteran who specializes in magic."
Lucien made some moves with the staff, somersaulted, and pointed the staff at Ravenous. "I have no secret skills. Do not worry..."
Ravenous still thought something was wrong with Jeanne to making her fight Lucien, and he could see that from the confused expression she gave him. She didn't know what would happen, but she would struggle at her best. Not only did she distrust Lucien, but she also didn't like how confident he was.
Ravenous ran towards Lucien quickly. He was waiting for her to start, so he wouldn't be caught off guard and dodged the punch she tried to hit on his chest.
Lucien took a step to the side, but Ravenous acted even faster and launched her other fist aiming at his head. Lucien ducked, and holding the staff with both hands, tried to hit her belly with the middle of the staff horizontally.
She was surprised by his high speed, but she was no slower and kicked the staff, propelling her backward. "You are fast, boy! But only that won't be enough."
Lucien did not stop to talk and ran towards Ravenous launching attacks with the staff. "We just started. So I didn't use even half..."
Lucien no longer felt the improvement in his body. He stopped feeling that a few hours after the fun he had at night with Mia, and since then, his strength and speed were stabilized. Still, he wasn't using all of his power to fight Ravenous, and she seemed to be holding back too.
Ravenous began to dodge Lucien's attacks. He was swift, but she had no difficulties in dealing with the strikes... It seemed like he didn't want to hit her... She was unable to understanding Lucien.
Lucien knew that she was holding back, and was upset because it seemed that she did not take him seriously. He increased the speed of his attacks and stroke the staff on her shoulder.
The blow was strong enough to make a loud noise. Ravenous stepped back, and Lucien stopped attacking as he faced her. "Are you going to fight seriously, or do I need to hit you in the ass?"
Ravenous was not irritated by Lucien's words. She was holding on and could only blame herself for it. Then she took a bracelet from her forearm and threw it on the floor in the corner of the room.
The bracelet broke the floor, making a big noise in the room. It's a magical training tool that weighs heavily and reduces the strength and speed of the wearer. When Ravenous took it off, she got a lot faster and could now use all her strength.
Lucien was very interested in the bracelet because anyone who trained using it would have better results, but now that he's with Lust, this kind of training was no longer suitable for him.
Ravenous did some stretching to get used to her body without the weight bracelet while staring at her Lucien. "Thanks for waiting, but still, I'll give you a beating that you will never forget."
Lucien smiled at Ravenous as he keeps rotating the staff. "You can come whenever you want as I will always be ready for you to beat me..."
She didn't like that beautiful and confident smile of Lucien and ran towards him, this time almost twice as fast as before. Ravenous thought Lucien would not be able to follow her real speed but was surprised when they were moving at the same speed.
Ravenous couldn't deny that Lucien is very strong and fast. She would have to fight with all her power if she wanted to beat him up. She started to attack with her fists faster and faster. She punched and kicked anyway, but he kept dodging.
"He certainly deserves to be in the A-rank... If he's still holding on, maybe even the S-rank... But I can always have some advantages."
Ravenous stopped fighting as if she were examining a newcomer and started fighting with all her capabilities, wanting to remove the confident smile from Lucien's face as he continued to dodge everything as if he were dancing.
Lucien felt that his senses are better than his speed as he could see all of Ravenous' movements almost in slow motion and had to use 9/10 of his maximum speed to dodge. So, if he tries harder, he has the advantage in speed against her.
He stopped dodging her blows and passed and block it with the staff. Lucien felt that Ravenous's strength was very similar to him, so they started exchanging quick blows. Her gauntlets connected with his staff in a swift dance, which lasted for more than five minutes.
Ravenous somersaulted back when Lucien blocked her gauntlet for what looks like the hundredth time. Then she landed at a good distance from him, and he didn't move forward, giving them time to breathe.
They stared at each other without saying anything, but Ravenous was increasingly angry at the smile that never left Lucien's face. She didn't like that he was enjoying the fight while she was getting stressed out about not being able to hit him.
"Why don't you stop smiling? What is so good about fighting me?"
Lucien liked to see Ravenous angry. He found her so cute that he couldn't help but provoke her. "I like your scent... It looks like a virgin lioness..."
Ravenous was shocked. Why did he use those words to provoke her? What did he mean by that? She got more angry at Lucien and ran towards him, trying as hard as she could to punch him in the face.
Lucien took advantage that she was irritated and less focused on the fight. He focused all his speed and started to touch her body after dodging her blows. "You are sooo cute, Ravenous..."
Ravenous grew more and more flushed as he continued to touch her body. Even though they were quick touches when she opened her guard after attacking, he was still taking advantage of her.
"Ah! If you don't stop, I will kill you... Ahhh!! Lucien!!!"
Lucien was having no trouble avoiding her blows. He stopped using the staff and only concentrated on touching every part of her body. "You're even cuter when you get angry! I can't control myself as I want to tease you even more!"
Ravenous launched kicks and punches in all directions. She went into a berserker state by anger and embarrassment as she continued to try to hit Lucien. "I hate you! You will be finished when I catch you!"
Lucien only had a small advantage in speed, so he had to be very careful with every move, or she would finish him off. He continued to dodge her enraged blows but then he had an idea that was both good and fatal.
Ravenous tried a horizontal hit on Lucien's head, but he ducked. She thought he would step aside as he had done several times ago and started to turn her body, trying to predict his movements.
Lucien expected this move and did not move his body to catch her off guard. He stood up quickly after ducking her punch and approach their bodies close as he moved his head toward hers.
Ravenous had already started to drive her fists to the side, and as Lucien's speed was higher, she couldn't stop him from approaching their bodies to close.
She saw his beautiful face approaching hers and blushed even more. She was afraid of what he would do and closed her eyes while having her first kiss stolen by Lucien.
Lucien kissed Ravenous's beautiful red lips and can't help but marvel at her incredible taste and scent. He tried to stick his tongue inside her mouth, but then he felt a great pain in his belly.
"AAAAHHH! I'm going to kill you, LUCIEN!!!!"
Ravenous felt a rush of feelings shake her whole world. She seemed to feel everything. And of course, a lot of anger too. She took advantage of the second that Lucien was enjoying her lips and managed to hit her both fists in his belly with all her strength.
Lucien was thrown more than twenty meters and hit the wall of the room while spitting some blood. He looked at the blushing Ravenous, who couldn't even move in embarrassment, and couldn't help but laugh.
"You are sooo adorable, Ravenous. You will certainly be a good sister to Mia."
Ravenous didn't have to be a genius to understand what Lucien meant. She became enraged even more and ran towards him with her fists ready. "I don't care about anything anymore. If I don't beat you to death today, I won't be satisfied!"
Oya and Ko excitedly watched the fight from the room's corner. Oya couldn't help feeling her instincts warning her that the Manticore-woman would join their pack soon.
Sorry for the delay in releasing it. I had a lot of university issues to deal with. Keep voting with power stones as it helps me a lot! :D
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