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5.33% Lumia: Other World / Chapter 12: The Adventurer's Guild

Bab 12: The Adventurer's Guild

Kael met some adventurers on the carriage and on the way, they were attacked. He moved outside to kill the monsters then saved the ones that he could. Kael laughed in his mind. He didn't expect to save them. He was happy but it was underwhelming that he was underestimated by Gandar. He should have punched it slower so Gandar can see it. Well, it was not even important to Kael. All he wants was to be an adventurer. Making friends with them was not even on his list. He saw them as a stepping stone who knows where the adventurer guild was. He told them that he had planned on being an adventurer so they escorted him.

The journey was calm and Kael slept on his couch to regain strength.

'I have to be vigilant when making friends. I don't know who is trustworthy and who's not. I can see that these persons are not even suspicious. But I need to be wiser to be able to determine whether they have an evil plan in me. Gandar is stupid and he is not even fit to be a leader but he is trusted by his members. I guess his tales have real experience behind it. It is foolish to underestimate them in just a whim. I am still far from them but I will crush their standards and rise from the top. I am still dreaming but I don't like to remember my past. Some of my dreams are only fragments of my past that kept reminding me of my foolishness. I am closing my eyes but I can feel the bumpiness of the road. The smell of the air and the heat of the body of the person beside me. This will be exciting but I wonder where am I now?' Kael said in his mind.

"Kael, wake up! You're gonna miss this once in a lifetime opportunity of your life!" Emilda said to Kael while shaking him.

"Huh? We've arrived?" he said while still half asleep.

"We're entering the city gate! Hurry up look!" Emilda shouted while pointing at the city gate.

Kael squeezed his eyes and looked outside. Many people were walking on the pathways and carriages were lining up. From the distance, the gate was looming and had inscribed golden plated words saying, "The Glorious Kingdom of Dwight". It had a pillar made of jade and a gate that was opened wide.

"Whoa! It's so huge! Probably as high as a three-story building!" Kael said in amazement.

"See, told you!" she said to him.

Kael was looking outside until the carriage stopped. He saw a checkpoint by the distance, then the carriage lined up also. The guards were inspecting each one and lets them pass after the checking.

Kael moved back inside and said, "Hey, are they gonna let me pass even if I'm a new visitor?"

"Well, calm yourself! Don't worry. We've got your back!" said Gandar.

"Adventurers can pass through the gate if you have an adventurer window card! Just let me do the talking. Adventurers-to-be will be allowed to enter the gate but they have to immediately go to the adventurers guild so they will have an adventurer window card and they will be free to go anywhere they want!" Emilda said.

"Oh really? That's good news! I didn't know it's also an ID!" Kael said to her.

'This was just like an ID. If I get the hands of it, I will be free to go anywhere I want! I will be able to be like a citizen here. Knowing this, I will be able to level up my stats using the adventurer card! It also has a job-class section where I can know the job-class I have.' Mael said in his mind.

They talked until they were the ones who will be checked.

"Everyone, please go out from your carriages to be verified and checked. Please fall in line as you enter the gate." the guard said to them.

They walked outside and they were questioned if they have window cards, while Kael was the last one to be inspected.

The guard had chainmail on his head and checked Kael's belongings. He saw a pair of daggers, chains, a backpack, and a potion belt.

"Your window card please," said the guard who checks their belongings.

"Um. I still don't have a window card, Sir," Kael said to the guard.

"Huh? Then what are you gonna do in the city? Perhaps, are you a spy from another kingdom?" he interrogate.

"No, Sir," Kael immediately said snappily.

"You have a weapon and a potion belt. But has no window card?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry, Sir! But he was with us! He wants to be an adventurer of the kingdom!" Gandar said, then he smiled.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Why didn't you said so earlier!" the guard said as he chuckled.

"My friend said that he will do the talking. So I didn't say anything." Kael said as he folds his hands.

Gandar felt awkward to what he said.

"Ahahaha! Sorry about that! Well, everything's settled. So can we go now?" Gandar said to him.

"Of course! Of course! Well, good luck on being an adventurer!" The guard said then he let them pass.

Kael smiled and then he waved goodbye to the guards.

'These guards are terrible at interrogating and questioning. I hope nobody will be executed because of their foolishness. Finding the right questions. Questioning them with the right tone and also finding clues about the person's job and his facial expressions. It was possible to guess the intent of the person but to mistaken me for being a spy?' Kael paused.

'Yeah, on the other hand, he is sharp to know that I am a spy from the past. But seriously, He knows my past? No! Maybe I was just overthinking. I might kill him for misjudging me as a spy! But it will also make his guess correct. Duh! I don't care about him. Might as well correct my thinking.' Kael said in his mind.

"Hahaha! He thought you are a spy! That is another joke right? Like you've punched the giant wolf and it was thrown sidewards! Hahaha!" said Gandar then slapped his back. Kael was pushed slightly by his slap and gasped air in his surprise. 

They walked and immediately saw many people who were busy with their own lives: some were running to and fro, some were busy selling their goods, and some were just loitering around, hitting on beautiful ladies to find a girlfriend.

"Whoa, it's been a long time since I've seen this many people! As expected of a capital city!" Kael said.

Everyone chuckled, then Glan asked.

"Kael, mind you if I ask something?" Glan said to him in low voice but enough to be heard by them.

"Yeah, sure! What is it?" Kael replied.

"What exactly are you? Are you a fighter? based on your movements, you've punched the wolf with just your hands and it was blown by the force. So tell me, are you a trained fighter?" he asked Kael to clear up his mind.

"I have our training and I have no job class yet. It's just a technique! No skill! No mana involved!" Kael said proudly.

"What? It must be a joke, right? How can a mere normal person punch like that!" Gandar almost shouted.

"Shush! your voice! don't shout it, you idiot!" Kael said to him in a low voice.

"Okay! Okay! But if you will become an adventurer, you must at least answer the question about your job class," he said but he paused.

"Aha! I know exactly what is your class! A combatant! Well you see, a combatant is a job class that only relies on their weapon mastery and has no skills. They are the weakest job class and they are mostly a kingdom infantry or soldier. Knowing this, it will be hard to find a party to join and all but don't worry, we will always welcome you if you're not accepted by any party. At least you can do the tanking for us. A shield and armor will be enough right?" Gandar said as he pats his shoulders.

"It's okay, I like to be alone by the way. Oh, I almost forgot, what are the tests that you're gonna take?" Kael asked.

"Well, they are the combat aptitude, focus aptitude, and knowledge aptitude. The combat aptitude is the test where your combat strength is measured, specifically your strength, dexterity, and vitality. The focus aptitude is measuring your focus, while knowledge aptitude is your non-combat skills like alchemy, enchanting, and monsters facts, etc." Gandar explained.

"Thanks for your guidance!" Kael said as he bowed down.

"You're welcome! Oh, by the way! We're here!" Gandar said to him.

They saw the guild banner and the building was huge. It was well decorated and its design was explicitly planned by the best architects. Its design was similar to a small castle that was painted with grey and brown.

"The Adventurers Guild! My dream place!" Kael shouted.

'This is it! I'm going to be an adventurer! I hope that I can pass the tests. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I can get. Well, killing monsters will not be boring I guess? How about killing monsters and play a bit with them? It will be fun though! Maybe they will be more fun than to kill persons. Okay! this is the first step to the guild! I will be an adventurer in the future! This is exciting!' Kael said in his mind.

"We will be guiding you to the registering desk so don't worry," said Emilda.

"Now let's go!" shouted Gandar.

They entered the hall and there were many adventurers already inside. Some were picking their quests on the mission bulletin board. Some were receiving their rewards. some were registering.

While they walked to the registering desk, they saw a kid almost the same age as him that was conversing with the receptionist.

'A kid like me huh? I thought that I am the youngest adventurer to be! Well, let's know more about him later on. Let's see if what kind of person is he.' Kael said in his mind as he saw him.

"Fill this form, then proceed to the testing room. You will be tested without a company, but just you and your examiner only. Fill up your form on that table for I have guests" the receptionist said to him that was overheard by Kael.

The kid moved to the table and Kael looked at him in the face. They looked at each other, then the kid just passed them.

"Hey, Kael! Did you see him? He's just the same age as you!" Fuwn said to him.

"Yeah, I know! That was obvious!" he replied.

They arrived at the desk and the receptionist clapped three times.

"What do we have here? Escorting a recruit? Better not disappoint me if you may," she said as she folded her arms, surveying Kael from head to toe.

"We won't disappoint you! He can manage to fight alongside us!" Emilda said as she assured her.

The reptionist then grabbed a paper that has blank details on it. 

"Well If you were pretty confident that he was good enough to pass the test, then I will give you the form. If he can pass, then he will be the youngest adventurer in the history of Lumia. As well as that kid over there." she said, while looking at the other kid at the table.

"Thank you very much for your consideration!" said Glan as he bowed to her.

"We will be waiting outside Kael, you're on your own for now. Join that young boy at the same age and make him your friend first. Okay?" Emilda said to him.

"Okay. It will be alright," Kael said to her while waving goodbye. 

Gandar's party walks away and Kael sat beside the young boy. Well, he felt that talking to strangers at the same age was different from talking to adult strangers.

"Are you already finished?" Kael asked.

"No, just my name. I'm stuck in my job class. Do you have an idea of what job class that uses basic attacks? Not skills or not what?" he asked.

"It's what the adventurers said to me earlier. It's called a combatant! Like the ordinary soldiers that have no job class skills," Kael said to him.

"Really! Thanks! By the way, I'm Mael Kelvin! Nice to meet you!" he said as they shake hands.

"Kael Melvin! a pleasure to meet you!" Kael said then he looked at the paper.

"I'm gonna fill it up first" Kael said to him.

"Okay, no problem!" Kelvin replied. 

"Well, where did you come from?" Kael asked him.

"I'm from Shelkem Village. I left the Village to be an adventurer. We were having a feast in our village when a meteor has crashed near the vicinity. There was a gate portal that appeared in the crash site. My father yelled that it was a gate but it was too late. My father said that we have to escape the monsters from the dungeon. So my mom grabbed my hand and we left towards our home while my father battled the monsters. My mom and I successfully arrived at our home. From there, we are equipped with weapons to escape the monsters. We arrived at the Dwight forest and my father battled the Fallen. My mom and I escaped the battle but while we were escaping, another fallen appeared. The fallen was struck with an Angel and they battled together. But sadly, the Angel is no match for him. My mother told me to run but it was too late. She was obliterated to dust and I can't do a thing." Mael said to Kael.

His narration was stopped when he began to be emotional. 

"It's okay bud I know your pain. It was slightly different from my experience but I know that you're in pain." Kael said as he tapped his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I am telling this to a stranger. I want to hide this but can't tell it to anyone. Thanks for listening." Mael Kelvin said to him.

"So what happened to the dungeon?" Kael said to him.

"I closed it." Kelvin said to him in a low voice.

"Uh okay." Kael said.

"You don't believe me?" Kelvin said to him.

"Yeah I believe you, but don't recklessly tell it to strangers. To anyone even myself. It would be dangerous because you can be targeted by newbie crushers. Luckily, I can be trusted so you can tell me that. I know also someone who closed the dungeon but it was a secret. You were not the only one who closed the dungeon. You should be proud of it. So you are the hero of your land?" Kael asked.

"No, I am not hailed as a hero. An unsung hero to be exact. Nobody knows about who closed it. Up until now." Kelvin said to Kael.

"You are not the only one." Kael said to him then winked.

"I am not the only one?" Kelvin startled to what he said. 

"Yes!" Kael said to him.

"Can I ask who?" Kelvin asked.

"No!" said Kael while folding his hands and eyes closed.

"That's condescending." Kelvin said.

"But I know someone who has the same name as you." Kael said.

"Who?" Kelvin asked.

"That's a secret!" Kael said to him.

"You know what? I will just continue filling up this form." Kelvin said to him while being confused.

"Okay! I will also fill up mine!" Kael said to him.

Kael saw the form and fill it up.

It has blanks in it to be filled up.


Registering Form For Adventurers






Status of Living:_______________

Character statistics (to be filled up by the examiner)





Character level: (can be seen after window card was obtained)

Status points: (can be seen after window card was obtained)

Private data (can be only seen after window card was obtained)




Job class section (can only be seen after window card was obtained)

Job class:_________

Job class skills:_________

Skill points:_________


Mel_Aniv Mel_Aniv

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See you tomorrow!

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