The scenery flashed right past by, making Yuuta a little bit dizzy even though he had already activated his Aethereal Form. Just as said before, with this skill, he can temporarily have the qualities of a Minth with the help of Aarkra since he was bound to him with a contract. But even so, he still couldn't get used to the movement of the intergalactic vehicle. 'I'm guessing that this intergalactic vehicle can only be used by the King's Personal Guards and they're specifically trained for it. There's no way such is not the case.' He said to himself, feeling a slight headache and light-headedness while in his aethereal form.
Hello everyone, I still haven't moved on from my younger brother's sudden death and I'm still a bit out of it. I'm sorry for my inconsistent chapters but I'm finally improving. Hopefully, by next week, I'll be back to my usual writing style. >___<
Please look forward to the next arc which is almost here!