Alice went and sat beside Khloe on the bed. She took her hand and said, "Don't worry, my love. Things will get better. You need some help, but you will get it out here soon."
"Mom," Khloe cried, "my career is ruined… people in the showbiz industry talk about me after I was humiliated at the Oscar Awards Night."
Alice looked at Khloe and said, "I watched the Oscars, and it was bad. I won't beat around the bush on that, but it doesn't mean that your career is at its end. Many actors have lost control of their lives and come back stronger than ever. Look at Robert Downey Jr. or Demi Lovato. Hell, ever Mcauly Culkin is making a comeback. They all looked great and was even better than ever! There is still some hope awaits you after what had happened,"