He browsed through the pages until a voice made him halt and freeze.
"Who are you?"
Human's succulent blood immersed him as he turned around slowly and let the book fall on the ground.
It was a girl, probably 10 years old or something like that, as soon as she saw his red eyes she narrowed her eyebrows and took steps back as if she was scared he would hurt her.
Deciphering the fear in her eyes Elijah shook his hand, "don't be scared please," he whispered, scrutinizing the background. The owner of the orphanage's footsteps got always closer.
"I have to go," Elijah said, speeding away as fast as he could before the tutor entered back in the orphanage.
When the tutor found Emily picking a dossier she frowned her forehead and asked her what she was doing there.
The girl hesitated for some instants then she took a deep breath and placed the dossier on the table struggling to stay on her tiptoes.
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