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23.33% Life Is A Big Gamble(New) / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: No Thank You

Bab 7: Chapter 7: No Thank You

The first thing Venture notices the moment he woke up is that it's dark outside. So Venture must have slept through the entire day or maybe the day has passed already and it's already 3 in the morning already or something. Nonetheless, Venture feels better and not like he about to die from hunger nor did Venture feel like there were extra weights pressing down on his body.

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 10/100%

Mental Fatigue: 0/100%

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

Well, it looks like he will have to grab something to snack on since Venture's physical fatigue is at 10%. But then, Venture just remembers something when he looks outside, where it's dark right now. So the chance of Fare being on the fourth floor shouldn't be that high since he does need to sleep as well. Of course, Venture could use his [Unique Skill] to determine if Fare is there or not.

But, Venture rather not and end up losing the gamble instead of the winning. Bad enough, that Venture had to experience what it felt like on the 90% range in both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Let alone hitting 100%, which Venture really dreads of having to experience in the future. So, Venture drops it since he only at 10%. Venture can just wait until morning or lunch to eat tomorrow. Better to wait and end up finding something he is not supposed to.

Venture get in a comfortable position before closing his eyes to sleep. Maybe by the time, he wakes up again. There should be daylight and he can get something to eat before heading off to the library or meet up with someone in the [Dark Star Faction] more about the [Modifier].


Letting out a yawn, Venture opens his eyes, to see the sun rising out the window. Then, Venture sat up, stretching his arms while yawning once more while rubbing his eyes. Afterward, Venture brings up his status to see if how much the physical fatigue went up while he was asleep.

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 21/100%

Mental Fatigue: 0/100%

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

Not too bad, but Venture will have to eat first before leaving this apartment. Then afterward, Venture will have to use his [Unique Skill] to obtain a device that keeps track of time, because there will be other times where Venture may end up forgetting the time during some kind of task that requires Venture's absolute focus and by the time Venture finish the task on hand. It may as well be close to night time, then he won't be able to enter the apartment due to the time the doors being locked for the night.


In half an hour later, Venture has eaten enough food made by Fare before heading off to the library, where Venture uses his [Unique Skill] to make a gamble that he will find the right [Modifier] that increase his survival rate and will take the least amount of either or both physical fatigue and mental fatigue upon using the [Modifer]. While the other option is that Venture will obtain something that helps him defend himself without having to pay anything.

Now, to decide what is the winning option and the losing option. The [Modifier] being the winning option due to it being something increase his survival rate while the other option is random as the losing option due whatever that something Venture obtains may only barely any help at all. Plus, there is a chance of losing it without realizing by the time Venture may need it.

As for the medium will be the piece of paper after ripping it from the book once finished writing the gamble.

For the condition to decide the factor of Venture winning or losing this gamble. Is by just walking into the library and within a minute will show Venture the result of his gamble. Where Venture will be given a book for the [Modifier] or something random.

So, the moment the paper fades from existence; Venture walks into the library, where a random person came up to Venture in a rush.

"Sorry! Do you mind putting this away for me?! Thanks!" The person didn't even give Venture a chance to even reply before being handed a book, then running out the library in a hurry like they are very late to an important event or something.

"Huh." Venture look at the person already out of sight, then look down at the book in his hand that is supposed to be the right [Modifier] to increase his survival rate.

On the cover of the front book, with the title: [Illogical Chaos Art] as the name of the [Modifier].

Heading to a nearby chair before Venture begins reading the book on the [Modifier] his [Unique Skill] picked out for him. Lucky for him, since he rather not find out what that random thing is if he obtains it in a library of all places.

Once Venture got comfortable in his seat, then place the blank book and the pen on the small table next to the seat Venture is using. Then, opening the book to read the first page of the [Illogical Chaos Art], which is just a summary of the [Modifier].

Summary: The chance of turning every normal thing into something equally outrageous. This [Modifier] shall make the person go in the woods with nothing, but a rusty knife and come back with some big game animal, that's been turned into a delicious meal in a short time period. Every domestic knowledge the person with this [Modifier] pick up came at the expense of some insane training montage that more often not resulted in, but not limited to, property damage, grievous bodily harm, near loss of life, and countless envelopes of hush money being exchanged.

Warning: 99% chance of deaths within the first day upon using this [Modifier].

Venture pause for a moment at the warning before turning the page.

"A 99% chance of deaths within the first day upon using the [Modifier]?" Venture mumble in disbelief, and to think this is the [Modifier] his [Unique Skill] picked out of all the countless ones to increase his survival rates. Then again, Venture did write down the part where he needs a [Modifier] that takes the least amount of either or both physical fatigue and mental fatigue. Maybe he should have written down it being safe or something because Venture not too sure if he should bet his life on this [Modifier], even if it does increase his survival rate.

Nonetheless, Venture already got a [Modifier] that is for sure help him, no clue how much, but it should be better than a random object to defend himself, where Venture have a chance of losing it at some point while the [Modifier] should stay with him forever unless he wanted it to be removed for a different [Modifier]. So, Venture turns the next page and begin reading what he needs to know about the [Illogical Chaos Art].


By the end of the book; it already close to evening and Venture tried to give the book of the [Illogical Chaos Art] to the library, but found out it wasn't a library book. This means Venture got to keep the book, which is fine with him, but he got this feeling that the person who gave this book to him must have given Venture the wrong book and took the library book with them to wherever they're rushing off to instead.

Now, back at the apartment after having a small dinner before returning back to the bedroom available for Venture to use during his probation.

Recalling about the [Illogical Chaos Art], which is the name of the [Modifier] and is based on the [Unique Skil: Survival of the Fittest]. A [Unique Skill] that the [Skill] holder have the ability to enter a state of focus, where the user gains the knowledge and abilities made for the survival of the fittest, exactly as the name for the [Skill], and will go for the distance just so they can live to fight another day, even if it means taking extreme measures, that people are too scared to take. The user can continue to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. In other words, "Do what you have to do to survive."

Venture finds that at least he isn't the only one with a price for using a [Unique Skill]. No clue on [Normal Skill], but at least he knows the [Unique Skill: Survival of the Fittest] does have a price and it's the user's rational being removed until the dangers to the user's survival are gone. Otherwise, the person with this [Unique Skill] will do ANYTHING for their survival, even if it means throwing their loved ones to the danger just to survive the whole deal.

In fact, that's exactly the example mention in the book to explain the [Unique Skill] being used as a reference for the [Illogical Chaos Art]'s creation and why the 99% death rate on the first day is due to the user having to push themselves into fate's hands and survive the trial in order to gain something out of the whole deal.

Rubbing his chin; Venture reopens the book and flips a couple of pages until he found what he needed.

On the page Venture picked. One of the biggest factors of why some people are willing to use this [Modifier] even with the high death rate is that the cost of using it. For other [Modifiers], there no way of people finding out if they are suited for the chosen [Modifier], but the [Ilogical Chaos Art] it's always the same. The rate of 50% for either or both physical fatigue and mental fatigue upon activating the [Modifier] once, for what the person has to survive through for use, and afterward, the person has the time frame of 1-10 minutes to do whatever to get ready for the trial, this includes the time to bring down either or both physical fatigue and mental fatigue back to 0% instead of having to fight at half strength.

After the time to prepare is up, the person will have to last 24 hours of surviving whatever the world throws at the person or beat the cause of the danger in some way.

A couple of pages flip, where there is some detailed advice to a category of what the trial could be. It even includes with known records of people able to use the [Illogical Chaos Art] once and live before uninstall afterward, while having gained these [Skill]-like ability from the [Illogical Chaos Art]. However, Venture discovered, that people won't be able to keep the [Skill]-like ability from the [Modifier] once uninstalled. Therefore, people that want more from the [Illogical Chaos Art] will have to earn it.

Frowning, Venture closes the book and place it on the side of the bed, then lay down. Thinking about if he should get this [Modifier] or not. Since Venture knows for sure he can use it, but may not come out unscratched. Surviving? With the [Everything Is A Gamble] will give Venture a higher chance of surviving compared to others. It can be a 100% survival rate if Venture dares to gamble with a 0% survival rate for losing the gamble.

"Now, how should I do this?" Venture mumble to himself, as he looks at the bronze coin he picked up on the way back the apartment. Lucky for Venture as this is something he can use often with a coin flip and using the papers in the blank book as the price for using his [Unique Skill].

Sitting back up, then grabbing his pen and book to write another gamble.

Winning Option: 100% success rate of surviving with body intact, mind, and importantly Venture's life while using the [Illogical Chaos Art].

Losing Option: 0% success rate of surviving in general upon using the [Illogical Chaos Art].

Condition: A coin flip, with heads being the winning option and losing option for tails.

Upon seeing the paper with the written gamble fade away under the effects of Venture's [Unique Skill]. He flips the bronze coin and ends up with tails, causing him to pale instantly.

"Okay, giving up the [Illogical Chaos Art] it is." Venture didn't bother thinking twice or come up with another gamble to fix this one. After all, with his [Title] making the impossible possible is a given, that Venture can affect his previous gambles as well, changing the outcome if he wanted, but he rather not spend who knows how long until he got the result he wanted. By the end he did, Venture can guess that it would be days if he is unlucky enough. Days that require Venture to do something more important than waste time trying to the result he desires.

Since the book is useless in Venture's hands, maybe he can sell it to someone who wants it. Even with the whole 99% death rate on the first day. Better than someone else than Venture, that's for sure; therefore, Venture will look for some other [Modifier] or just wait until his probation is over, then look at the one in the [Dark Star Faction] to take.

Plus, Venture won't have to go around looking for the materials to create the [Modifier] and searching for people with the right [Skill] make the [Modifier], then another to install the [Modifier] into Venture. But, Venture can guess there is a shop for all this since he recalls that even children would have their own [Modifier] early on. Though, Venture has no idea if that for children with a good background or [Modifiers] are actual cheaps to get. Either way, Venture will have to find another one. As the [Illogical Chaos Art] will lead to Venture's death.

Now, that's out of the way. Venture can focus on something else like resuming his research about this world. Even if it takes months to finish all the books in the local library. After all, Venture like the saying, "Knowledge is power." Something Venture is willing to follow and a local library is a free place for free knowledge, even if most of them are useless knowledge. Better to have than not.


It has been a few days now, and so far, Venture has only been meeting up with Fare due to meals and most of the time being in the library.

Currently, Venture is checking the time with his new wristwatch he obtained thanks to his [Unique Skill], where it's a wristwatch that never runs out of power and that tells exactly the time of the present location of the wearer.

Right now, it's 6:10 PM. Less than 2 hours from now before night time.

Venture begins to walk back to the apartment, to check if maybe he can meet up with Firm before he heads off to bed or some private business outside. As Venture has a question that popped into his head a few days ago and needs someone to ask about it. Fare would have been an option if Venture wasn't so intimidated by Fare's appearance and the way he acts. Even if Firm did mention Fare isn't so bad once you get to know the guy, but Venture not too sure about that with him being on probation and all that.

By now, Venture feels like maybe it's going to be a long time before he is done with probation and officially join the [Dark Star Faction]. Honestly, Venture hopes this is a common thing among all factions or else Venture may end up regretting joining this faction if it wasn't for the whole a place to stay and food to eat without having to pay up anything at all for these two.

"Hey, your name's Venture, right?" Venture heard a soft female voice on his right the moment he enters the apartment, causing Venture to turn his head to see a very beautiful teenage girl of average height and with very long black hair, with blue eyes, and wearing what looks like a Miko outfit. "I'm Note, also a member of the [Dark Star Faction]." Note give a small nod to Venture.

"Nice to meet you, Note, and yes, I'm Venture." Venture greeted back, unsure what kind of [Skill] Note have and wonder if it's something related to the gods of this world or the spirits with the outfit she wearing right now.

"Good. Follow me." Note said to Venture, then begin heading upstairs, causing Venture to wonder if he should follow or not, then decide may as well.

Of course, Venture made sure that he has a way to escape if he finds himself in a difficult position as he has already written down a few gambles a few days ago to be ready for any moment to be used. With most of them being able to work at any type of situation to a few specific ones that will require Venture to grasp the timing or else the paper written down would be useless due to miss the opportunity.

Overall, Venture is 50% confidence enough to escape with his left if the [Dark Star Faction] has any intention of harming him with the other 50% of being his gamble leaning towards the losing options he placed down to balance out the winning options. But, that's fine with Venture. Since he got other gambles as backups, which Venture has already written down as well, that will counter those losing options if it occurs.

"So, what role do you have in the faction, if you don't mind me asking." Venture asks Note as they walk up to the stairs, where they've passed the second floor already.

Note glance at Venture before turning her head back to the front. "I guess there no harm telling you. I'm the hunter and a supplier of this faction, where I'm the one who supplies the ingredients for Fare to cook with." After saying this, Note became quiet.

"Oh..." Venture didn't know how to feel about this. But, Venture can say for sure, that out of everyone else he met so far in this faction. It may mostly be Note here that would hunt him down and she must be very good at it if she the sole supplier for everyone's daily meals.

next chapter
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